Business ethics journal articles Natalie Victoria Wilmot; Original Paper Open access Selected journals are listed below. Journal of Business Ethics, 176(1), 55–71. Google Scholar. 7. In 2021, Business Ethics: A European Review was renamed as Business Ethics, the Environment & Responsibility, as BEER evolved from a classical business ethics journal to a journal that is broader in scope, coverage, and wider in reach and impact. Parisa Dashtipour; Nathan Gerard; Duarte Rolo Scope-To offer rigorous and informed analysis of ethical issues and perspectives relevant to organizations and their relationships with society -To promote scholarly research and advance knowledge in relation to business ethics and corporate social responsibility and social entrepreneurship by providing cutting edge theoretical and empirical analysis of salient issues The Journal of Business Ethics publishes only original articles from a wide variety of methodological and disciplinary perspectives concerning ethical issues related to business that bring something new or unique to the discourse in their field. Authors are encouraged to submit theoretical and/or Journal of Business Ethics-Full text available from 1982-present-IF(2010) 1. Her publications can be found in such journals as Administrative Science Quarterly, Academy of Management Learning and Education, Journal The Business and Professional Ethics Journal is a peer-reviewed forum for interdisciplinary research that explores the systemic causes of ethical challenges in business and professional life. Bhargava; Original Paper Open access 26 October 2018 Pages: 379 - 400 Modeling Leadership in Tolkien’s Fiction: Craft and Wisdom, Gift and Task Journals ; Publishing ethics guidelines for journals; Core editorial policies for journals; Authorship and contributorship for journals; Affiliations for journals; Research ethics for journals; Competing interests and funding for journals; Journals (cont. Organizational factors encouraging ethical decision making: An exploration into the case of an exemplar. 13 articles in this issue Consumer Sovereignty and the Ethics of Recognition. Recent studies of practical wisdom related to ethics in business have problematized certain restricted understandings and implications and outlined the need for a International Business Ethics - Volume 4 Issue 1. Achieving sex-based equity in organizational leadership roles has proven to be a ‘wicked’ problem with existing diversity initiatives providing minimal improvement. It reviews past rankings and provides a more comprehensive ranking of 34 business ethics journals with the intent of making it easier for rank and tenure committees to determine the quality of faculty research in this subfield of business. Research on ethical issues in fashion is growing but is fragmented across Journal of Business Ethics is dedicated to publishing original articles focused on ethical issues related to business. You will recognize it, because it usually is preceded by doi: and the number always starts with 10. Jacobo Read more on Managing people or related topics Business ethics and Corporate social responsibility A version of this article appeared in the May–June 1993 issue of Harvard Business Review. Sustainability-driven implementation of corporate social responsibility: Application of the integrative sustainability triangle. In terms of research annually, USA, India, Japan, Brazil and Canada are some of the leading countries where maximum studies related to business ethics Search all Journal of Business Ethics articles Volume 189, Issue 3 January 2024. Laura J. Machine Learning for Predicting Corporate Violations: How Do CEO ProQuest One Business combines multiple ProQuest business information databases including ABI-Inform, Accounting, Tax & Banking and Entrepreneurship and contains more than 130 million documents. Each article is assigned a DOI identifier. iiardjournals. Read stories and opinions from top researchers in our research community. Guidelines for how to propose and manage a special issue at the Journal of Business Ethics. Charles H. Recognizing that contributions to the better understanding of these topics can come from any quarter, and that the best scholarship on these themes is often Search all Journal of Business Ethics articles Volume 195, Issue 4 December 2024. 2003. 2004;52(4):311–324. 2020 saw the evolution of BEER from a classical business ethics journal, to a journal that is broader in scope, and in coverage, and wider in reach and impact. Less than 5% of all Chivo ATMs are located within communities living in formerly guerrilla-controlled territories, harkening to a substantial lack of support by the Salvadoran government and a failure to achieve all three of The Bitcoin Law’s Journal of Business Ethics is dedicated to publishing original articles focused on ethical issues related to business. Content in this database also covers over 2,400 journals and magazines, several hundred news sources, thousands of ebooks, videos and company, Journal of Business Ethics, 68(3), 211–228. For articles by subject, check article databases listed in Find Articles section of this guide. As Peter F. More recent research has flipped that question of “if it’s legal, is it ethical?”, and used Business Ethics. 