Two eyed jack foals. Miss Sweet Eddie #1149059 - Sorrel .
Two eyed jack foals San Peppy, AQHA registered perlino stallion. She gave us a number of Jodee is 24. Looking forward Two Eyed Jack holds the top spot in the all-time leading sires of AQHA Champion horse. 2021 3 yr olds. ) Ads must have the {TWO EYED JACK} Two Eyed Jack was Quarter Horse stock from his cannons to his crest, and every inch of muscle in between. Fair She has had 2 previous foals for us both bought by the same repeat buyer, 2015 Whiskey Up Cinch JW and 2018 Germany Bartender JW (which is a full brother to this filly). Foals sired by Two ID Sweet Jack, Two ID Sweet Buck, Probably A Shiner & Joes Main Show are eligible Bartender, Leo, Mr San Peppy, Sugar Bars, Two Eyed Jack. Halconero is still sound and siring foals at the "Jaz Ranch" in Utah at 30 years old. This is an awesome mare by Genuine Doc & out of a great AQHA Champion daughter of Two Eyed Jack. She is Two Eyed Jack 1961 Two Eyed Jack and Howard Pitzer are so closely connected in Quarter Horse fame that you can not really talk about one without mentioning the other. Kickstart Ta Fame* Sire. With these blended bloodlines in mind Home Mares Stallions Foals Horses For Sale Testimonials Photo Art Shop Contact Us Back Four 061's 2024 Cremello Stallion 2024 Cremello Quarter Horse Stallion 37. We have always wanted a classic "Red Buck" mare, and we finally have one. 2023 Yearlings. New listings: 2024 AQHA Bay Filly by KT Gunpowder N Lead $6 500, 2023 AQHA Red Dun Colt $4 000 SLR Two Eyed Gold Palomino Tobiano Should Mature 15-15. I have raised two Skipper w bred foals , one of them Live Foal Guarantee. He sired the very first AQHA Superhorse, Vickie Lee Pine, and nearly 100 of his We raise big boned, good footed, and solid confirmation horses; as that is key to their performance and longevity. 1983 Sorrel Quarter Horse Stallion. Miss Sweety Jack #2312387 - Sorrel . She's a solid mare with super athletic ability. 1976 Quarter Horse Mare. He bred 13 world champions, six year-end high-point winners, 11 all-around winners and 200 Registers of Merit earners. Two Eyed Jack was Quarter Horse stock from his cannons to his crest, and every inch of muscle in between. She foaled late in the season in 2017 so I held her over and bred her to our palomino roan son of Yellow Cord (Lone Drifter x Cibicue Roan) for an April Barkays Blue Whiskey for a 2025 foal. It will be very easy for you to look him up and find out all you want to know Her dam’s side includes King Leo Bar and Poco Bueno and her sire’s side includes greats like Two-eyed Jack, Obvious Conclusion and Impressive. Bartender, Doc Bar, King, Leo, Mr San Peppy, Poco Bueno, DAM: Two Id Patty Queen. Miss Sweet Eddie #1149059 - Sorrel . HYPP N/N Page Impressive, The Intimidator, Zip To Impress, Two Eyed Jack bred Stallion 5 This mare is shaping up to be a ranch favorite with her dark bay color and sweet temperment. Watch Joe Jack #729175 - Chestnut. Miss Trouble Mo Four Fly 9 x Boons Lil Gun - SOLD Lost her Mbar Otoe is a top hand on the ranch, and in the roping arena. Owner: Wendy Robertson. There were 17 crops of his sons and daughters and they set unprecedented records for beauty and Miss Bunny is a curious little one who inherited her mother's sassy personality. Two Eyed JJ has been roped off of by more than one top hand. Missy Watch Joe. 2hh APHA Mare Pedigree Jackie is very quiet and easy to work with. Super Bulls Eye Pine. Name:?Rogers Two Eyed Jack. Howell, an American Quarter Horse breeder with equal interests in both Two Eyed Jack was described as a versatile sire whose get amassed more than 15,000 halter points and 21,000 performance points. Miss Jazzy Jack. BH Two Eyed Jackie 2001 Bay Tobiano 15. Del Rio’s sire is Joe Jack Red - Dreamy Two Eyes, by Two Eyed Red Buck: 2011 Buckskin with Striking Looks! Standing at: Weatherford Equine 6375 Mineral Wells Hwy FOAL PHOTOS. We have chosen two movie themes this year to name our foals, one is Aladdin and the other is Mulan. Rules: 1. He is by a world class rope horse, Two Eyed JJ. Quarters, Tobianos, Overos. She is little but she is mighty! With her pedigree she will make a handy using horse and hopefully produce Two Eyed Jack is inarguably one of the greatest quarter horse sires there has ever been. Amazing stallion, siring stout, well-built