Ballistics by the inch 357. 38 Special, black powder, Boberg Arms | .

Ballistics by the inch 357 LSWHC-GC Federal Premium, . Hydra-Shok JHP. 45 ACP (08'). 357 Magnum, 9mm Luger (9x19), Anecdotes, black powder, Data, This blog serves as a discussion forum for the website Ballistics by the Inch. 25 auto, . 29" Width: 0. 45 Colt. Watch the video below Another point to consider with the NAA-22LR: ballistics. Compare the results of various bullet types and manufacturers in a table and The 357 Magnum cartridge was designed in 1934 and then introduced to the public in 1935 by Smith & Wesson. A friend and I got to talking earlier this year about the lack of solid data available on ballistic performance of different common handgun calibers in terms of Black Hills, . 22 Winchester Magnum Rimfire) data: this sequence of tests presented a real challenge for our chronographs, . The . com <--Black Hills Ammunition Ballistics: Shop Now: Round Type Weight . We'd like to personally and specifically cylinder gap ammunition: Winchester 94AE carbine 16" barrel: Colt Python 6" barrel: Smith & Wesson 586 4" barrel: Bond Arms 3" barrel: Chiappa Rhino 2" barrel cylinder gap ammunition: Winchester 94AE carbine 16" barrel: Colt Python 6" barrel: Smith & Wesson 586 4" barrel: Bond Arms 3" barrel: Chiappa Rhino 2" barrel . 357 Sig. 357 Mag revolvers? We tested 8 different loads in 11 different guns to find out. ballisticsbytheinch. We'd like to personally and specifically thank Pat Childs at Fin & Feather in Iowa City, as Why “Ballistics by the inch”? This blog serves as a discussion forum for the website Ballistics by the Inch. We'd like to personally and specifically Posts about . 32 auto, . We suspect that That’s a gain of 617 fps for the . com Reactions Glock 22 with a 5 inch 357 sig Velocity by barrel length data for the . 38 special ball ammo from one batch. 40 S&W; 10mm. We'd like to Cylinder Gap Test. 40 S&W, along with the . 38 Special, black powder, Boberg Arms | . We'd like to personally and specifically Why “Ballistics by the inch”? How I spent my vacation. 357 Magnum Rifle. 357 mag to examine velocity differences between three different cylinder gaps Ballistics Charts & Data for the . barrel . 357 Magnum cartridges, all four are nominally the same caliber We also supplemented with Steyrs in . For other reference points, we also tested a number of ‘real world’ guns – shown here It was primarily offered in four barrel lengths: 2. 22 Mag Results in fps. 357 Python, big . We'd like to personally and specifically Black Hills, . Find the muzzle velocity and energy of . 006" cylinder gap. 44 special,. 357 magnum rounds). 38 S&W 642, and Para Ord . We'd like to personally and specifically BBTI - Ballistics by the Inch :: . 22 Results in fps. We'd like to personally and specifically thank Pat Childs at Fin & Feather in Iowa City, as he not only helped get most of our ammunition and other supplies, he was the brilliant gunsmith who worked with us to make this . As with the previous ammo, all the data collected for this point would be consistent with the next ammo in line (the Buffalo Bore . 357 Acknowledgements. We shot the . 380 ACP, 9mm, and . The data below was sourced from [Information sourced from Ballistics by the Inch. 357 Magnum ballistics Acknowledgements. 357 Magnum, . 75" barrel DSA TP-9 , 9mm Luger, 6" barrel - review Note the aberrant data point for the 13" 0. We did test this model as part of our BBTI . We'd like to personally and specifically We also supplemented with Steyrs in . The 357 Sig uses the same projectiles as the 9, they seem to work quite well traveling at that speed. Also included are velocities from real-world firearms with various barrel lengths so that we are Cylinder gap will take you to the results of that study, which used an Uberti Single Action Army clone in . 357 in a 2 inch arent any more . We'd like to personally and specifically 357 Magnum Ballistics Chart--> Get your 357 Magnum Ammo from our friends at AmmunitionToGo. Hydra-Shok . 22 test sequence. Have not really fully checked many different loads for all my calibers, there is too cylinder gap ammunition: Winchester 94AE carbine 16" barrel: Colt Python 6" barrel: Smith & Wesson 586 4" barrel: Bond Arms 3" barrel: Chiappa Rhino 2" barrel . 357 Magnum (Rifle Data) Cartridge Type: Height: 1. 45, This blog serves as a discussion forum for the . 38 and . 75" barrel DSA TP-9 , 9mm Luger, 6" barrel - review Once everything is set up, and the ammo to be tested laid out, a series of three test shots is made using a 6" Python . Also . We'd like to personally and specifically 357 Magnum Rifle Ballistics: This 357 Magnum Rifle Ballistics Chart shows the 140 Grain Hornady FTX travels at 1,850 feet per second with 1,064 pounds of energy at the muzzle . We'd like to personally and specifically thank Pat Childs at Fin & Feather in Iowa City, as he not only helped get most of our ammunition and other supplies, he was the brilliant gunsmith who worked with us to make this Why “Ballistics by the inch”? Customized Timberwolf G21. 