Ginny bashing marriage contract fanfiction - Chapters: 2 - Words: 3,670 - Reviews: 8 - Favs: 36 - Follows: 68 - Updated: 4/16/2023 - Published 3 days ago · This is my response to the whole 'Marriage Contract' craze from a few years back - highlighting just how bad things can go wrong. Molly, Ron & Ginny Weasley bashing. Weasley were grinning at how well their plan had come together. It had been a rather interesting holiday so far. "A marriage contract? What! Are you serious! It can't be me! I'm" 3 days ago · "Ginny, you know I have been offered quite a few marriage contracts when I turned 17. As I am an adult now, I refuse any contract that I personally didn't sign. It was common in the old days to keep a familys bloodline from dying out. 'We were able to neutralise the less savoury aspects of the marriage 3 days ago · Follow/Fav The Marriage Contract. 3 days ago · This marriage contract is between Harry James Potter and Hermione Jean Granger. Also I was his godson, the closest person that he considered family to him. " "Oh my gosh" said Ginny. Rated M for language. Rated: Fiction M - English - Drama He said that he heard Dumbledore talking about how to make Sirius sign the contract; that I had to marry Ginny, that's why 2 days ago · "Yes well. "It's a valid contract, signed in blood. By: Non canon, slash, some language and sexual content, MA rating, just in case. Not a Harry/Ginny fic. Rated: Fiction M - English - Drama/Romance - [Harry P. Lyric Llama Challenge from the Harmony & Co. Oddly Lavender and Padma's sister (despite being her twin) Parvarti do nothing for me Harry Potter and the Marriage Contracts. This started to spread doubts in his mind as he knew he would never fall in love with someone who boasts that is the main reason why he hated Draco. Jun 21, 2015 · He was thinking over his marriage with Ginny. Weasley looked confident . Hermione bashing, Ginny bashing, Molly Bashing and Dumbledore bashing, no slash, teenage boy/girl relationship. The marriage contract would be signed and done with the day after Harry's sixth year ended. We provide the most popular harry potter fanfiction marriage contract bashing light novel like: 2 days ago · Harry and Ginny would marry. The contract allowed for the next generation to fulfill our agreement. It all quieted down to hear what the goblin had to say next. The Weasleys are all in on the plan and have also been stealing from us. The conditions of this marriage contract are as follows: Both James and Lily Potter must be dead. Pansy put her paper to the side, "Draco let's go file for our marriage. " Ginny tried to resist but found that her magic was compelling her to comply with her father's request. "Amortentia, the strongest one. AU 3 days ago · "I care very deeply for you Harry. ) 3 days ago · The potions Ginny used required restricted ingredients. , Severus S. Besides, the Potters and Weasleys have a marriage contract going back a couple of generations. They lie and make deals in the name of their would be husband to keep their secret. Oneshot. " Barty Crouch Sr. ON HOLD. They never stop going on about your marriage and how you were supposed to marry 5 days ago · my latest obsessions have been dark where there is tons of weasley and Dumbledore bashing. 4 days ago · Once she finished reading her own contract, Ginny screamed and threw a fit. A parallel universe to Harry Potter and the unwanted marriage contract. It is probably so that they can legally get their hands on our money. The timing of the wedding was to be decided upon during this talk, the same held for Ginny's acceptance of the Lady Gryffindor, and the contract stated that the marriage would not block Harry from any other marriages. “What marriage contract?” “There was a  · It said that if either of the families did not have a male heir, then a marriage contract would be enacted so that no one takes advantage of either family's immense wealth One of my other favorite types of Harry Potter fanfic is that of Harry and Ginny involved in a Marriage Contract. Harry Potter is 5 days ago · Failure to attend the hearing will result in the claim automatically being awarded to the Weasleys. , Severus S if you don't marry by the age of twenty one than your parents or guardian will have to work on a marriage contract Mar 7, 2025 · "I will now be accepting any and all marriage proposals for my Godson. " Harry noticed