Cunning ned stark fanfiction. Ned was disappointed, but he was happy to have me back.

Cunning ned stark fanfiction This is, as Cunning Ned Stark. Which means he is now in the middle of the war to see if they can get Aerys to stab himself in the pointiest chair in the world. And yet to his family and friends he was simply Ned. Ned was disappointed, but he was happy to have me back. " Robb said. Screams filled the air as banners carrying the Lion marched throughout the city. The words 'Lord Stark' sounded like a derogative coming from his mouth. "No" Catelyn replied. We have fifty thousand swords, spears, maces. I would be proud to have him serve House Stark. Martin; Tags with the same meaning: cunning Ned; Footer. "Doesn't that sound better to all the little birds the Spider will send to follow you?" Ned wanted to find fault with the plan but couldn't. Almost one moon passed and Ned came to take me from Dorne. Movies, Now she's in Westeros before the song of ice and fire is sung, alongside a young Ned Stark, a teenage Tyrion Lannister, and a host of characters both familiar and not. FanFiction | unleash "Ned Stark is more cunning than we thought," one of the Lannister generals said as he walked around the long table and took his seat. "We all know that Ned Stark it too honorable to do that. The man never had joked about any of those Ned nodded, did not even care to conceal his eagerness as Margaery, with all courtesies, extricated her son from King Robert's arms and walked over to Ned, handing the babe over. The boy is a Warg. /Spoilers Ned watched him leave and began a letter to his wife and the infant son that he had never seen and might never see. "Warg. The Smalljon was perhaps an inch or two taller but the three Karstark boys were long limbed, powerful men. The last was a recent addition to Ned's reputation. He stood at the edge of the parapet, the stone cold beneath his gloved hands, his breath misting in the frigid air. My father, Eddard Stark, had no designs on claiming the Iron Throne for himself, despite what Cersei and Joffrey had claimed. If only that were all of it. Chapter 3 The Talk. Sansa: 15. "No, I do not intend to stop you, Ned," said Jon, who had caught up to him now. I tried not to scoff. Martin and HBO SUMMARY: Ned Meet Leon Stark, a seasoned soul who has lived multiple lives and now finds himself reborn in the world of Game of Thrones. It "Tell me Lord Eddard, why you committed treason?" Ned grunted. This is a OP story with few limits. " Aranna Stark, first daughter of Lord Eddard Stark and Catelyn Stark, was considered to be the northern beauty resembling her aunt. The lovers found themselves in the cesspool of King’s Landing, and most play the game to survive Thankfully, the Stark forces were outside the city. Before Ned could say anything I put my finger to my lips, gesturing towards the stairs before I walked down the steps. Catelyn Stark looked at the sept of Winterfell with anger in her heart. Most of the people there were whispering harshly to each other, each throwing around ideas for what they should do. You can use it to filter works and to filter bookmarks. It was a devious and cunning and well-thought-out plan that stunk off Tywin Lannister, Lord Tywin was the one who THIS IS A REWRITE OF Leon Stark [] Meet Leon Stark, a seasoned soul who has lived multiple lives and now finds himself reborn in the world of Game of Thrones. Ned had sputtered, much to the amusement of the eunuch. "You have been listening to much to Old Nan. The Seven Kingdoms prior to the Deaths of Eddard Stark and Robert Baratheon. "Pray forgive me Ashara wouldn't forget the gray eyes of Eddard Stark, or the time they spent together, for all her life. "Proud as the lion on his banner, too. But when Arya stole 30 coins from him and Bran, shit got personal. "He may be Lyanna and Rhaegar's son. Jon Snow claiming to never felt like a stark, during his 10 years of being in winterfell. Ned Stark always did his duty. His guards immediately went to their swords in case he was a threat to their lord. Apart from the ones already mentioned, here are my recommendations: Cosmos, Lilies, and Forget-Me-Nots - ao3 - is one of the most unique Robb centric fanfic that I’ve read. And, apparently, a great poet. Full Summary inside. /Spoilers Although Ned didn't like Roose Bolton, he was at least smart and cunning enough to realize the severity of the situation. Tyrion paled, "He must never know. (rated for violence, language and Robb Stark is one of my favorite central characters for an ASOIAF fanfic. We have more men than the Lannister and Stark armies combined. Ned Stark. she has a plan for him and what this plan of her will change for him and North. "There must always be a Stark in Winterfell. Roose fervently believed no one, not even the heir of the outrageously honorable, loyal Ned Stark, could be so perfect. AU The cunning and dazzlingly beautiful Catelyn Stark had Eddard completely under her spell and clouded his mind with her sexual powers. The cunning, the secrecy involved would be staggering and Jon could see Ned trying to come to grips with the treason they were about to commit. WhiteDragonWarrior (6 comments): Glad you found this story and that you enjoy it. How will this slightly different Eddard Stark impact the North? Will his decisions have a lasting impact on House Stark and the War of the Five Kings? Eddard Stark watches as his children muck up the North and destroy everything he worked for. In his mind, Ned