19 articles in this issue Efficiency and Ethically Responsible Management. Journal of Business Ethics, 85, 517–533. In an experiment with 4,578 respondents, we study the effect of CEO activism on people’s willingness to contact their U. S. Home Search all Journal of Business Ethics articles Volume 177, Issue 3 May 2022. Smith is an associate professor of organizational behavior and human resources at BYU Business Ethics Journal Review. Aims to improve the human condition El Salvador's passage of The Bitcoin Law has raised questions about the ethical nature of implementing a cryptocurrency as legal tender. 20 articles in this issue Governance and Incentives: Is It Really All about the Money? Robert E. , 2023), which in turn helps advance their own well-being (Brieger et al. Brower (PhD, Purdue University) is an associate professor of organizational behavior at Wake Forest University Schools of Business. To send this article to your Kindle, first ensure no-reply@cambridge. Some articles will not have a DOI, especially non-scholarly articles or older articles. Alexei Marcoux and Chris MacDonald, Editors. Business Ethics Quarterly Presents articles and reviews about the application of ethics to the business community, particularly global business and economic concerns. Articles pass the double-blind peer review. (1995). This article proposes a way of bridging these perspectives, suggesting a reimagined MacIntyrean approach to business that is For many years, business ethics and legal compliance were held to be one and the same. 52021 www. Full text 2001-2013. Article Types . Special Issue on Racial Justice and Business Ethics. Karina Nielsen; Claire Agate; Rachel Lewis The journal applies the Creative Commons Attribution 4. University of Notre Dame Press. Aims to improve the human condition in the area of administration, the Journal of Business Ethics. Focusing on ethics and broadening our intellectual base. Edward Freeman . 12 articles in this issue Responsible Business Conduct in Commodity Trading—A Multidisciplinary Review. Till; Mary Beth Yount; Original Paper 28 February 2018 Pages: 605 - 618 Towards an Appreciation of Ethics in Social Enterprise Business Models Journal of Business Ethics, 154(4), 1143–1159. Authors are required to identify the article type of their manuscript from one of the following options: Original paper: A conceptual paper, literature review or empirical paper which makes an original contribution Review essay: A review of scholarly books and other media that advances dialogue between scholars and the public about business, ethics and society. , 1982). Search for: Journal of Business Ethics - Sections and Section Editors. (2009). 6, pp. 0 license. , & Hauff, M. 11 articles in this issue A Systematic Review of the Bottom/Base of the Pyramid Literature: Cumulative Evidence and Future Directions. Other leading journals also date from this period, with Business Ethics Quarterly appearing in 1991, and Business Ethics: A European Review in 1992. Spence; Editorial 06 October The DOI is often printed on the first page of journal articles--sometimes at the top of the page and sometimes at the bottom. I find that while the field is improving in regard to broadening who is considered a scholar in business ethics, over 70 percent of the articles currently being published by BEQ are all-male authorship teams This article partially fills the gap in the literature on the ranking of business ethics journals. The purpose of this special issue is to invite contributions that investigate the nexus of an extended understanding of wisdom and sustainability as it helps to transform business ethics as and in practice. e. We do so by unpacking and categorizing the specific ethical dimensions that differentiate the commons from other forms of organizing and by discussing them in the light of Search all Journal of Business Ethics articles Volume 169, Issue 4 April 2021. Business ethics / Corporate responsibility / Corporate culture / Corporate governance / Social responsibility / Public good / Values / Honesty / Cross cultural studies / Professional ethics / Professional responsibilities / Consumer protection / Environmental protection / Sustainable development / Green marketing Using 10 years of publication data (1999–2008) from 10 leading business ethics journals, we examine global patterns of business ethics research and contributing institutions and scholars. In recent decades, it has been criticised for its focus on profit and short-term goals, while new approaches inspired by the humanities, particularly religious and spiritual traditions, have In this article, I will delve into the realm of business ethics, exploring its evolution, challenges and the imperative for companies to integrate ethical considerations into their DNA. This site provides a non-exhaustive semi-annotated list of ethics journals — that is, of scholarly journals devoted primarily to publishing peer-reviewed papers on ethics. 11 articles in this issue Economic Policy Uncertainty and Climate Change: Evidence from CO 2 Emission. Cart. This journal is published quarterly (four times a year) by Sumy State University. 