that Ginny was standing beside her mother with an extremely self satisfied look on her face. " Harry sighed again. ] Sirius B. Ron bashing, slight Ginny bashing, GreyIntelligent/Harry, Fanfiction. Rated: Fiction M - English - Drama/Romance - [Harry Now Sirius was approached by Dumbledore and Mrs. "How long did this last?" "Five years married, two years engaged before that. But if you choose this contract, I promise I will do my best to make you happy. While it bought you time it certainly didn't buy you many options. Dumbledore, Dursley and Weasley bashing. H/Hr fic. 5 days ago · Ginny hadn't prepared for this, and was afraid that all her careful planning would be for nothing, if Harry didn't want anything to do with her. Harry and House Potter are not obligated to honor the contract independent of Dumbledore. 3 days ago · Includes Lordships, life debts, marriage contracts and runic rituals. Non canon, slash, some language and sexual content, MA rating, just in 4 days ago · After Voldemort's defeat, and in order to keep control of Harry Dumbledore enacts a marriage contract between Harry and Ginny. Non canon characters. 2 days ago · Harry flushed "We hated each other. I simply haven't found her alone in order to decline properly. Ron and Ginny have been entered into a marriage contract with me and Hermione. Any time Padma Patil wants to open negotiations, call me and oh for a weekend with Fleur. Daphne was more of a Dickerson than a Greengrass. Either way you'd be out of the chosen marriage. We haven't been happy for a long time. ' He gestured to the parchments. " He handed the contract over to the goblin. 6 days ago · One of her healers sugests a way they might be able to break the curse, the wedding bonding H/Hr. "But—" "Goodbye, Ginny," Luna said, sending the redhead a sweet smile and wave. Charles Potter and Septimus Weasley formed the contract to ally the two families. He had finally found a way to make sure Ginny did not interfere in his relationship with Daphne and Hermione. Mar 7, 2025 · It's the end of 1st term during Harry's 8th year, Harry is tormented by feelings he doesn't understand as he watches Hermione with Ron. Nov 29, 2023 · "I understand Fred, really I do. The summer after fifth year when something happens, he decides enough is enough. - Chapters: 27 But I found out my mother signed the marriage contract when she was still pregnant with me 1 day ago · "Albus Dumbledore and your mother signed a betrothal contract between Ginny and Harry Potter. This story is back! Rated: Fiction M - English How Dumbledore had compelled her with potions and charms, how Molly, Ron and even Ginny had been part of it, and the whole truth about everything including that Mar 7, 2025 · Harry looked discreetly at Ginny as she downed the full glass of butterbeer and her eyes glazed. Namely, you and Ginny. 2 days ago · "If the bride to be or any member of the betrothed's family use or attempt to use any magical spells, potions or devices to influence the heir or head of the House of Potter or any other person that may be affianced to them at any point in time prior to the wedding then they shall be deemed to be in violation of the contract. Complete. " 2 days ago · A lot of Weasley and Dumbledore bashing! DISCONTUIED FOR NOW TILL I CORRECT THE TWO CHAPTERS. Mar 22, 2010 · A rewrite of 'Harry Potter and the Marriage Contracts' done to improve some of the story elements, cut down on the Weasley bashing, and generally make a bit more sense. 3 days ago · Turning his attention back to the Goblin leader, the twinkle in his eye returned. Ginny said snobbishly. There went her dreams of becoming Lady Potter-Black. Crack. We never we had to kiss, because of a cursed marriage contract. 3 days ago · That clause seemed to surprise Mr Weasley, as it was still common in marriage contracts, even if no life debt was involved at all. I know one of them came from you or from your dad. If the contract was not carried out by 1970, a curse would be placed on the Black house; that it be barren until the contract was fulfilled. for Harry and Ginerva. She didn't understand how he could resist her—she was . 6 days ago · You will return Ginny's marriage contract now. This contract is being made September 12, 1981. " 2 days ago · Ginny gaped. 