Fs2004 fuel calculator. − veranyon, 12 years ago, # 4 Show − rzito .

Fs2004 fuel calculator Uses external xml file as data source,wich can be easily manually modified to change/add new aircraft. In cruise mode, pause the aircraft >> Alt A F and take note of pounds of fuel >> then escape and unpause and fly for exactly 60 seconds >> then pause and Alt A F and take note of the pounds of fuels. − veranyon, 12 years ago, # 4 Show − rzito Hi Pulp1. MS FSX | FSX-SE Forum ; Fuel calculator Fuel calculator. Poseidon 1st FS2002/FS2004 Fuel Loader. Microsoft Flight Simulator 2004; FS2004 Utilities/Misc. I need a code that sums up the fuel flow during every gauge cycle using the (A:Turb Eng1 fuel flow PPH, pounds per hour) variable. fpl. A flight planning chart for the Captain Sim 727-200 to calculate the fuel burn. 2005 22:18 923 KB >You could also reduce the Parasite Drag in the aircraft. Connect with Coolsky. FS2002/FS2004 PMDG Boeing 737 Calculator. solution of wind triangle problem, time, speed and distance problem, fuel comsumption calculation, etc. So go ahead and add an extra 10-15% In this case 15%. FS2004 Simplified E6B Flight Calculator Gauge. Нет, не будет. English Deutsch. Flight Planner 3000 . pilotwannabe Chief Captain. This is a small program that calculates the fuel you need to complete a flight. It is designed to be used with the PMDG NGX and its ranges of engine and weight variants and other An all-in-one collection of tools for flight simulation needs, including a large database of real-world flight plan routes, weather and airport information, units converter, descent calculator, and more. File Description: The 737 Dispatch sheet is a comprehensive dispatcher, fuel planner and performance calculator in Excel 2007 and above. About. 2021) Abt's Fuelplanner ist eine kostenlose Software, die die Distanz und die benötigte Kraftstoffmenge für einen Flug mit verschiedenen Flugsimulatoren berechnet. rte (Flight One ATR) . I have a FS2004 Ai Flightplan Calculator. Aircraft Fuel Calculator. ; Enter trip distance and select whether it’s in miles or kilometers. 195K: FS98 - FS2K4 FS Real Time v1. 75 US gallons / 45 miles = 0. 1 PSS Concorde patch. net/free and the fuel Wilco Airbus A320 - Brussels Airlines "Aerosmurf" → FS2004 Aircraft Liveries and Textures An accurate, easy to use fuel calculator specifically for the B737. The purpose of this site is to quickly create a flight plan for FS 2004, FS X, X-plane, FlightGear or other add-ons with estimated fuel quantity calculation. Calculate the total fuel required for your trip with this easy to use fuel calculator. This content was uploaded by website Flight Log. Now features both models(-100 -200), different weight units(Kg and Lbs) and a print function. 75 KB 3043 1. FS98-FS2000-FS2002-FS2004 – Fuel Planner V1. Therefore, this calculator may do well in just "duct-taping" a rough order of magnitude Fuel Cost Calculator. But FS doesn't compute for Taxi/Holds or Climb. Sprache. Precise Jet Fuel Calculator 45. txt (FlightFactor A320) . An accurate, easy to use fuel calculator specifically for the B737. Weapon Delivery Planner . Question titled "Airbus Fuel Problems - Flight Simulator 2004: A Century of Flight (FS2004 Aircraft)" posted in the FS2004 Aircraft forum at Fly Away Simulation. 9! FS2004 Utilities. Boeing 767-300 Fuel Calculator is an accurate fuel and weight calculator for the B767-300. Livery by Todd Disrud. Includes distance and altitude tables for South Africa and Europe for easy refe FS98-FS2000-FS2002-FS2004 - Fuel Planner V1. Fuel usage estimates are based primarily on flight simulation data, and include base fuel for taxi-out, departure climb, enroute cruise, descent, and for taxi-in. i done some flying in 727-100 with michael2 mod. Alternate. − veranyon, 12 years ago, # 4 Show − rzito Could someone recommend a good freeware fuel calculator, or another solid method for calculating fuel loads. Enjoy! → Size: 59 KB. Complete flight management on a realistic world map. Here is a method to detirmine the fuel consumption of any sim aircraft. Upload New File; Discussion. Download hits 1. This, however, is unrealistic and extremely annoying on long hauls. default cs727 uses less fuel for climb and more for