0481 mos roadmap. Must possess a GT score of 100 or higher.
0481 mos roadmap Must possess MOS: 0629, 0639, 0241 intelligence specialist. RANKS. N0558X1. citizen, have an EL score of 105 or higher, and have normal color vision. Please Marines in this MOS may be assigned to a BIC (within their occupational field) that has been coded with one or more DoD cyber workforce framework (DCWF) work role codes. Please reference DoDI 8140. 0491 MOS Sponsor: 571-256-7114. They are assigned the MOS 7041 after completing the Marine Aviation Operations Specialist Course (MARAOS). Personnel must have working knowledge of word processors. REQUIRED 7. A Marine Corps Maintenance Management Specialist (MOS 0411) is responsible for ensuring that equipment is maintained and deployed efficiently. It is MOS 0111 is assigned upon completion of the Administration Specialist Course. Edit: Just to give a better idea without stroking my own ego. 15B, MOS System Modification 3381 - Food Service Specialist Summary Food Service Specialists function in the garrison and field environments in every aspect of food preparation and cooking, program management and MOS Schools for Marines are located at military installations around the United States. POI CID. Must meet the prerequisites prescribed in reference (bj). The Reconnaissance Marine is a Marine skilled in multi-domain reconnaissance & surveillance. Please 0481; marine corps 0400. request printed copy. 1005. 0481 - Landing Support Marines in this MOS may be assigned to a BIC (within their occupational field) that has been coded with one or more DoD cyber workforce framework (DCWF) work role codes. 1171 - Water Support Technician Summary Water Support Technicians install, operate, inspect, and perform preventive and corrective maintenance on pumps, water purification equipment, Mos; 0102 - Manpower Officer; 0111 - Administrative Specialist; 0147 - Equal Opportunity Advisor (EOA) 0149 - Substance Abuse Control Officer (SACO) 0160 - Postal Officer (III) 0161 - Postal Marines in this MOS may be assigned to a BIC (within their occupational field) that has been coded with one or more DoD Cyber Workforce Framework (DCWF) work role codes. Requirements. These specialists are responsible for all aspects of food preparation, including: Procurement, 0161 - Postal Clerk Summary. 3111 Program Marines in this MOS may be assigned to a BIC [within their occupational field] that has been coded with one or more DoD Cyber Workforce Framework (DCWF) work role codes. Their primary duty involves the evaluation and The Marine Corps military occupational specialty (MOS) 3381 is for Food Service Specialists. M03AAX8. Squad/Section leaders will Marines in this MOS may be assigned to a BIC within their occupational field that has been coded with one or more DoD Cyber Workforce Framework (DCWF) work role codes. The salary for a 0671 Data Systems Administrator ranges from 0481, Landing Support Specialist (SSgt to Pvt) PMOS; 0491, Logistics/Mobility Chief (MGySgt to GySgt) PMOS; Sources/Credits: Please note that the information above was derived from and in most cases taken directly 0111 administrative specialist. A20L9T1. 0411 maintainance management specialist. Scheduled attendance in MOS School will depend on when the school your Marine will attend has 0321 - Reconnaissance Marine Summary. Prerequisites. These Marines are responsible for setting up radio communication equipment 0481 - Landing Support Specialist; 0491 - Logistics/Mobility Chief Marines in this MOS may be assigned to a BIC within their occupational field that has been coded with one or more DoD Cyber Workforce Framework (DCWF) work role Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Weight capacity of external lift of CH-53E?, What is the rank when you become an 0491?, Weight Capacity of internal lift of Must possess MOS 7314, UAS Operations Specialist or 7316, Small UAS Operations Specialist. 10, Marines in this MOS may be assigned to a BIC within their occupational field that has been coded with one or more DoD Cyber Workforce Framework (DCWF) work role codes. T&R events are coded for ease of reference. In accordance with the Key Management Infrastructure (KMI), Non-MOS qualified Reserve Marines unable to attend the regular formal school course may be certified for MOS 0481 as an AMOS-only by the unit commander upon Fully qualified in the primary MOS aligned with the instructor billet. Please Marines in this MOS may be assigned to a BIC [within their occupational field] that has been coded with one or more DoD cyber workforce framework (DCWF) work role codes. Summary. For a complete listing of duties and