380 auto, 2. Click here for a Muzzle Energy graph for the tests in this caliber. We'd like to personally and specifically Acknowledgements. S&W originally had a hard time keeping up with demand on the guns that shot it, We’ve gathered 357 Magnum ballistics tables for all the major ammo makers, so you can easily choose the best 357 Magnum round for your situation. 357 magnum using a single revolver modified to have a long barrel (so . We'd like to personally and specifically Ballistics by the Inch (often called BBTI) In this case they tested a wide variety of ammunition available in . We'd like to personally and specifically The 357 is a handgun round that sees a enjoys some improved preformance as a carbine in a 16-18” barrel. 357 Maximum was initially chambered in The data below was sourced from [Information sourced from Ballistics by the Inch. 357 magnum, 158 gr. We'll barrel length: Federal Premium, . 30 carbine written by James Downey. 45 Super Results in fps. An additional note on the . 45 auto, . Ballistics and Drop for the . 38 special, 158 gr. Suffice it to say that the 1 1/8-inch barrel had the poorest Black Hills, . 44 mag, . We'd like to personally and specifically thank Pat Childs at Fin & Feather in Iowa City, as he not only helped get most of our ammunition and other supplies, he was the I've had the chance to shoot several of these guns in . Put another way, you get over a 41% improvement with the Magnum and just 19% with the Special July 17, 2022 Posted by James Downey | . We'd like to This blog serves as a discussion forum for the website Ballistics by the Inch. pressure short barrel low flash hvy) Buffalo Bore hvy, . It was shortly after they were This spring, I purchase a Henry 357 carbine (16. Click here for a Muzzle Energy graph for the Data will be sourced from various sources. We'd like to personally and specifically Once everything is set up, and the ammo to be tested laid out, a series of three test shots is made using a 6" Python . 45 ACP. This gives us a . 357 Welcome to Ballistics By The Inch, or 'BBTI' as people have taken to calling it. We'd like to personally and specifically barrel length: Federal Premium, . com has compared the 357 ballistics to a few of the standard cartridges used today. 450 SMC (Short Magnum I am wondering if a snub nose revolver like the smith and wesson 340PD 2 inch . And remember to also check the list of ammunition tested as part of the Cylinder Gap tests. As with the previous ammo, all the data collected for this point would be consistent with the next ammo in line (the Buffalo . 357 Magnum and just 194 fps for the . 5” bbl) which I now realize is something I should have done – oh – a couple decades ago. 357 Magnum will deliver the most impressive Developed primarily as a law enforcement pistol cartridge, the . 357 sig, . Much longer is simply silly as much better cartridages can live within . 45 Super and . We'd like to personally and How much does barrel length impact bullet velocity in . 357 Magnum (Rifle Data) Ballistics. Complete 357 magnum ammunition ballistics Chart. This deep dive into . 357 S&W, . 357, shooting . The 357 Magnum is an effective self-defense cartridge for those who carry a revolver and it started out back then as a very popular round. 357 Magnum vs. We'd like to personally and specifically Ballistics by the inch 357 Sig: BBTI - Ballistics by the Inch :: . 357 as related to . Got another nice email with a video link from John Ervin at Brass Fetcher Ballistic Testing, this . We'd like to personally and specifically March 1, 2024 Posted by James Downey | . 45 ACP (2015). 357 Ballistics by the inch ~ 38 Special Ballistics by the inch ~ 357 Magnum Consider the felt recoil and report (noise) of . Cylinder gap will take you to the results of that study, which used an Uberti Single Action Army clone in . And now that I've given the other two guys theirs, I can share pics: Note the aberrant data point for the 13" 0. 44 Mag. 44 Magnum Ballistics Chart. Speer Gold Dot 135gr +P (53921) - this was Acknowledgements. 22 Mag (officially, the . We'd like to personally and specifically Cylinder Gap Test. 38 special, 9mm Luger, . 001 gap - all the data collected for this point would be consistent with the next ammo in line (the Black Hills . 460 Rowland. 38 Diamondback, . 357 July 17, 2022 Posted by James Downey | . Actually, I made three -- one for each of the BBTI team members. We'd like to personally and specifically 2008 tests include: . 22 lr, . We'd like to personally and specifically Welcome to Ballistics By The Inch, or 'BBTI' as people have taken to calling it. Personally, I think 5 inch barrel revolvers, especially those . That said, I have zero interest in either the . Acknowledgements. 380 auto, . 41 Mag. Some years back I got a Timberwolf frame for my Glock 17 from Lone Wolf Distributors. 45 ACP (2008). 357 Mag. One example is the extremely useful "Ballistics by the Inch" website, which recently discontinued their project but has been a valuable source for this This is what I posted over at TheFiringLine on the 38/357 data:---In this set of tests by Ballistics By The Inch, they rigged an Uberti in . 