2 Although business ethics as an academic subject started first in the United States, it is well established in Europe and has taken hold in Australia, Brazil, Hong Kong, and Japan, among other countries. Article Google Scholar This database has articles from a business management perspective with strengths in business ethics. "Business Ethics" or "Social Responsibility of Business". practice; a number of academic networks Search all Journal of Business Ethics articles Volume 193, Issue 4 September 2024. 1982–2022: Shaping debates in business, ethics and society for 40 years. Introduction Christian ethics applied to economics and business has a long tradition. Jeffery Smith; OriginalPaper 02 May 2016 Pages: 603 - 618 How Can Business Ethics Strengthen the Social Cohesion of a Society? Journal of Business Ethics is dedicated to publishing original articles focused on ethical issues related to business. As long as a business didn’t break a law, its only real ethical imperative was doing the best for its Business ethics can be viewed as consisting of three main areas of endeavor. Established in 1981, it originally published articles and reviews with a focus on ethical problems encountered by professionals working in large organizational structures. In addition, over a thousand recent full-text doctoral CEOs increasingly engage in activism on issues such as gun control, voting rights, and abortion. 78 (2007): 575-600. Sébastien Mena; Simon Parker; Original Paper Open access 02 April 2024 Pages: 1 - 23 Responsible Design Thinking for Sustainable Development: Critical Literature Review, New Business Ethics Quarterly (BEQ) is a peer-reviewed scholarly journal which publishes theoretical and empirical research relevant to the ethics of business, corporate social responsibility, and corporate sustainability. 4, No. The Co-Editors began the year with this Editorial elaborating on the reasons behind Changes in the intellectual structure of business ethics: A review on Journal of Business Ethics, 2000-2020. (1981). On Predatory journals operate as vanity presses, typically charging large submission or publication fees and requiring little peer review. Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility is a peer-reviewed quarterly journal dedicated to business ethics and business and society research. Search all Journal of Business Ethics articles Volume 163, Issue 3 May 2020. 13 articles in this issue Firm Responses to Mass Outrage: Technology, Blame, and Employment. While the “whys” and “hows” of this practice have been discussed in the academic and professional The Journal of Business Ethics is a peer-reviewed academic journal published by Springer. Donaldson, J. org IIARD – Page International Institute of Academic Research and Development 80 Business Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility: A Conceptual Approach Mbu-Ogar, Geraldine B. Henrietta Dorfmüller; Wangui Kimotho; Florian Wettstein; Original Paper Search all Journal of Business Ethics articles Volume 165, Issue 3 September 2020. There is often a close overlap between purely ethical considerations with political, social, and legal philosophy. We also use optional cookies for advertising, personalisation of content, usage analysis, and social media. Business Ethics: A European Review has been renamed as Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility. While the emphasis of this section is on books, we also welcome reviews of other media, as well as mixed media Nevertheless, substantial efforts have been taken to demonstrate how different business activities constitute MacIntyrean practices, which points to an incoherence at the heart of MacIntyrean business ethics scholarship. Drawing on previous research and insights gained from our 30 + years’ experience in practice, we present four archetypes of social innovation. (2017). E. MacIntyre A. Reconnecting to the Social in Business Ethics (2021) by Gazi Islam and Michelle Greenwood. Department of Accounting Search all Journal of Business Ethics articles Volume 175, Issue 3 January 2022. A role for virtue ethics in the analysis of business practice. Between the 80's and 90's spaces appeared where ethics were discussed in business . Aims to improve the human condition by promoting ethical discussion and Journal of Business Ethics is dedicated to publishing original articles focused on ethical issues related to business. Whereas business ethics A version of this article appeared in the November–December 2021 issue of Harvard Business Review. Journal of Change Management. Michelle Greenwood; R. Koehn D. , Stapleton L. The study of proper business policies and practices regarding potentially controversial issues, such as corporate governance, insider trading, bribery, discrimination, corporate social responsibility and fiduciary responsibilities. Welcome; Archives. . [Google Scholar] Burford G. The Journal of Business Ethics publishes original articles from a wide variety of methodological and disciplinary perspectives concerning ethical issues related Front Matter Download; XML; Enchantment in Business Ethics Research Download; XML "We Ought to Eat in Order to Work, Not Vice Versa": MacIntyre, Practices, and the Best Work for Journal of Business Ethics, 68(3), 211–228. Chmielewski Understanding ethical behavior and decision making in management: A behavioral business ethics approach. FNEGE (France) Traditionally, core focus areas include work on ethical theory, applied ethics, moral philosophy, and moral psychology. Accounting and Business Ethics. This section is dedicated to critical reviews of new scholarly and non-scholarly books and media about or relevant to business ethics. de Pedro; Original Paper Open access "The Business Ethics Journal Review is a peer-reviewed academic journal that publishes commentaries on current issues in business ethics. 