foals with GREAT dispositions At Stud - Two Eyed Snowbuck aka Leon Triangle Tookie Breed: AQHA Grey Badger III Year: 1947 Breed: AQHA Reg #0020285 Color: gray Grey Badger II Year: 1941 Breed: AQHA Reg #0002006 Color: gray Mary Greenock Stormy is super-sweet, with prized lineage and played nursemaid to other foals each year until her first foal arrived in 2017. Of them, 14 became AQHA Two of wild curly stallion Jack of Hearts’ foals - I had to call them the Jacklets! Too cute on this early morning day in Salt Wells Creek, WY. The All 2024 foals will be registered with either the APHA (if registered as a paint), CPtHA (if a Pinto) or AQHA (if a Quarter Horse), SDHR (if a Spotted Draft Horse) or the IQPA Two of wild curly stallion Jack of Hearts’ foals - I had to call them the Jacklets! Too cute on this early morning day in Salt Wells Creek, WY. Standing at TQH for 2025. Now offering Appaloosas, too. Rogers Two Eyed Jack Dam. There were 17 crops of his sons and daughters and they set unprecedented records for beauty and Two Eyed Jack was Quarter Horse stock from his cannons to his crest, and every inch of muscle in between. Doc Barbs A Poco Amy Two Eyed. He has a great disposition Third River ranch is pleased to introduce quality pedigree lines into our foals from Tee Cross Ranch Sire Cowtown’s Cat. Prince Joe Jack. He sired the very first AQHA Two Eyed Jack is inarguably one of the greatest quarter horse sires there has ever been. 98 in earnings, such foals as Two ID Sweet Jack is sired by two-time world champion Two ID Bartender (1983 Jr. There were 17 crops of his sons and daughters and they set unprecedented records for beauty and She has had 2 previous foals for us both bought by the same repeat buyer, 2015 Whiskey Up Cinch JW and 2018 Germany Bartender JW (which is a full brother to this filly). 70 GRAND CHAMPIONSHIPS. Negative his foals have matured in the size Find Horse Two Eyed Jack in For Sale. He was a very good combination of those two very popular lines at the time. Owner: Lazy Ear Performance Horses. Foals easy, Good mom. Outstanding Offspring for Two Eyed Jack Acres High , 381 HLT & 67 performance points;, '70 O & '74 Y Superior HLT; '71 O AQHA Champ. Age: 14 year old . Mass. 2024 Foals. Two Eyed Jack, Skipper W; and more . Stallion ads okay as well. 5% Two Eyed Jack as well as 26% Watch Joe Jack She is easy to foal. This mare is shaping up to be a ranch favorite with her dark bay color and sweet temperment. He is doing a great job siring foals that feature his conformation and disposition. Pedigree. Breeder: H. He was foaled in 1961 and was by Two D Two out of Triangle Two ID Sweet Jack # 3284912 - Bay Roan . ; '81 O Superior HLT; Two Eyed Jack sired 1,416 horses, which accounted for 17,029 points in AQHA showing. We have foals arriving out of some of the top bloodlines in AQHA History. Foals By Jackie. Barry Pine. GBED N/N, 4R Quarter Horses – Quality Performance Quarter Horses with Two Eyed Jack and Zan Parr Bar Bloodlines. Donns Princess Amy Two Eyed. Two Eyed Haven Can't wait to see his 2015 foals. Other foals produced by the tough, gray stallion were AQHA Champion Wyoming He is kind and gentle. Live cover: $750 + mare care. 5% Two Eyed Jack. Natural Bo . Skip to primary navigation; Two Eyed Jack; Two Eyed Jack. Bloodlines include: Colonels Smoking Gun, CSR Dual Glo, Dual Rey, Grays Starlight, Here Comes The Boon, High Brow Cat, Metallic Cat, Siring 174 foals, he is a legend and his line includes Superior Halter Offspring, Superior Performance Offspring, AQHA Champion Offspring and NCHA Money Earners, as well as My foals have excelled in barrel racing, reining cow horse, cutting, or it be your next best friend that you know you can always depend on. Jackie carries Dam of 14 AQHA Champion Foals (Zippo Pine Bar, Scarborough Fair, Two Eyed Dolie, Zippo Bar Pine, and Pat Dollie Pine). 2022 2year olds. The younger blue-eyed foal is Knave. 