Stark's unwavering sense of honor had been a fatal flaw, a weakness that had allowed the North to flourish under Cregan's iron-fisted rule. Rickon: 6. " Tyrion nodded his agreement and looked at his brother over the brim of his golden goblet. "Eddard Stark saw this and went inside, falling over his brother and punching him almost bloody all over his body. Lord of the Seven Kingdoms and Protector of the Realm, I, Eddard of the House Stark, Lord of Winterfell and Warden of the North, sentence you to die. The North needed Dorne. Peace rains until the Greyjoy Rebellion is put down and Ned takes Theon as his hostage and ward. I will go myself" Ned looked down grimly. The other Houses are talking, as are the smallfolk. After the last Winter King Torrhen Stark bent the knee to Aegon Targaryen people knew this prophecy to be false and with time it was forgotten entirely until something happened in the year 281 AC. A man of the North, he favors the icy cold winters of Winterfell, to the heat of King's Landing. Politics and strategies a mystery. " Hinted Arthur as he drove his swords deep into the chest of Eddard Stark. There is still some canon stuff happening, but a lot of things are different, too. exclaimed the newly crowned king with a sneer. Eddard Stark regrets every inaction of his that played a part in his people's suffering. He sent the last two Greyjoys Theon and Yara to the night watch and the silent sisters Ned is dishonorable as fuck. In short, Harry had actual political skills and found the All that people knew of Ned was that he was quiet. From the little bit of skimming, I did right this moment The tears in his eyes clouded his vision as he ran his hands over the two open wounds on Eddard's chest. Neither would Ned, after some thorough teaching. Brandon was screaming for the whole camp to hear how he fucked my darling Ashara, singing 'The Dornishman's Wife' in his drunken state. And she has children of her own which are also in the story. Six years later Jon Arryn dies and Robert rides North to name his old friend his new hand. Stark has a direwolf" He looked up at this. "You chose the wrong side, my Lord. Jon knew their endeavor was standing in direct contrast to the notions of honor the young man steadfastly clung to, Tyrion was trustworthy and cunning, more cunning than Cersei at times. And a wolf among lions learns to sharpen his claws [AU] The first of the letters surprised him the most, as it included the identity of the mystery author: Eddard Stark's second-born son Bennard, a boy of four-and-ten. Unlike Tyrosh, Lys, and Volantis, the walls of Myr were made of ordinary granite. When Ned Stark finally reaches the Tower of Joy, he finds his sister alive and well and having given birth to Prince Rhaegar. Game of Thrones - Rated: T - THIS IS A REWRITE OF Leon Stark [] Meet Leon Stark, a seasoned soul who has lived multiple lives and now finds himself reborn in the world of Game of Thrones. Author's Notes: Revelations galore for everyone!:D As Always, Read, Enjoy and Review! Rating: M; it's Game of Thrones, anything less is not Game of thrones :D Summary: The Second War for the Dawn is over, the Others have won. A subreddit for Fanfiction of George R. Ned's straight-forwardness would have to be bent. " Glancing at the rumpled bed, Eddard told his King, "I can see you were serious about that too. Now, Lord Eddard Stark must face a new reality, as these new abilities may just change things in not just the North, but the rest of the Seven Kingdoms. Bran: 9. Finally learning the truth behind Lyanna's 'abduction', Ned vows In which a more cunning, more ambitious Eddard Stark who had been fostered in Casterly Rock takes the throne as regent in name of his infant nephew: Prince Aegon Targaryen with the This tag belongs to the Additional Tags Category. Joffrey Baratheon is the true king. Robert took his crown, while Ned travelled to Storm's End to lift the siege, and then to Dorne to find his Maybe Rickard Stark got Ned a personal weapons instructor and that's the reason for his increased skill, for example. Mother of Prince Jaehaerys Targaryen, Jon Stark, Jon Snow. He was unjustly arrested on orders of the Queen Regent and the Bastard King which sits on the Iron Throne, my sisters held hostage. About the Archive. Ned had suggested his father return The Twins to appease the Tully family and had been slapped by Lord Rickard for suggesting such a stupid thing. "Lord Eddard Stark has sent his son Harlan Stark to Moat Cailin. Wldlngs Wildlings, yes, fleeing South. Ned brings down the sword and takes the man's head off with a single sure stroke. 1/4/2021. He had been walking through the Red Keep deep in thought about all the things he had learned these past few weeks when the messenger came running up to him. A conversation that will slowly change some of Eddard Stark's views forever. How will the tyrannical Lions fare when facing his sons? Game of Thrones - Rated: T - English - Fantasy/Adventure - Chapters: 104 - Words: 285,103 - Reviews: 1086 - Favs: 1,875 - Follows: 1,704 - Updated: 5/7/2021 - Published: 11/9/2020 - Jon S The main OC is a sister of Ned, Brandon, Lyanna and Benjen. Mance, who had followed Jon after the Stark brothers left, saw Jon's eyes turn white. Lord of Winterfell. Arya had entered the ship by an open window on the stern and had nearly died doing so. And yet Edric's fingers tightened around the parchment, the edges of the paper crumpling slightly as his grip betrayed the turmoil within. Cunning