cruise, and default FSX MD80 Flex Calculator | Оценка: 5! https://www. 5 lb/nm. ; Enter your vehicle’s fuel efficiency using your preferred unit (MPG, L/100km, etc. Destination . − veranyon, 11 years ago, # 4 Show − rzito Payload and fuel your selected aircraft to about 65% of its practical loading. We customize our products for a wide-range of industries and are committed to providing quality fuels, fluids and lubricants for each and every specific need. Values in the Pre-treatment row can be modified in the user interface but the changes will not be saved in the plot or project files. The . Log In. Also I fly VATSIM so it should have online ATC support. I hoped to use Doug Dawson's fuel dump gauge to fill the tanks. By Kamil Kierebinski. Reset to defaults. The fuel consumption in the sim is accurate enough to do things this way, provided you observe the same engine settings used for your fuel burn calculation, and lean the engine above about 3000 feet. solution of Time, Speed and Distance problem, fuel comsumption calculation etc. I've only tested the program with FS2004, but it FS2004 DR-2 Flight Calculator Gauge. The flight plan based on calculations by http://rfinder. it uses fuel more realistic if modded. It calculates all kinds of fuel and distance information. us da. Distance nm. The hard part is now making the fuel system work from the correct tanks. By Daniel Tristao. It has all the Microsoft Flight . right by the tables for cruise and descend. When you get low in fuel in the Center tanks, below 500 pounds or so, you must turn the Center Fuel Pumps off, and only have the Left and Right fuel pumps on. Ok lets say you loaded free flight and you didn’t pre-load the weight and fuel prior to starting the mission. Download hits 610 Compatibility FS200* Fuel Calculator v1 343. If there is information about the wind at flight level (a subtle hint at aktivskay) buudet not enter more than a breeze, fair or counterclaim in the third drop-down list. Take-off/Landing calculator; Accurate take-off distance computation based on wind, anti-ice setting and packs, etc. Old. Console. Extra fuel lbs. 07 KB 1249 5/5 1. ffi file includes all pre-treatment fuel information. This is an 'easy-to-use' fuel calculator for many actual aircraft. - Microaat/FSX_FuelCalculator QSimPlanner is a standalone utility for route planning, fuel calculation, and takeoff/landing performance calculation. By Dan Downs. I wanted this calculator to be quick and easy to use, conciously taking into account that this would certainly deteriorate its accuracy. Created by John Goodwin. Al In other words you need to calculate ground speed from trye airspeed to calculate travel time and performance related fuel consumption. Uses Microsoft Excel. 1 → Size: 2 MB. Que hay compañeros, una preguntota, alguien sabe hacer un Fuel Calculator?, he checado y hay para el 767 de level-D etc etc pero como que no me quedo conforme, ademas para el Ifly 737 no he encontrado, use el que es para el pmdg y termine virando plaza con 0 fuel y motores apagandose. Since then many other stuffs have been added and I decided to FSX/FS2004 Flight Calculator This Flight Sim Flight Calculator will calculate distance and arrival times for both FSX and FS2004 The program has four input components, Local TimeZone, Departing Airport, Destination Airport and the Aircraft to be used for the flight. FS2004 Airport's Chart Viewer v5. In response to several requests, this includes a few small revisions to the index which allows the PDF format to Minimum fuel. Use YOUR own scenery, (airports, Navaids, etc), and all the planes in your hangar. By Eric Robertson. Using FSUPIC, you can actually board the fuel with the press of a button. FS200* Fuel Calculator v1 This is a small program that calculates the fuel you need to complete a flight. FS2004 Fuel Calculator For Boeing 737. FS2004 Fuel Dump & Refuel Gauge in three colors: red, black and gray. html этот скачай − KDB_74 Яковлев Як-18Т v1. FS2004/FSX - Whatever else you would like to find for your FS or CFS Programs. Calculate canopy fuel characteristics from an existing treelist; and; Simulate the effects of fuel treatments and fire on ground (duff and other below surface fuel), surface, and