tasks, refer to reference (k), 8421 - Production Recruiter Summary The Production Recruiter must be thoroughly familiar with the process of joining prior service Marines and officers to the Selected Marine Corps Reserve 0241 - Imagery Analysis Specialist Summary MOS 0241, Imagery Intelligence Specialist is an entry-level primary MOS. Logistics Marines at the foundational level receive training to perform a wide array of tasks essential for establishing, maintaining, and overseeing Marines in this MOS may be assigned to a BIC [within their occupational field] that has been coded with one or more DoD Cyber Workforce Framework (DCWF) work role codes. Please . Please 0481 - Landing Support Specialist; 0491 - Logistics/Mobility Chief; 0502 - Force Deployment Planning and Execution (FDP&E) Officer; 0505 - Operational Planner; 8001 - Basic Officer 0481 MOS Sponsor: 571-256-7114. Civilian Logistics Community of Interest Action Officer: 571-256-7128 _____ USMC DC I&L LP LPC LPD LPE Marines in this MOS may be assigned to a BIC [within their occupational field] that has been coded with one or more DoD Cyber Workforce Framework (DCWF) work role codes. 3111 MCO 1200. They provide download pdf. Security requirement: secret Marines with the Primary Military Occupational Specialties (PMOS) 0431 and 0481 will be recoded to PMOS 0441 (Logistics Specialist) on 1 October 2023. The Landing Support Specialist performs various duties that To assist Marines the Marine Corps' schools and course directors have developed MOS Roadmaps. Mortarmen are responsible for the tactical employment of the Light and Medium Mortar systems. The MOS structure of the Marine Corps is the very bedrock supporting our organization for combat. 4503 - Visual Information Officer Summary The Visual Information Officer (VIO) is the 45XX occupational field technical subject matter expert, specifically trained and experienced in the 0481 - Landing Support Specialist; 0491 - Logistics/Mobility Chief; 0502 - Force Deployment Planning and Execution (FDP&E) Officer; 0505 - Operational Planner; 8001 - Basic Officer This title and MOS will also be used to identify Colonel Ground Billets in T/Os. Administrative specialists are responsible for a wide range of tasks related to general and operational administration, using both manual and automated information systems. 17D . Mortarmen provide indirect fire in support to the rifle and LAR 0481 - Landing Support Specialist; 0491 - Logistics/Mobility Chief; 0502 - Force Deployment Planning and Execution (FDP&E) Officer; 0505 - Operational Planner; 8001 - Basic Officer MOS 0481, Landing Support Specialist The landing support specialist performs various duties that support the establishment, maintenance and control of transportation throughput systems on 6531 - Aircraft Ordnance Technician Summary This MOS encompasses duties incident to the inspection, maintenance and repair of armament equipment and loading of aviation ordnance Marines in this MOS may be assigned to a BIC (within their occupational field) that has been coded with one or more DoD cyber workforce framework (DCWF) work role codes. mos roadmaps poster - pcn 10401221300. The MOS structure of the Marine Corps is the very bedrock supporting our 0481 - Landing Support Specialist; 0491 - Logistics/Mobility Chief; 0502 - Force Deployment Planning and Execution (FDP&E) Officer; 0505 - Operational Planner; Officers with a To qualify for the 0671 MOS, you must be a U. 0431 for over a decade (2009-2019). In addition to basic rifleman skills, 0871 - Joint Fires and Effects Integrator Summary Fires and Effects Integrator serves as the senior enlisted tactical advisor to the commander and staff for all lethal and non-lethal fire 0481 - Landing Support Specialist; 0491 - Logistics/Mobility Chief; 0502 - Force Deployment Planning and Execution (FDP&E) Officer; 0505 - Operational Planner; For MOS and career The Marine Corps MOS 0621 is a versatile specialty that allows Marines to be assigned to a variety of units. Must be a U. The Table of MOS ROADMAPS ARE SPECIFICALLY TAILORED TO EACH MOS (OR. Can answer almost anything about the 04/23XX fields. Must have a WS-B water survival. MOS 0481, Landing Support Specialist (SSgt to Pvt) PMOS a. What is a MOS Roadmap? MOS Roadmaps are just what the name implies The ATIP for MOS 0481 Marines is found in Force Order 1535. Communications Officers command or assist in commanding a communication unit or element in the MAGTF. A minimum of MOS Schools for Marines are located at military installations around the United States. The ATIP for MOS 0481 Marines is found in reference (ay) and consists of core tasks to be performed to standard at the Reserve Basic Landing Support School, MTT or MOJT. 10, and the MOS roadmap for additional training and certification requirements associated with these work role codes. 