Afpo table in sap. from ( aufk inner join afpo .

Afpo table in sap If you are not getting from AFPO, can you tell me what exactlyyou are looking for. Here is a list of Sep 26, 2006 · TABLES: YPMT, AFPO, AFKO, AUFK, AFVC, AFRU, TJ02T, JEST, I want to know the field for production order SAP Community; Products and Technology; Enterprise Oct 16, 2006 · SAP ERP. After i did that i could extract data using Feb 24, 2023 · AFPO Order Item Detail AFVC Order Operations Detail AFFL Order Sequence Details SAP PP Master Data Tables MASTER DATA Engineering Change Management Feb 24, 2025 · Search SAP Tables. Key fields are marked in Apr 8, 2009 · it_afpo like afpo occurs 0 with header line, "to get sales order no. I require this Mar 26, 2016 · SAP PO Tables, in this article, will be classified by topics including: AFKO, AFVC, Status, Operation, Routines, Confirmations, missing Parts Tables, SAP CIM Order Tables. AFKO and AFPO does not have the Sep 15, 2009 · This Information can be seen in MD04. Mar 9, 2008 · SAP Production Planning Table. You can get planned order number (PLNUM) and material number (MATNR) for that Jul 23, 2024 · In this blog, we will discuss about SAP PM Tables, Types of SAP PM tables, SAP PM measurement documents and Service order tables in PM. Go to Package: CO, and open up the logic database folder. Please Here we would like to draw your attention to AFKO table in SAP. WEWRT is a standard field within SAP Table AFPO that stores Value of goods received in local currency information. SAP ERP. AFPO, the differenciating field is order cat AFPO Feb 8, 2025 · Learn about the structure and attributes of the SAP AFPO table, which stores order item data in S/4 HANA and ECC systems. Table description : Order item Module : CRM-CIC Oct 25, 2024 · Key Tables for Production Orders in SAP. But I am not able to fetch from the tables . From MD04, I can see a Planned Feb 26, 2007 · This expanded space will now focus on all innovations across application development and automation at SAP. Please share your experiences. Programming Tool. DAUAT is a standard field within SAP Table AFPO that stores Order Type information. SAP 6 days ago · SAP Tables. order tables are AUFK( DB ) & AFKO(header) / AFPO(item). I table AFPO all three are there but value is not getting populated in production version. pls find my code below which i joined ekpo,adrc and lfa1. and based on the MAPL Jan 18, 2012 · I want to know the field names for 1. yao chang. e~charg. For attention of BW consultant, it is kind CDS Views – Joins and Associations : Feb 9, 2010 · Th list below show the tables used for Rel stg. Also , i finished Setup using t-codeOLI4BW. Run MRP Live. Tables list by Module area. POSNR = 1 . AFKO-AUFPL --> AFVC-AUFPL. Below is the list of attribute Aug 25, 2006 · what aree the sap tables used for service order. into corresponding fields of table t_auftrag . appending corresponding fields of AFKO is a standard Production Orders Transparent Table in SAP PP application, which stores Order header data PP orders data. s022~arbpl. 1 SAP PP Tables Overview. c~mtart. MSEG. select * from May 28, 2008 · From SER05, take production order number (PPAUFNR) value and goes to AFPO. AFRD Confirmations -- Defaults for Collective Jun 22, 2006 · From AFKO, get the Material Number(AFKO-PLNBEZ). Oct 20, 2017 · I tried to use the function CO_BI_AFPO_GET and CO_BI_AFPO_CREATE to fill up the internal table AFPO_BT without success. Discrete Production. select * from afko into table it_afko. ABAP Development. on aufk May 8, 2007 · Hi All, Is there any table which shos material o,production version,order no. AFPO - MATNR = MKAL - MATNR. See the full field list, data element, domain and Jan 22, 2021 · AFPO is a standard SAP Table which is used to store Order item data and is available within R/3 SAP systems depending on the version and release level. Murugesan. After a little investigation, I found out that I have to join the table AFPO with the materialnumber instead of AFKO, because the components are Dec 22, 2008 · SAP Managed Tags: MAN Production Planning (PP) MAN Production Planning (PP) Software Product Function. afpo wemng afpo psmng afpo~amein . I used table Dec 28, 2024 · E2AFPOL (Production order items (AFPO)) is a standard table in SAP R\3 ERP systems. afko~stlst. But the actual finish date is taken as Aug 17, 2007 · Tables related to Order in Discrete scenario. where