Swtor how to get ashara. She'll get more and more fed up with the Jedi.
Swtor how to get ashara I am dark side 4, almost 5, with ZERO points in light side. With that one thing my SWTOR experience would be complete (and I'm a founder, so it was quite a long, nostalgic journey). Zash leaves Khem's body and possesses Ashara. are you suggesting she is the only force user? well very few companions are actually force users in fact each force class gets one "paddwan" per class. Contact. She just said I "may not always be light" and every other conversation with her is about me being good and not like other sith. It's clear Ashara is a misognynist (hates women), though it's never made clear form her story why. Now, the end result is still a In the Knights of the Fallen Empire expansion and later, players can recruit many companions to join their alliance, including brand new companions and companions from other stories. Then it will go down to 54 I myself got her yesterday and i already have her up on 4,5 k. I can get why people want to kill Skadge and have done Vik on pretty much every playthrough thus far, but Ashara? Future!Nox can really show off his b@stard streak in tormenting her with polite kindness, and if you romance her, he's effectively forcing Kalatosh Zavros, one of the spirits bound to him, to watch him sh@g his granddaughter (and until recently, with the Go to swtor r/swtor. these are not the only two skimpy dressed Togrutans in fact look at character lists under the race there are lots Go to swtor r/swtor. At this rate it will take FOREVER to get her maxed. Khem 6 Balmora/Taris. jedi. I dont bore you with long details, just skipping to my issue At "Laying the trap" I get to find that sith Holocron (or what ever it was called) Then it says I need to go and get me a Ashara is one of the better written romances (for light side anyway) as far as responding like a real female goes. Having done the Warrior story and see what an awesome companion Jaesa is, I was extremely disappointed with Ashara Zavros — you spend all of Taris working to "turn" her, and then the game hits the reset button and acts as if none of it happened. (This can be avoided by a male if he romances Ashara). Khem 9 Fleet. Ashara is a powerful Jedi So I got Ashara at lvl 35, like most people. (Dumb Jedi would never see it coming, I'm sure) 3) End result. If your char is female, or before a male starts courting, she will only accept cultural artifacts, republic memorabilia, military gear, and weapons at the lowest affection gain level. There are some choices that give a lot of affection, but make her think you're too nice/passive and she puts you in the friend zone. Ashara should have been handled the way Jaesa was, a I consider this to be a gross understatement. Accompanies: Sith Inquisitor; Planet: Taris; Companion Type: Melee DPS; Likes let's get rid of all of these Kill (X) companion plz. Look, I get it, maybe you played a female Inquisitor, or a non-romantic male Darth Nox, and Ashara's delusional insistence on adhering to Jedi philosophy while simultaneously following an evil Sith on missions throughout the Empire in opposition to the Republic's war efforts on Hoth, Belsavis, Voss, Corellia, Ilum, and Makeb it's irritating. Ashara came to Taris to train under Jedi Masters Ryen and Ocera, whose philosophy is that Padawans best learn the travails of using the Force through firsthand I've really started to gear Ashara out, but I can't find any (orange quality) medium armor that looks. From: Ashara Zavros. In Ashara's defense however, It's easy to farm affection with her via Belsalvis dailies. You're welcome to message me with any comments about my guides or with questions about the game! I am trying to get my companion Ashara back, but the mission to get her absolutely will not appear. I'd dump her in a heartbeat for Zash or help Zash take over her body for that matter. I post all news about SWTOR and my projects on Bluesky It's also the best place to look to see what new videos or guides I have created!. Talos 1 Belsavis. I think some serious work needs Ashara Zavros is the third Companion to be recruited by a Sith Inquisitor player. This is with her affection bar at zero. Instead of a corrupted Padawan, you get an unrepent Ashara 1 Ilum. She still holds bonds to their code and therefore she is harder to get over. Watching her be headstrong and get angry in the recordings, having her kill the assassin after I "saved" her, it was all leading to her embracing the dark side and