Masonic lodge officers. 4th (or the 3rd if the 4th falls on a Sunday).

Masonic lodge officers Henderson, KY elects or appoints Masonic Lodge Officers to execute the necessary functions of the lodge's life and work. Masons of New Mexico . 11. Announcements Greetings from Fredericksburg Masonic Lodge here in downtown historic Fredericksburg, Virginia. Shares. Paul Rhoads. As a Freemason lodge, we are dedicated to fostering fellowship, charity, and the betterment of our community through the principles of Freemasonry. CT Other officers There are many other officer positions, although these tend to vary from Lodge to Lodge, as well as from Grand Lodge to Grand Lodge. 2024-2025 Elected Grand Officers The Senior Warden of a Masonic Lodge is the second in charge within the Lodge Officers. The Officers of the Masonic Lodge lead the Lodges with key roles such as the Worshipful Master, the Wardens, the Secretary, and the Treasurer. Options. Sale. Ontario District Officers 2024 - 2025 The manner in which the Grand Lodge, Grand Lodge officers or Visitors should be received is described in Chapter VII, pages 76-80 in the Maine Masonic Textbook. Master Mason Hand Embroidered and Lodge Aprons ; Past Masters Aprons Hand Embroidered ; Lodge Officer Apron Sets ; Pennsylvania Aprons ; Texas Aprons & Jewels ; Grand Lodge Aprons ; Dress Cuffs all procedures outlined in the Code are carefully complied with by the Lodge. The Worshipful Master is the presiding officer and leader of the lodge, responsible for guiding its activities, fostering harmony, and upholding Masonic principles. move to sidebar hide. (2024–2026) he is a member of Goldenrule Clermont McKinley Lodge No. Hotchkiss Grand Master Scott R. FORWARD CONGRATULATIONS, you have just been elected or appointed as an officer in Get a copy for each of your Lodge's Line Officers today! Bro. Freemasonry. When open to non-Masonic guests, each officer to be installed shall be clothed in the apron of the respective This edition of the standard ritual for Installation of Lodge Officers supersedes the previous one last published by Grand Lodge on August 21, 1969, and Three additional principal officers are elected yearly by the Master Masons of the Lodge. PhelpsGrand Chaplain - As Grand Master, he will preside over the 1,750 Saskatchewan Freemasons in 44 constituent Lodges. GLP TELEPHONE LINES The Order of the Eastern Star (OES) is a Masonic appendant body open to both men and women. 1/38. K. All lodges that participated last year will be enrolled again this year. Freemasonry in Langley and our Lodge in particular, is experiencing a renaissance of public interest. The function of the ritual is to move profoundly the inner life of the cand­idate; to winter garden lodge no. John Shorter. Published by Lewis Masonic Masonic Register of Officers, Members and Visitors 4. This gavel is for the use of the Masonic Lodges within the Our collection of Blue Lodge Officer Aprons & Apron Sets is crafted with the utmost care and precision, using only the finest materials, including leather, lambskin, and synthetic options, to ensure durability and comfort. The Masonic Blue Lodge is an organization that has been around for centuries and is dedicated to helping members become better people by teaching them the values of brotherly love, truth, and relief. There WELCOME TO OUR LODGE! Plainfield #653. By Charles J. This Facebook page is for the Lodge Officer's Association of Districts 3 and 12 of the Washington State Freemasons and is intended to Office First Name Mid Init Last Name City; Grand Master: A. Find a Lodge; Donate; MassMasons; What is Freemasonry. Lodge Calendar; Trestleboard & News; GW Masonic Bible; Store; Membership Portal 4th (or the 3rd if the 4th falls on a Sunday). Voss: Jefferson: Senior Grand Warden: Donald: A. Every lodge is required to have a Worshipful Master, a Senior Warden, a Junior Warden, a Senior Deacon, a Junior Deacon, a Treasurer, and a Secretary. Each officer has specific duties and The appointed officers of the Grand Lodge of Masons of Massachusetts. Dedicated to the memory of Dudley H. Mike Keogan (174) Freemasonry is full of ritual, and for rituals you need people to be responsible for the various activities associated with the ritual and for the lodge in general. Grand Lodge of Georgia; Scottish Rite - Atlanta; Yaarab Shriners - Atlanta; Lodge Officers 2025. 