and honor unknown. The least thing both Eddard Stark and Arthur Dayne wanted was to enter King's Landing and putting the lives of both babies at risk. By order of the Crown, Eddard Stark has been found guilty of treason and beheaded before the Great Sept of Baelor. Ned/Ashara, EVENTUAL Jon/Dany In which a more cunning, more ambitious Eddard Stark who had been fostered in Casterly Rock takes the throne as regent in name of his infant nephew: Prince Aegon Targaryen with the backing of the Westerlands; and brings upon Westeros the Hour of the Red Wolf. No one steals from Eddard Stark. " "Yes yes, you are the mother, fine that's good. He will do whatever it takes to win the game. " When Ned Stark returns from Dorne with his sister's body, an illegitimate child, his elder brothers secret wife and the heir to Winterfell all hell breaks loose. Wylla, she could have been a bastard child. Leon is a cunning, vindictive and sociopathic character. FanFiction | unleash Eddard Stark. Yet, her husband was still in ways, the shy second son of Ned knew this game and he prompt 'looks who's talking'. With one last promise to Lyanna Stark to look after her only son, how will the Sword of The Morning raise the last scion of House Targaryen to retake the Iron Throne and restore the house of the dragon. Foster-son of Jon Arryn, foster-brother and best friend of Robert Baratheon. " Arthur breathed as he aimed both of his swords at Eddard's chest. "My Lord, we've searched almost every day. This is a translation of my old fanfiction, so bear with me and correct my mistakes if you notice something. 21 votes, 15 comments. FanFiction | unleash "Well Ned," Robert had started, with the cunning air of a mason explaining to a simple lord why the price of his privy had doubled, "you see the boy had something of a mouth, which will no longer be able to call better men 'slow as a pregnant stag'. King of the Andals, the Rhoynar, and the First Men. Hope you like the new update. Alys Stark was not her sister. Eddard Stark, like many a man before him, underestimated the cunning of Olenna Tyrell. He had sent the wench who had been Lyanna's companion during her last days into hiding, along with the children, saying he would send word when it was safe, providing her with the Before his death, Brandon Stark had a legitimate son, Nathan Stark, heir to the North. Wherever Eddard Stark was, it would be impossible to find him. King Rhaegar was hailed for his mercy. And Gods, did Ned need teaching on how to rule. Eddard wants to take Young Jon Snow and raise him as his Bastard but Lyanna says she wouldn't allow it. The man was bound to do something stupid sooner or later. "Old Gods? What nonsense is this? Eddard Stark, like many a man before him, underestimated the cunning of Olenna Tyrell. Keep that, make him a little more politicky and voila. The Great Ned appears. " The wrack tightened and Ned felt his limbs begin to howl with pain. Chapter 7 . What if Robb had gone to treat with Renly instead of Lady Stark? When Ned Stark Reader discretion is advised as this fanfiction may explore crossover themes, character interactions, and storylines not found in the original works. (Rated: M for Language/Lemon) The fanfiction subreddit for the world of A Song of Ice and Fire/ Game of Thrones/ House of the Dragon and all other related properties within this world created by George R. Sixteen years later when the King of the Seven Kingdoms falls ill and passes, the throne passes to his eldest son, Robb. " Ned almost laughed bitterly when Tyrion changed his tune. Eddard stark brought not one but two bastard after the war, Amira snow is the twin sister of Jon snow with purple eyes,cunning and more wolfblood than he has. Duncan Stark was a Targaryen through and through, was Rhaegar Targaryen's grandson without a doubt. Witness the making of a wolf who will go down in the history of Westeros as the Legendary Winter King of the North. My men managed to spirit him out of the Black Cells along with your daughters, Sansa and Arya Stark. We have decided that you should learn a trade. My father was not executed. Fighting prowess unknown. Sent out the Call. "Yes," Eddard agreed, holding Robert's gaze, his own clear and honest as befitting a Stark, possessing no cunning or guile, hiding the lie in plain sight. Robb: 18. A simple man indeed. Without him, the Stark girls would not be enough to get his son released, nor any of the other prisoners Stark had. His fear grows even greater when he hears his Uncle Benjen tells Ned that he should inform Jon who he really is. Chapter 8. And, for a brief time between the death of the Mad King and her own, a queen. But now his rage was more like a raging flame eager to burn everything to the ground. Robert Baratheon. " Robb Oh, Cersei, just shut up! A Dornish monkey could've done a better job of ruling the Seven Kingdoms than your precious, beastly little brat! You're a mess, lady. In fact, Ned was more worried about how the more traditional and warlike Northern houses like the Umbers would react to the sale of Stark lands. Jamie and Stark would talk for hours on end and Stark had the gall to assign tasks to Jamie all around the city which her foolish brother readily agreed to do. Eddard Stark, Outside of Myr. Old Ned, while lacking in cunning in canon, did keep me coming back for his integrity. After being saved by Ned Stark, Nathan strives to make the North strong so no one would see the North as the weakest realm in Westeros. 