Eve ratting isk per hour 0 can make ~$40M/hr mining. e. You have the choice between 1 hour of dread reatting or 10 hours of carrier ratting. Have been lead to believe c5 dread ratting was the best per toon income, but was recently told that farmers have switched to marauders. It is quite OP right now. Carrier ratting can still be relatively decent under isk per hour to risk ratio. (after its been sold) Sold everything in Jita with Accounting at lvl 3 (exprect the Triglavian Survey Database which sold at a Concord station). /r/EVE is a place to discuss I wonder whats the isk per hour rate per character with this type of ratting. You can make around 15-20 million isk/tick (every 20 minutes) using this fit, assuming a WH Ratting Setup C5 Reduce your acc to 2-3 If I'm on a really good moon, moon mining is the highest return per hour. What's kinda of isk/hr can I expect T3C ratting in C3 space? Assume 900 DPS, 165m explosion radius, 160m/s explosion velocity. I find Kronos to be most efficent and less Risky. Mining tends to scale better when you N+1 accounts. My system has been at 180-187% all week though as it is a very hostile pipe. I know pre nerf a Super could beat those ticks. And you reach over 1b an hour. The google doc linked has the relevant info. Reply reply Drew the first ship I bought when I started in Eve. Efficiency is optional. is it even viable way of getting is If you can chain them, 20/30mill wallet flashes when you get a good 10/ There are several ways to pay for Omega with ISK, with about 1 hour per day of play, but none of that matters more than finding your fun per hour first, then learning how to make it more lucrative. But pretty sure 40 to 60mil ticks are what you can expect in a normal carrier. In the hands of the worthy, the most uncanny and peculiar of trinkets, become the mightiest of tools. That should be around 200m/h, but its also super boring. So if you're making 5 mil ticks, Praxis/Oracle/Marauder ratting - Mix of high effort, spend some isk, can vary a LOT based on skills. I'm looking for numbers for: L5 missions in a carrier. They have websites and i run with TLA, TOP AND TDF. This was before Alpha accounts though, so the market might be flooded by now. 13,726,171 isk/hour (128 minutes w/ warpouts) 18,494,210 isk/hour (without warpouts) Didn't bother looting or salvaging which takes, IIRC, 30-40 minutes. F I have two categories of activities in eve: things that make most ISK, and fun things. 16 votes, 29 comments. You will easily be able to double the ticks from an Ishtar. But the isk was good enough it didn't matter (200m ticks PLUS faction rat drops (high grades, faction tank and damage mods and smartbombs, etc) were very possible when focusing and in a good, small system). Ratting DED sites in Null in a carrier 600m to 1B+ Exploration in Null/WH data and relic sites 1B+ if your lucky Faction Warfare 400m+ and hour Incursions 200m with solid group Passive Monthly: Trading Buy low sell High I have made 200m in 1 hour selling Ship skins PI I can make 1B+ with 3 character in lowsec and 500m+ per character in null/WH Hulk with Porpoise boosts earns 68. I never never ratted in C3 in my prime RU time without interrupting coming within 1 hour +. Or to put it into ratting terms 100+ mil per tick. I was wondering about Forsaken hubs. Some players enjoy reach social live of professional miner - no problem with that. Send test notification. Yea, I think Super ratting is "dead" because of the isk per hour to risk ratio is WAAAAAY off. 45 votes, 29 comments. Just enough to support casual pvp and stuff. (usually around 10m in ISK per MTU). 5M isk per hour Ded Sites - About 1M isk per hour Remember, the easier the better in eve. The main benefit is that there is little competition and gankers (if you are doing it far). But you have to sell this loot to a blue loot vendor to cash out. As explained below, it's essentially killing NPC pirates found in systems in order to collect bounties. The down side is that semi-AFK ratting will be a thing of the past. com Visa Card — the world’s most widely available crypto card, the Crypto. If you go ratting early morning eve time, until around 10am there's a very low chance that you get caught. A single account in a barge is some of the worst isk in the game. People will call me a jewbear and it might not net you incredible amounts of isk, but carrier ratting when in a renter or deep space alliance provides a surprisingly safe environment for almost semi afk ratting. Easily earn upwards of 120+ mil an hour not including the chances of escalations or loot. Many of the options listed above are not really suitable for an alpha. If we skip over the isane price and training difference of the ships involved. I’d recommend C6 farming hours during eve least popular timezone hours Good times. Makes about 500-800 mill per hour, solo. Decent ISK/per hour Ratting in 0. 5 hours of travel, meaning 100m ISK / 3. My ratter in 0. I can fly dread and carrier. I would like to know if you guys are at or around the same isk per hour? High Sec Isk per Hour Combat sites - Per hour I am running negative isk per hour Combat anoms - At best I am turning about 1-2M isk per hour Relic / Data sites - About 500K-1. That's 180 million ISK per hour of your time. com): 71,696 isk Volume per unit: 5 m3 Isk/m3: Isk per hour varies but it goes from between 100m to 400m. is it even viable Lololuke182 • with this type of ratting. tool, industry. Dave stark. you can look up their websites for all info. OK. com is the best place to buy, sell, and pay with crypto. I moved onto Carrier ratting with a thanny and fighters and although it's much faster at popping ships. 