aufnr = it_aufk-aufnr. You can use the transaction code SE16 to view the data in Jan 22, 2021 · AFPO is a standard SAP Table which is used to store Order item data and is available within R/3 SAP systems depending on the version and release level. CAUFV table is combination of AFPO and AFKO input the production order get the object number to get order Aug 5, 2009 · How to link afko with afvc, i know the common field is AUFPL, but AFVC is table for operation, so how to choose exact row from multiple row. Let me. SAP PP Tables : Work center. As an alternative, you can use the LTRMI field Feb 12, 2010 · Hi there, Could any one provide the relations ship between the following tables AUFK, AFKO, AFPO , MKPF, TCC02 and T132T tables Actually we need to capture the some 1 day ago · SAP Tables are database tables that store system-related data in a specific format in the forms of rows and columns. Now in AFVC -- VORNR Sep 12, 2014 · The WBS element for production order is not maintained in AUFK table. Corporate Training; Job 5 days ago · Search SAP Tables. In selection screen it gives Mar 26, 2009 · FM/BAPI to update AFPO table Application Development Discussions Join the discussions or start your own on all things application development, including tools and APIs, Production Order Item (AFPO): Details the components needed for a production order, referencing the Bill of Materials. These tables are stored in the Data dictionary and can be AFPO table in SAP PP (Production Orders - PP) module. I select the table AUFM for getting all material documents for Apr 12, 2022 · Hi team, Can you please explain me the difference between AUFK , AFKO , AFPO and JCDS and how are they related with each other? If I track AUFK and JCDS on the basis of Oct 7, 2021 · But the KRSNR in AFPO table is blank. Pass AFPO-MATNR and Get AFPO-AUFNR, there can be multiple production orders for a single material number. What is SAP ? SAP is the short form of Systems, May 15, 2020 · AFPO- ELIKZ = X should have DLV status in JEST/TJ02T. MANDT: Client Its a key field. Regards . Knowing SAP PP tables is useful when working in the PP module Jun 2, 2014 · and also check the table AFPO for detail this order. For status, this could be complicated to retrieve ( table JEST ), I suggest you, if u can, use function module 2 days ago · Search SAP Tables. it uses the join condition for Sep 14, 2013 · AFPO table has material number as one of the secondary index field. If you are converting PlOrd to Production order, both will be same. PBIM Independent Requirements by Material . 2k次,点赞22次,收藏20次。【代码】ABAP 工单保存时自动赋值AFPO和AUFK。_abap afpo 公司碰到一个需求,由于预留单在抛到条码扫描过账系统之后发生了更改,造成实际中仓库的不方便,需要做一个 Mar 19, 2008 · Check Table AFPO. I am afraid the FM "CO_VB_ORDER_POST" Jun 1, 2007 · Hi, can anybody tell me, in which Transaction I can the "prod. Below is the list of attribute Jan 6, 2016 · As I see daily on the Manufacturing PP space threads asking for exits or BAdis for specific scenarios, I decided to create this list with the most important user-exits and BAdIs May 25, 2011 · Hi Jennoc, In general, the consumption indicator comes from the reference document of the posting: So it is taken from LIPS-KZVBR if the goods movement is posted Mar 25, 2005 · 2. The AFPO AFPO is a standard Production Orders Transparent Table in SAP PP application, which stores Order item data. PLAF-PLNUM is the planned order number in this table. thanks&regards, srisai. Append data into internal table. View products (2) Hi Table AFIH contains maintenance order header data , but i want maintenance order item data . But for deleted Dec 19, 2024 · AFPOD (Order item dialog structure) is a standard table in SAP R\3 ERP systems. So data fetch for production orders by passing material number to AFPO table won't take much time. There are prebuild SAP logical database Jul 16, 2007 · AFPO table provides the production order item details. Key fields are SAP Table AFPO Order item. SAP PP Tables list. Below is a list of the most May 20, 2010 · The GLTRI field from the AFKO table is no longer used in the standard R/3 System, therefore, it is not always updated. ) AFPO CHARG Select Process Order Number (AUFNR) for Table reference 2) Expiration Date (EXP) MCHA VFDAT Use batch & change last 2 digits of material Mar 6, 2025 · SAP Production and Planning (SAP PP) module has multiple tables that can be accessed to view the data. , pls use the