19th Day of the 7th Moon, 299 AC. Ned meets with Barbery Dustin and the Lords of the North. Eddard Stark called his banners after his brother and father were burned alive. And Sansa Stark too apparently, since she highfived her little sister after the deed was done. And bedroom prowess! Whenever it appeared that her husband would question her about the creature she quickly took him to bed. The brothers stared at each other, communicating without words. Now it was everyone´s turn to stare at him in surprise. Thus continuing one of the greatest dynasties that will ever exist, the Stark Dynasty. how will she make him and North great? Jon and Amira both goes on different adventures. " As Ned lifts the greatsword above his head, Bran almost has half a mind to run away. But Ned Stark always brought out these thoughts, and not only in her she had noticed, some of her ladies in waiting blushed quite excessively when her and Lord Eddard took their walks together. Ned Stark struck a bargain with Robert Baratheon to spare his nephew's life; in exchange, Ned’s eldest daughter would marry Robert’s oldest son. They were like a wolf pack, Lyanna once said. Not that Ned actually cared of course, he just wanted to watch a documentary about meerkats. Old Gods have spoken to him. Yet, Ned had to visit the Red Keep in order to report Robert (Arthur scoffed disgustedly at the mention of his name) of Lyanna's death. Arthur Dayne has killed Ned Stark beneath the Tower of Joy. They grow restless and spread rumors. Of course Tywin was well aware of his debt to Ned Stark, and how the northerner had never explicitly mentioned it during their negotiations. "Lord Stark, you of all people should know that I never joke about eating, drinking, killing or whoring!" Eddard couldn't help but laugh with his old friend. He leads a joyful life, doing what he pleases and leaves the politics to others. The doors had been beaten off the hinges, the wooden statues of the Seven had been knocked down and hacked at with axes and burnt, and the altars by each statue had been desecrated with blood and other foulness. Nora is the best dressmaker in the North, but she is a lowborn orphan who has no idea where she came from. The birds from the North bring an interesting turn of affairs" he began in a soft voice. I was scared of his judging eyes, but I did what I did and I would suffer the consequences. Balon Greyjoy bent the knee after his failed rebellion. "The war is over, Arthur. "I only wished to give you this. He had sent outriders days before as he had not heard from Eddard since he left for the Tower of Joy and he worried for his friend. With a royal order allowing him the use of the finest horses along the Kingsroad, he had made good time indeed; some twenty leagues a day on the fastest days, arriving at Bronzegate long before sunset on the sixth. I am writing to inform my old friend Eddard of the House Stark, Lord of Winterfell, to alert him of a visit. Ever since then, Ned Stark had to attend lessons of politics and ruling from his mother since Jon Arryn did a piss poor job of it. It’s for Ned Stark to take the Iron Throne instead of he. "I am making a copy, for your son to carry. Fearing retribution for siding with House Targaryen when Robert wins his rebellion, Olenna takes drastic action to secure the future of her family. Ned was surprised by the sights he saw in the capital. She was lucky the captain of the ship found her first, and not Ser Axell or any of his men. Knowing that Ned doesn't know what the word subtlety means. But when violent attack nearly ends his life, Tony decides to take action and creates a hero for the people to rally around: a knight known as Iron Ned Stark Lives! Part 3 Chapter 2 Arya. And while Tywin Lannister is the only new addition coming with an invitation, Hoster only sees potential brides and grooms Roberts Rebellion was a success and Robert Marries Lyanna. " It was incredibly infuriating, to be candid. Martin's A Song of Ice and Fire Series and its HBO Shows Game of Thrones and House of the Dragon. Let Ned Stark bring an army and deal with them. It got both Ned and Robert laughed about it. "Your grace. The young man would do his duty and fix the slight he put on Lady Dayne's honor. And the worst part of it all is the fact that he is sure that he should have no memories of those dreams. Ned had to take Cersei as his wife and Stannis took Elia as his wife to appease Dorne. All of Sansa Stark's hopes and dreams had been torn apart in the last few weeks and sometimes she thought her heart would break in two from all the pain and humiliations she had suffered. "It was the least I could do my lord. Where Oberyn is trying to get the kingsguard to leave with him to a safe haven. "We should retreat to King's Landing," one man started before being interrupted. "It was not treason, Stannis Baratheon, is the true king. He warily stepped back at the sight of Winter but quickly managed to school his face with a slightly forced smile. /Ned, Robb S. " Antony smirked a devious little grin. He dishonored her before the all the nobles in attendance. Months later and Ned Stark would stand before his irate father as he explained why Ned would be sent south to marry Ashara Dayne. Martin this fic focuses on a battle-hardened Eddard Stark in a world where Rhaegar Wins and Lyanna survives. Fictioncrazed01 is an avid fanfiction reader and an active particpant in the world of fandom. Ned Stark Lives! Chapter 41 Catelyn. It appears that the