95. Michael HoskinGrand MasterBiography R. A Guide for the Masonic Treasurer. In the absence of the Worshipful Master, the Senior Warden assumes the Worshipful Master’s duties. new1. The structure of a Masonic Lodge is based on the traditional structure of a Masonic organization. Click on the image to enlarge. Grand Lodge of Minnesota, A. The Lodge Chaplains have a very responsible position in the officer's lines, and the Grand Chaplain stands ready to assist the Lodge Chaplains in any way needed. 1/20. The Senior Warden of a Masonic Lodge sits in the West (symbolic of the setting sun) and assists the Worshipful Master in opening and closing the Lodge. A Masonic Lodge is made up of several officers, each with their own specific duties and responsibilities. Algoma East District Travelling Gavel – Rules of Use. ← Masonic Lodge Officers are solely responsible for providing leadership to the lodge, and their success depends upon how well this team of lodge officers works together. This document outlines the duties and responsibilities of the Master of a Masonic lodge according to the Officers Manual. A Lodge cannot function without its Officers, who each play a crucial role in its operations. George E. According to Masonic procedure, voting is conducted in a secret ballot and each qualified member has one vote. About this group. Masonicare. W 2025 Grand Lodge Officers installed in Greensboro, NC. Perhaps one day Jack will win the famed Bentonville Masonic Lodge No. The table individual below illustrates the permitted combinations of office, and the order of precedence of the officers All officers should read and become familiar with the Grand Constitutions and Regulations and should also be familiar with the By-laws of their lodge. Lodge is at 7 pm. Afterwards, the lodge will hold its first-ever stated meeting, open to Masons only, where attendees can hear the reading of its bylaws and budget—a unique opportunity to The officers in a Masonic Lodge include the Worshipful Master, Senior Warden, Junior Warden, Treasurer, Secretary, Chaplain, Senior Deacon, Junior Deacon, Steward and Tyler. John Herman, PM Secretary: W:. $394. BEHAVIOR AS A CITIZEN “A Mason is oblig’d by his tenure to obey the moral law, a peaceable subject to the civil powers . By Graham Redman. Search Rick L. 908, in the Suffolk Masonic District and Warren Lodge No. [1] He presides over a Grand Lodge and Founded in 1825, Lodge of Honour no. Article; Talk; English. [2] The Grand Lodge of California is headquartered in San Francisco, In Masonic settings, Grand Lodge officers shall be addressed as "Right Worshipful". Brown: Bloomfield: Deputy Grand Master: Keith: R. Easton Lodge #152 is chartered through the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania, F&AM, which in turn, is recognized by the United Grand Lodge of England. Each apron Each masonic lodge has several different officers that are responsible for the operation of the organization. Some of the positions are required, while others are optional. Davis Senior Grand Warden - Shawn R. Qty. 0. SolemDeputy Grand Master - Robert S. Kramer Senior Grand Warden: Daniel W. June 26, 2023. Please Log in or Register to write a review Lodge Officers. The exact number of officers in a Masonic Lodge varies, The layout below is typical of a Masonic Lodge. Masonic Blue Lodge Officers Jewels. Clark – PM, HA Patrick began his Masonic journey at Ontario Lodge #301 applying on June 28, 2007. Their functions and numbers vary according to rites and countries, with no connection to military origins. Share 0. If an officer is intending to visit a Lodge, he should send at least an E-mail or make a phone call to his colleague at the Lodge. M. In the building, the right angle of a square is used to ensure the angles of the building are true. An active office is held for one year, with some offices re-appointed according to convention. Lodge Locator. Masonic Blue Lodge Voting in a Masonic Lodge is an important part of the process for making decisions, electing officers, and admitting new members. Our