0 can make ~$25M/hr, etc. lowest effort isk per hour until you get into bigger ships and a Corp where you can "safely" rat much more lucrative sites. 0? Seeing as that took me roughly 5 minutes, by ISK per hour was 1,200m Because 1 spawn of 3x1. Obviously it's not worth if you think ratting or any game time spent making isk is work. #1 C5/C6 Dread farming, 1B+ an hour per toon. So if you're only getting the 750k encounters, your isk per hour will be abysmal. Having one pilot ratting makes minimal isk/hr. The carrier gives me about the same or slightly better isk than a marauder, while being much safer due to not being locked Rattlesnake Haven Ratting - 130-140 M EVE ISK per hour. Solo carrier is around 150m maybe 200 an hour /r/EVE is a place to discuss internet spaceships plus you'll be a moving target, and the chance at getting DED drops. Including the Drifter battleship, that's 550-650 million per site, 2 sites per hour. Can make 200-300m per hour in a cheap cerb (again) or praxis. I think an application refit of the Tengu should resolve the issue with the webbing sites though. Will take some time to learn abyss if you’ve never done it before. The thing about null ratting: you could get more ISK with the loot (which has to be sold first ofc). I like to look at the WH class as the isk a hour per character . Most people to have a titan/super have been playing for years, maybe 10+ years. Rorqs will do about the same as two carriers worth of isk per hour, while being basically entirely afk. Lowsec ratting can generate money, but mostly through the specialized activity of hunting Clone Soldiers for security tags. In addition, this version contains updated changes to the mining and update prices tab along with several bug fixes. Soon I will start another alt for afk VNi ratting just to make even more isk for Injectors :D. Now do that on six account, 600m. Using T2 Sentry Domi C4 sites are more annoying but about the same isk per hour and take longer so you don't have to roll as much. 5 billion in 4,5 hours doing them. Since we aim at low skilled players who "just" fit in our praxis fit, if we get a lot of them coming out at once the isk per hour does go down so you'll never get rich flying with us, but if you're not spending a lot all the 15m isk ticks and 20m ESS pay out gives this fit a 65m isk/h min rating at the cheap afk cost of 36m. ). Multiply isk/ehp figure with your ship's (applied) dps and you have a rough ceiling of isk/hr you can make. 0. 25m rats. Of all the things there before loot, which could add 10-100m an hour most hours. The best isk you can make on your own are highsec Level 4s, averaging 30 to 40 million isk/hour with all time being accounted. Have theu at all buffed level 4 missions in high sec for isk/hr? Im looking to get back and start casual by doing some lvl 4s and whatnot until I jump back to PvP but I really don’t want to just play to plex. So I guess if you want an easy response, the nullsec pair you listed with porpoise will earn about 43% more ISK than the HS pair. In general, paying attention while Vexor ratting does not help much. It gave like 50 mil a hour with losses now and then. As far as isk earning potential goes belt ratting in null sec in an upgraded system should get you around 8 million isk bounty ticks which is every 40 million per hour sound more reasonable for the average First thing, setup a PI network. Most of my income has come from PLEX which I plan to continue however, I have some bigger plans ahead as well and would like to supplement my income from PLEXes. Note: this calculator currently only works for English EVE clients. To capital rat in most null sec groups require having a cyno ready to go, which means 2 accounts. Blueprints database was updated /r/EVE is a place to discuss internet spaceships Members Online • TemporaryFeet. The isk per hour of an Ishtar ratter isn't very good- 60m/hr assuming no corp taxes and max skills. The ISK/Hr is kind of false since you aren't getting direct isk to wallet but I usually run 3-4 keys a night, which takes about an hour and a half. The Ishtar is an Heavy Assault Cruiser that emulates the VNIs of old. The fit I Mission Blitzing - up to 80M ISK per hour We have a complete guide on EVE Online Missions that you can access by clicking here. 35 M ISK an hour Gneiss, or 41. Personally I live in wormholes and prefer to run sites as most incursion fleets disallow multiboxing and therefore I can make more isk per hour in anomalies with 2 rattles. Typically, a sub gives 30 days of production, for 3 toons, each with 11 lines, so (3×11)×(30×24) => 23760 hours of production in a sub, which costs 500 PLEX, so 1500 Misk so one hour of production costs 1500/23760 = 63 k isk/h . Either way C4s ~3b marauder/2 600m rattlesnakes, make 300-350mil/hr C5s ~4b dreadnaught/2 1. Number of Abyssals Run: 93 Average Time per Abyssal: 15 Minutes Date Range: September 13th to October 2nd (20 days) Total Loot (EvePraisal Jita Buy): 7,176,320,000 ISK Total Loot (EvePraisal Jita Sell): 9,886,030,000 ISK Average ISK per site (EvePraisal Jita Buy): 77,164,000 ISK Average ISK per site (EvePraisal The praxis is a great ship for C3 ratting that is really cheap right now and easy to fly. Nerfed. com Exchange and Crypto. Buy Paladin, warp to Barracks, drop MTU, MJD towards first and last wave, leave MTU, warp to next site, repeat, collect MTUs once done with wormhole. Ratting in eve online is a 'solved problem'. Some of the public communities who specialize in and exclusively run the larger headquarter sites can easily break 400+ million ISK per hour. I think you get it wrong. Unfortunately, requires scanning and risk and there will be limited sites. You won't earn that much at start because you will die. Isk per hour will matter less as long as you have enough of it. 2b isk per hour. Around 200mil per hour if you know what you’re doing. Get 200m isk an hour running FW missions and all of a sudden shits I spent years ratting in null and barely stayed even when the game was As to my response to the post proper-- to me EVE is about never leaving ISK on the table. Mid Grade Mimesis. sheets with timers and shit including traveling time and all those people on youtube sprout nonsense of the actual isk per hour, hac's with hac 5, The only issue is if someone steals your ESS your isk/hr goes down a ton. The investment is around 200M isk and it doesnt take too long to trian up good drone skills compared to T2 miners, exhumers and crystals. I do like getting the isk on demand and just docking to refill ammo. You are in a WH corp, nothing will come even close. In the best case scenario, you are making about 270 mil isk an hour because you are also expending between 3-4 million isk just to shoot the rats. The system I’m in only has rally points so I’m not getting the hub isk but it’s 200% bounty rate i posted normal isk rate, but with bonus included I’m getting 80mill per hr looting salvaging and running Carrier ratting I make easily over 100 mil an hour not including the ESS payout and that’s just rats alone no Well when I posted this comment OP had'nt replied he's aiming for 250m/hr so yeah Well even ratting can make that much if your alliance has strict rules on ratting and moderate high BRM in each system, and if you multibox like 4 ishtars or just a marauder and a ishtar Also there's CRAB, heard it's around 300m per hour. EVE Online, the EVE logo, EVE and all associated logos and designs are the intellectual property of CCP hf. If the activity has several level available (e. 8~10/10 sites can drop 1b+, and cut out hours of ratting. (C3 / C5) Ratting - 200-280 M EVE ISK per hour. Double hourly rate for T5, expect some losses with a cheaper fit. So, im running forsaken hubs in a vni, and im making about 10m per tick, and i take about 40 minutes to clear a site, so i get about 30m per hour. Before I could do close to 30 mi/tick (90 mi hour) with rattlesnake, however now on the back I managed only 15 mi/tick (45 mi hour) with the dominix (poor fit - Ship sold by the corporation) Can you say me - isk / tick or Use This Link & Get 1,000,000 Skill Points (Login/Create)https://www. Mirrors and enables advanced search options to browse the EVE-Online forums. (Dread ratting in C5, to Marauders make more isk per hour then carriers usually 70m ticks vs 45m ticks. Preferably afk. So lets call it 300+ an hour for T5s. Carrier ratting. What is the absolute apex of isk per hour for someone solo mining with a single account and what is required in terms of I'm pretty sure he's talking about ratting in Anomalies for 200-300M/hr, -Abrazzar "the risk of having your day ruined by other people is the cornerstone with which EVE was built" -CCP Solomon. 5% of these revenues Lucy - collected 39% Amber - collected 41. However it's still worth it if you can't actually work during those times, I'm limited to 40 hours a week. Then, paste them here. Abyssal PVE can go up to 100-150M/hr in T4s which don't need that much money to do. Wormhole ratting, nullsec ratting, mining, pretty much anything with a decent isk/hour. I don’t know how much has changed, but when I explored a lot two years ago I would make 50-100 million per hour exploring (with ups and downs of 0 for hours, or a lucky hour of 300). Regular solo carriers are 40+. com/posts/free-1-000-000-111405897Support The Channel & Use Creator Code JAKEL33 This page gives a quick overview of all ISK making activities that I covered in this blog, ordered by the ISK per hour value of the activity. well, the per hour is in the cost of the product. 200-500 mil/hr can be expected when doing some of the more Belt ratting seems to be a lot better in the npc null regions because they seem to have higher officer spawns. 190K subscribers in the Eve community. You should be ignoring neutrals in local (see below) and by the time the neutral is landing on grid your Vexor is . Isk from sleepers in C1 and C2 is low, 60 to maybe 100m per hour. In my vindi i broke 50m ticks (50x3 = 150m isk per hour). Carrier ratting is far safer if you are not in a big alliance than can form a massive defense fleet sub 7 minutes. 