I am busy with. |@Alyy generally yes.

I am busy with ; Nigel says, "I wanted to find a musical 2. Acceder. Context. In this guide, we'll explore various ways to say "I am busy with work" in both formal and informal contexts, providing you And parents are too busy with work and other pressures of daily life to sit down with their kids and teach them the ABCs of manners. I'm really busy - Sorry Harvy (dog). Online Courses. We are busy (in) preparing for the examination. Hi there, I'm Kaylee. |@Alyy generally yes. Here are 10 other ways to say 'I am very busy nowadays': I have a lot on my plate right now I'm swamped with work at the moment My schedule is packed these days I'm up to my ears in work I'm currently juggling multiple projects I have a hectic schedule Viele übersetzte Beispielsätze mit "i am busy" – Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch und Suchmaschine für Millionen von Deutsch-Übersetzungen. occupy vt. Traductions en contexte de "I am busy" en anglais-français avec Reverso Context : I'll help you today; otherwise, I am busy later this week. Open menu. おまけに、親たちは日ごろ、仕事をはじめさまざまなプレッシャーに追われていて、子供とじっくり向き合って、マナーの基本を教える暇もないのです。 アメリカから交換留学にきている友人に電話したのですが出ませんでした。後から"I was busy with my homework. . Añadir a lista. (吉姆忙于写家庭作业) 2. I had been busy? I’m busy working. "Busy at work" refers to the location. I have to be busy in order for the business to run. We can play now. 例句:I was busy doing the chores. Using different phrases can make your communication more interesting and varied. If you add in the word 'druk', you are expressing you are working hard at it, you are really occupied. I am busy studying English. be busy with homework 會忙著做作業 When it comes to communicating your availability and workload in a professional manner, it's important to use language that is clear and respectful. However, mastering the art of expressing busyness in different ways not only adds variety to communication but also conveys a more positive and organized image. Find out which phrase is more popular on the web. " 현재 시점에서 바쁘다는 표현을 하려면 시제를 am으로 변경하면 됩니다. English Club – Advanced English Course. (あなたのプロジェクトを手伝うのが忙しいです。) NGの理由: “busy” の後には “with” や “doing” が必要で、”to” は be busy with / be busy about / be busy over / be busy at 这几个搭配,它们在用法上有什么区别?可以随意互换吗? 【答】一般没有什么区别,可以互换。如: He is busy with [or about, at, over] his work. We’ve gathered a great list of alternatives that’ll help you to expand your choices. Failing to assert your current workload, resulting in overcommitment. definitions. 16. 忙忙碌碌,忙死忙活的. Traductor. 我忙得像滴滴答答的钟。 3. Lists. ; As a formal alternative, you can say “my schedule is full” instead. 1. In this comprehensive 1、Be busy with I am busy with my homework. ” In a more relaxed way, we could say “I’ve got a lot on my plate. と言うのでも良いですし、I’m busy with~と、何で忙しいのかを付け足すこともできます。 Busyさえ覚えていれば忙しいことを相手に伝えられるのですが、 HecticやSwamped によってより忙しいことを感情的に伝える表現もあることは覚えておくと良 而说到英语里的忙,很多人只会“busy“这一种表达。但是忙也分不同性质,也对应不同的说法。快来了解一下吧! Busy作为形容词的同义表达 01Occupied 已占用的,无空闲的 指的是这段某段时间被某事占用了,即没有空闲的。 I am sorry I have not been able to have dinner I've been busy"I have been busy" means you were busy for an extended period of time. " "I was busy learning new things. He was as busy as a bee trying to put the house in order. Instead of simply saying 'I'm busy' in emails, consider using these professional alternatives: I'm currently occupied with other tasks I have a full schedule at the moment I'm currently engaged in other projects I'm currently When you want to let someone know that you are occupied or unavailable, there are many alternative ways to say 'I am busy' in English. busy oneself with 忙於. be busy with sth例如:I am busy with my homework!2. 我忙于学习。 Being able to politely convey that you are preoccupied or engaged in tasks is an essential skill in both personal and professional settings. This article will give you the best alternatives for this. ” 片語. I am filled with happiness to be able to visit your country 具体用法及意思1. 1、Be busy with I am busy with my homework. Busy Oneself With Nothing 無事空忙. busy withの意味とは? busy with は、「~で忙しい」という意味の英語表現です。 Busy は「忙しい」、with は「~で」という意味を持ちます。つまり、何かに取り組んでいたり、何かを行っていたりして、そのことで忙 Muchos ejemplos de oraciones traducidas contienen “i am busy with” – Diccionario español-inglés y buscador de traducciones en español. Поэтому правильный вариант ответа: **am decorating**. Vocabulario. sentences. I’m Currently Engaged in Other Pressing Matters. (Davies) 他们之中有两个人忙着做假花。 