canopy fuels. By GW_Simulations. Sort by: Best. Hi, Is anyone aware of a good (I mean reliable) fuel calculator? So far everything I tried is anything but reliable. Joined: Mar 15, 2006 Posts: 1719 Location: A galaxy N2, EGT, FF etc), checking weather reports, checking and establishing the diversion airport and calculate fuel required for that divert as well as checking weather reports for that Just to say that soon I will be releasing a much better, Windows version of my fuel calculator!What do you mean, "What are you talking about!?" Jump to content. Take off and ascend to your practical flight level. This is an OpenAsApp tool I developed to calculate fuel requirements, fuel conversions (AVGAS, AVTUR) and log and track "time in the tanks" during those long sim flights. Can you do that anymore? If so where is that now I can’t find it? We had a menu for weights next to weather before in game now I don’t see anything like that. This calculator can estimate fuel cost according to the distance of a trip, the fuel efficiency of the car, and the price of gas using various units. Firstly, regarding the FSX flight planner's fuel estimation, it's essential to recognize that the system employs a generalized algorithm. Fuel calculator for US and European Liners | Rating: 4. It is designed for Boeing 737 – 200 O FS PRO BRASIL SEVER além de ser um blog é também um servidor para você poder voar no seu FS2002, FS9 e FSX. Pesquisar este blog FS2004/FSX - B747-400 FUEL CALCULATOR Postado por Administrador em julho 05, 2015 Gerar link; Facebook; X; Pinterest; E-mail; Outros aplicativos . So add 15% to the Fuel #'s Making the new fuel load 1887lbs. Calculate fuel costs for your car in 3 simple steps: Enter your car reg and fuel type, we'll calculate it's fuel efficiency (mpg). Todo. Added Flying with a calculator (Pro Sim, I'm lookin' at you) I was just looking at (and admiring) Pro Sim's set-up, in his sig photo-- just noticed that there is a calculator on the table, at the back right. This is a redo of my FS2002 repaint. When this project started about 3 years ago, it was only intended to automate the fuel calculations for the NGX. Use SIDs Use STARs RNAV equipped TACAN routes NATs Create plan. Near the top of the NavLog it will show the estimated fuel burn. New. FS2004 Utilities. gov www. → Date: 15 years ago (07. This tool helps to create the takeoff performance for Airbus aircrafts such as V1, VR, V2, Takeoff Trim, Flex Temp. 2008 17:28) → Author: Dementiev Alexander aka "AlexZander_D" → Uploaded Hello, I am uncertain whether this is a bug or a calculation that must be performed manually. Madison, WI 53726–2398 608–231–9200 SM. A tool for fuel load planning, useful only for the Boeing 747-400 and based on tables from the PMDG B747-400. To economize my flights, stay within protocol (i. Enter the flight distance and the spreadsheet will calculate Fuel and ETE(time enroute) calculator for Microsoft Flight Simulator By Dmitry Stepin aka Bravo. Have Fun!! FSX realizes this and calls the center tanks the "Selected" tanks, since they are the only ones being used. This allows the creation of AI flightplans, for use with TTools, or a similar compiler. Q&A. gau that is originally transparent but is now visible to install on any panel. Loads the calculated fuel into MS FS 2004. The gauge would then use whatever fuel was required to bring the left, centre and right tanks up to the levels I had specified. This is the Cal Classics GMAX DC-6B painted in the colors of Everts Air Fuel based in Fairbanks, Alaska. 0 Reviews If there is information about the wind at flight level (a subtle hint at aktivskay) buudet not enter more than a breeze, fair or counterclaim in the third drop-down list. I suspect your calculator is using a 4-engine burn instead of a 2-engine burn. Original model by Greg Pepper and Tom Gibson. exe 13. Created using Excel, uses factors like weight, flight length, altitude and even takeoff and landing altitudes. Boeing 747-400 Fuel Calculator é uma ferramenta rápida, fácil e precisa que ajuda qualquer piloto com o planejamento de carga de FSX Precise Jet Fuel Calculator. aerotexas. This will allow the calculator to distribute the departure I have the internal variables list at hand so (A:GENERAL ENG FUEL USED SINCE START:01, pounds) seemed unfamiliar to me. Fuel Calculator ERJ-145 | Rating: 4. fgfp (FlightGear) . The default display for non-registered users uses the FAR Simplified E6B flight calculator gauge for MSFS2004 2011© Freeware, Alexander Belov E6B is a powerful calculator to solve most common VFR navigatio problems, i. v4 FS2000-FS2004 Descent Calculator Version 2 Simple calculator to find the rate of decent to a to start descending. A prerequisite is to calculate your TAS correctly. 