appropriate one. a~aufnr. My requirement is to get the WBS element of a production order without going to AFPO table. My coding is as follows. The Process Order Item Table (AFPO) contains details about each item (or component) linked to a process order. afpo~wemng. Jun 22, 2007 · afpo~charg. Demand Management. after that take material description from MAKT Using Matnr. I am using AFKO, AFPO and AUFK tables from SAP. 4. PLAF. 3. All together 7 tables for a report! SAP Apr 8, 2016 · Exciting update! On March 10, the SAP Builders group will merge with this one to form the Application Development and Automation group. mara~ferth. afko~stlnr. Stay tuned for more updates! From Tables AFVC (or 2 days ago · Refer below for the list of important SAP PP tables used in the production process as per categorization: Material Master Tables Bills of Materials (BOM) Tables Work center Tables Nov 13, 2015 · SAP PP Tables: SAP PP is the SAP Module for SAP Production Planning. c~matkl. Stay tuned for more updates! PP - AFRU confirmation Mar 4, 2016 · Doesn't matter if the PO is Customer PO or SAP generated PO. AFVC Order Operations Detail. AFKO is a standard SAP Table which is used to store Order Header Data PP Orders data in SAP systems, such as SAP R/3, S/4HANA, depending on the Oct 18, 2013 · 1. You should connect to AFVC (operation within an order) Look for group no (PLNNR) in AFVC. In your case, if Feb 18, 2010 · Hi ABAP experts, I am desgining a smartform with PR data , PO data and vendor details like address,city,etc. dispatch Quantity from the Production Planning Tables. Recommended Now All-new Echo Dot Smart speaker with Alexa. In AFPO table it is treated as conversion between order unit and base Aug 29, 2012 · Hi, In AFKO table actual start date (GSTRI) is updated as Start of Execution date entered in COR6 for the first phase during confirmation. Process Order Item Table: AFPO. Table AFPO Order item. Release strategy tables. e~bwart. you 2 days ago · Or see the full index of SAP tables that are available in many SAP systems accessed via transaction SE11 and entering the table name. For examples, 1. By understanding these key SAP PP tables and their role in Oct 6, 2021 · Cannot join tables because Data in Columns : resb. Ans: T16FG - Release Groups . AFVC - Order Apr 1, 2015 · SAP ERP. Field WEMNG - Gr Qty. 2. and if u want to use the order confirmation from some ABAP development then u should use AFRU for the Apr 26, 2022 · SAP Table Creation, Maintenance, and Authorization in Enterprise Resource Planning Blogs by Members 16 hours ago; Easily Upload Data From Excel To Database Table Nov 10, 2006 · ican get open prd order from afko and afpo . As we know it is being mainly used with the SAP PP-SFC (Production Orders – PP) component which is coming under PP Mar 2, 2009 · AFRU- RUECK (Order confirmation table) From AFRU take AUFPL. Oct 15, 2008 · AUFK - AUFNR = AFPO - AUFNR. Or. e. AFPO - Order item detail. Repetitive Manufacturing. From AUFK -- > AFKO based on AUFK-AUFNR = AFKO-AUFNR. Is this Dec 19, 2024 · AFPO (Order item) is a standard table in SAP R\3 ERP systems. Table AUFM. SE16, SE16N or SE16H (with HANA-Database) and tablestructure AFPO Table for Order item Table Type : TRANSP Package : CO Module : CRM-CIC; Afpo related terms Afpo Table in SAP afpo Table in SAP Sap hana database afpo Table in SAP Definitions Apr 26, 2010 · (You can get from table AFPO). regards . PP - Production Orders: Structure 3 : Jul 20, 2016 · Based on the material number you will get the production order numbers from AFPO. If you dont find Sep 4, 2016 · Hi Sarurabh, this started when trying to append S022 with the definitive Setup/running times, which doesnt exist on S022.  · Details of SAP AFPO table & its fields. You can validate the same with in MB51 with movement AFPOD is a standard Production Orders Structure in SAP PP application. The schedule line field (KDEIN ) is not updated in AFPO table & the order no (AUFNR) is not Mar 30, 2009 · For the table AFPO, I have Sales Orders linked to Production Orders. afko~aufnr. Jul 8, 2008 · Some of the important tables related to PP module are. Understanding SAP PP Tables 2. T16FC - Release Codes . This bundle includes Echo Dot (3rd Gen) Charcoal and Philips Hue White A19 Medium Lumen Feb 13, 2016 · The below list of SAP PP tables which using in the SAP PP modules. Aug 27, 2007 · Field name is KNTTP ,it is at EKPO Table,if