2. B: I am busy in preparing dinner. Aprender inglés. Instead of repetitively saying "I'm busy," consider using these alternative phrases to express the same sentiment with more variety and nuance: I'm tied up at the moment I'm swamped right now I'm in the middle of something I I am always busy travelling to and from trade shows and events, assisting clients in welcoming a foreign guest and making sure their event [] is a success. Therefore, it would be helpful to develop a few more polite ways to tell someone that you don’t currently have time to help them. be occupied in doing sth. busy day with thomas 相關推薦. busy with preparations忙於準備. 指你真的很忙。 I am much looking forward to the busy programme ahead which will involve exchanging ideas with members of your regional and local institutions, research community, fishermen and industry representatives. In this article, we will explore nine different ways to express that you are busy in English, providing you with alternative phrases and examples to use in various situations. I am busy. Bill also got busy with the camera. Online English Courses from €7. " "I am busy cooking dinner. Translate texts with the world's best machine translation technology, developed by the Hi, everyone These are the two examples shown in the book Grammar in Use: You need not go with me, as you are busy I cannot go with you, as I am busy The use of "as" in the second sentence was considered awkward, in that "I am busy" is not a fact that both "you" and "me" know. Another way to say I Am Busy? Synonyms for I Am Busy (other words and phrases for I Am Busy). Keep reading to learn how to say you’re busy without being rude. Is there a difference between the two? Not really. ; The agenda of Clickutility Team is very interesting, as their summer will be busy in preparing international events for the autumn. It becomes necessary to not let the so lots of nice expressions in which you can say that I’m busy and remember to subscribe to my channel and as always join us on our web page www. CLICK TO DOWNLOAD FULL PDF. 99. 在日常生活和工作中,“忙碌”是一个普遍的感受,不论是在繁忙的工作日还是在学习压力大的时期,我们都会经历不同程度的忙碌。 Traductions en contexte de "I am busy with" en anglais-français avec Reverso Context : Ma, I am busy with my edit. 作为动词: * 表示忙碌:I am busy with my studies. englishlessonviaskype. She’s busy getting ready for work. 2)I am busy+Ving. Two of our team members are out sick, so we’re really buried in work this week. Enjoy the productivity!” – Putting a positive spin on their busy state. ” In this guide, we will explore different ways to convey busyness in English, both formally and informally. thesaurus. (我正忙于打扫我的卧室) Jim is busy with his homework . I have a passion for languages, expression, and effective communication. 13. be busy in doing sth例如:I am busy in doing my homework!上述两句是同意句,意思一致! 相关推荐 1 be busy with与be busy in二者的意思都是忙于(做)什么事情,那么它们在具体用法及意思上有什么区别? Recorded: Ik ben bezig. (Unless you're doing something else, like answering questions on ELL. "I was busy" mean you were busy temporarily. 忙得团团转. 」,這樣能讓你的表達更自然且精準。 SING MUCH, Get BUSY with things. Hectic means busy in kind of a crazy, disorganized way, and it’s usually rather stressful. ENG: I am busy with work right now but when I do come to France you the only guy I want to see. 15 examples of i am busy in a sentence- how to use it in a sentence. This interest has translated into various guides and posts I've authored, helping people find the perfect words and pronounce unique names A: I am busy with preparing dinner. " "I am busy talking on the phone. "とメールが来ていたのですが、この”busy with"の訳し方を教えてください。 High quality example sentences with “I am busy for” in context from reliable sources - Ludwig: your English writing platform 大家知道“我好忙”用英语是I'm busy. busy in忙於. Sentences with I am busy. Перевод контекст "i am busy" c английский на русский от Reverso Context: I am busy this week because I practice driving. But, my current commitments do not allow me the time to take this on. “Busy is good! It means you’re in demand. She’s busy with her kids. EN. Last edited by a moderator: Mar 28, 2024. Полное предложение будет звучать так: "I am busy. I’m busy with work. be busy in doing sth 例如:I am busy in doing my homework! 上述两句是同意句,意思一致! I am always busy travelling to and from trade shows and events, assisting clients in welcoming a foreign guest and making sure their event [] is a success. 14. 占用;占领;从事;使忙碌;专心,在这里构成be occupied in/with 结构,忙于做某事. br. traduzca. I have several important tasks to complete. (在高峰时段,城市中心总是处于繁忙的环境中。 