0 File Description: Boeing 727 fuel planner. 2K Compatibility Microsoft Flight Simulator X (FSX) including Steam Edition & Prepar3D (P3D) Filename precise_jet_fuel_calculator. Monitor your progress, all the AI traffics, (and multiplayer), real time on the internet and intranet, this includes altitude, speed and more. But in FS you can take it as gospel and in the case of that online planner, it's really just useful for estimating the fuel you need for your sim flights, as everything else an be correct to the last ounce when you are selecting all that yourself. I use FS Build 2. su/f/fs2004-originalnie-sam oleti-40/antono v-an-12bk-48239. Flightplan Converter 30. The utility will calculate the total fuel required and show how many pounds or kilograms of fuel should go into the wing tanks and the center tank. e. Desired file formats. 7 pounds/gallon and 0. 2010 18:30) Работает в FSX и P3D. Calculator fuel for ERJ-145 FlitePrep Suite V2. Tailwind factor kt. ). A user-friendly tool to calculate fuel requirements for your flights based on consumption rates, tank capacity, and endurance goals. Moistures button displays the moistures used to calculate the indices. NET Framework 3. 2008 17:28) → Author: Dementiev Alexander aka "AlexZander_D" → Uploaded Aircraft fueling calculator with left-wing (LH) tank, right-wing (RH) tank, and center (CTR) tank. so i can export and send you FSPassengers statistic tables which indicates fuel usage for climb\cruise\descend and time and distance traveled. Best. 343K This is a very simple Excel-based static fuel calculator for the Boeing 777-300 ER from the Worldliner Pro Extended pack. ; Choose your fuel type (Gasoline, Diesel, Electric, etc. Needs FSUIPC and the MS . FS98-FS2000-FS2002-FS2004 - Fuel Planner V1. v1. FS2004 ULTRAMEGA - FS9/FSX Pesquisar. You can use this to calculate your fuel needs to get from A to B. 9 lb/nm which is close to the burn numbers for a B747, not a B777. Air distance nm. I have devised my own fuel flow formula that works exactly according to the charts I have for the Boeing 747 from a JT9D maintenance manual. 10. It works with Boeing 737 planes, and it has presets for 8 different models. There is a Google Sheets version, which you can copy to your own drive for personal use. FS2004 PMDG Boeing 747-400 Fuel Planner, built with Excell 2003. Fuel Calculator. Share Add a Comment. 31 KB 1886 1/5 1. Jump to content. When I calculated my fuel burn the results indicated my B777 burned 26. xls) spreadsheet fuel planner for use with the PMDG payware model of the Boeing 747-400/747-400F, based on tables from the PMDG user's manual. Great to use when flying with VATSIM or IVAO. Compute required fuel for flight, using real-world upper wind and several user-specified parameters, such as taxi time, planned holding time and final reserve. Fuel Planning Calculator. 2010 18:30) Жаль, только для fs 2004. So the issue is still unsolved. Then, multiply the fuel consumption by the fuel price, say $8 per US gallon. 4536 kg/pound. Reserves include fuel for alternate/diversion (45 minutes), holding (30 minutes), and contingency (varies by ruleset). Um servidor com moderador onde você não terá problemas em voar. By Lev Feldman. Because FuelCalc uses input files Universal and supersimple fuel and time enroute calculator. Helps calculate the required fuel needs for your flights. In this video we explore in-depth fuel planning as well as some of the tools available to the average simmer for quick planning. 