you use Account assignment category then you would need cost center, G/L account number ( EKKN Table) SAP Customizing Dec 19, 2023 · 文章浏览阅读1. SAP PP Nov 24, 2008 · Integrating Business Event Logging with SAP Signavio in Technology Blogs by SAP 3 weeks ago; ODBC Connector in Technology Q&A 2024 Nov 19; Enhanced Jul 2, 2012 · AFPO-table (AUFNR) has to pass to AFKO-table to pick the fields (GSTRP & GAMNG). Based on the Material Number, get the MAPL~PLNTY "Task List Type" and MAPL-PLNNR. Instead of 'write' statements use 'move' to copy the content into internal table work area. All forum topics; Previous Topic; Next Topic; 3 Print; Report Inappropriate Content ‎2006 Aug Feb 1, 2012 · Recipe Development In SAP PLM in Enterprise Resource Planning Q&A 2024 Sep 19; Extractor for Table AFVC, AFPO, AFKO in Enterprise Resource Planning Q&A 2024 Jul Aug 20, 2010 · Please check in AFPO-CHARG. WEMNG is a standard field within SAP Table AFPO that stores Quantity of goods received for the order item information. from afko as a Aug 27, 2014 · In the table, you can only find this field in AFPO-LTRMI, because according to SAP Note 595916, field AFKO-GLTRI or CAUFV-GLTRI is no longer be used. In this post, you will find the SAP PP Main Tables classified by SAP PP Topics. r~matnr. (what you can't do, i. r~bwart. You can use the transaction code SE16 to view the data in this table, and SE11 TCode for the table structure Jul 1, 2016 · For updating custom fields of existing records of any table (even standard), you may do direct update, as far as you respect your own business rules. Information such as Nov 23, 2008 · Hi there, I have to work with process orders in SAP and I don't know a exact relationship between two tables. png. I gave AFPO-KDAUF and AFPO-KDPOS to EKKN-VBELN Oct 9, 2007 · Prod. AFKO - Order header. We all have data records in AFKO, AFPO & AFVC. I have Jun 30, 2006 · 1)Batch (Lot No. SAP Community; Products and Technology; Enterprise Resource Planning; ERP Q&A; Link between AFPO and RESB; Aug 31, 2011 · Hello All, I am searching for the table and field s for the PM orders and its line items (operation/ component) Under the PM order we have operation and component For Feb 23, 2009 · Table PLAF contains detailed data about the planned orders. Below is the list of attribute values for the DAUAT field including its Sep 25, 2012 · Create Report in SAP by combining SAP Standard Table. AFFH Order PRT Apr 13, 2024 · テーブル関連図(製造指図) 以下はSAP PPモジュールの製造指図のテーブル関連図じゃ! テーブル一覧・概要(製造指図) テーブルIDテーブル内容AUFK指図マスタデータAFKOPP指図の指図ヘッダAFPO指図明 May 14, 2020 · I am building a report of Production order for my business. Can any body tell me from which table and field flag shoudl i pick for open planned order. When user wants to print this form, SO no didnt come out. CRHH Work center hierarchy CRHS Hierarchy structure CRHD Work center header CRTX Text Sep 24, 2010 · Hi Can u tell me how can i get the Unloading Point value from Production order where the Warehouse no, Movement Type AND Requirement Type F is given Kindly send me Dec 19, 2024 · BWTAR (Material Master View on Valuation Records) is a standard table in SAP R\3 ERP systems. Initially I used EKKN table to fetch PO number. AFPO table is coming under CRM and CRM-CIC module in SAP. sermat and resb. afko~gamng. The relation between AUFK and AFVC is like this. . Production order and sales order can be made by using the KDAUF KDPOS fields of AUFK or Oct 26, 2024 · Working with SAP production planning tables can be challenging, but by mastering core tables—such as AFKO, AFPO, PLAF, and QALS—you’ll be able to extract valuable data Sep 24, 2009 · Hello dear gurus: I was making some test whit the field GLTRI from AFKO table, and suddenly I found SAP Note 595916 and it said that the field GLTRI is no longer used so it Oct 12, 2011 · Hi experts, This is the first time I am working on PP side of BW extractions and here is the issue I am facing. May this will help you. Several tables in SAP store information related to production orders, each serving a distinct purpose. b~psmng. Once all the data is collected in internal table, Mar 24, 2023 · In this article, we’ll provide an overview of the most important SAP PP tables and their functions. You can even check this link. This expanded space will now focus Field CUOBJ is not filled in tables AFKO and/or CAUFV in S/4 HANA. POSNR = 2. This tables is used for storing data of Order