2014;120(4):541–554. Lisa Warenski; Original Paper 26 January 2024 Pages: 485 - 500 Mimicry Dynamics: A Study of Social entrepreneurship and ethics have a unique relationship. com. The SU LIS takes no responsibility for the content published within this journal, and disclaim all liability arising out of the use of or inability to use the information contained herein. 38 (2002): The Journal of Business Ethics began in 1982 publishing semi-annual issues. Aims to improve the human condition Journal of Accounting and Financial Management E-ISSN 2504-8856 P-ISSN 2695-2211 Vol 7. In this paper, we address this issue by considering a key inhibiter to women’s leadership advancement—biased perceptions of female leaders’ competence—and links to a climate for inclusion. Since 1980, the Journal of Business Ethics has championed diverse perspectives and published original articles that contri Submission status Closed. Multilevel examination of how and when socially responsible human resource management improves the well-being of employees. After virtue: A study in moral theory. edu European Journal of Business and Innovation Research Vol. Some Reflections on My Role as Co-EIC at JBE (2021) by R. It has a broad focus in terms of methodology and subject matter. policies. Holly H. , 2021). This article partially fills the gap in the literature on the ranking of business ethics journals. Aims to improve the human condition Search all Journal of Business Ethics articles Volume 195, Issue 1 November 2024. Article Google Scholar Journal of Business Ethics - Book and Media Reviews Guidelines. Aims to improve the human condition The Journal of Business Ethics publishes original articles from a wide variety of methodological and disciplinary perspectives concerning ethical issues related to business. 13 articles in this issue When Is CEO Activism Conducive to the Democratic Process? Aurélien Feix; Georg Wernicke; Original Paper 30 May 2023 Pages: 755 - 774 The More the Merrier: How Psychological Standing and Work Group Size Explain Managers’ Willingness to Volume 177, issue 3 articles listing for Journal of Business Ethics. Journal of Business Ethics, 159(3), 635–650. 11 articles in this issue Contentious Dynamics Within the Social Turbulence of Environmental (In)justice Surrounding Wind Energy Farms in Oaxaca, Mexico. 13 articles in this issue Spheres of Influence: A Walzerian Approach to Business Ethics. once your article has been approved for publication, you will be invoiced, and your article will only be placed on receipt of the fee). 12 articles in this issue Toward an Ethics of Ambiguity in Critical Work and Organizational Psychology: From ‘Blank’ to ‘Troubled’ Subjectivity. 7 articles in this issue Radical, Relevant, Reflective and Brilliant: Towards the Future of Business Ethics. Search all Journal of Business Ethics articles Volume 189, Issue 4 February 2024. ProQuest Political Science This link opens in a new window This database gives users access to hundreds of leading political science and international relations journals, providing full-text of many core titles indexed in Worldwide Political Science Abstracts. It augments the established system of scholarly publication with a forum for commentary and discussion of current articles in business ethics publications, such as the Academy of Management Review, Business Journal of Business Ethics is dedicated to publishing original articles focused on ethical issues related to business. Business education must supply the conceptual tools managers need to make choices that are ethically responsible and culturally sensitive as well as Journal of Business Ethics is dedicated to publishing original articles focused on ethical issues related to business. 23 (2000): 339-52; Edwin M. It augments the established system of scholarly publication with a forum for commentary and discussion of current articles in business ethics publications, such Volume 193, issue 3 articles listing for Journal of Business Ethics. Krzysztof Dembek; Nagaraj Sivasubramaniam; Danielle A. BEER Title Change and Journal Metrics. Recognized as one of the 50 journals used by the Financial Times in the prestigious Business School research rank. The Journal of Business Ethics is one of the journals used by the Financial Times for in compiling the Business Schools research rank. Vikram R. 11 articles in this issue Value Judgements, Positivism and Utility Comparisons in Economics. org is added to your Approved Personal Document E-mail List under your Personal Document Settings on the Manage Your Content and Devices page of your Amazon account. 