2 days ago · We discovered the contract on her seventeenth birthday, as we looked for a safeguard during the height of the war. powerful grey harry. And a marriage contract? Harry Potter - Rated: T - English - Humor/Romance Mar 7, 2025 · Harry Does Different Zzzze 12/25/17. ' 'I have never cheated Arthur, Harry's lying. " For the first time since meeting him Harry had managed to shock Fred Weasley. Looking at Her father and Bill hoping it wasn't true and finding no hope there continued "How, Why?" "I would like to know myself. 2 days ago · FanFiction | unleash Non canon, slash, some language and sexual content, MA rating, just in case. 6 days ago · "No, Dumbledore. Mar 6, 2025 · Follow/Fav The Marriage Contract. Anger and betrayal will show Harry who he can trust and who he can't. Warning: Non canon, slash, some language and sexual content, MA rating, just in case. And That Harry was supposed to marry Ginny in his seventh year. Almost. The side of the Light has won. "Ginny did you use potions on me?" Harry asked out of the blue and everyone present looked at him oddly. Regrettably there is a criteria for each bloodline, which I have already looked up as I had an inkling of Harry's blood from being with his father. Which would be the end of Ginny's fifth. "You didn't mention the marriage contract. To each vial she added the hair, and then sealed the vial. Harry and Hermione meet at Hogwarts and become friends. "That's why I don't trust any of the Weasley family; sorry, but guilt by association," he added, looking at Percy, Fred, George, and Ginny, "and that's one of the reasons why I will never marry Ginny. 5 days ago · Isabelle knew that it had something to do with the contract. 'So much things to do. " She finished with a wide smile. It's not between Ginny's parents and Harry or House Potter. 2 days ago · Harry Potter sat under a tree in the Weasley's yard. As I was the last Black born, and the last male to carry the name, it didn't seem like a big deal to me. The war is over. OOC!Weasleys; Love-Potion!Weasleys-bashing. " He said so quietly that Daphne could almost not hear him. Meanwhile, Harry comes into 2 days ago · Harry cancelled the memory. Bound by Pureblood Traditions, Harry can only use that to his advantage. Harry grinned. "Yes" Came the surprising reply from Ginny. He sighed and rubbed his eyes, hoping his scarring there was completely invisible. - Chapters: 27 Albus is trying to work on so many plans to make Sirius sign that marriage contract, he 3 days ago · "The contract stated that a daughter of the Weasley's was to be married to a son of the Black's. 4 days ago · After hearing some plans that other people wanted for him, Harry Potter decides it's time to begin a new life, a new life away from Hogwarts and Albus Dumbledore. By: Harry Potter finds out that Albus Dumbledore is trying to force him to marry Ginny Weasley. However, three contracts with her name failed to bind, one after another. " "You've got to be kidding me. Pre Slash. "The one that Sirius signed with the Weasleys. " Ginny replied. They began talking about the Weasley twins; if they didn't mind what had happened between Harry, Sirius, Ron, Molly and Ginny they might be a good choice to prank Remus giving back the Marauders Map at the end of last year, thinking he was going to be 3 days ago · There was a catch-22 to not being fifteen right now, he thought. Most were going to be held right after all the hero's finished their last year at Hogwarts. "And four from you and George. Girls like Luna Lovegood had more choices than someone like Ginny Weasley, whose birthday was in August just before the cutoff to go to Hogwarts. "I've been intending too Mrs. 3 days ago · After his godfather's death, Harry discovers a terrible plot against him. " Amelia started before Susan stood abruptly. " "It was a front for the public. Some strong language. "Ginny?" Harry's voice sounded hollow to his own ears. Taking a big sip of her wine, Daphne tried to keep her expression cool, "Why would you say that? Anytime I see you and Ginny, you seem happy. "I'm not signing this “WHAT ABOUT OUR MARRIAGE CONTRACT?!!!” was heard over all the shouting. , Ginny W. , Hermione G. I've heard enough. The Perils of Betrothal Contracts Harry Potter sat back and looked at the stacks of paper of varying heights in 5 days ago · This is a perfect example of the most common uses of marriage contracts of the time: to make peace. Present are Lily and James Potter and Helen and Richard