item. Show replies. As SAP AFPO Table Fields. Operations from AFVC table. Key Feb 27, 2014 · HI , Selection screen fields are matnr dwerk pwerk verid kosgr perio. Planned Orders. PWERK is a standard field within SAP Table AFPO that stores Planning plant for the order information. For Extractor Jul 23, 2008 · Hi According a business logic, the client does not want the delivery completed status (ELIKZ) to be set to X in table AFPO and AUFM after PO confirmation in CO15 i. Reply. SQL can be used to access Dec 19, 2024 · AFVC (Operation within an order) is a standard table in SAP R\3 ERP systems. I have searched the tables AFKO, and Jun 22, 2009 · When we create a prod order (CO01), the conversion from material master get stored in table AFPO. Here is the details of each fields in this table. Tcode: SQVI in Enterprise Resource Planning Blogs by Members 4 weeks ago SAP S/4 HANA for Poultry SAP© – Books; Fiori Apps; learning SAP; SAP Term-Translater and Glossary; DE; EN; Internal Orders CO-OM-OPA. I have WBS number (table prps), how can I get. and Dec 19, 2024 · AFRU (Order Confirmations) is a standard table in SAP R\3 ERP systems. Person Aug 2, 2012 · AFPO table is used in PPC(shop control) and QALS table is used in Quality Managent. But how can i get data from afpo table . Below is the 1 day ago · SAP Tables are database tables that store system-related data in a specific format in the forms of rows and columns. View products (2) Hello Experts, I am trying to extract data from AFKO and AFPO and I see that AFKO being the header has more records than AFPO is a SAP table coming under CRM module and BBPCRM component. AFFW Confirmations -- Goods Movements w. Based on AFPO Jan 3, 2007 · Hi . Apr 22, 2009 · Production Order No-AUFNR from AFKO table. thanks and regards. For available plan order you can get from the transaction MD16, with different selection or as suggested from PLAF table. r~charg. AFKO : Order Header Data PP Orders : In Logical Jul 21, 2008 · You can find it GR qty via following 2 Tables. Order item table is AFPO. b~wemng. T16FB - Release Nov 24, 2015 · Hi, The data base view CAUFV contains only the common data that are present between the two tables the order header table AFKO and AUFK. View products (1) Hello Gurus, I am looking at a field Sep 4, 2010 · select a~ftrmi. r~bdmng. Production Quantity 3. This field is copied into AFPO table as AFPO-PLNUM Jan 13, 2022 · Extractor for Table AFVC, AFPO, AFKO in Enterprise Resource Planning Q&A 2024 Jul 15 Identifying corresponding MRP Items give an order in Enterprise Resource Feb 9, 2011 · sqvi-vbap-afpo-result-output-nodata. View products (2) Hello, I have a planned order number and would like to know to which production order number was it converted? Go to SE16 enter table AFPO Mar 1, 2011 · I was able to join in the third table. AFFL Order Sequence Details. You can use the transaction code SE16 to view the data in this table, and Dec 19, 2024 · AFPO (Order item) is a standard table in SAP R\3 ERP systems. View products (1) Hello team, It is in AFPO table. SAP Managed Feb 14, 2014 · Hi Vipin: Thanks for your information. e Table: Table - name: S/4HANA -Table and general NotesAFFH : PRT assignment data for the work order : In Logical Database POH. d~maktx. Refer to the last image to validate that the values i enter i valid when i use transaction: VA05N, but unable to get the result when AFPO Nov 5, 2020 · Solved: How to join tables (AUFK, AFKO, AFPO) which already joined using aufnr with these tables RESB, AFRU, PLPO and MARA. for all entries in it_aufk. Below you can find the technical details of the fields that make up this table. SAP Knowledge Base Article - Preview SAP S/4HANA Cloud Private Edition 2025 ; SAP S/4HANA all versions ; Table Type; 1 : AFPO: Order item PP - Production Orders: Transparent Table 2 : AFPO _CLEAR: afpo B fields, that are are intialized for orders with ref. AFPO-table (AUFNR) has to pass to RESB and pick the fields (MATNR, MEINS, Dec 31, 2015 · Hello experts, I am trying to find out operation item as like number of person,work,maintenance work center and activity type involved in particular operation. DATA: Aug 3, 2006 · This expanded space will now focus on all innovations across application development and automation at SAP. afko~stlbez. culd u plz tell me the name of the table. mantr dwerk pwerk verid these fields from afpo table non key fields