125. Practice-based Papers Collection. It publishes original articles that make significant contributions to the development of alternative theories and practices within business and Online first articles listing for Journal of Business Ethics. This journal provides paid and open access articles. Winning the Heart and Shaping the Mind with “Serious Play”: The Efficacy of Social Entrepreneurship Comics as Ethical Business Pedagogy. Indeed, the very first issue of the journal asked the question of whether legally allowed bluffing in labor negotiations was ethical (Carson et al. Search all Journal of Business Ethics articles Volume 193, Issue 2 August 2024. Drucker (1981) states ethics is non-negotiable, there is one ethics. , 2010; Shepherd et al. This essay comprises a selection of commentaries Search all Journal of Business Ethics articles Volume 197, Issue 2 March 2025. We would like to take this opportunity to thank the following people who have served our profession and their colleagues by acting as referees for 2024 in our double-blind assessment process. Aims to improve the human condition Journal of Business Ethics is dedicated to publishing original articles focused on ethical issues related to business. Nick Butler; Sverre Spoelstra; Original Paper Open access Consistent with the idea that business ethics is a form of applied ethics, many virtue ethicists make use of an extant (pure) moral philosophy framework, namely, one developed by Alasdair MacIntyre. Recent Posts. Your privacy, your choice. Journal of Business Ethics. These papers were handled by the Practice in Search all Journal of Business Ethics articles Volume 194, Issue 2 October 2024. NOLEGEIN Journal of Business Ethics, Ethos & CSRw [2581-6810(e)] is a peer-reviewed hybrid open-access journal launched in 2018 that provides a platform to discuss new issues in the area of Business ethics and the global economy. It publishes original articles that make significant contributions to the development of alternative theories and practices within business and The relationship between law and business ethics has been a core research area across the 40 years of the Journal of Business Ethics. ) Data and supporting evidence for journals; Misconduct for journals; Corrections . Abrahamsen; John A. 11 articles in this issue Is It Time to Reclaim the ‘Ethics’ in Business Ethics Education? Berina Jaganjac; Line M. Mohammed Benlemlih; Çiğdem Vural Yavaş; Original Paper About the Journal. 00 GBP / Journal of Business Ethics is dedicated to publishing original articles focused on ethical issues related to business. Since its initiation in 1980, the editors have encouraged the broadest possible scope. 13 articles in this issue “It’s Business”: A Qualitative Study of Moral Injury in Business Settings; Experiences, Outcomes and Protecting and Exacerbating Factors. Thematic Symposium: Mass Entrepreneurship Policy and Chinese Firms' Corporate Social Responsibility (articles 1-5) Issue Editors: Zhenzhong Ma, Maoliang Bu; 11 articles in this issue Overview. December 2015; Blog at WordPress. The term 'business' is understood in a wide This journal is hosted by the SU LIS on request of the journal owner/editor. Book and Media Reviews Guidelines. These are: (1) a consideration of the ethics of business, that is, an examination of the application of broadly accepted ethical norms to business; (2) an field of academic research and teaching in which normative and critical examinations of business practices are subjected to ethical We investigate gender disparities and network linkages among editors of Finance journals at the end of 2022. Special Issue on Strengthening Our Cities: Exploring the Intersection of Ethics, Diversity and Inclusion, and Social Innovation in Revitalizing Urban Environments (articles 1-6) Issue Editors: Ted Baker, This Special Issue examines ethics in fashion to further critical understanding of the various drivers and barriers, nuances and layers of complexity in fashion production, marketing, and consumption, and aims toward a more future-oriented perspective through the lens of ethics. 2007. An unexpected means of embedding ethics in To commemorate 40 years since the founding of the Journal of Business Ethics, the editors in chief of the journal have invited the editors to provide commentaries on the future of business ethics. Article Google Scholar Greenwood, M. Kushagra Bhatnagar; Julien Cayla; Gregorio Fuschillo; Original Paper 30 August 2023 Journal of Business Ethics is dedicated to publishing original articles focused on ethical issues related to business. senators about abortion. Article Google Scholar Zhang, Z. Werhane; John Nolan; Original Paper 14 September Journal of Business Law and Ethics is an international scholarly journal that publishes original materials from a wide variety of methodological and disciplinary perspectives concerning legal and ethical issues related to business that bring something new or unique to the discourse in their field. It reviews past rankings and provides a more comprehensive ranking of 34 business ethics journals Ethics and economics: Towards a new humanistic synthesis for business. The journal has aimed to improve the human condition by providing a public forum for The purpose of this article is to encourage greater reflexivity among social innovation practitioners and researchers about the influence of unconscious biases and assumptions on addressing societal challenges. Journal of Corporate Citizenship A business journal that bridges the gap between management research and practice, evaluating and reporting on new research to help readers identify and understand significant Journal of Business Ethics, 187(1), 185–198. 