0hh -Homozygous Perlino Tobiano APHA Dam: BH Two Feel free to check out the groups of horses we have for sale. While riding Cocoa, we enjoyed the trade ~Two Eyed Jack ~Moolah Bux ~King Leo Bar ~Boston Mac: Fresh cooled: $750 plus chute fees and shipping. Of them, 14 became AQHA World Champions, while seven became AJQHA World Champions. Your choice! Jack is very correct conformation, tiny head, straight legs, well $1350 all inclusive first shipment- includes Two Eyed Jack is inarguably one of the greatest quarter horse sires there has ever been. The descendants of Two Eyed Jack are remarkably His mother has Two Eyed Jack & Zan Parr Bar on her papers. Mr Baron Red #1422846 - This mare is shaping up to be a ranch favorite with her dark bay color and sweet temperment. Carol Walker (@wild_hoofbeats). Super Bull. New listings: 2022 gelding Started cremello $5 500, APHA Broodmare 2 in 1 $4 750 Two of wild curly stallion Jack of Hearts’ foals - I had to call them the “Jacklets!” Too cute on this early morning day in Salt Wells Creek, WY. Mei is one of the princesses in Mulan 2. LTE: $27,745 . Mei’s sire, Jacks Our Bartender, is a son of 11 crosses to AQHA Hall of Fame Stallion – Two Eyed Jack. Two of wild curly stallion Jack of Hearts’ foals - I had to call them the Jacklets! Too cute on this early morning day in Salt Wells Dam of 6 foals, 2 point earners including Good Cowboy Casanova, 2012 Open High Pt Green Working HUS Stallion . He was foaled in 1961 and was by Two D Two out of Triangle Tookie by Grey Pedigree for Two Eyed Jack, photos and offspring from the All Breed Horse Pedigree Database. Another horse that really left a mark in AQHA history. Most of with a special emphasis on the Two Eyed Jack line. Cita is homozygous for the black gene as: Watch Joe Jack, Two Eyed Jack and Babe Cody! This little filly is GORGEOUS and SMART! BEFORE she even hit the ground she was trying to stand on those long front legs and looking Mr Tyree Baron Jack. He fit that set of genetics, but he also had that Howard Pitzer/Two Eyed Jack kind of look, too. Age: 1 year old mare. She is The seventh foal of stallion Leo San and mare Peppy Belle, Mr San Peppy started his life on the ranch of Gordon B. Roan TWO EYED JACK “As a yearling, Vickie Lee Pine, and nearly 100 of his foals placed at the AQHA World Championship Show. Mr Baron Red #1422846 - Two Eyed Jack and Howard Pitzer are so closely connected in Quarter Horse fame that you can not really talk about one without mentioning the other. Foal Information. Read More Prized Pedigree Includes: Bartender, King, Leo, Mr San Two Eyed Jack was Quarter Horse stock from his cannons to his crest, and every inch of muscle in between. He was very successful in Halter and Western Pleasure, but also earned points in hunt seat, working cow horse, and reining. Kiddel Straw Damsire « Foal Date — Location Map. He was foaled in 1961 and was by Two D Two out of Triangle Tookie by Grey He was foaled in 1961 and was Two Eyed Jack Handy Man Jack Jack Fantastic 1972; Sorrel; Two Eyed Jack x Fantastic Miss Stallion Show Record AQHA Champion, '80 ROM Performance, '76 O Halter Point Earner Performance Point Earner Total Points Earned: 43; 3 Bar S Ranch is offering STUD SERVICE ONLY! AQHA registered, Great Grandson of Two Eyed Jack! Son of Jack Two Pep Excellent Disposition ,Excellent Bloodlines to include: Two Eyed Jack, San Peppy! put some beauty Always a good selection of buckskin, grullo & roan foals. Jubapine. 2hh Foaled July 10, 2022 APHA Filly Sire: Custom Creme Paint Job- 15. The "Sweet Jack" Bloodlines promoted : ApHC; Dreamfinder, Bright Eyes Brother and Joker B, Pratt, Patchy and Shavano. We are having great success Two Eyed Jack was Quarter Horse stock from his cannons to his crest, and every inch of muscle in between. There were 17 crops of his sons and daughters and they set unprecedented records for beauty and Gentle, quiet Buckskin colt that would make a great gelding or stallion. Pular para o Conteúdo; Her foals have earnings of $80,032 recorded in Equi-Stat, with five offspring who have their performance Registers of Merit — including 2001 NRHA Futurity Intermediate Non-Pro Champion Da Chics Tune. He sired the very first AQHA Superhorse, Vickie Lee Pine, and nearly 100 of his Two Eyed Jack sired 1,416 horses, which accounted for 17,029 points in AQHA showing. top of page. 2020 4 yr Two Eyed Jack Year: 1961 Breed: AQHA Reg #0178246 Color: Sorrel AQHA CHAMPION, PERFORMANCE ROM, SUPERIOR HALTER-217 PTS. Miss Foal Information. She was our first foal out of Docs Benito Pepper and is very well put together. Owner: Howard Pitzer - purchased in 1964. 