Sword of the North will be permanently settling down at the Moat and will in fact renovations have already begun for some time is what I get to hear. Yay. Waking up in the body of Eddard Stark, you could only want to go back to sleep and never wake up again. " Eddard sighed. Ned Stark, once an apprentice and now respected craftsman of iron and metal, has come to King's Landing to work for the Baratheons. "But brother," Jaime spoke up with a smirk on his handsome face. She is chosen to be the personal dressmaker to Eddard Stark's daughters and travels with them to Kings Landing. FanFiction | unleash Damn! this fic really make me feel that Ned Stark can be as cunning as Tywin Lannister MattKennedy chapter 1 . Ned Stark Lives! Chapter 11 Sansa. He couldn't help but feel disappointed at Robert's bored indifference. She was much the same, but where as Elia was a woman of thoughts and cunning, Ned was a man of action. PART: 01 of ? AUTHOR: Red Jacobson ( ) DISTRIBUTION: My Yahoo Group, , Archive of Our Own, Hentai-Foundry, Questionable Questing DISCLAIMER: None of the Characters You Recognize belong to me, the Game of Thrones Characters and setting are owned by George R. In 293 AC, four of Ned's most powerful vassals come to talk to him about the North and House Stark. KingBeleram6654 is a fanfiction author that has written 9 stories for to name a new hand of the King and there begins a conflict that will tear apart Jasper's family and the realm itself as cunning lords and decadent kings will all play the game of thrones. -Eddard-Ned Stark was in his solar, reading the letter he had received from Ser Brynden after he FanFiction | unleash In which a more cunning, more ambitious Eddard Stark who had been fostered in Casterly Rock takes the throne as regent in name of his infant nephew: Prince Aegon Targaryen with the backing of the Westerlands; and brings upon Westeros the Hour of the Red Wolf. The Stark lord collected his sons and entourage, keeping a quiet and very much shocked Brandon close at hand while young Eddard and Lady Dayne shot looks of pity after the Tully family. "I don't trust a raven to carry these words" "I'll ride to King's Landing" Robb said firmly. And in the morning, Lyanna Stark watched from her castle tower and Jon Arryn watched from his camp and almost at the same time, both were given the same news. When Catelyn dies after Robb Stark's birth, Ned is left free to marry Ashara Dayne, the woman he fell in love with at Harrenhal. , Jon S. But in the aftermath of her father and brothers death at the hand of a mad king, she must find her own strengths and tap into her Stark blood to survive as a hostage in Kings Landing during a war that would change the seven kingdoms. Yet Eddard Stark is a good honourable man with a good heart, but the Kingship was not made for good honourable men with good Ned Stark burned entire lands and salted and sulphured entire lands. Ned Stark to her had always been a man who bore slow anger in silence who weighed his every action with cool rationality. Spoilers/ THIS IS WHERE I WILL BE POSTING MY ROUGH DRAFT for THE STARK. The son of Rhaegar and Lyanna Stark. Eddard Stark inclined his head gravely, "I shall endeavour to do as Ned just wanted to get over with this as soon as possible, the empty sockets of the mounts of the Dragon Kings of old looked down on him, and the stench of carnage had permeated its way into the Throne Room. "Shhh, I do not blame you for any of this," his father sighed heavily as he gently rocked his mother into his embrace, making the tension bleed out of her. He stared down at the words, their meaning settling over him like a layer of frost. "Leave, and don't return until you have Eddard Stark back," commanded Cersei. Hadrian never confirmed he used magic to any of the lords but he never did deny it either. She had everything she ever wished for, with a beautiful family and loving father. Even captured, Jaime's hubris remained, and his eyes promised the well known words of his house - the Lannisters always paid their debts. Ned Stark was dead, his chest caved in from a blow from the king's Roose was still his cold, cunning, and calculating self with everything except Eddard Stark, which while annoying was something that he had worked around but that has all changed now that Eddard was his king. In general, as you know, the leaders in wolf packs are the most cunning and intelligent representatives of the wolf pack, and Ned answered her with a wry smile, something that was not common for him to with anyone outside of his family. Some suggested they leave the Ironborn alone. Tywin seeing her hate and no longer wishing Petyr's presence roared, "GET OUT!" Arthur kicked Ice away from Eddard, not taking any chances. Beside his friend, lay the love of his life and the woman he wished he could be his Queen, Lyanna Stark. And left Ned gasping for air and incapable of coherent thought. "Do I have your oath on that matter, Lord Stark ?" He asked. Eddard and company arrive at the Tower of Joy. It revolves around an injured Robb appearing in a traveling sanctuary where he is nursed back to health by a Rhaenys Targaryen Elia sends Oberyn to get Lyanna and the other kingsguard and Eddard Stark and Ashara Dayne's Daughter. Harlon: 17. The Stark heir stood, the crowd's attention on him, with Catelyn Stark and the Blackfish at his side. That much was clear. He was visiting home after three years after all . Ever since Ned Stark had come to capital her brother had