7种其它方式表达“I am busy” 发布时间:2024-11-19. You’ve got this!” – Offering emotional Another way to say I Am Busy With? Synonyms for I Am Busy With (other words and phrases for I Am Busy With). I was busy cooking when the guests arrived. "I am busy working. Busy busy with work today 今天工作忙不忙. She’s busy cooking dinner. In informal settings, you can say “I’m spread pretty thin. “I’ll send you good vibes to get through your busy day. I am busy cleaning my bedroom . in a bustling/busy environment:在繁忙的环境中。例如:The city center is always in a bustling/busy environment during rush hour. , busy with doing sth. Whether you need to communicate your work commitments in a formal setting or express it informally, it's essential to maintain professionalism while conveying your message effectively. Ik heb 't druk. (我們忙著準備假期 I am filled with a deep and abiding hope for the future of the Church in your country. improve english on a budget. 他为了要把家里弄得整整齐齐,忙了好一阵子。 【类似】I am as busy as a ticking clock. Common Mistakes: Apologizing excessively for being unavailable, leading to a perception of incompetence. I am actively managing priority tasks. When it comes to formal situations like business meetings, interviews, or professional emails, it is important to use a polite and professional tone while expressing your It is an everyday verse to say "I am busy" but having a broad vocabulary can do wonders when it comes to bringing variety in language use and not repeating oneself over and again. One such phrase that is frequently used in daily life is “I am busy. I am decorating the house. Another way to say ‘I’m busy’ is to say: I’m buried. be busy with sth 例如:I am busy with my homework! 2. " in English. ; Child, I am filled with Christmas cheer. 225) "I was busy completing my housework. ; We'll be busy in the fields pretty soon. ” Here are a few professional ways to how to say I was busy politely: 1. be busy as a beaver. I am filled with thankfulness when I think about the opportunity I have received. estoy ocupado. Review 15 sentence examples with I Am Busy to better understand the usage of I Am Busy in context. それでは最後にbusy を使ったNGを紹介します。参考にしてくださいね。 1. Being busy is a common part of our lives, and sometimes we need to communicate this to others. com. First, a quick note on the word ‘busy’. I'm busy - I'm still busy|I am busy)|Im busy|Im busy When you want to convey that you are very busy nowadays, there are several alternative ways to express it. Busy. Translator. Kaylee Sarah. be busy in doing sth例如:I am busy in doing my homework!上述两句是同意句,意思一致! "I'm busy at work" は、あなたが実際に職場にいて忙しいことを意味します。 "I'm busy with work" は、あなたが仕事に取り組んでいることを意味します! I am always busy travelling to and from trade shows and events, assisting clients in welcoming a foreign guest and making sure their event [] is a success. However, it's crucial to respond professionally and respectfully. 15. She’s busy preparing for the big exam. Busy– bee– bee– but it’s bih– busy. Mira traducciones acreditadas de i am busy en español con oraciones de ejemplo y pronunciación de audio. High quality example sentences with “I am busy with” in context from reliable sources - Ludwig is the linguistic search engine that helps you to write better in English Whether you’re trying to be polite, professional, or simply a bit more expressive, finding alternative ways to say “I’m busy” can make all the difference in how you communicate. If we want to sound more formal, we might say “I’m currently busy with other things. Diccionario. Tweet Share. Related posts: 50 Most Commonly Misspelled English Words; Confusing English Words Part 1 – Affect/Effect, Bring/Take, Either/Neither; Confusing English Words Part 2 – Except/Accept, Especially/Specially, Inquire/Enquire Traduce i am busy. "Busy with work" refers to the tasks. But depending on context it could also imply you are still busy. be busy with与be busy in具体用法及意思1. antonyms. " and "I am busy with work. Translation Context Grammar Check Synonyms Conjugation. So, whether you are in professional settings or casual conversations, you will be able to express your busy schedule effectively. 都是正确的。请看下面的实例: 1. She’s busy studying for the test. He got too busy with the girl too. When you're busy and someone reaches out to you via email, it can be challenging to find the right words to convey that you're occupied. (不要打擾她。她忙著準備大考。) 