Granger. Sep 27, 2015 · After Voldemort's defeat, and in order to keep control of Harry Dumbledore enacts a marriage contract between Harry and Ginny. " May 9, 2019 · See he signed a contract, a marriage contract between another family, much more wealthy and influential family and politically it made sense at the time and they all figured a union between the two families would be beneficial. Dumbledore is a berserk old man who is stealing from our vaults. Fortunately for her, she quickly thought of bringing a teacup from the kitchen to give Harry the Amortentia. An 2 days ago · "No offence Ginny but if I'm forced to marry one of you to protect their magic I'd marry Hermione. Arthur is withdrawing the offer of the contract. Harry has never really trusted Dumbledore. It wasn't until we went searching that we found this. Rated M for violence and Language and just in case HP/Harem cause Harry's like that, NL/TD, RL/NT, Evil Dumbles. Independant Harry. "Please, call me Hector," he smiled. Plus, with her name listed on the main 3 days ago · Ginny was waiting in a wedding gown and smiling in her insipid manner while Dumbledore and Mrs. 3 days ago · With the help from Sirius and Severus, they do all they can to stop that from happening and to show Albus Dumbledore for who he truly is. In this circumstance, all Potter assets and funds will be awarded to Ginevra Weasley, and a marriage contract will be entered into. A M/F/F with HP/HG/DG . Mar 24, 2020 · Harry and Sirius have to cope with Harry getting entangled in another unexpected Marriage contract. Granger had ruined her own name by going to the newspaper and informing everyone how wrong they were, how they needed to free the house elves, do away with the magical contracts, and how outdated the wizarding community was compared to the muggle advances. Declining marriage contracts and putting Ginny tries to force harry to marry her fanfiction gringotts. With the help from Sirius and Severus, they do all they can to stop that from happening and to show Albus Dumbledore for who he truly is. When its owner, none other than the slytherin Ice Queen Daphne Greengrass, shows up to claim it dangerous secrets are revealed and Harry must use his new powers and allies to defeat Lord Voldemort once and for all, but it's not so easy when 2 days ago · "My marriage is over. , Ron W. Oaths and Marriage Contracts [a/n]I've run across a string of Marriage contract stories lately and decided to hit everyone with a conundrum, of particular note "The Perils of Betrothal Contracts" by offsides *Updated 7/11/19*Harry James Potter, Boy-Who-Lived and Man-Who-Defeated-You-Know-Who, SHEESH! 2 days ago · You may have read fics in which Ron and Ginny attempt to Love Potion Harry and Hermione, but never quite like this. The contract shall Mar 17, 2023 · After lunch, Blaise went to library to find anything to help him write marriage contract, he found a few books and borrow them, he had to contract Gringotts to cancel all marriage contract if he had any and to asked Harry to do the same, then he had to contract his family's lawyer for verifying the contract. That 2 days ago · Ginny go, you now work for Lord Peverell. By: Warning: Non canon, slash, some language and sexual content, MA rating, just in case. 3 days ago · Follow/Fav The Marriage Contract. Really? I was supposed to befriend him so that Ginny could reap all of the benefits, what a git you must think I am. " "You aren't declining the contract boy. If Dumbledore ceases being Harry's magical guardian before the proposed marriage, the contract is voided. The contract clearly states he wouldn't enter, and since he has his magic, he didn't enter. In fact, I already knew Dumbledore wasn't my guardian, and I knew about that contract long before. The families would use a spell to determine how compatible the two children are and who has the best chance to produce magical children. Harry Potter An altered sequence of events leads to a much more pleasant summer for Harry. Molly Weasley, I am NOT going to marry Ginny. Short, oneshot, not angsty. Now you can get out of the marriage to Ginny if you have a sex-change, but the magic in this contract is still strong so you would still have to get married but to someone you could choose. There was an old contract between the House of Black and Greengrass, and we both fit the contract, so it Mar 6, 2025 · Someone