12 articles in this issue Organizational Good Epistemic Practices. Despite the growing interest and pressing need to understand the ethics of quantification, little work in business ethics currently exists although some have suggested preliminary steps toward establishing a research agenda around quantification (Pink and Lanzeni 2018; Espeland and Stevens 2007), particularly elaborating Foucauldian perspectives on The business, management, and entrepreneurship (BME) education provided by universities is believed to influence the way in which organisations are managed in the business world. Notably, the journal in which entrepreneurship and ethics research are most concentrated is the Journal of Business Ethics, with 121 articles and 23% of the articles published on this topic. Eva Nilsson; Martin Fougère; Original Paper Open An article processing charge (APC) applies for each article accepted for publication in Journal of Business Ethics. Her research interests focus on trust, leadership, governance, and decision making. 11 articles in this issue The Temporal Structuring of Corporate Sustainability. Thematic Symposium: Mass Entrepreneurship Policy and Chinese Firms' Corporate Social Responsibility (articles 1-5) Issue Editors: Zhenzhong Ma, Maoliang Bu; 11 articles in this issue Or try searching in the journals list on topics like. The Journal of Business Ethics publishes only original articles from a wide variety of methodological and disciplinary perspectives concerning ethical issues related to business that bring something new or unique to the discourse in their field. Aims to improve the human condition Find the latest research papers and news in Business Ethics. , Fafaliou, I. Business and Professional Ethics Journal is a peer-reviewed forum for interdisciplinary research that explores the systemic causes of ethical challenges in business and professional life. The Search all Journal of Business Ethics articles Volume 147, Issue 1 January 2018. Search all Journal of Business Ethics articles Volume 190, Issue 4 April 2024. The language of publication is English. Epstein, “Religion and Business – The Critical Role of Religious Traditions in Management Education,” Journal of Business Ethics. The Metrics of Ethics and the Ethics of Metrics (2022) by Gazi Islam and Michelle Greenwood. Wicks; Patricia H. First, we evaluate how ethics-related topics have evolved in the B2B marketing literature, primarily focusing on how the different marketing journals have addressed this topic and also considering the As per available reports about 56 journals, 50 Conferences are presently dedicated exclusively to business ethics and about 7100 articles are being published on the current trends in business ethics. Social entrepreneurs carry out activities driven by their empathetic Articles submitted to the Journal of Business Ethics are reviewed by the Editors and Editorial Board Members, and by a few hundred anonymous reviewers. Electronic Journal of Business Ethics and Organisation Studies, 2 (12). (2023). 11 articles in this issue Resistance Will Be Futile? The Stigmatization (or Not) of Whistleblowers. Guidelines for Special Issue Proposals. J. , Hoover E. Ethical considerations arise when examining the representation of women on editorial boards, Search all Journal of Business Ethics articles Volume 190, Issue 1 February 2024. Michalos (Institute for Social Research and Evaluation, University of Northern British Search all Journal of Business Ethics articles Volume 169, Issue 4 April 2021. [1]The Journal of Business Ethics was founded by Alex C. 14 articles in this issue Formation of Stakeholder Trust in Business and the Role of Personal Values. Aims to improve the human condition Abstract: Endörfer and Larue (2022) argue that Joseph Heath’s Market Failures Approach to business ethics (MFA) implies a demandingness dilemma: under conditions of imperfect competition, they argue, the MFA is either too demanding, if requiring that firms should seek to generate Pareto efficiency or “social optima”, or not demanding enough, if it gives up In this article, we conduct a systematic literature review to investigate the role of ethics in business-to-business (B2B) marketing. This journal aims to promote dialogue at every level on all issues relating to ethics in business (Taken from the journal description). Search all Journal of Business Ethics articles Volume 174, Issue 1 November 2021. In doing so, these authors have refined MacIntyre’s work, but Business Ethics and Leadership (BEL) is scientific peer-reviewed journal. The number of firms engaging in these activities is increasing rapidly. The business community profoundly influences lives and events around the world. In 2010 it published seven volumes (volumes 91 to 97) and 39 separate issues, each containing several articles. Each archetype Journal of Religion and Business Ethics Volume 4 Sin in Business Article 2 January 2021 Greed, Self-Interest and Business Ethics – A Comparative Discussion of Gandhi and Novak Daniel Cheung University of Dayton, dktcheung@gmail. Search all Journal of Business Ethics articles Volume 195, Issue 2 November 2024. Article Google Scholar A review of the strategic management, policy, information management, and the marketing literature reveals that many large and medium sized companies now collect and use business intelligence. Abstract. Journal of Business Ethics, 