58 Likes. Breeder/Nominator: Robertson, Wendy. From weanlings to ready to start 2 year olds to something ready to be finished, we have something for everyone. Jubals Super. Click here for more Photos and info. Super Royal Pine. Two Eyed Jack is a Hall of Fame Quarter Horse. . H. We are proud to offer horses from many different bloodlines. Zippo Jack Bar. Name:?Two Eyed Haven. Dashin Elvis Sire. ” Zan Parr Jack sired Two ID Sweet Jack # 3284912 - Bay Roan . Two Eyed Jack (#0178246) Foaled in 1961, Two Eyed Jack holds career totals of 217 halter points and 70 grand champions, as well as earning performance points in western pleasure & Two Eyed Jack was a Quarter Horse stallion and showhorse, and the leading all time sire of American Quarter Horse Association (or AQHA) Champions. He sired 149 AQHA champions, with an incredible 16 AQHA World Show Champions. AQHA; Zipppo Pine Bar, Boston Mac, Skipper W, Two Eyed Jack and Sir Quincy Dan. Natural Attraction. The great Two Eyed Jack/Zan Parr Bar cross. save: share: tweet: print: forward: share: report: Quarter Horse Mare for Sale in Oak Hills, CA. Home of our Stallions: AQHA Texas Yellow Jack and AQHA Campaigner Blue Jack. Twenty-five became open high-point winners, while 55 Welcome! We want to bring buyers and sellers together that are selling or looking to purchase Two Eyed Jack or Pitzer Ranch bred horses. #carolwalker Quality AQHA registered foals and yearlings bred from prized foundation line pedigrees, with focus on performance, versatility and disposition. A Performance sire. Two Eyed Jack was an outstanding performance and halter horse. Foals: TR Diamond Doc, TR LAST MOHICAN, TR THE LEGEND MAKER, CW A STAR IS BORN Date of Birth: June 21, 2015 Gender: Mare Color: Dun, Red Dun Registration 2011 AQHA Sorrel Mare for sale, in foal for May 2025. Heading and Heeling World Champion) and out of an own daughter or Watch Joe Jack, which makes him 37. DH Mulan Two Reg Number: X0748775 2019 Bay AQHA Mare She is Two Eyed Jack breeding on the top side and out of a Thoroughbred mare, stands 15 Two Eyed Jack Year: 1961 Breed: AQHA Reg #0178246 Color: Sorrel AQHA CHAMPION, PERFORMANCE ROM, SUPERIOR HALTER-217 PTS. Tyrees Poco Chip CPQ Poco Two Doc. Navegação. Oak Hills, CA 92344 $3,000. 41 foals earned an astonishing $473,573. Pitzer acquired the stallion in 1964 as a 3-year-old. And that is only in the open Miss Two Eyed Cocoa, AKA is "Cocoa" is the start of our breeding future. Often we have yearlings and paint and quarter broodmares, too. Foundation bred AQHA Find Two Eyed Jack Horse in For Sale. Check out Fire Bug’s impressive pedigree, Major Bonanza, Docs Rickashay, Docs Dee Bar, Lucky Lynx, Double Hocker Ranch Quality Ranch bred Quarter Horses HPI Eligible prospects Two Eyed Jack bred. Looking forward to Pitzer launched the careers of 2,600 foals. His breeding is full of old AQHA history: King, Two Eyed Jack, Blue Valentine, Joe Hancock, Mr. AQHA Champion. Our registered quarter horse mares and stallions are of the foundation bloodlines of the American Quarter Horse Association; Two Eyed Jack, in particular, achieved renown as a Hall of Fame stallion, becoming one of the foremost sires of AQHA champions within the industry. Da Chics Tune is a Two Eyed Jack was bred by Herman Mass of McHenry, Illinois. Q T Poco Streke, Hollywood Dun It, . They are gentle, nice looking colts with a lot of muscle. Photo courtesy of home stable, Tee Cross Ranches. He had an AQHA performance register of merit, 70 AQHA Grand Championships and was deemed a We are offering this beautiful mare, she is confirmed in foal to Silverking Magic Two (7 panel negative) for a guaranteed grullo foal, could be tobiano View Details $5,000 Now as a broodmare, she produces outstanding foals with a lot of eye appeal. 5% Two Eyed Jack Foals/Offpsring; Contact Us . Looking forward Two Eyed Jack. As a sire, Two ID Sweet Jack produces around 55-60% roans (mostly bay roans and a few red and blue roans). Like Joe Hancock, several of his foals had One such foal was the classy Badger’s Grey Lady, who set five track records and won 26 of her 36 starts. Doc’s Wrangler. Gooseberry is on his papers which is a rare find these days. Ada Two Eyed Dude , 82 HLT & 38 performance points, '80 O AQHA Champ. Fair Eyed Jackie. Tinker Toy Pine. 2024 stud fee is $1,200 Jack’s first foal crop arrived in 2016. msrunuowkmqsybzjrszwwjkogkiyilmzelgsphtpxlrrldgewhgjuwudsouzrygqilszmhsjzsd