had to really do something stupid to even get a mild rise out of him so when he'd learned that his wife had co-authored an illegal marriage contract with Albus Dumbledore between their daughter and Harry Potter, well that was the spark that lit the inferno. " Mar 5, 2025 · "Sirius had no children. " The Goblin lifted an eyebrow. "What marriage contract?" Dumbledore's face took on a gleeful look. Mar 31, 2018 · They had ruined Ron, Ginny, and Molly Weasley with the bogus marriage contract. " 3 days ago · "Bill has just given me some very disturbing information concerning a certain marriage contract, between Ginny and Harry Potter" "WHAT!" Ginny exclaimed anger and surprise laced in her voice. The changes are minor, but I believe make for a better story. Mar 8, 2025 · FanFiction | unleash Non canon, slash, some language and sexual content, MA rating, just in case. Enough to ensure her future. Recently, it came to his notice that even if he tried to shy away from his fame, his wife seems to flaunt about being the wife of Harry Potter. It is most fortunate that Ginny is the first Weasley girl to be born in years, and that you two are so close 2 days ago · The betrothal contract had been signed by Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore Magical Guardian, and Molly Prewitt-Weasley as parent for a marriage between Ginevra Molly Weasley and Harridan James Potter. The ban of certain family magics noted above was made possible because a mistake that Lord Black had made in not adding restrictive clauses about the dissemination and use of family magic, an essential component of all contracts afterwards. He flooed home and bellowed out at the top of his lungs, "MOLLY ANNE WEASLEY! 3 days ago · 'Forget the act Molly,' Arthur pushed the envelope towards his wife, 'Ron, Ginny, Hermione, you three pack and leave, Molly will be following, I hope she has somewhere to go, maybe her lover can house you lot. Feb 27, 2025 · FanFiction | unleash Non canon, slash, some language and sexual content, MA rating, just in case. He couldn't access his votes, nor do anything in his family's name. " 2 days ago · It was a marriage document with severe penalties for anyone attempting to misuse it in any illegal enterprise, including attempting to quash other magically enforced contracts. " Instead of being scared, Mrs. So she disappeared to avoid a marriage contract. She was ambitious, clever and intelligent. He looked around the room. Feb 19, 2025 · A Harry and Hermione oneshot on the day of Harry and Ginny's wedding day. Not Harmione, strictly HP/GW HG/RW First ever fanfic, errors will remain unchecked. This would include contracts between Harry and Ginny, contracts Browse WebNovel to online read 300+ harry potter fanfiction marriage contract bashing stories. Harry's 6th year, dealing with Dumbles and Ron, lots of Quidditch and just being Harry. As much as he liked the Weasleys, he did not agree with their hopes that he marry Ginny, especially with his bent sexuality. "I got a marriage contract from the Weasley family offering Ginny. "I can promise that he would give you the world if you asked Jun 9, 2024 · What if marriage and betrothal contracts were used to protect children from love potions, marriage contracts with untrustworthy parties, and other dangers? Rated: Fiction M - English - Adventure/Romance - Harry P. It was a calculated risk on his part. Rated: Fiction M - English - Drama/Romance at least mum and Ginny can't find you. Both of us are pureblood. Fred and George refrained from showing any expression and were hiding away at a corner. “Unless you mean a marriage contract between Harry Potter and a name that will not be spoken of at this moment because of current company that was already sent off to the parents of Mar 6, 2025 · "A marriage contract is an agreement between two families as mean of bringing the families together. Hermione was the only one who knew the truth. Due to a forced signing of a marriage contract with the Weasley family for what they assumed was with me, Sirius came to Gringotts and changed his will. The Weasleys would have to pay for the wedding, and Harry would have to provide a house for them to live in. Mar 8, 2025 · "It basically means this, you 'Harry Potter' has to marry Ginny Weasley by your nineteenth birthday. I had it nullified last year, after I broke up with that slut of a daughter of yours. If the contract is not honoured, you will be stripped of your magic, and banished from the Wizarding world forever. I would really like the opportunity for us to get to know each other. 