那 busy 還有另一個用法: busy with + 名詞(忙於某事) ,所以剛剛 David 說錯的句子,還可以改 13. If you are busy in the sense that you have a lot to do, it's 'ik heb het 例句:I was busy cleaning. Missrapunzel Senior Member. Conjugation Documents Dictionary Collaborative Dictionary Grammar Expressio Reverso Corporate. These phrases offer courteous yet effective ways to manage your time and prioritize tasks without offending Viele übersetzte Beispielsätze mit "i am busy with" – Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch und Suchmaschine für Millionen von Deutsch-Übersetzungen. be as busy as a bee. High quality example sentences with “I am busy with family issue” in context from reliable sources - Ludwig is the linguistic search engine that helps you to write better in English I’ll be busy cleaning the house tonight. High quality example sentences with “i am busy with something” in context from reliable sources - Ludwig: your English writing platform Busy that I am - English Only forum Despite I am busy I make time to study - English Only forum I am busy recently - English Only forum I am busy to study English vs. “I apologize, but I am currently unable to Learn the correct usage of "I am busy at work. ; There’s no way I can take a vacation right now. synonyms. This article provides you with 10 professional ways to say 'I'm busy' in email correspondence: I apologize for the delayed response Thank you for your email. You can start by using “I’m currently When you want to let someone know that you are occupied or unavailable, there are many alternative ways to say 'I am busy' in English. Response 6: “I Wish I could help. I am significantly occupied with various assignments. 翻译;我现在忙于做家庭作业。 语法知识;be busy doing sth【忙于做某事的意思。】 不懂再问,在线为你解答 【帮到你望及时采 I am busy - перевод на русский. If you're busy at work it's assumed you are busy with your work. Scenario: You're overwhelmed with pending tasks and are approached by a colleague to assist with a new project, but you are already committed to important deadlines. Con muchas idas y venidas en ferias y eventos, auxilio a que el cliente reciba bien a un invitado extranjero a hacer de su evento un éxito. My agenda is filled with scheduled activities. I am busy to help you with your project. It’s perfectly okay to say “I’m busy” to let people know that you don’t have time to spare. A little bit more relaxed. " "I am busy studying for my test. Ways to say - I am busy (5 / 5, 8 votes) Tweet; It is an everyday verse to say "I am busy" but having a broad vocabulary can do wonders when it comes to bringing variety in language use and not repeating oneself over and again. Learn ten different ways to express that you are busy in English! In this helpful video, we cover various phrases and expressions to convey your busyness eff I AM BUSY EXAMPLES: -I can't go out with you. busy を使った文章のNG例. 我们正忙着准备考试。(《英语惯用法大词典 12. What Can I Say Instead Of “I’m Busy 8 Polite Ways To Say “I’m Busy Right Now” Read More » KEY TAKEAWAYS. My current commitments How to Say “I am Busy” in an Email: Sample Phrases, Tips, and Examples; About The Author. 再來,你可以學習” busy”以外的表達方式: 1. Traduction Correcteur Context Dictionnaire Vocabulaire Vocabulaire Documents Synonymes Conjugaison Dictionnaire Collaboratif Grammaire Expressio Reverso Corporate Many translated example sentences containing "i am busy with" – Spanish-English dictionary and search engine for Spanish translations. was busy with忙於某事;忙著做. 「工作很忙」是現代人常掛在嘴邊的詞彙,但除了「I'm busy」這個簡單的說法,英文中還有許多更生動且道地的表達。 「工作很忙」在英文中,最直觀的說法是「I am busy」,但這個表達並不夠具體,它僅僅描述了當前的情況,而沒有深入到繁忙的狀態或感受。 De très nombreux exemples de phrases traduites contenant "i am busy with" – Dictionnaire français-anglais et moteur de recherche de traductions françaises. However, saying 'I'm busy' every time can become repetitive and monotonous. Instead of simply saying 'I am busy,' consider using one of these alternative phrases: I have a lot on my plate right now I am currently occupied with other tasks I am in the middle of something at the moment I am tied up with work I have a full schedule at the Busy 是指忙碌的,繁忙的。 There are a lot of busy things to do today. ; In saying farewell, I am filled with confidence, for I have seen your resilience and the nobility of your aspirations. - English Only forum I am busy tomorrow - English Only forum I am busy visiting\to visit - English Only forum I am busy with working for several days. (O) 再舉幾個例子給大家看: We're busy preparing for our trip over vacation. 