5 to 2 hours, and we tend to pull in over 80m/hr and having 100+ million per hour nights is a pretty regular thing these days. 19 M ISK with a more realistic Spod. ISK/h calculator. Science & Industry. Some other Caldari NPC corp that has much better ISK/LP possibly? I mean sure, Marauder shreds L4 easily but even if it took me just 5 minutes per mission, I still have to fly back and forth to/from agent so I cannot really see how it works out in the end. Incursions give 200-300 mil per hour. Marauders are great rafters, they make about 2-3x as much isk per hour, however the bastion timer is the biggest weakness. and they dont talk about the setup, i saw another one just now where the guy was doing exploration in a startios, and chattin about 'low inital isk' and isk per hours', except his fit was over 2 billion, and even then he had implants he Significantly more ISK per hour can be earned ratting in C3s with a T3C, but if you're caught and blapped, your loss mail will be much higher - potentially 500-800mil depending on the fit. There were salvos wasted due to overkill[3]. if you cherrypick sites. You must use an mtu and loot because of how much expensive this You cant work the isk/hour out on paper like that, are you accounting for the travel time for your excavs to drop the ore they mined off at your rorqual? The really big spod rocks can leave your drones up to 9km away sometimes, which results in about 18-20 seconds extra time per cycle. It drops 20m or so per hour for every account past Vni ratting was peak eve for me. wondering what everyone thought the best top 3 isk per hour (or isk per week long term) is in the game right now. And I average around 15 mil per site at least, so it's closer to 90-100 mil per hour. These are all approximations and will vary by player and ship. At that DPS it will take you an hour and a half to earn the 146m ISK from the site. Enable sound notifications. Anyway, come join my discord :DCome join my disc 29,282,500 isk in bounties. 2 or 0. Nullsec ratting and DED sites can make 60-80M/hr, incursions make 200-250M/hr. I hear some of the hs incursion runners are doing disgusting things with marauders as well. Your ticks in this ship skyrocket from the 15-20 million ISK the Gila and Dominix offered, all the way up to 40-55 million ISK. Drone space if it matters much. EVE Isk per Hour – Version 5. Hunting Mordus Legion ships for blueprints. Gas huffing can net yo anywhere from 40-60m an hour and c3 ratting can make you around 150m isk an hour having the mindset of isk/hour just turns EVE into a job and drains the fun out of it. On average its about 1b-1. I recommend joining a low class WH corp and grind. Legit the best way to earn ISK unless you have an in game method that pulls like 1-2bill per hour at least. If you can find nullsec friends, you can do capital ratting in blue space and that may give you some 80 million isk/hour on average. I do C5 sites with a 3,5b marauder. 100m per hour for offensive novice complexes in my best hour but these were highly variable and done when the character had a bit more skill points. ADMIN MOD Wormhole C3 ratting . T3C are not too difficult to skill into at IV for all skills, but have a learning curve for fitting and piloting. The idea is to clear them as quickly and efficiently as possible so your multi-billion isk ship isn’t sitting on grid for hours at a time because eventually someone is going to come and check you out. Mine is Armor tank, I run 8 ctype autocannons 3 gyros 2 red hardener 1 armor repair at 2150 per cycle 3 webs 1 nas Rigs are 2x Cap control circuit Targeting sub control Repair augment Auxiliary nano pump Cannon circulation 555 in all bs skills 555 in all cannons 555 in all Armor and Armor hardener Lvl 30 barrage The Gila also has a solid passive shield tank, allowing it to take on harder sites and resist attempted ganks more than most ratting ships. I think needless to say – do not do this. 5 mils Bs is already 4. When I was doing L4 missions I THINK I could do ~$30M/hr depending on the missions (of course averaging it out, taking into account the points, bonus, rewards Hisec sisters of eve missions, dumping the high sales volume scan probes from lp store to buy orders. I use my paladin specifically to run escalations I get, and rat primarily with a carrier on my main. ISK per hour A little higher with Rattlesnake. 0, it means that i can stop working on this version, 😉 Thank you for you support, good bye for now 😘 I made unofficial updated version from source code, published by its author, Zifrian, and tweaked it a bit: Price import source was changed to evemarketer instead of eve-central. The difference is the isk per site. Anybody On top of that, being new to WH ratting means you might die to PVE or PVP, which makes the Tengu even costlier (SP loss). It pays for itself within the first few hours. Imagine having to This. Was afk enough to watch something else. Ratting and Hunting clone soldiers in belts, (0. Here is the real choice you need to make. 3/10 or 4/10 sites. You can generally make about 20m on average from Minerals too (by dropping a MTU) an hour, this is from 2 MTUs. I once made 1. Crab beacon: 300~600m/hr, if get caught, lose 10~20 hours of efforts C5 ratting: can be as high as 1. drone lands only! BRM of 144%. I think in povertila while doing t5 electric or exotics, you can make like 200-250m isk/hour so this is quite nice but if you have good fit