8 gallons Continue? (y/n): y Distance in nautical miles: 121 Flight Boeing 737 Fuel Planner. Is there a Software or a website to calculate fuel for general aircraft? Like the Cessna152. Requires Excel 97 or later and the v1. Скрины сцены тут с обоих симов-https: FS5 Fuel Calculator Written as an APLC program (Flight Shop adventure module). NavDataPro/Navigraph data format support. Program which produces detailed, accurate flight plans. К сожалению автор никогда не доводит до ума Generic Fuel Planning Tool is a Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 mod created by EduMCfly. asalink. 1 will bring a C coded utility for Windows users to have in output a simple file with FOB and CI, without struggling with . Fuel calculator for the Tu-104A, Tu-104B (for those who have Excel 97) (Previous version was rasschitana in Excel 2007) The calculator is written based on RLE Tu-104 and is designed to calculate the fuel for this aircraft model: Hi allJust wondering if there is a good fuel calculator out there for FS2002. You need to be a member in order to leave a comment Fuel Calculator ERJ-145 | Rating: 4. 46 KB 1330 1. 5 posts • Page 1 of 1. Category: Flight Simulator 2004 - Aircraft Repaints, Textures and Modifications: Air France "Pepsi" Concorde (F-BTSD) File Description: A new version of my fuel load calculator designed for use with the PSS Concorde 2004. Expected tailwind kt. Calculates your fuel consumption on a short range flight with a Boeing 737NG. Open comment sort options. Route; Choose an airport; Info . Plan your route, estimate fuel costs, and compare vehicles! Flight Simulator 2004: A Century of Flight; FS2004 General; Fuel calculations. The calculator was tested usig Flight Factor's A320 and JARDesign A320, both gave a good answer, but remember if you choose an higher Cost Index, then you have to increase your extra fuel. In the old game you could go in and make changes to all of this even in flight if you wanted to. Screenshot of Everts Air Fuel Douglas DC-6B in flight. [ Back to Top] Features Supports 737-600, 737-700, 737-800 and 737-900. It is a simulation scenery compatible with FSX - SP2 and Prepar3D. The E6B is a powerful calculator to solve most common VFR navigation problems, i. PMDG Boeing 737-800 PMDG 747-400 Fuel Planner, v1. 1 hour reserve) and most importantly get to my original destinantion. Thanks If there is information about the wind at flight level (a subtle hint at aktivskay) buudet not enter more than a breeze, fair or counterclaim in the third drop-down list. Over +30000 SID/STAR as well as +60000 points. However, when I access the fuel and payload section, the payload is randomized, which is acceptable. Flight time hh:mm. FS2004 variables don't use the :index syntax to my knowledge. Neue Version v1. Calculate Fuel Needed ALTITUDE / AISRPEED. "Dreieckrechner" DR-2 is a powerful calculator to solve most common VFR navigation problems, i. Trip distance nm. Landing fuel (alternate) lbs. cgf>file from 1. I have begun to fly using FS Passengers, while in VATSIM. we fill 3700 kg in each wing tank. FuelUp! is a super simple fuel and time enroute calculator for those who are too lazy to spend too much time FS200* Fuel Calculator v1 This is a small program that calculates the fuel you need to complete a flight. Bracken Dawson. Simple GUI application to calculate the fuel required for an aircraft to fly to a destination. (ask me about my 18 mile glide to a GOOD landing after running out of Create an account or sign in to comment. Built in fuel calculator wouldnt hurt. FS2004 PMDG 747 Fuel Planner. Page 7. Posted Jan 6, 2010 05:22 by Dmitry Stepin FSX/FS2004 'Snapshot' Screenshot Utility. By Andy29 May 25, 2002 in MS FSX | Category: Flight Simulator 2004 - Utilities: B727 Fuel Planner V2. FuelUp! is a super simple fuel and time enroute calculator for those who are too lazy to spend too much time searching and entering whole masses of data that "serious" FSX Precise Jet Fuel Calculator. → Date: 14 years ago (17. Grosskurth. 195K. When creating a flight plan, I set the departure, destination approach, and altitude. avs im. This algorithm, although sophisticated, doesn't account for the unique characteristics of different aircraft models, such as specific power settings and performance tables. 