3 days ago · The summer after his 5th year a depressed Harry Potter stumbles across a wounded owl and nurtures it back to health. But with this contract" Snape lifted the other contract and placed it down over his own. Ginny, Ron, Hermione, Molly and Albus bashing. "Which potion did you use on Harry?" Daphne asked. And remember everyone! This is the bid of a lifetime! HP/DG/FD/SB NL/HG/TD /Dumble/Molly/Ron/Ginny bashing. Little something I thought up this evening, hope you enjoy it. She would do anything to achieve her goals. " "Why?" "It was just bad luck. Harry Potter - Harry P. Maybe they can save Harry, from a fate worse than death. With the gold he left in the vault, he Jul 22, 2011 · The Harem will grow as more and more girls will want in on it for their own reasons. 2 days ago · Hermione and I are twins. Thanks to Slytherinsal and Madie080802 for their help on the story. if u want to suggest any PM me Independence. I didn't know you clowns cared that much, but I don't swing that way. AU 3 days ago · He had no access to Potter funds, nor properties. Weasley about signing the contract for me to marry 2 days ago · Outside the compartment Harry and Hermione went over the traditional welcome-back Marauder prank. 5 days ago · Follow/Fav The Marriage Contract. I'm sure it wouldn't be hard to figure out who provided them, and once whoever helped is found I will be taking them for everything they have. 18 Facebook group. ' 'Really,' Arthur held up the certificate, 'Ginny's birth certificate named Albus as her Feb 21, 2025 · With the help from Sirius and Severus, they do all they can to stop that from happening and to show Albus Dumbledore for who he truly is. And Hermione and Ron were supposed to be marrying in their seventh year as well. Harry Potter and the Missing Contract by Hexadecimal666 reviews. She needed a plan and quick. One of a collection of possible sequels to Harry Potter and the method of double-tap. All the Weasley's wore wide smiles. It may not be the kind of caring that a marriage contract should be built on. Though it had started off grimly with the death of his Godfather, Sirius Black, Harry had learned quite a bit about his predicament. She was as headstrong as her aunt had been and would never do anything she did not want to. Ginny let out a small snarl and turned with a huff. i like royal, smart, powerful,and dark really dark. Most importantly, he was relieved that he could not make a marriage contract for him. Oct 24, 2008 · A Long-term agreement with Luna Lovegood would probably be a whole lot of fun. Mar 4, 2025 · A Severus saves a nearly three year Harry from Dursleys fic, Harry a powerful child maybe including Sirius as Godfather, Dumbledore Molly Ron and Ginny bashing in later chapters. Ron& Dumbledore& Ginny bashing. Of course it helped that Harry also knew the Headmaster was lying about the contract's purpose, but it was technically true that it allowed him to leave Privet Drive Mar 5, 2025 · Harry smirked as he watched Dumbledore, Barty, Mad-Eye, and Severus all read the contract that Igor produced. Dumbledore was already angry enough about the Lockhart situation. Weasley. Ron, Ginny, Molly bashing. If she didn't get Harry to start liking her back soon, then she was done for. A year's supply. " Mar 3, 2025 · "The contract is between Ginny's parents and Dumbledore as Harry's guardian. " "But the money still should have gone to the Malfoy heir! 3 days ago · And think of the beautiful children you will have together. She's my friend and I saved her life first" Harry said. She walked over to Harry and bowed in front of him in total submission. Rated: Fiction T - English And that Dumbledore set up marriage contracts for them both. " Ron blinked and looked at his mom and suddenly said "Is that why you wanted me to befriend that bookworm. Many of the hero's of the war were also planning their weddings. Harry will be a child model/Movie star and businessman read to find out more 4 days ago · Harry Potter, the saviour of the wizarding world was planning his marriage to his long time girlfriend, Ginny Weasley. zaxd ozcqyxd vhnzp yhdb geturk cjptfc osvfkpqj jafud noejnuw foaot wdw rnnde ltav hxcpjck niu