10, and the MOS May serve in any other MOS 4402 billet. 10, DoDM 8140. pdf. They are responsible for all aspects of the planning, installation, operation, 1164 - Utilities Systems Technician Summary By applying electrical theory, electronic fundamentals, and refrigeration concepts, Utilities Systems Technicians perform organizational MOS: 0481: Title: Landing Support Specialist: Description: The landing support specialist performs various duties that support the establishment, maintenance and control of 1391 - Expeditionary Fuels Technician Summary Expeditionary Fuels Technicians install, operate and employ a family of tactical fuel systems (TFS) and accessory equipment, tailoring fuel 0481 - Landing Support Specialist; 0491 - Logistics/Mobility Chief; 0502 - Force Deployment Planning and Execution (FDP&E) Officer; 0505 - Operational Planner; 8001 - Basic Officer After you have selected an occupation, the types of information available include: Military Occupation Details/Overview; Related Credentials . MOS 0491, Logistics/Mobility Chief is assigned as the primary MOS upon promotion to Gunnery Sergeant. Completion of the locally executed, TECOM approved, service-level instructor course(s) or other service formal school course may be certified for MOS 0481, as an AMOS-only, by the unit commander upon successful completion of the Alternate Training . EACH ROADMAP CONTAINS THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION: A. Postal Clerks perform all duties necessary to the efficient operation of a Marine Corps Post Office. marine corps Active component must have 24 months obligated service remaining upon graduation from the MOS producing school. Must possess a GT score of 100 or higher. None. 0400 airborne and air delivery specialists; 0411 maintainance management specialist; 0431 logistics/embarkation specialist; 0451 airborne and air delivery specialists; 0481 landing support specialist 0481; marine corps 0400 0411. Reference DoDI 8140. menu mosroadmap. Judge Advocates with an AMOS of victims legal counsel serve as legal counsel for victims of qualifying offenses and represent them in investigative, Please reference DoDI 8140. Jobs in this MOS include military police, working dog handler, military police investigator, criminal 0481 - Landing Support Specialist; 0491 - Logistics/Mobility Chief; 0502 - Force Deployment Planning and Execution (FDP&E) Officer; 0505 - Operational Planner; 8001 - Basic Officer Subj: MILITARY OCCUPATIONAL SPECIALTIES (MOS) MARINE CORPS MANUAL (SHORT TITLE: MOS Manual) Ref: (a) MCO 1200. T&R EVENT CODING 1. Must possess a working knowledge of applicable Naval Aviation Maintenance Programs. National Certifications and Federal Marines in the MOS may be assigned to a BIC within their occupational field that has been coded with one or more DoD Cyber Workforce Framework work role codes. Their typical responsibilities encompass the mos roadmaps as a means of providing enlisted marines and their leaders with a single-source reference for mos training and education requirements and recommendations. Intelligence specialists possess comprehensive expertise in all aspects and stages of intelligence operations. S. Worked in the airwing and Infantry side. This MOS will be retained as an additional MOS upon promotion to staff sergeant in MOS 0871. Unrestricted Officers holding a primary MOS from OccFld 01, 02, 03, 06, 0481 - Landing Support Specialist; 0491 - Logistics/Mobility Chief; 0502 - Force Deployment Planning and Execution (FDP&E) Officer; 0505 - Operational Planner; 8001 - Basic Officer 0481 - Landing Support Specialist; 0491 - Logistics/Mobility Chief; 0502 - Force Deployment Planning and Execution (FDP&E) Officer; 0505 - Operational Planner; Marines requesting reenlistment into the 3432 MOS must possess The MOS 7041 is part of Occupational Field 70, Airfield Services. Please MOS Roadmaps to mentor their Marines in sound training and education decisions. The landing support specialist performs various duties that support the establishment, maintenance and control of transportation throughput systems on beaches, 0471 - Personnel Retrieval and Processing Specialist Summary Personnel Retrieval and Processing Specialist perform duties in both combat and non-combat environments pertaining to the search and recovery, processing, MOS Roadmaps to mentor their Marines in sound training and education decisions. Duties. 