140(1), 1–3. ABDC (Australia) The Australian Business Deans Council Journal Rankings List in 2022 gave BEQ a rank of A. L. Business ethics is a form of applied ethics that examines ethical principles and moral or ethical problems that arise in the business environment (Warren, 2011). There are morality rules and ethical behavior code that applies to all people alike. Isaac H. , & Jin, Q. AS Cambridge Core - Business Ethics Quarterly - Volume 33 - Issue 1. In Study 1 (N One common, and essential, approach to building normative business ethics theory is to apply normative ethical theories, such as Kantian deontology, utilitarianism, virtue ethics, or Habermasian discourse ethics, to business ethics topics, such as corporate governance, corporate social responsibility, employer–employee relations, and marketing. [Google Scholar] Bowen S. 11 articles in this issue Global South States’ Views on Building Partnerships with Corporations: An Agonistic Struggle in the UN and Beyond. Formerly known as Business Ethics: A European Review, (1992-2021). Fairchild; 7 articles in this issue Time to Talk About Race. 15 articles in this issue Deepening Ethical Analysis in Business Ethics. Guidelines on Publishing and Research Ethics in Journal Articles The journal requires that you include in the manuscript details IRB approvals, ethical treatment of human and Business Ethics Profs' Favourite Articles to Teach. It spreads results of theoretical and empirical Search all Journal of Business Ethics articles Volume 195, Issue 3 December 2024. Michael Pirson; Kirsten Martin; Bidhan Parmar; OriginalPaper 09 September 2015 Journal of Business Ethics is dedicated to publishing original articles focused on ethical issues related to business. Skip to main content. The journal seeks original high-quality scholarship relating to Business Ethics, the Environment, and Social Responsibility. (2022). Aims to improve the human condition The Asian Journal of Business Ethics publishes original articles from a wide variety of methodological and disciplinary perspectives concerning ethical issues Search all Journal of Business Ethics articles Volume 197, Issue 3 March 2025. For more journals available through the BU Libraries, look in e-Journals Search using relevant search terms, i. The current APC for Journal of Business Ethics is £2490. Social entrepreneurs engage in social entrepreneurship to advance the well-being of the disadvantaged (Dacin et al. 26-42, December 2016 of business ethics and social responsibility are often used interchangeably, although each has a distinct meaning (Carroll, 1989; Daft, 2001; Shaw & Barry, 1995). 11 articles in this issue Social Systems as Moral Agents: A Systems Approach to Moral Agency in Business. Search all Journal of Business Ethics articles Volume 192, Issue 1 June 2024. The range of contributions reflects the variety and scope of ethical Search all Journal of Business Ethics articles Volume 194, Issue 3 October 2024. Article Google Scholar Chandra, Y. Andrew C. Stavros A. Issue Editors: Paul T. Find a journal Publish with us Track your research Search. BEQ was the highest ranked business ethics journal on the 2021 UK ABS list. This dates back at least to the thirteenth century, with noteworthy developments in the four following centuries and again in the last century. Although such activism may benefit their firms, the stated goal is often to mobilize the public and precipitate change. Bauer University of Dayton, jbauer2@udayton. com Jacob N. This section seeks submissions that address ethical issues as they relate to accounting. Christian faith and reason intertwine to bring about principles, criteria, and guidelines for action and a set of virtues with relevance for economic This article fee, together with a significant subsidy from the Business Ethics Network of Africa, covers the publication costs for the paper. This is a selection of practice-based paper published in the Journal of Business Ethics over the last few years. Meghan Van Portfliet; Original Paper 11 November 2020 Business Ethics, Social Responsibility & Law Get the best books, eBooks, articles, media and open access resources on business ethics, social responsibility & law. This study investigates the teaching, research, and training of business ethics in Mainland China over the period of 2011–2023 and compares it with those prior to 2011. , Harder M. , & Jia, M. Home Search all Journal of Business Ethics articles Volume 193, Issue 3 September 2024. Steven Dellaportas. Journal of Business Ethics is dedicated to publishing original articles focused on ethical issues related to business. Drakopoulos; Original Paper Open access Search all Journal of Business Ethics articles Volume 145, Issue 1 September 2017. It applies to all aspects Search all Journal of Business Ethics articles Volume 191, Issue 3 May 2024. Gale in Context: Environmental Studies This database covers a variety of disciplines providing information on the physical, social and economic aspects of Library resources to support business ethics research. , & Ardıç, K Turkish Journal of Business Ethics, (2021, November), 14(2), 296-328. Business Ethics, the Environment & Responsibility is a multidisciplinary business ethics journal covering ethics, sustainability, & Corporate Social Responsibility. The role of journal editors in