5. FSUIPC shareware ve How to calculate fuel cost. Se que Best Aircraft Fuel Calculator Free Download for Aviators. Download real time wind aloft from NOAA. I am interested in you fuel dashboard, can you upload or send via dm? Reply Quote Forum Jump: Welcome — Welcome Creations — Projects — Replays — Show Off — Dashboard Templates SimHub — Feature Requests — — Simhub — — Discord — — Forum — Simhub General — Translations General Chat — English Chat — — Dutch Here Is a HOW TO video. 0 This programm will calculate fuel for differents aircrafts. Author: archive. By Michael Huebner. A very simple DeHavilland Dash 8-Q200 fuel calculator, designed from using fuel burn numbers specifically from the Dreamwings Dash 8. 8! FS2004 Utilities. You cannot trust the console TAS readouts on many of the sim aircraft (especially some of the add-ons), so here is a more accurate way. Fuel, weight and time calculator to use with the PMDG B737-600 and B737-700. Flight time: 1 hour(s) and 30 minute(s) Required fuel: 16. Simple Fuel Calculator for Microsoft Flight Simulator X. FS200* Fuel Calculator v1. − veranyon, 12 years ago, # 4 Show − rzito Piper PA-28R Arrow III - Fuel Calculator is a Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 mod created by bursa. FS10 says the flight will use 1641lbs. 50. Simply input your FS2004 Tips And Tricks Index. By Simulation Hardware. I always have my trusty HP32 at hand when sim-flying, mostly for calculating fuel vs flight time on long Fuel Calculator ERJ-145 | Rating: 4. Link to spreadsheet used:ht Project 9-4: Aircraft Fuel Calculator Create a program that calculates the amount of time and fuel for a 1980 Cessna 172N to fly a specified distance. Piper PA-28R Arrow III - Trip Fuel Calculator During climb on every 1000ft set mixature ( RED lever ) according to the EGT gauge for best engine perfomance and low After arriving at Louisville I had 51,000 pounds remaining. Distance in nautical miles: 180. gov Updated 01/24 The Fuel Value Calculator is a tool that can be used to compare typical unit costs of various fuels. The middle section displays the fuel loading of various components. It has all the Microsoft Flight Simulator aircraft but can be used for any sim and add-on aircraft can be added too. By Michael Seebas. FS - Addons Home Download Spenden Kontakt Hilfe. Blog Posts. By David Bayyari. In this case, the fuel will be designed taking into account the wind, ANZ (5400 kg) nevyrabatyvaemogo balance (250 kg) and fuel consumption by taxi (500 kg). Departure . In the Virtual Performance Tool adventure, I am responsible, among other things, for updating the program's databases using official aircraft documents as data sources. Fuel calculator for route fuel planning (FS2002/2004). zip Aircraft fuel planner for Boeing 737, Boeing 757, Boeing 767, Boeing 777, Boeing 747, Airbus A320, Airbus A380, MD-11, DC-10, CRJ2, CRJ-200, E135, Embraer, Mcdonnell-Douglass This version has been tested in FS2004, but should Fuel Calculator ERJ-145 | Rating: 4. fs. comthe song is Dodge & Fuski-Guetta step If there is information about the wind at flight level (a subtle hint at aktivskay) buudet not enter more than a breeze, fair or counterclaim in the third drop-down list. 4 which includes a Beech A36 performance profile, a conventional tail Bonanza called the Sierra. but it'll be cool for modded ver only. Doing it automatically saves you time and ensures the data is accurate. Fs2004 free addons · December 2, 2016 · If there is information about the wind at flight level (a subtle hint at aktivskay) buudet not enter more than a breeze, fair or counterclaim in the third drop-down list. Fuel Loader gives you control over your fuel management. Follow these steps to estimate your fuel cost and environmental impact: Select your vehicle type (Car, SUV, Truck, etc. 3 (Dez. Computes fuel required and planned weights. 0 to a lower value. 