and do one run in 13 minutes you can get like 300m per hour or even more with good rng. Almost anything is worth mining with an army of hulks under rorq boosts. lock time and warp time, really slow that isk/hour down heavily. As for ISK per hour, ratting with a Mach, you'll do roughly 11-15 mil Isk ticks, whereas with a Nightmare you'll do 20-25 mil isk ticks. But scaling limits to like 3 frigates (as in 3 accounts). true. Total income per hour: 344-441M isk Obviously I'm talking about L4 missions in null npc, That’s like complaint that ratting anoms in a myrmidon is low isk/hr. patreon. Maybe 50-100mil/hour in good cruisers. ESS is definitely taking my ratting isk and roaming gangs usually come by and steal it which can get frustrating. couldent have said it better myself, but when it comes to these activites people call it isk per hour, not isk in an hour. It can run most sites with little to no input required, making it a good ship if you don't like active ratting. Any advice would be amazing C5 sleeper sites I run with 2 marauders or with 2 nestors + leshaks. High sec incursions earning 200-300 million isk per hour? No problem. C3 ratting you will get ganked and your praxis will die. Go to your in-game wallet, select all incursion payouts, and hit Ctrl-C. Make isk in Ev The alternative guide to the EVE-Online forums. /r/EVE is a place to discuss internet spaceships. typically measured in terms of ISK per hour or, alternatively, in "ticks", which is the time it takes for a server to update itself which, I probably make as much ISK per hour AFK mining in high sec as I do putting my ships and loot at risk scanning down wormholes, hopping into them and doing sites. You can turn it over once a week and net a few million isk doing very little actual eve playing. Twitch is a good place to view various playstyles, ask questions, and learn about options that you may not be Loot Stats from running T5 Electrical Abyssals. Learn to rat in Wormholes and get comfortable in them because it is really easy ISK (in less than 2 hours you will make back the ship cost)----- I have been tracking my isk per hour for the pass couple of weeks. 2b rattlesnakes, make 600mil/hr, plus drifter + salvage (upwards of 1b hour if you do drifter) C6s ~2 5b dreadnaughts, alot of isk/hr (probably nearly 2b per hour) but c6 space is pretty much owned by hardknocms and a few large entities so dont bother imo They take a little less than 15min/site ~164mil/hour. 5 mils. Skip to main content. Eve is not a game that you get everything in within months. What does this mean for people in space, and subcap ratting? When people talk PvE, they talk about isk per hour, and isk per effort. Which will run out pretty quickly since the sites aren't worth much each (~15m), and there's a limited amount. Running prison camps in outer ring let me go from a lone Sleipnir, to having multiple Rattles, so its something like isk per 20ish minutes. Zifrian made new version of IPH, 4. Buy a Hel, fit it with nanofiber, come to Delve! Forlorn gives ISK/h calculator. Passive income sources. I am returning to play EVE after 5 years away and would like to know what the average Tick doing combat sites in null sec. But that goes for almost anything else in eve. 1 system and below for better chance at getting Clone Soldier Transporter or Negotiator tags) 40-50mil per hour. In Eve, bounties get paid out 20 minutes after your first rat kill in a system, and ever 20 minutes you continue to have rat kills in that system. All artwork, screenshots, characters, vehicles, *updated at T5 Exotic Abyssal Sites in Gila *Update* Resistance Nerf "mid 2020" A few things to keep in mind: The profit of any BPCs looted is included in these calculations. The nestors + leshaks can take the sleeper. You will need to successfully krab for 156 hours total without breaks or looting to make back your investment. Get an hour or two of overtime each week and have enough ISK to fly blinged out faction battleships on the weekend (edit: obviously dependent on the strength of your local currency, in some countries the in game ISK/hr threshold to be worth someone’s time financially will be lower) Looting for isk/hour/toon estimates on C5 and similar WH ratting income post marauder changes please. If you have 2 accounts then marauder+bomber is much more isk (300m an hour bit more if lucky with faction/dread spawns). Even on a good day, 3 hours to run some sites, run some 10/10s I'll make 800mil. Marauder ratting is the first step up to making serious ISK by ratting. It takes 10 minutes to start a site that is completed in approximately an hour and yields 30 million ISK at 100% BRM. T2 solo frigs is way more than 50 mil per hour. 8b/hr I think? Needs 3 account, and maybe more to monitor hole entrance, also need to spend lot of time scanning semi-afk ishtar : low isk/hour, but also requires low sp and can stop anytime FW: low isk/hour, but can do PVP while making isk Carrier Ratting has long been regarded as the beginning of the endgame for making ISK, with Rorqual mining and Supercarrier ratting being the only conventional means of making more. You can clear around 9 havens in an hour, give or take one depending on circumstances. Open menu Open navigation Go to Reddit Home. It is a terrible mistake to measure your success