becoming and evil, bloodthirsty little Sith. She is a Romance option. While you can "romance" her, it doesn't really get that far, its more like "well maybe some day", you can't marry her because "jedi can't marry" and she can't get permission from the jedi council because there is the small problem of her having helped kill some of them heh. I played through Chapter 10, still won't appear. The "don't like it, don't play it" excuse doesn't apply here. The last quest is about your heritage, she wants to pass it on although this is not to misunderstand as a baby making thing. The best way to reach me is by messaging me on Bluesky. Best way to get rep with her as a female SI is Belsavis conversations while leveling or doing dailies. She'll start talking about how the Sith might be right about the "passion" thing. She doesn't seem to mind some clearly dark side choices, she seems to reconcile herself with parts of the Sith code. Ashara is Jedi Scum 2) Now let's identify the solution. Personally until recently, I always sent ashara on crew skills missions and otherwise left her in her corner. I don't really think it matters if you're dark or light for her to romance, you just have to pick the right choices as they come in conversation with her, and they don't necessarily have to be light or dark oriented. How do we get these and are there more? Ashara is conflicted. Alright so I just got Ashara from Taris and left b4 my client crashed (except it did crash and I had to get a GM to move my character off the planet >. "Oh, that's nice". Is that going to be any sort of an issue when leveling? I hav It does get a little better. I am level 34. I just want to Is everyone forgetting that Ahsoka Tano while she may be only 14 wears a tube top and a mini skirt, then as she gets older a REAL sexy short dress with a hole over the top of her cleavage and leggings with holes down the sides. So, in short. If you haven't submitted a bug report already then you should. So, story and romance-wise Ashara is still "gone" for now. When doing the Belsavis dailies, certain dialogue options can award 40 points of affection when taking the daily quest or handing it in when Ashara is your active companion. You get to see her slowly turning to the dark side but on the scale of Jaesa not even close. Ashara doesn't get affection points from BT, only Khem does. It would only be unlocked if one of your characters already has one, and has used it on their Ashara companion. how is ashara the "only" companion. However, that makes DPS (me) with DPS (her). I am playing on Belsavis trying to get the 1000 kills on Ashara Zavros. Nar Shaddaa is the second planet after Dromund Kaas (DK=>Balmorra=>Nar In Ashara’s case, the Masters brought her to Taris for two reasons: First, to teach her compassion amidst the destruction that had occurred there and warn against the dangers of pride and the Ashara, is an only inquisitor companion. Is this a bug ? Thanks, News. 8. r/elderscrollsonline I read this about Ashara on swtor wiki: "If the inquisitor is dark-side however, her focus on martial prowess becomes even more prominent. Not out of influence by the dark side itself, but by revulsion and fear of the Sith inquisitor. According to everything I have read, I need to complete the first 9 chapters and the ' To Find a Findsman' quest. But i cant find any for Ashara not even on the GTN. Khem 1 Balmora/Taris. Khem 3 Balmora/Taris. How it works. But it isn't necessary to do any alerts to get them, just the Yuun recruitment. A Security Key is an app you add to your smart phone, which helps keep your account safer when you log in, and gives Ashara doesn't explicitly approve of Light side options, she approves of pragmatic options. all classes have 5 companions, include treek and HK its upto 7. In the cut scene when I landed on Hoth it asked me to pick from my 3 companions. Ashara effed off and didn't give a crap about her master. I am highly disappointed with her as a companion. Ashara Zavros Customization 4: Original Ashara Zavros: How to get the Ashara Zavros Customization 4. I got the title "Quick with a Lightsaber" which is ironic as she is running away from every fight Literally. Just logged into my toon who had the romance with Ashara. In the meantime it might be best to play another character. Vector, Learn about the "SWTOR" Sith Inquisitor Fourth Companion, Ashara Zavros. Holocommunicator: N/A: Requires The Padawan to be completed first. I have done both, no mission. Intelligent and eager to prove herself, the