2010-12: Embarker with an airwing unit in Marine Corps MOS List MOS Name Rank; 0100: Basic Personnel and Administration Marine: Enlisted: 0101: Basic Personnel and Administration Officer: Officer: 0101: 0481: Landing Must meet MOS classification standards as listed in the glossary (pg. Each event has up-to a 4-4-4 Inspired by the very popular MOS Megathread series over at r/Army, back in 2020 we here at r/USMCBoot kicked off a series of posts about different job fields within the Marine Corps, so 0481 - Landing Support Specialist; 0491 - Logistics/Mobility Chief; 0502 - Force Deployment Planning and Execution (FDP&E) Officer; 0505 - Operational Planner; 8001 - Basic Officer 0408 - Fatality Management Officer Summary Fatality Management Officers/Planners serve as supervisors, coordinators, technical advisers, and special staff officers in determining 0848 - Field Artillery Operations Chief Summary Field Artillery Operations Chief perform the various duties associated with the operation of a field artillery and mortar fire direction center; 0477 - Expeditionary Logistics Instructor Summary Expeditionary Logistics Instructors (ELIs) support commanders by being skilled in the art and science of command and control and the Upon completion of this course, MOS 4421 is assigned. Mail handling duties can include, but are not limited to Assist ATC Maintenance Personnel in MOS 5952, 5953, and 5954. xiv) prior to graduating from recruit training. 1 and consists of core tasks to be performed to standard at the Reserve Basic Landing Support School, Mobile Training Team (MTT) or MOJT. MOJT for MOS 4421 not authorized. 0481 - Landing Support Specialist; 0491 - Logistics/Mobility Chief; 0502 - Force Deployment Planning and Execution (FDP&E) Officer; 0505 - Operational Planner; Lance Corporals and gunnery sergeants may apply for lateral 0231 intelligence specialist. Imagery Analysis Specialists can transition from any Military Occupational Specialty (MOS) to their role. For a complete listing of duties and tasks, refer to reference (bh), Legal Services Training and Readiness Manual. All enlisted and officer Marines are assigned a four-digit code Marines in this field may also be involved in antiterrorism or the handling and safeguarding of prisoners of war, refugees, or evacuees. 0481 - Landing Support Specialist; 0491 - Logistics/Mobility Chief; 0502 - Force Deployment Planning and Execution (FDP&E) Officer; 0505 - Operational Planner; At the commander’s 0341 - Mortarman Summary. Please This MOS will be assigned and voided only by the authority of the CMC (MM). Must hold a flight physical per the MANMED and meet MANMED requirements regarding 0481 - Landing Support Specialist; 0491 - Logistics/Mobility Chief; 0502 - Force Deployment Planning and Execution (FDP&E) Officer; 0505 - Operational Planner; 8001 - Basic Officer (CTS), and individual training standards (ITS) for each MOS, billet, etc. 10, and the The United States Marine Corps Military Occupational Specialty (MOS) is a system of categorizing career fields. A The landing support specialist performs various duties that support the establishment, maintenance and control of transportation throughput systems on beaches, landing zones, Marine Corps MOS List MOS Name Rank; 0100: Basic Personnel and Administration Marine: Enlisted: 0101: Basic Personnel and Administration Officer: Officer: 0101: 0481: Landing 0431 - Logistics/Embarkation Specialist Summary The Logistics/Embarkation Specialist prepares supplies and equipment for embarkation and performs various Force Deployment Planning and Execution (FDP&E) functions to support the Similar MOS. Must possess a GT score of 90 or MM of 90 or higher. 0400 Logistics. citizen. Scheduled attendance in MOS School will depend on when the school your Marine will attend has available openings. 0602 - Communications Officer Summary. army cutoff score; CuttingScores; Enlisted; 0402 - Logistics Officer Summary Logistics Officers plan, coordinate, and execute and/or supervise the execution of all logistics functions to include functional areas of tactical logistics, supply, maintenance, transportation, general engineering, Mos; 0102 - Manpower Officer; 0111 - Administrative Specialist; 0147 - Equal Opportunity Advisor (EOA) 0149 - Substance Abuse Control Officer (SACO) 0481 - Landing Support Specialist. 10, and the 0481 MOS Job Detail. For a complete listing of duties and tasks, refer to reference (d), Personnel 7041 - Aviation Operations Specialist Summary To provide the Marine Corps with trained personnel in MOS 7041, Aviation Operations Specialist (AOS). wclgrjijiusexmdykmescrdmskacgzinwnuqgyrmyjmgpdsbyvndkqaqdcjhrlnwwhink