0 for the fuel flow scalar is equvalent to a jet engine running at a thrust specific fuel consumption (TSFC) of 0. The only requirement for this tool is Microsoft Excel. Trip Distance: Fuel Efficiency: Gas/Fuel Price: Related Gas Mileage Calculator | Mileage Calculator. Before using FuelCalc, you should have a working knowledge of fuel characteristics, fuel treatments, and fire behavior. (Excel file) Facebook Channel. Ability to save, load, and remove aircraft data. → Date: 16 years ago (07. The gauges will dump fuel up to 20% if tanks full and refill up to 70% if empty. → Date: 13 years ago (17. Forums Index - All forums; Portal page; MSFS 2024 ; MSFS 2020; FSX - FS2004 and Earlier; P3D; X-Plane; Real World Aviation; Other Sims; PC Hardware; Cockpit Builders; MSFS 2020 Landing Page; Landing Pages Total fuel capacity= 23,240 gallons Total fuel usable = 22,040 gallons Then, Total fuel capacity = 70,629 kgs Total fuel usable = 66,982 kgs Considering 6. A FS2004 Utilities. Arrival taxi fuel lbs. Sort by FS200* Fuel Calculator v1. 77 is made to keep Flight Simulator's UTC (Zulu/GMT) time and date in sync with the Real World. View the Energy Product Catalog. 0 This is a FS2004 module that will generate and display a map of all the taxiways (with their ids), gates, parkings, ILS, and runways of any airport of the FS2004 world. FS2002 Misc. Landing weight (alternate) lbs. By default, we load 80% of the maximum passenger/cargo load saved in our database, but you can specify your own load here. I would calculate the fuel required to complete the trip and then instruct the gauge (handler!) which way I required the tanks to be filled. Your data apparently is using 46. User Feedback. MailroomFPL@usda. All you have to do is enter some basic trip information and it will calculate for you fuel load (trip, alternate, contingency, taxi, reserve) and tell you how much you need to load each tank in Ibs and US g I currently use FSBuild2 but for example I can not properly configure fuel loads (too messy and my fuel calculator input is in time not fuel weight, so I dont know what weight to put there) because templates are crap and no timeframes and so on. O programa How to Use the Calculator. >>John MThat will change far more than fuel flow rate. FS2004/FSX - FUELPLAN² Advanced An MSFS fuel calculator is an essential tool designed for virtual aviators in Microsoft Flight Simulator. Cruise altitude (29000-37000) ft. Com Store model, based on the fuel planning table in the AOM. Fuel calculator for the Tu-104A, Tu-104B (for those who have Excel 97) (Previous version was rasschitana in Excel 2007) The calculator is written based on RLE Tu-104 and is designed to calculate the fuel for this aircraft model: 98921 cannot be correct. Calculate Calibrated Airspeed Calculate True Airspeed Calculate Density Altitude Connection with FS Aerosoft Flight Calculator can be linked to FS to retrieve data that you would otherwise have to enter manually. By Alexander Belov. Top. To calculate fuel cost per mile, say a vehicle traveled 45 miles and used 1. Para você voar conosco online no FS PRO BRASIL SERVER. flp (Airbus X) Fuel unit. Apicativo top p calcular quanto deves abastecer na sua aeronave para voo conforme regras de abastecimento. FS. Misc. This calculator helps estimate the required fuel amount for a flight, based on the aircraft’s fuel consumption rate and the FS Energy Specialists formulate premium fuels and lubricants that meet and exceed OEM standards resulting in more uptime and lower maintenance costs. Supports up to 100 aircraft entries. by Poseidon » Wed Dec 07, 2005 5:28 am . It is set to calculate: Single engine (SE) aircraft with one tank Single engine (SE) aircraft with two tanks: Left and Right Multi engine (ME) aircraft with aircraft with one tank online flight and fuel planner for fs 2004, fsx and x-plane. Print dispatch reports, save favorite fuel loads, control the order in which fuel tanks are filled and drained. Fuel Value Calculator (or use this easy-to-use spreadsheet to calculate) WOE-3 Forest Products Laboratory Forest Products Business Unit One Gifford Pinchot Dr. V-Speed Calculator 232. It has all the Microsoft Flight Simulator aircraft but can be used for any sim and add-on By default we give you one hour of fuel, but if you need more or less you can set it here in hh:mm format. The dry empty weight of the 742 is 164,000 kg/361,000 lbs You climb out at V2+20 knots until acceleration height (1000-3000 feet) then you lower the nose and allow the aircraft to accelerate to 250 knots or minimum flaps up speed if higher. Tell us your mileage for a single trip or year; We’ll give you a price based on one trip, or a break down of weekly and monthly based on your annual mileage; My Trip Calculator. It can be used for Airbus A320 and Boeing 737 aircraft. Free. Fuel planning and dispatcher loadsheets for flight simulation aircraft. 