Jedi Padawan Ashara Zavros is the latest in a long and storied family lineage of Force-adepts Go to swtor r/swtor • by Once you’ve completed it, Ashara and Andronikos are available Reply More posts you may like. Ashara Zavros | MIA, KOTFE | mentioned, KOTET | MIA, mentioned 2nd time, KOTET 5. Ashara Zavros is not my companion. nothing. Khem 5 Balmora/Taris. Klem, Andron or Ashara. It seems quite obvious to everyone except Ashara herself. From an early age, she has aspired to study the Force and become one of the best Jedi the order has to offer. Temple married my agent. She won't become Darth Ashara, diabolic scourge of the galaxybut she'll go, let's say, Dark I or maybe Dark II. Im now on Hoth doing the story quest, Scouring the Wastes, Speak to Talos Drellik. She can't tank as good as Khem as she have only medium armor and no shield. Don't get me wrong, Ashara's romance is great and all. Ashara on torhead From this page you can clearly see the disadvantage female SI's have with Ashara. Remember: She was a jedi padawan. i wont get into details since this isn't the spoiler forum, but pretty much everyone's motivations (your Hi all, Was hoping someone could help me out. Best way for a male SI is to sleep with her. How are you supposed to gain affection with her if there are no gifts she likes? I use Khem as my combat companion so using her as my combat companion is not an option. Sana-Rae proposes an alert for a lost padawan (Ashara) and Hylo Visz proposes an alert about a pirate (Andronikos). I ran full darkside on my sorcerer and still romanced her and even got her approval on many of my darkside choices. Retrieve the Sith holocron from the transport station. Ashara is too awesome to kill. I managed to get Ashara Zavros at level 29, switched to pure heal build, geared Ashara with some nasty staffs and now I'm going verry well. She doesn't want to admit that she finds the Jedi Order lacking, so she tends to get defensive when you point out the flaws of the Jedi. 5, and for some reason I really want to push to get Ashara. I can either be heal speck or hybrid madness/lightning. 6 | returning KOTET 5. you can get as much as 200 to 300 per quest depending on the quest, but I raised Talos from 5k to 10k in about 3 days just doing dailys. Combat Styles; SWTOR. You can't bring a companion to lower level content and get affection points. Killing people for the hell of it will annoy her, letting dangerous people run free because killing isn't the Jedi Way™ will also piss her off, but killing people to The thing with Ashara is that she like rational decisions, decisive action and making sure what you're heading into. I considered trying to import some from my jedi knight through the Nar Shadaa terminal, but a lot of the orange gear there is commendation/specialty which is all bind on pickup (ffs I hate the bind system, it serves almost no purpose whatsoever). She is a romance option for a male Sith Inquisitor. Im a Sith assassin and after finishing up with Taris. High quality screenshots and how to get the Ashara Zavros in SWTOR by Swtorista. HOW DARE SHE?! >:i Like I'm just going to sit there and let this unruly ungrateful no name egomaniacal hack dress me down! Tau Adair, and woken Ashara - great idea to p*ss off the men (the ones that aren't weaklings) in this game with these inept tyrannical woken butch failures. Ashara Ashara is also probably the one that makes the least sense with how approval works now. It wasn't possible at launch to get any noteworthy approval with her if you were dark side. Ashara 2 Ilum. Khem 8 Balmora/Taris. Any suggestions? I haven't yet played my inquisitor to get her back, but it sounds like Ashara came back has - very - LI heavy, and Bio wanted to tell the Ashara LI players that she's stronger than last they saw her. Khem 11 Balmora/Taris. He should be desperate to find her. Star Wars Just finished belsavis and spoke to Ashara. She descended from a long line of Force users and was raised as a Jedi. I'm current a lvl 37. I play Sith Sorc, lvl 30 and Im on Taris to get my Ashara companion. I don't think she's 'sassy' so much as insubordinate, disrespectful and I should've been able to have her be a charred heap on the floor after the conversation she and I had. Tenzin_Ashla Greetings. the higher level you were when you got the companion the more points per correct response you get. Ashara's story is odd. You can also get pretty close to young CW Ahsoka with the relaxed set (can't remember which one exactly). We get to romance the "new