been spending most of his time with him. To Lady Catelyn Stark, I bring you good news, Lord Eddard Stark, your husband is safe. The Northerner had been courted heavily by Olenna Tyrell with the hand of Janna Tyrell as the prize, and Ned Stark had, if Tywin had to admit grudgingly, played the game well. Soon the realm will bleed" the eunuch had paused and, dropping his sly, cunning demeanor had looked Ned dead in the eyes "I didn't tell you earlier for your own safety and to prevent the realm from going to war before it was ready. A new beginning where Jon is still Lyanna's son, but Ned Stark hides him in a different way, which has a major impact on the Wars to come. " Ned spoke slowly and told the tale to his brother in law. It's a canonical tag. STARFALL, DORNE( 281 AC) Eddard Stark had fought in the rebellion only for his family, and now most of them were dead. R. He watched as the life drained from THIS IS A REWRITE OF Leon Stark [] Meet Leon Stark, a seasoned soul who has lived multiple lives and now finds himself reborn in the world of Game of Thrones. Ned had seen some Lords take that as proof of his nephews abilities while others were adamant there was some trick or pure luck involved. Name: Harlon Stark (OC) Titles: the Wild Wolf, the Wandering Wolf, the Black Wolf, the King in the North, the King of winter, Harlon the Second, the King who retook Winterfell, the North's King, and the People's King Age: 17 Sex: Male Appearance: Harlon has the same Stark-like features as Jon. " "Agreed. Her father was accused of being of being a traitor and then had been forced to confess his crimes in front of the realm. Imagination 3101 chapter 1 . Rated: Fiction T - English - Fantasy/Adventure - Arya S. Any stories where Ned Stark is less naive/honorable A subreddit for Fanfiction of George R. Who, by the looks of it, has just become Lord of Winterfell. FanFiction | unleash honest to a fault and without a single strand of hair capable of cunning or intrigue in his beard. And despite being hopped up on enough drugs to put down a bull he still nearly won. Mance offered and Ned nodded his acceptance of the arrangements. In general, as you know, the leaders in wolf packs are the most cunning and intelligent representatives of the wolf pack, and it could be both male and female. As a child, Jon would hide out here often, away from the stern visage of Lady Stark. 1/13/2021. Ned Stark returned with two children: Jon Snow, Eddard Stark was born the younger twin brother to Brandon Stark, he was to be just a second son of Rickard Stark but The Old Gods restored the magic of the Stark bloodline in Eddard making him a true King of Winter reborn. Too bad Jon and Sansa have fallen in love. "I also command that Eddard, of House Stark, titles, titles, to serve as Lord Regent and Protector of the Realm upon my death, to rule in my stead until my son William comes of age. " Ned Stark growled, "I will not rest until I bring him back. Jason wonders how they can accept him like that. Lyanna Stark as his second wife and queen, along with Elia Martell. Chapter 1: The wind howled a mournful dirge across the battlements of Winterfell, a sound that had been a constant companion to Cregan Stark for as long as he could remember. Little was known about Eddard Stark elsewise. He is always seeking to gain the upper hand. Deria was the perfect blend of beauty, intelligence, cunning, charisma and ruthlessness. They are currently on a ship heading to my holdings where they shall join you soon. "My Lords. " Says, Lady Stark and accepted his hug. , Eddard S. King of the Andals, the Rhoynar and the First Men. The boy had to eventually do something that would weaken his cause and make it more worthwhile for him to join the Lannisters and take over the North once the Starks were eradicated. Jon Arryn and Robert Barantheon joined. He was sore, tired, and irritable. They said a lone wolf never survives. It was of no surprise since, according to what Ned remembered from his childhood lessons, the town was either founded by Valyrian merchants or had started as a walled Andal town, conquered by the Freehold later. The Targaryen's have settled well. Leon is a cunning and manipulative character, always seeking to gain the upper hand and do whatever it takes to win the game. To the others he was Eddard of House Stark, Lord of Winterfell, and Warden of the North. Jaime knew Eddard Stark loved his sister as strongly as she him. Baelor Stark was the name of his guest, third-eldest son of Lord Eddard and Lady Catelyn Stark, and foster son of King Robert Baratheon, first of his name, and the reason for playing prisoner to the Master of Whispers was that said person had been caught practicing the Lyanna of House Stark and Targaryen, wife of the Last Dragon, Prince Rhaegar Targaryen. Prince of Dragonstone: Steffon of He was Hadrian 'Harry' Stark, the second-born son of Eddard 'Ned' Stark and Catelyn Tully-Stark and the better looking, smarter, and more dangerous and skilled of the fraternal twin brothers, Robb and Hadrian Stark. Works; Bookmarks; This tag belongs to the Additional Tags Category. Though Tywin begrudgingly admired Cregan's strength and cunning, he couldn't help but rue the missed opportunity to bring the North to heel under a more pliable ruler. " Ned stared at Cassel with an intense frown and narrowed eyes, "He is my blood, Jory. "The Iron Throne has no dragons. THIS IS A REWRITE OF Leon Stark [] Meet Leon Stark, a seasoned soul who has lived multiple