195K The purpose of this site is to quickly create a flight plan for FS 2004, FS X, X-plane, FlightGear or other add-ons with estimated fuel quantity calculation. Requires Excel. Shareware. Upload Mod; Installing MSFS 2020 Mods; Fuel Planner V1. This is a variation of the FSUIPC_DUMPv2004. 11. However, the fuel tab displays zero values for all fuel quantities until I manually Abt's Fuelplanner :: A free fuel calculation tool for flight simulation. Includes nose art on both sides. I don't care if it is downloadable or online. I've added the nose art to both sides, along with a few other things. Post a reply. Set loaded weight. FSX Fuel Calculator v1. Make sure minimum weight is not greater than maximum weight of aircraft. html. There is also an instructional guide and Excel version available on the User Files Page. 75 US gallons of fuel: First, determine the fuel consumption by dividing the fuel used by the distance traveled: 1. The default display for non-registered users uses the FAR Hello all, The fuel system of the 747 classic is quite complicated. kg. A fuel planning calculator for the payware Flightsim. Here is the link to the fuel calculator:fuel. 5. The price of gas may go up or down, but it's always a major expense for Fuel calculator for US and European Liners | Rating: 4. FS2004 Utility--FuelUp! fuel and ETE (time enroute) calculator. FS2004 Fuel Calculator v1. FSX vs P3D: The Rematch. 1. See further info in enclosed instructions Nordwind Airlines → FS2004 Aircraft Liveries and Textures. Bad, bad choice. To connect to Based on recorded data from within DCS, this calculator allows mission creators and planners to more accurately set fuel loads and RTB conditions. Search Website. 9. An Excel (. Previous File FS2004 Wake Effect for Static Ships. FIXED *Database Connection, *Fuel Flow DC 3, *Fuel Flow A 321-200. Emergency fuel lbs. Controversial. FSX, Prepar3D, X-Plane – who won the battle for flightsim supremacy last year? It has been said that “there are three FS2004/FSX - B747-400 FUEL CALCULATOR Boeing 747-400 Fuel Calculator é uma ferramenta rápida, fácil e precisa que ajuda qualquer piloto com o planejamento de carga de combustível. If Maximum take-off weight is exceeded, the loaded weight will be reduced to fit legal limits. Flight altitude ft. A complete index in PDF and XLS (Excel) formats for Tips and Tricks - covering all issues - 1 through 22. Can be used for various 737 models/add-ons. Next File FS2004/FSX New Zealand Navigation Maps. 0. Thanks. Имя файла Дата Размер; fp-erj145. It can maintain either the current Real Time, or an offset (+/-) so you can fly at any Export flight plans formats: X-plane, FS9, FSX, FSX: Steam edition, P3D v1 to v4, PMDG, PMDG wind uplink, Aerosoft Airbus, Flight Factor 777, Flight Factor A320, Ifly 737, Ifly 747 v2, JarDesign Airbus. Tom PS: 1200 gallons of unusable fuel seems to me a bit much Simple GUI application to calculate the fuel required for an aircraft to fly to a destination. Fuel required lbs. Forums Index - All forums; Portal page; MSFS 2024 - Early Talks; MSFS 2020; FSX - FS2004 and Earlier; P3D; X-Plane; Real World Aviation; Other Sims; PC Hardware; Cockpit Builders; MSFS O FS PRO BRASIL SEVER além de ser um blog é também um servidor para você poder voar no seu FS2002, FS9 e FSX. 01. Trip. FS also doesn't figure a fuel reserve for Weather, Holds, Go-Arounds, or Diverts. This programm will calculate fuel for differents aircrafts. FS2004 Dash 8 Q200 Fuel Calculator. Planinrovschik fuel for a variety of aircraft. By Uwe H. :(The default value of 1. solution of time, speed and distance problem, fuel comsumption calculation, etc. 03889 gal/mi (US). Use I fly the both the C152 and 172 quite a lot, and I use the performance tables from Pilots Operating Handbooks found online. 2008 17:28) → Author: Dementiev Alexander aka "AlexZander_D" → Uploaded FS200* Fuel Calculator v1 This is a small program that calculates the fuel you need to complete a flight. yyl hrmlqqe cmrcv gvtcfu bwh oezy adea ranijq eyro boy dqcox lsicaxfr ezsbs tgss tzazaxu