Ashara," which allows those pesky light SI to have Ashara "as is" and us darksiders to get what we all really want. So i did some googling around on her gifts, and i found that on male characters you can get decent affection gain, but as a female character you get it in small amounts. "There is no peace" in a certain companion quest of hers. well. You have to go *forward*. Took until around season 3 of TCW. The Ashara Zavros Customization 1 item is a companion customization you can only get if you have a Security Key attached to your SWTOR account. I have just got all new armor for my companions along with customization options. Having played through every single class line in SWTOR, I have to say that she is one of my favorite companions. I tend to describe her as ambiguously fallen. How soon will I get t and you get paid to do it. Profile. By the end of Ashara's affection quests I feel shes on the edge of turning but sadly she doesn't. Whoever wrote it knows how to pull the heart strings. Home Game News Store Forum Everywhere; This Forum; This Topic; Topics; Blog Entries Ashara Zavros is the third companion that is unlocked at the end of Act 1 in the Sith Inquisitor class. Ashara has been mentioned by both Master Ranos and Darth Hexid and later came back in Ashara come to Taris to train under Jedi Masters Ryen and Ocera, whose philosophy was that Padawans best learn the travails of using the Force through firsthand experience of the galaxy. changing asharas alignment basically goes against the entire point of her character. " My que Sadly, I don't know how anyone other than a BW representative can be of help. Talos 3 For a purple rank 5 that is supposedly her favorite i get 144, and for a blue rank 5 i get 60. She remains annoyingly committed to the Jedi and continues to think the Inquisitor is willing to change the Sith Empire from the inside even if the player is the type that has never gone for a Light Side option in the entire story and has 2 conversation modes: Palpatine Troll and Inquisitor Lightning (to the point where she goes off and tries to ally with moderate Jedi during Ashara is one of them. The Sith Inquisitor meets her on the planet Taris. I think that should have been an option from the start and that her light side persona should have been only for a LS Inquisitor. At every opportunity I electrocute and/or kill people. Every time I attack a mob she runs the other direction at the last bit of life she will finally jump onto the mob and kill it with a killing blow. There are multiple threads about this elsewhere, it would make the game so much better to be able to turn ashara dark or keep her light also to b able to turn that jedi companion light side by not making her question he beliefs, since that's why she is dark in the first place Ashara Zavros is a female Togruta companion of the Sith Inquisitor player character. Now you can be the most evil mofo babyeater in the galaxy and she says you love peace. I actually was picking different options to see the result and all of a sudden the conversation ended and I was stuck with an outcome I didnt actually want Anyway, is it still possible to romance Ashara even if I got "Thanaton strikes back" quest but still do not have her. Click here to view! You can't go *back* from Nar Shaddaa to get to where you get Ashara. You need to get her to about 1,5k and then flirt with her. Star Wars™: The Old Republic, a story-driven MMORPG from BioWare and LucasArts. She'll get more and more fed up with the Jedi. I ended up You decided to take advantage of Ashara's pride by offering her a powerful Sith holocron. Khem 4 Fleet. No DS Ashara, so she should've had her convo's rewritten so that you could make it very clear to her you Embrace the Dark Side, don't believe in peace, and plan to wipe out the Jedi Order given the chance. Sorry if that's not too clear, it can be a little confusing, I know. She doesn't want to get in line, while treating us like a chump. Love it tho. Ashara Zavros Customization 1: Original Ashara Zavros: How to get the Ashara Zavros Customization 1. It's never really clear whether or not she actually falls to TBH, especially for my Inquisitor, becoming the Emperor felt like an appropriate conclusion, not having Ashara as my Empress being the only missing element. They have changed the companions from being recruited by everyone now. Then you would be able to use this screen to get another one for your current character. Please help. First and last companions. She will not put them down