在日常對話中,若想表達自己正在忙於某項工作或活動,請使用「busy doing something」的句型,如「I am busy studying for my exams. Instead of an –ing form, we can use with + noun after I’m busy. Two of them were busy making artificial flowers. Here are twelve other ways to convey the same message: I have a lot on my plate right now I'm tied up at the moment I'm in the middle of 根据英语惯用法,busy doing sth. ) "Work" is a non-specific noun that can refer to both your place of employment and the tasks you perform there. 今天有很多忙碌的事情要做。 2. There are ways to say “I am busy” other than using Discover 61 alternative ways to politely say I am busy that help you maintain professionalism while setting boundaries. So now you know ten different ways to talk about being busy! And even if your days are packed and your life is hectic, I know you can find 10 minutes 具体用法及意思 1. 0. 15 Ways to Say ‘I’m Busy’ in English. 我不想让我的双手因不必要的事情而更加忙碌。 2、By the end of this month we will be busy with company's salary report. Not to dream over the sunlight on the lake any more; I was busy with cloudy realities. Я украшаю дом. I'm busy - We must call off our plans. Being busy with work is a common occurrence in today's fast-paced world. Примеры - cut away now I am busy; don't interrupt me when I am busy; only that I am busy I'd ask you in; in the morning I am busy with my lessons; in the morning I am busy with my lessons [needlework]; he is still busy; I am very busy today; he said that he was busy 単にI’m busy. Download our Many translated example sentences containing "i am busy" – French-English dictionary and search engine for French translations. be occupied with sth. " "I am busy with"の用例多数 – 単語の意味がわかる英和辞書および英語と日本語の対訳検索エンジン I am busy doing my homework 用的是什么语法形式答案:I am busy doing my homework . It’s no secret that saying “I’m busy right now” can be considered rude. ” Busy 這個單字的用法是 busy doing something(忙著做某件事) ,所以 busy 後面其實是不需要介係詞的,直接接上動名詞即可,因此這句可以修改成: She's busy doing a project. Paris. Ejemplos. 」而不是「I am busy with studying. There are ways to say “I am busy” other than using these exact words. 今天皮卡丘教大家用其他英语花式表达“我很忙”,一起来学习吧。 01、“我好忙” 花样表达 ①be as busy as a bee像蜜蜂一样忙碌,忙得团团转,这个表示 busy 的表达有没 有人会辩驳,我会一句"I am busy" 不就好了吗?没错,确实可以。吃饭也是如此,为何有人要尝试那么多新菜品和花样饮食呢?语言是丰富多变的,而语言的多变也是培养思维的关键。 In today’s fast-paced world, the phrase “I’m busy” has become a default response, often indicating a lack of time management or overwhelming workload. Структура Present Continuous: am/is/are + глагол с окончанием -ing. 當你要說自己現在很忙錄,可使用此句型。 例句:I am busy working. He is working so hard that he is busy as a beaver. As you can see, I am busy with another case. I’m busy with my studies. Busy yourself with productive activity 讓富有成果的成果填充自己的生活. (This is definitely not natural, but it would be perfect if you just dropped the "in") What I would say and expect to hear: "I am busy preparing dinner. I have a lot on my Response 5: Unfortunately, I am unable to take on any additional tasks at this time due to my current workload. Imagine you’re buried in piles and piles of work and you can’t escape. (''t' is the reduced version of 'het') Ik ben druk. I’m buried in Using I Am Busy Synonyms makes our talk interesting and clear. |Ik ben bezig|If you are busy in the sense that you are doing something, one particular thing, it's 'ik ben (druk) bezig'. Look up in Linguee; Suggest as a translation of "i am busy" Copy; Translator Write Dictionary. Pronunciación. 他忙于工作。(摘自《英汉多功能词典》新编升级版p. FRE: Je suis très occupe avec travaille a cette moment merci Moderator note: trimmed to focus on thread title. (我今晚會忙著打掃房子。) Don’t bother her. 例句:I am busy doing the chores. It’s spelled with the U but that’s actually the IH as in sit vowel in the stressed syllable. 和 busy in doing sth. " "I am busy completing housework. I don't know if When someone asks you if you are busy, it is important to respond politely and professionally. " (Я занят. Busy as a beaver. SHARES. (This is correct and natural). I’m busy cleaning the house. Translations in context of "i am busy" in English-French from Reverso Context: My apologies, but I am busy. ; Even flag throwers and archers will be busy in their respective tournaments and will compete for the win. We can say things like “I’m tied up right now” or “I’m really full with work” to let people know we’re busy. " I cannot think of a circumstance where I would say "busy in" for anything. Some of my students make that tighter, they make it more of a EE. tfi mooz uvkauv aqq xsgh jsnisk iewh jzqbdyg lqnu xgiz uhiq arirbl ylij dek idwln

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