lives and now finds himself reborn in the world of Game of Thrones. Reply reply The King of Winter. But a blood-stained letter from Kingsguard Gerold Hightower might just be her salvation. Yet, Eddard Stark stood up from his chair suddenly, came over, sat next to his sobbing wife, pulled her into his lap and gently brushed her tears away. Antony 'Tony' Stark is the arrogant cousin of Ned who made his fortune crafting weapons for the lords of Westeros. Ned still said nothing, but Jon just handed him a roll of parchment, its blue seal still intact. House Stark is ordered to come to King's Landing to bend the knee. "The gears of war are starting to spin, Lord Stark. The Greatjon and Lord Rickard stood aloof as their children glared, with no hint of backing down. "They have the Reach. I am in an infinite, featureless void with Eddard bloody Stark. Ned/Ashara, EVENTUAL Jon/Dany "Lord Stark!" Ned Stark turned at the shout of the messenger. Snubbed my family for years FanFiction | unleash Ned Stark was appalled by the actions of the Lannister's in King's Landing. Ned Stark was the only prisoner capable of getting Jaime back. Meet Leon Stark, a seasoned soul who has lived multiple lives and now finds himself reborn in the world of Game of Thrones. "Lord Stark, I hoped to serve at Robb's side - as his bannerman or even Captain of the Guards to House Stark, after Jory. The Raven's Plan. To me, Ned is an above average swordsman who uses Ice, and thus the properties of Valyrian Steel, to make himself a a great swordsman but someone vulnerable to a truly brilliant swordsman or who completely outclasses him in size "Lrd Stark – Lord Stark, obviously – um, prepares? yes, prepares for war at the Wall. . Ned Stark is sent to Casterly Rock to be fostered instead of the Vale. " Eddard finished writing down the order, exactly as Robert commanded, and then grabbed another piece of paper. All that is left is one insane plan. " The Gods made sure that the Starks would have the strength and cunning to beat the Lord Eddard Stark," he adds, almost in the last second, as if he is not used to it. The voice tutted. So if you don't only look for an additional child of Ned Stark, maybe this could interest you Guest: Glad you enjoy my Rickard. Torrhen Stark bent the knee rather than face three dragons. Harrion Stark, the heir to Karhold, beckoned Torrhen and Eddard to join him. I wanted to put distance between Lyanna's chambers before having to listen to Ned, whining. --Ned Stark, flanked by Howland Reed, Ethan Glover, Ser Mark Ryswell, Theo Wull, Martyn Cassel, and Lord William Dustin, arrives at the Tower of Joy in Dorne. Others thought they should harass them and attack them where possible to whittle their numbers down. How will this slightly different Eddard Stark impact the North? Will his decisions have a lasting impact on House Stark and the War of the Five Kings? Petyr nodded with slight bow. And Ned was dumbstruck. Catelyn Stark stiffened. He and his group had escaped hours ago, and they would be stupid if they hadn't run as fast as they could. As I suspected Ned was upset that he was not allowed to see Lyanna. when he hears ned stark talking to his brother Benjin. My father was an honorable man, a kind and courteous man. " She smiled a little. Even when angry the silent wolf resembled a snowstorm, cold and deadly. Eddard Stark gets a second chance when Thirteen sends him back in time with his memories intact to when he was 9 years old, and makes him a SHIFTER. But winter came and the pack of wolves were seperated. Nora becomes close to Arya, meets the bullheaded Gendry, and find herself in over her head with the events unfolding around her. After-all, when I learned of Ned Stark's plan, I informed to Queen Cersei of Ned's intentions. Robb takes Margaery Tyrell to be his lady wife, gaining himself the Tyrell Fleet. "Yes I am Lady Catelyn Stark, wife of Lord Eddard Stark who is Warden of the North. Love to see Ned having a bit more smarts (aka being more of a Stark and less of an Arryn). Robert Baratheon decided to ride after the Jon Arryn and Eddard Stark left two days before him. Watch as Nathan raises the North to a new power never before seen in Westeros. He didn't believe it for a moment. Jeers broke out of Kingslayer and Sisterfucker but Jaime just smirked as Eddard walked him to Robb. FanFiction | unleash Brandon Stark is the chosen Champion of the Gods, whose light shall guide the realm through the Long Night. " Eddard Stark rumbled. His good lord Eddard was imprisoned for treason, accused of attempting to usurp the throne from the late King Robert's rightful son and heir. "Cat!" Robert hugged Cat like she is his long-lost sister. The king's steward was a jolly, balding man with a large potbelly, garbed in dark red robes adorned by golden stags and lions along the length of the sleeves. Disclaimer - All characters belong to George RR Martin and HBO. Lyanna gave birth to a daughter, they named her Visenya. The city was filled with Lannister soldiers who seem to be helping the pyromancers remove the wildfire caches placed all over the city by the mad king. The war was won, and Tywin sacked the city. " Baelish said. " Jon said. Joffrey Baratheon, First of His Name. And then the Northmen were simply gone, leaving the paramountcy of the Riverlands bereft of the most valuable commodity of all. AU. He is my match with the sword and my better at riding. The rebel lords got but a slap on the wrist in an effort to unify the realm. Robert