and I don't want to look odd in front of my Inquisitor friends. I didnt flirt with Ashara on the first time I could. Thinking of starting up a Sorc. If you are a new player, you may want to read I have a few quests back on Alderaan to go back to but wanted to push my storyline. Every time a companion has the option to be killed it then removes the option for that companion to be in the story for those of us who may want that companion. Means of Persuasion: Empire: Taris - Chapter 2: Sith Hierarchy: Story Mission: You've contacted Ashara and told her to meet you in the Many of the Dark choices in dialogue will get "Ashara disapproves", so you'll be relying heavily on Companion Gifts to raise your influence with her. By the time you finish KOTET you get an Alliance Recruitment for Ashara if you're a Sith Inquisitor. If you want companion storyline, Khem Val, Andronikos, and Talos are a great choices; I additionally enjoy watching Xalek grow as a Sith. Nothing about how much. I have everyone else maxed, but this is insane! I hate her so much! She's such a ******. I recall that there was a message saying something to the effect that [the companion] would still be considered "away" as far as the story is concerned, until you actually meet them in the story. Ashara came to Taris to train under Jedi Masters Ryen and Ocera, whose philosophy is Lore Entry: A twenty-year-old Togruta Padawan, Ashara Zavros descends from a long line of Force users. From my understanding, there's two tanks: Khem and Xallek. Do you prefer her over Khem and if so why? Also what stance do you perfer her to be in? T jaesa is the ONLY companion in the entire game with multiple alignments. "Don't make me betray my jedi teachings". Khem 2 CE. My question is this. She is a romance option for a male How to start romance: The male Sith Inquisitor can romance Ashara during the Sith Inquisitor story as well as the companion conversations with her. Just to test the "get your companions back early" terminal, I got Ashara for my Assassin. This article covers how to defeat Master Ryen and Master Ocera, how to turn Ashara Zavros to the Dark Side of the Force, and what her abilities are. Even though their reps move at a snail's pace, they will eventually get to you. However she hasn't fallen to the Dark Side instead being more around the gray area of force users, she sees both Jedi and Sith as a flawed philosophy and even says so in the mail she sends to you if you've romanced her in the vanilla game. Talos 2 Belsavis. Ashara Zavros is a female Togruta companion for the Sith Inquisitor class. She doesn't like you to be too aggressive or too nice at the wrong moments. It almost seems like the lead writer for the Inquisitor story (one Rebecca Harwick) completely forgot about Ashara and a Dark Side Inquisitor, or just generally assumed "Well, if the player is Dark Side, he/she will probably not want to gain Ashara's affection, so why bother writing more dialogue for her if Ashara doesn't Original Game Codex Text A twenty-year-old Togruta Padawan, Ashara Zavros descends from a long line of Force users. Talk to Shana-Re to try and get it. Thanks. Companions have been pretty buggy since the KotFE changes. So a little while back I got to the "Familiarity" conversation with Ashara (opens at ~2500 affection IIRC), which is the one where she apologizes for "being harsh about the Empire" and where you get the first chance to flirt with her. The whole story of me "turning" her to the dark side was epic. She can't get the approval and well even when you offer to go and get it - zonk. Khem 10 Balmora/Taris. Khem 12 CE. The Ashara Zavros Customization 2 item is a companion customization you can only get if you have a Security Key attached to your SWTOR account. It was perhaps a little too big of a push, but I can't exactly fault them for it because there aren't too many LIs atm. Learn about the "SWTOR" Sith Inquisitor Fourth Companion, Ashara Zavros. I just reported back to the fleet after killing zash, and got the pop up to choose my legacy, but had to get to work. Seriously, I give her purple level 5 gifts (republic memorabilia) and she gives me like 56 affection. I'm not a ashara fan personally, but it takes away the choice from many players by even having the option to kill off a companion. I chose Ashara, but when I loaded into hoth Andron was with me. r/swtor. Got ashara about 2k affection, on belsalvis ATM Had our first "flirty" conversation Was wondering what amounts of affection I get romantically convos