in EVE Online in wealth (ISK + the ISK value of “stuff”) per Hour. It's just EVE lingo :P Gigakrabbing with many barges and good boosts (even on r16) can be very good isk per hour. Heavy missile Cyclone for nullsec ratting in any region. I’m wondering how much level 4 missions would be. Thanks in advance. (C1 / C2) Ratting - 140-150 M EVE ISK per hour. but you can make much m Latest update: May 29, 2018. anyhow, how much can i hope to get on a rattlesnake? also, how do i maximize my isk per hour in the vni? 11 votes, 31 comments. I know a few folks that do big game hunting and all of them do it in syndicate. e you have a cyno & liquid ozone and are in standing fleet, and in comms), you can on average clear about 50mil ticks, or about 150 mil/hr. Even the 1. Probably don't have the skills for that. Check thread “Updated Isk Per Hour (IPH) Industry Calculator” 1 Like. Multiply that by DBS numbers. 5% I played not more than 20 hours this week, 250 million divided by 20 is 12,500,000 ISK per hour. I like to run stuff with my own pace at the same time I like farming isk efficiently so its kinda mixed bag for me. Doing C3 wormhole sites in "C1-C2 Ratting" It has this one mention in the 140-160m per hour I don't see how. You will need to be actively piloting your ship while ratting in a Marauder. Which is the case for every class, though. Even at 10 mil per site it only takes an average of 10 minutes to complete a single run max, so that's at least 60 mil per hour. billions) of ISK every few days, rather than being a continuous stream of income the way nullsec ratting can be. Here’s a perfectly engineered fit for the Apocalypse St ratting is better isk an hour but requires a bit more skills. There are also chances to sell escalations in some parts of NS, but the C3 sites average just over double in the amount of isk/hour with Isktars. I’m multiboxing 5 accounts and making 11-14 million per account on average, per tick. Make around 40mil per hour with this fit! ️ LIKE & SUBSCRIBE ️ Nullsec Ratting Guide For Newbros:h So about 15 minutes to get 300M extra at the end of a 5 hour ratting streak. Solo Ratting (t6/t7/t8 anomalies): 6m-8m per hour Solo Ratting (scouts and inquisitors): Hard to estimate but I guess somewhere around 50m per hour, but still depends heavily on your It’s gonna cost you about 15 billion ISK of modules, a blingy pod, and just 351 DPS. Easily clear FF sites in under 10 minutes, making you 200M isk per hour. Hey, ladies and gentlemen. 51 seconds per salvo. To be fair Ive done better than that per hour before. Total profits; 250 million ISK John - collected 19. Subcap, but any reasonably cheap ship would work (< a bil). Watch how I clear sites quickly in Kr As for the ISK/hr ratio The randomness is so extreme that at this particular point in time, ISK per hour should not be a thought. These things are what drops the isk to what you see. g. Share At that rate you can do 6 sites per hour so about 240M in theory. Riot Girl RADIO RAMPAGE Initiative Mercenaries 752: Like making ISK? You need a good corporation. Nullsec ratting. 0 has several new things for mining, reprocessing, and conversion of raw materials from ice and ore into their minable versions. EVE 192K subscribers in the Eve community. People talk of 100m+ / hour of L4 blitzing, can't see it myself right now. 2 gas huffers can easily pull between 100 and 300 mil isk/hr, I think I've touched every aspect of gameplay there is in EVE, only this I didn't do was C5 ratting in a Dread. Highsec Incursions - 30m per site, about 15 minutes per site, so generally 120m/hr not counting LP Carrier Ratting - In a well upgraded system with good truesec and not being afraid of roaming neutrals (i. C1 100mil, C2 200mil, C3 300mil, C4 400 Abyssals pays decent per account upwards of 400mil/h per account. No, it's smooth sailing as long as you have a stable ship. A tick is 20 min, when you are killing NPC you get the reward of the bounty every 20 min that's what we call "tick" But the 260mil tick is a meme, a full ratting chariot hel can put (with max skill) 120mil/tick, that's currently the best isk/hour with a single character, otherwise it's multiboxing rorqual (with 4+ T1 rorq you beat a ratting supercarrier) As the title states, I've been looking into ways to earn (large amounts) of isk, but haven't really been able to find consistant isk/hour numbers. Harder: wormhole diving is great income, especially class 3 ratting. Jita lowest sell order price for Fullerite-C320 (from eve-marketdata. 0 – Mining Update! IPH Version 5. That's like $13 for 3 hours of 'game time'. best isk per hour method for an alpha. I run 3 beacons daily in my super and can finish all 3 in just over an hour then I’m docked up. You can run 30-50 miners in the same anom but trying to keep the same amount of VNIs/isthars alive and running anoms without killing the system your in is harder. Nullsec AFK ratting Algos fit. :) you want to really make dank isk, Marauder in C4 sites. Better isk then C5's without the BS. Theme select. These stats are only for T5 Exotic sites. EVE IPH is the most comprehensive industry program in EVE Online! You can view screenshots of the program here. Likes I'm curious about the different methods of making ISK, and what it breaks down to per hour. Skiff with Porpoise boosts earns 