shaping academic disciplines is crucial, yet gender imbalances and the geographic concentration of editors remain poorly understood. Search all Journal of Business Ethics articles Volume 159, Issue 3 October 2019. The consequences of such journals are wide reaching, affecting the integrity of the legitimate journals they attempt to imitate, the reputations of the departments, colleges, and universities of their contributors, the actions of accreditation I report the results of an authorship analysis within Business Ethics Quarterly (BEQ), the journal of the Society of Business Ethics. Harper, Robbin Derry, Gregory B. Journal of Business Ethics is dedicated to publishing original articles focused on ethical issues related to business. Calkins, “Recovering Religion’s Prophetic Voice for Business Ethics,” Journal of Business Ethics. The APC price will be determined from the date on which the article is accepted for publication. Since its initiation Business Ethics Quarterly (BEQ) is a peer-reviewed scholarly journal which publishes theoretical and empirical research relevant to the ethics of business, corporate social responsibility, and corporate sustainability. The results from the questionnaire survey of 43 experts, desktop research, and personal observations reveal that (1) in Mainland China, the field of business ethics has grown stronger over the last The Business and Professional Ethics Journal is a peer-reviewed forum for interdisciplinary research that explores the systemic causes of ethical challenges in business and professional life. We use essential cookies to make sure the site can function. Aims to improve the human condition Search all Journal of Business Ethics articles Volume 150, Issue 3 July 2018. , Wang, J. See Martin S. No. The Business Ethics Journal Review is a peer-reviewed academic journal that publishes commentaries on current issues in business ethics. Menu. Journal of Business Ethics, 99(1), 37–49. Business ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility in the e-economy. Edward Freeman; Editorial Essay 18 December 2017 Pages: 1 - 4 Part of 1 collection: List of Editorials – From the Editors-in-Chief Business Ethics, the Environment & Responsibility is a multidisciplinary business ethics journal covering ethics, sustainability, & Corporate Social Responsibility. Deepening Methods in Business Ethics(2020) by Michelle Greenwood and R Edward Freeman The Association of Business Schools' 2021 Academic Journal Guide gave BEQ a 4 rating ("a top journal"). 11 articles in this issue Language as a Source of Epistemic Injustice in Organisations. In 2021 this journal rebranded and expanded its scope, seeking to include different business and society issues, including, but not limited to, issues of ethics, the natural environment, fairness, internal and external social responsibility, Joan Fontrodona, Business Ethics Department, Center for Business in Society (CBS), IESE Business School , Spain. On April 1, 2017, Business Ethics and Leadership (BEL) journal was published. As people in these countries started using the American texts and other materials they saw the need for In this article, we seek to explore the different normative claims made around commons organizing and how the advent of the digital commons introduces new ethical questions. Aims to improve the human condition by promoting ethical discussion and debate in business. Ethics is a practice that applies to everyone employed in the organization, regardless of position, level of responsibility, and range of responsibilities (Paliwal, 2006). Business Ethics and Leadership (BEL) is a peer-reviewed international gold open access journal. Other journals with renowned reputations are highlighted for their publication of EE papers exceeding a threshold of 100 citations. Article Google Scholar Kleine, A. Thomas's virtue theory coordinates private and public activities through a set of context-invariant, justice-oriented norms with conceptual appeal to contemporary questions of global business ethics. Crossref. The article fee is only applicable for accepted articles (i. by Bağış, M. Business Ethics, the Environment & Responsibility is a multidisciplinary business ethics journal seeking to advance knowledge, discourse and practice in relation to Business Ethics and Do Old Board Directors Promote Corporate Social Responsibility? Did Facebook Cheat?: A Test Case of Antitrust Ethics. Likewise, some journals focus on topics within ethics such as bioethics, business ethics, and environmental ethics. 12 articles in this issue Redemption Through Play? Exploring the Ethics of Workplace Gamification. Search all Journal of Business Ethics articles Volume 180, Issue 3 October 2022. , & Freeman, R. Dimitriades, Z. In our article, we first sketch how Aquinas's theory can be also of relevance to a non-confessional audience through its appeal to the ‘natural View all special issues, award winning papers and other collections curated by Journal of Business Ethics editors on key ethical issues facing businesses and societies today. British Journal of Management, 22, 1-4. Hunnes; Original Paper Open access Search all Journal of Business Ethics articles Volume 169, Issue 3 March 2021. Cho Marion Brivot. M. Business Ethics Quarterly, 5(3), 533–539.
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