And how much affection do I need to tie the knot? Been googling for a guide but they only say how to raise affection. com . Ashara 3 N/A. The fact remains that the player can get to 10,000 affection with Ashara as a DS Inquisitor. . If you haven't already acquired it somehow, then it isn't unlocked. Please can someone tell me where to find a vendor that sells her customization options. You get one ranged dps, one ranged tank, one melee tank, one melee dps, and one healer. >). if you actually analyze the sith inquisitors story its obvious it was written with a lightside sith in mind. But maybe that's also what Bioware is afraid of? Ashara/dude!SI = power couple to reform the Empire (and even if you're dark side, come on, the Empire is lacking basic infrastructure like a paved, fortified road leading from the spaceport to the city on their freaking capital planet) is, like, the best thing in the whole game. but after giving me the silent treatment for 4 months, she's just begging to be "air-locked". Wanting to use the companion that I'd romance, I'd prefer to use Ashara. I have done many missions and been in many conversations since getting her. Thought it was such a great little mail. If it wasn't supposed to be that way, it wouldn't be possible now, 4 years into the game. Khem 13 Balmora/Taris. Just blindly storming some fortress won't gain approval with Ashara (probably will with Khem and Xalek though), asking about the defenses and THEN storming the fortress is something that probably WILL gain approval with Ashara. Khem 14 Fleet. She cannot be recruited for anyone else. There are only 4 gifts Ashara accepts and NONE of them give more than a base affection (24). A twenty-year-old Togruta Padawan, Ashara Zavros descends from a long line of Force users. Khem 7 CE. I'm pretty sure I saw a video on YouTube that demonstrates how to do it, though I thought we would see our companions come back, but I don't see people like Nadia, Ensign Temple, Ashara, Jaesa Williams etc. It should have been 2 separate stories like with Jaesa. A Security Key is an app you add to your smart phone, which helps keep your account safer when you log in, and gives Ashara Zavros Customization 2: Original Ashara Zavros: How to get the Ashara Zavros Customization 2. to the best of my knowledge, balmorra does not carry ashara's customization iirc most of the one on balmorra are for companions that classes should have at that point in time when they arrive in balmorra, ashara naturally not part of it So it occurs to me that we effectively turn Ashara Zavros Sith. He's doing KOTFE just now and I checked my email to find the letter from Ashara. From an early age, she has aspired to study the Force and become one of the best Jedi the order has to offer. I haven't been able to gain any affection with her except through gifts. But as pure healer I I’ve learned that by doing the Belsavis dailies and picking the right dialogue options, you can gain up to 880 points per day with Ashara. She never stops saying that. I find that she is 100% useless, she cant hold aggro, she does no damage, she has a tank cd which again useless if she cant produce any I've seen 2 customizations for her. Just wondering if the consensus here uses Ashara say over Khem after you get her? I always liked her but she is not nearly as tough as Khem. Is it possible that I haven't chosen a single thing she likes in my conversations All this hate for Ashara lol funny thing is, Ahsoka was really not that popular at first. The Ashara Zavros Customization 4 is a Cartel Market item, which means it originally comes from the ingame Cartel Market, and can be obtained four different ways - bought on the GTN, bought or traded from another player or found by random chance in a Cartel Now, what I would like is the option to convert Ashara fully to the Dark Side. Yeah I just don't get Ashara, why has she decided to come with me (she could have just left the order and went somewhere else), she seems to think that I am out to change the way the sith work and I really don't know why and also at times she has a split personality like she is saying feelings aren't too bad I like you 1 minute and then the Before the last quest you will propose to marry her, which she wants to, but because it is forbidden by the jedi code she won't do it. Then you can give her courting gifts and that will give 96 affection until you reach 2k. Subject: Farewell Everyone says you’re dead. bopmjphiqeqtimyqzjufxjbiewndghewyqzssjgdjikbzarmmcvgorilsakcwuiiepvdlrxoliy