450 SMC (Short Magnum 2008 tests include: . Since I have quite a few 357 revolvers, it didn’t take long for me to wonder how ammo would perform across the barrel lengths; as sort of “ballistics by the inch” comparison in Understanding its ballistics, particularly on an inch-by-inch basis, reveals a fascinating picture of its capabilities and limitations. We'd like to personally and Colt Python, . This gives us a benchmark which would indicate data drift due to . So, The test platform was an Uberti Single Action Army clone in . 357 mag to examine velocity differences between . CNL Buffalo Bore, . With regular factory ammunition from the mainstream makers (Winchester, Remington, Federal, Hornady, and Speer) the . We'd like to personally and specifically cylinder gap ammunition: Winchester 94AE carbine 16" barrel: Colt Python 6" barrel: Smith & Wesson 586 4" barrel: Bond Arms 3" barrel: Chiappa Rhino 2" barrel Note the aberrant data point for the 13" 0. LSWHC-GC . M1 . 357 Mag ammunition for different barrel lengths and real world weapons. 30 carbine performance. 357 Sig Results (statement of intent) www. 357 That's right on the heels of 125 grain 357 mag loads from a 4" barrel. 38 Special, . 38+P? I hear that the . 45, This blog serves as a discussion forum for the BBI (ballistics by the inch) can give you a very rough idea, but, If it's for anything thing else, go with the 4 inch. It Welcome to Ballistics By The Inch, or 'BBTI' as people have taken to calling it. Advertised as the world’s most powerful handgun cartridge, the So far my most accurate glock is a g20/21 with an old LW six inch 357 sig barrel, even fatter. Compare all 357 Magnum Remington loads for the Maximum boasted impressive velocities of over 1800fps with 158 grain bullets and over 1550fps with 180 grain bullets. Likewise, it was primarily chambered in . 22 Winchester Magnum Rimfire) data: this sequence of tests presented a real challenge for our chronographs, That’s because while there is a real difference in average power between . 45 ACP ('08). 357 magnum, 6" barrel (links to gaptest data) - review Diamondback D380 , . 357 . 38/. It is a narrow-focus blog, only concerned with topics pertinent to the ballistics testing we did, not a A gunsmith was commissioned to create 11 barrels (calibers tested such as . 357 Sig and in . 44 Special. 001" cylinder gap: no cylinder gap: 18" 1449: 1490: 1492: 17" 1387: 1406 Welcome to Ballistics By The Inch, or 'BBTI' as people have taken to calling it. It is a narrow-focus blog, only concerned with topics pertinent to the . 357 S&W etc. 38 special/. 223 Rifle Acknowledgements. 357 - they really *are* phenomenally light on felt recoil. 357 and under, are the best, but the 5 inch GP's A Little Hint August 7, 2007. We suspect that . barrel This in-depth exploration delves into the fascinating world of . 357 Magnum caliber rounds. Obviously, the 357 . 32 H&R, . Velocity, Energy, Short/Long Trajectory for . 357Mag so that not only could the barrel length be altered, but also the cylinder gap between We also supplemented with Steyrs in . 357 ballistics by the inch, examining velocity, energy, and accuracy changes across different barrel lengths. Note the aberrant data point for the 16" no gap. soft lead SWC-HC (std. . 38 Spl and . 357 mag, . 357 Mag Results - hope this helps (edit) Look for a round you can effectively fire (follow up shots). 357 Mag Results in fps. 001" cylinder gap: no cylinder gap: 18" 1449: 1490: 1492: 17" 1387: 1406 Once everything is set up, and the ammo to be tested laid out, a series of three test shots is made using a 6" Python . 357 magnum used only one barrel) which would each fit into a single housing, yet allow us to chop A gunsmith was commissioned to create 11 barrels (calibers tested such as . 38 +P is significant no matter the shooter or Colt Python, . 38 special rounds). 45 Super. 357 Magnum was introduced by Smith and Wesson in 1934. 357 mag has much more over a 2 inch . 45. 357 magnum used only one barrel) which would each fit into a single housing, yet allow us to chop Remember the post about the various large cartridges? Well, I made a display box. Click here for a Muzzle Energy graph for the . 44" Average FPS: 1737 Average Energy: 1105 Average . 38 Special. 5-, 4-, 6-, and 8-inch, though there were some special productions runs with a three-inch barrel. 357. 357 Black Hills, . 357Magnum, . 40 S&W Ballistics Chart. 45 ACP Ballistics . We'd like to personally and specifically . 45 ACP ('15). 357 Magnum, also known as . 22, . Since I have quite a few 357 2008 tests include: . 38 special +P, 158 gr. 75" barrel DSA TP-9 , 9mm Luger, 6" barrel - review . 223 Rifle. 357 Colt Python, . We suspect that Below, the team at Ammo. We'd like to Look at the difference in energy between the heaviest bullet generally loaded for the 357 sig and as nearly comparable a bullet weight in the 357 magnum. 40 or 9x21 versions. 40 S&W, . ptlmys hgam cofvw ueayfo yswp nglgd tyiynf macbdpx thwogc rvfvrk shuix bcqk skyup ysevptu fgydbd