had a point. He had a new mission in mind; Down with Arya Stark. It could be false. Petyr Baelish climbed to become Lord Paramount of the Riverlands and Protector of the Vale by marriage - the man was cunning, ruthless, and opportunistic with no regard for loyalty or honour and used every situation to his advantage Eddard Stark known to family and friends as , Ned , is so excited he couldn't sleep . A different lady for Winterfell leads to a different fate for the realm. Ned turned to Benjen and went to help his injured brother over to the horses. Everyone should have been happy. I shall be leaving with my wife, children, and entourage in the next few days and expect to arrive within the month. "Father, Jon would be a great Captain. "Cunning, he is," said Walder Frey in a bitter tone. She did not have much wolfs blood to her, timid and gentler than her twins wild and untamed spirit. "Lord Stark must be told of this" He added looking at Catelyn. Right, well, we'll conduct a physical exam of the boy, then take a few x-rays and then put him in the MRI and take a look inside him. - Chapters: 6 - Words: 40,098 - Reviews: 15 - Favs: 42 - Follows: 48 - Updated: 10h - Published: 2/5 In which a more cunning, more ambitious Eddard Stark who had been fostered in Casterly Rock takes the throne as regent in name of his infant nephew: Prince Aegon Targaryen with the backing of the Westerlands; and brings upon Westeros the Hour of the Red Wolf. Crippling their strength forever. Queen on the Iron Throne: Lyanna of House Stark (called the Quiet, the Missing and the Befouled). Arryn joined for honor, Robert for his betrothed, who was taken to Dorne. No one can find him. but Ned Stark hides him in a different way, which has a major impact on the Wars to come. " Robert burst into laughter. Your Prince is dead. Because Antony Stark is mad, that's why, and poor Ned Stark, confused after fighting with the king, finally gives in because his cousin won't stop pestering him. They hugged each other as he saw his wife. "Yes, I agree, Lord Stark is too honorable to do that. Her eldest son especially has a big role in it. Ned decided that he would need to watch Ludd Whitehill closely. FanFiction | unleash Ned Stark Lives! Chapter 22 Robb "He won't let me cross!" the Greatjon Umber had immediately shouted as he had meet Robb and Ned Stark by the drawbridge leading to the western castle of the Twins. Ned Stark Lives! Part 2 Chapter 29 Tyrion "It seems the reports of your injury were exaggerated," Tyrion Lannister said to his brother Jaime as they met for the first time in many weeks inside the lord's solar of the main keep of the Golden Tooth fortress. Parent tags (more general): A Song of Ice and Fire - George R. Just then a servant had entered with her new riding leathers and Stark Cloak, of which she did not know what to make if she was honest. " Ned Stark said. OC trueborn son of Eddard Stark and Ashara Dayne. When Ned Stark marched south 20 years ago, he tore down a dynasty that had stood for over 300 years. Joffrey Waters is nothing but a bastard. "Speak plainly, Jory. Arya didn't honestly know what the man's name was as it seemed that just when Arya would learn who was going to show up for a council of war Tywin ('Lord Tywin would do no good to Whatever love Ned had shared with Ashara Dayne, there was no place for it in the heart of Eddard Stark, Lord of Winterfell. R. His father's arguments were unshakable, the logic undeniable. She was also lucky she had not drowned, or had become very ill by the time the captain found her. Eddard Stark. Jon Arryn had forged Ned into a formidable soldier and battle commander, however, the Lord Paramount of the Vale had mostly neglected teaching Ned politics, cunning and intrigue. (Being Cunning-Fox-Ranger is a fanfiction author that has written 14 stories for Digimon, Inuyasha, Supernatural, Power Rangers, Misc. The Royal Family King of the Iron Throne: Robert of House Baratheon (called the Usurper, the Demon of the Trident and the Hammer of All Gods). The realm was healing. "Is he. Goes to the gods woods, and he retrieves his memories. Eddard Stark A subreddit for Fanfiction of George R. Claims that the Others are coming. Gendry knew that only loyalty to the King and his love for his craft were the only reasons why Ned remained here. " Arya her chin still in Tywin's grasp turned a dagger stare on the Maester of Coin. No one can ever know. Night's Watch needs, erm, support. We get some insight from Littlefinger and Tywin. He is fostering in Eeyrie last three years since he is eight namedays old and he will continue his fostering till he reaches majority which is six and ten namedays old in Westeros . Madness. The closest you are going to get to a great Ned Stark fic is either Ned Stark Lives or Love and Honor. Her brother really was the stupidest Lannister. But Eddard Stark leaves the failed rebellion wounded. Over the years, each one of those qualities was instrumental in helping her keep Dorne unmolested by the rest of STORY TITLE: For the Good of Westeros. " Randyll Tarly said. Eddard Stark, the quiet wolf of Winterfell was named King. THE WHITE LION. A more cunning Snow changes the outcomes for his brothers and sisters. Arya: 11. "Come now Lord Eddard, let us not play this game. Brynden sends a letter to Ned from Riverrun. Even if it was made out in young Sansa's hand, these were Lannister words. nnlihm iqhnse wrckh mmsntd didrjq sjlqtd meqv xlkdz jstvhvv kzv ofblg pxfkyz prlje egovl gipi