50. system1 (system) EVE Isk Per Hour Industry Program - Version 5. C3 is where it starts to get good, depending on the ship used and your skills, 100-300+m per hour. Look us up and apply for 'Patriot" for large ratting fleets and others who are making tons of isk. Think of it as holding 2 extra ticks per hour. mission agents), ISK per hour values are posted for all levels. I'm not sure if multiboxing is worth even in that case. on topic: dual boxing Havens or Forsaken Hubs will give me ~13-16 Mil per tick per character + loot which could be up to 80 mil for a single site. ISK Per Hour: Windows: A Windows program that allows players of EVE Online to determine ways to maximize their Isk per Hour through manufacturing, mining, invention, and reverse engineering. Chasing ISK just leads to burnout. Adam4EVE: Web: Reprocessing profitability and detailed Reprocessing chains statistics: cerlestes: Web: Compares which ores are most valuable per m³. 718: 94083: February 15, 2025 Home ; Categories ; Guidelines ; Terms of Hi there, I haven’t played Eve in roughly 6 years, but have been a vet since 2007. If you take the basic haven ratting in an Ishtar for example, it’s in the order/magnitude of 100m an hour. Plus concord LP which sells at 1000-1300 isk per LP. C5 is better isk per hour and the sites take even longer still. and the isk was neither too low or too high. That's 355 salvoes[2] at 10. How backwards is that? You know the dangerous space you can actually be killed in. That means our ISK/hr range is: On the low side, 100m ISK earned and 1. 76 M ISK with a more realistic Spod. But you probably don't have the skills for that. EVE is a sandbox, and players will the income is normally not high enough to justify ratting as a primary way to earn ISK. My only slightly optimized venal setup (3 RETRI, 1X LOGI daredevils are faster but more expensive if you goof) generated 3-7 45mil worm BPC per character per hour depending on how much completely wasted travel time through one of iirc the top 5 longest warps in eve one I'm getting kinda bored running incursions, How is ratting compare to incursion in terms of isk per hour? I don't like how I can't take a quick break in incursion to do some stuff without going through the waitlist again. It is, however, good isk/effort as it requires very little effort, and it is scalable to a point as an "afk A normal fleet running vanguard sites can make about 100 million ISK per hour running sites; more advanced fleets have the potential of making 170+ million ISK per hour. I do have a Loki fit that can solo outpost frontier stronghold and the oruze contruct without warping out. Also interested in ded sites just to farm BPC for pirate frigates. Tic refers to 'wallet tic'. With another 6 accounts. mining - up to 35 milions per hour ratting - up to 200 milions per hour C3 WH: up to 300 milions per hour, but you will spend over an hour to scan / roll / secure the entrance. Crypto. 175–300 M ISK per hour (some fits for this can be over 2b ISK) EVE allows you to discover, explore and dominate an amazing science fiction universe while you fight, trade, I was wondering if ratting comes close to isk per hour in comparison to incursion? I can pilot a Vindicator T2 fit and If you are looking for the best isk per hour, EVE Online is a pay to win game and credit card is the best isk per hour • Bling Gila and pod to run T5 and some T6 abyssals. The highest I get is double spawns of 1. Otherwise I could have told you, Amber mined Vermillion Mykoserocin for one hour and made 22 million an hour. I run T6 abyssals triple boxing frigates, investment for each run is about 180m isk (for filaments + ships) and I generally make between 350 and 500m per run. 2 minutes of sustained firing to kill Also, those 2 are quite rare to appear. In this game, making good ISK usually requires requires a sub, and a serious ISK investment. Don't increase the price tag for that loss more than you need to. With a properly fit Praxis, you can get about ~150-200 million per hour without salvaging, not counting rolling/finding wormholes. That's per account. You will also be facing larger up-front costs and be taking a bigger I have tried ratting in almost all PVE oriented Subcaps and carriers. Less isk invested for more return on Eve is also the only game where developers have nerfed Low sec mission income. you can pretty easily make 60-100 mil ISK per hour doing red anoms, escalations and expeditions in HS. This netted me 80-120m ticks or about 350m an hour average depending on spawns and such. i always get invited in less than 5 min into fleet. It effectively refers to 1/3 of what your isk per hour is. Then, hour 2 arrives and you see “Socket Closed” pop up in your face. If you can dualbox, I have a friend who used to run 2x RR domis for even higher returns v less risk, including the sleeper hacking sites. (IMO) Example of Randomness: For 1 hour everything could be going fine, you could be running t5 sites back to back with no issues. Now add another semi-safe activity, like mining. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. com serves over 80 million customers today, with the world’s fastest growing crypto app, along with the Crypto. Best activity is not ISK per hour but fun per hour. The two marauders cannot kill the sleeper so you're getting slightly less money but it's split between fewer toons. EVE Isk Per Hour (EVE IPH) is an industry program that allows players of EVE Online to determine ways to maximize their Isk per Hour through manufacturing, invention, reactions, and mining. One Naglfar can take out a C5 site in around half an hour. I'm looking to optimize my isk/hr for ratting. This is assuming you are running the sites that pay good isk/hour (Haven/Forsaken Hub/Forsaken Rally Point). Come join my discord! And yes, I will help you adjust your fit regardless of which alliance you are part of. But still much riskier than before. The server runs on what we like to call 'server ticks', and every 15-20 minutes (I forget the exact number) the 'tick' for your wallet to update goes off, so for example people will say 'In my ratting carrier I get 32m isk ticks' or something along those lines. Marauder ratting with pankrab is great money. The correct measure is Fun per Hour, which puts PLEXing for The income can vary from 10M ISK per hour to around 70M ISK if you can deal with Null-sec and Wormhole Space Pirate Relic and Data sites. Obviously the resource is scarce, limited and prone to competition. Null sec ratting in a marauder. The isk/hour suggested on eve survival of about 260 mil per hour for most of the C3 sites. the isk per hour is about 750 mil however it's risky, Produced with CyberLink PowerDirector 18A video explaining how to smart-bomb rat with multiple accounts or with friendsComputer Rig:Case: Cooler Master Cosmo C5 Dread Ratting works well for getting large injections (i. com DeFi Wallet. #dreads #wormhole #ratting#ratting #multibox #eveonline #wormhole #dreadsUpdate to previous video2 sieges per anomaly core bastion, the mirror, core citadel If you want to maximize your isk per hr, industry or market trading are the way to go simply as they can scale infinitely, at the cost of having exceedingly high startup isk. 5 hours = 28m ISK/hr On the hide side, 200m ISK earned and 1 hours of travel, meaning 200m ISK / 3 hours = 66m ISK/hr In the middle of that range is 47m ISK/hour. But that is the point of them, not had one stolen yet though. Fired 2133 torpedoes. I made 60m per hour doing tier 4 Faction war defensive complexing on a hours old character. I live in Guristas space and apparently doing Guristas Forsaken Hubs in a blaster naga= good iskies. We do VGs exclusively, only run for about 1. When I was living in k-space, ratting in C3 included: finding relatively safe hole (from 30mins to none), checking it by scanning and hacking and checking all incoming whs (not the one that outgoing what if a new) - 30 mins -1 hour. If you like the extra LP you get from incursions, place an ESS in the system. Ratting. For example, my miner in 0. Low risk, low invsetment and high reutrns. EVE IPH is the most best isk per hour method for an alpha. . #2 C5 Marauder farming, 500+ mil an hour #3 C3 ratting, any capable ship really, Like even farming burners for Archangels, which have a notoriously bad LP store, will get you into the 1+ bil/hr range just through shear force of rat bounty isk + mission reward isk + LP that at 100 mil/hr is pretty standard for the general PVE activities (nullsec ratting, hisec mission fullclearing, exploration, etc. 60m/hr is a good benchmark for either exploration in a heron or oracle ratting in a dronelands nullsec Eve solo is not a good idea. You can make around 15-20 million isk/tick (every 20 minutes) using this fit, assuming a 100% Bounty Risk Modifier. Tactic. The loot value is usually 230-300mil plus BPCs, with sometimes a jackpot loot drop like a skillbook that's an extra 180-300mil. Everyone should try to at least a few potential passive income sources. Carriers you have the advantage of being fairly far off a anom warp in and aligned out able to warp at the slightest hint of danger. The space that has risk versus reward. If you really want some low effort income you could join incursion fleets. You site there and blap things. Exploration 30-40mil per hour tops. 188K subscribers in the Eve community. So that scews with the isk/hr a lot. 5m encounters is pretty rare. /r/EVE is a place to discuss internet spaceships Start with the Eve Uni Wiki page for Ratting. So 62. In terms of ratting high class WH ratting, pochvin proving grounds, T6 abyssals, high end DEDs, blitzing burner mission, L5 missions, and incursions are where you want to Yeah, very true. That being said, it is VERY challenging content, failure rate of about 30%, and is not something as laid back as just ratting there is a lot of set up involved. You can also check a complete EVE Online Exploration Guide if you are interested in EVE - Isk per Hour is a Windows program that allows players of EVE Online to determine ways to maximize their Isk per Hour through manufacturing, mining, invention, and reverse engineering. (Dread ratting in C5, to Apparently the best ISK/hr is shitposting on reddit and being a member of a particular organization with an obsession for Anthophila. 17 M ISK an hour Gneiss, or 55. Null-sec Ishtar Anomalies Ratting - 50M ISK per hour C5-C6 Ratting - up to 250M ISK per Stormbringers have more DPS against the frigs. This values were calculated as described in the linked blog post.
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