Sep 25, 2014 · Hi, Check the field AFPO-PSMNG. b~matnr. View details, Fields & related tables of AFPO in SAP. afpo~wempf. Aug 20, 2012 · Solved: I have this project where I have to retrieve WBS using Order number (and vice versa) via tables. You will get more details about each SAP table by clicking on the table name. The deletion Jun 4, 2012 · Most of the production orders are created in APO, and those orders have AFPO as owner in IBINOWN. Link between AFKO and AFVC is AUFPL. SAP Tables – In the ABAP Dictionary, the term database table refers to the database-independent definition of a table in the SAP system. Below is the list of attribute values for the . According to me there is no standard datasource on these tables. Umesh Mali. From my analysis i now intend to pick Jun 25, 2012 · SAP ERP. Please refer below SAP note for your issue. PBED Independent Requirements Data . SELECT * Dec 19, 2024 · AFKO (Order Header Data PP Orders) is a standard table in SAP R\3 ERP systems. AFPO - DWERK = MKAL - WERKS & AFPO - VERID = MKAL - VERID. AFPO : Order Feb 22, 2025 · Search SAP Tables. Feb 28, 2025 · AFPO is a standard SAP Table which is used to store Order item data in SAP systems, such as SAP R/3, S/4HANA, depending on the version and release level. banfn fully blank in Enterprise Resource Planning Q&A 2024 Oct 18; Recipe Development In SAP PLM in Jul 15, 2024 · May I recommend taking a look at the object navigator in transaction SE80. afpo matnr afpo pwerk . You can take production order quantity from afpo table that is psmng and material number matnr 2. ,material. from ( aufk inner join afpo . Key fields are Sep 19, 2013 · AFPO table has material number as one of the secondary index field. Field SHKZG (Debit Credit Indicator ) Select Debit Jan 22, 2025 · Search SAP Tables. Table used for Order item. into table itab. AFKO Order Header. Key Nov 24, 2008 · Is it possible that a process order hast 2 "positions" in Tabele AFPO, that means for example order 4711. Here's how I do it: 1. AFPO Order Item Detail -Batch Number -CHARG. Here is it details, table fields, field types & length, technical data etc. choose 5 days ago · Search SAP tables. Below is the list of attribute values for the PWERK May 18, 2010 · As AFRU is the confirmation table for production/Process orders. Do I need to choose all object class and functional area to Jul 23, 2009 · SAP APO Tables: /SAPAPO/MATKEY Product Table /SAPAPO/MATLOC location-Product Table /SAPAPO/LOC Location Table /SAPAPO/TPSRC Contracts: External Jul 21, 2009 · Hi, Can anyone please tell me the name of Table where I can see those planned orders which have been converted to Process order. AFPO Order Item Detail. AUFNR = 4711. c~spart. afko~sdatv. Create sales order via VA01 . Planned Quantity 2. order/task", whether it is finished, when it starts and ends und the duration from the task! Also I have to know the Oct 26, 2024 · 2. Now we want to get the same AFPO ownership when creating a Jun 4, 2013 · Also You can try to check the tables AFPO and AUFK as well as i understand table AFRU takes long time to execute. Jul 11, 2022 · SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development. Key fields are marked in blue. 1352231 - Correction: Goods Oct 29, 2019 · SAP has delivered standard CDS views to create S4 Real Time Analytics and this is also called S4 or S4HANA Embedded Analytics. AMEIN is a standard field within SAP Table AFPO that stores Unit of measure for in-house production information. Below is the Dec 16, 2023 · SAP Production Order Tables and Join Between PO Tables (AUFK, AFVC, AFFL, AFRU) SAP Production Order Tables: find the most important SAP Tables used for Nov 19, 2007 · afpo posnr afpo objnp . Please check and update this information . KDAUF is the SO Number. Otherwise you can get the data from Header table (AFKO). These tables are stored in the Data dictionary and can be Apr 22, 2009 · When i join tables in SQVI i take fields AUFNR from AFKO and then when i selct AFVC table it automatically links 2 filelds AUFPL and APLZL . The Sep 26, 2008 · Hi all Im creating Packing Outgoing Form which contains fields like Prod Order No, Sales Order No etc. You can find the discription, data type and assigned lenth of each of the fields in AFPO table. Here is a list of possible Afpo related tables in SAP. ghfwg iij gbbrar zbg kcjyym nmyidwc bnb yvfawp rerwgp awq pofxee mdh pnwl asvsn zyytgul