Members . Lodges enrolled in this program saw more members pay their dues compared to lodges that did not participate. ” “Masonic Etiquette, Protocol, and Decorum. He was initiated as an Entered Apprentice on August 28, 2007, passed to Fellowcraft A Grand Master is a title of honour as well as an office in Freemasonry, given to a freemason elected to oversee a Masonic jurisdiction, derived from the office of Grand Masters in chivalric orders. W∴ Greg Connell. In most cases, there is an equivalent Masonic lodge officers fulfill various roles crucial to the lodge's functioning. The highest-ranking officer, often referred to as the "Worshipful Master", plays a central role in this structure. The Most Worshipful Grand Lodge . May concord, peace, and harmony, subsist in all regular lodges, and always distinguish free-masons. Hardcover. He is the second in command within the Lodge Officers. Share. In 2011, Frank’s paper was selected for publication in the Texas [] This post was featured on episode 14 of the BROUGHT TO LIGHT MASONIC PODCAST about lodge officers. bottom of page Lodge Officers, Grand Lodge Officers, and District Deputy Grand Masters may wear the apron of their Office. The Chaplain was W. 99. Grand Lodge Officers Aprons Beautiful Hand Embroidered Aprons Available in sizes 13 x 15 or 14 x 1. Langley Lodge Freemasons come from all walks of life to gather together as brothers at the Eureka Masonic Lodge Hall in Langley BC. 622 (Chapleau). Complete Workings of the Royal Arch Degree - Pocket Edition. Masonic Foundation; Masonic Home; Join; Donate; Get Help; Follow Us . Charity Lodge in About Masonry; Lodge Officers; Events; Media; Lodge Availability; Contact; Menu; Lodge Officers. 461 Klutey Park Plaza Drive. Dinner is at 6 pm. Leave a Reply. £15. The table individual below illustrates the permitted combinations of office, and the order of precedence of the officers of a Lodge. Masonic Blue Lodge Officers Jewels Choose between Gold and Silver and 3" or 4": -3" Silver Finish -3" Gold Finish -4" Silver Finish -4" Gold Finish NOT ALWAYS IN STOCK, View full product details . George Baliotis It has been prepared by your Grand Lodge Masonic Education Committee. Troy LeBlanc (25) Grand Senior Warden: RW Bro. It is also a commonly used term for a building where Freemasons meet and hold their meetings. Mentor’s Manual . txt) or read online for free. , composed of some 100 Lodges with a membership of nearly 6000 members. Unable to get the Grand Lodge Officers at this time. Handbook for Masonic Trials . Our officers are elected and appointed in the fall and we hold our installation for them in December. ” “A Primer for the Junior and Senior Deacons. ALSO THE GRAND LODGE OF TENNESSEE: Call: 615-255-2625: Free and Accepted Masons. The Masonic Exchange offers a wide range of Blue Lodge including Steward Officer Jewel , Master Officer Jewel, Senior Deacon Officer Jewel and more. As part of the ongoing support of National Lodge, and to let everyone know around the area, that a Masonic Lodge resides within the city of Barberton, we approved to have Road Signs made and put up around the city where the corporation limit signs are currently placed. All of the lodges in a given nation, state, or region are united under Lodge Officers Handbook . 2014 Officers - 3. The Worshipful Master, symbolized by the Square, is the highest-ranking officer of a Masonic Lodge, presiding over all Lodge business and rituals, and is responsible for the overall functioning and leadership of the Lodge. Officers are assigned custom aprons and Updated 2017 Edition . Be the first the write a review. Read: “Master Masons and Prospective Lodge Officers. Masonic Lodges are a uniquely structured organization that exist in many countries around the world. 469, Free and Accepted Masons of Tennessee, in Rockford, Tennessee a small, quiet hamlet in the foothills of the Great Smoky Mountains in Eastern Tennessee. May every brother learn to live within the Royal and Select Grand Officers Jewel. Grand Lodge Officers The Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania Right Worshipful Deputy Grand Master, Robert D. The Junior Warden is responsible for the lodge's refreshment and harmony. b. In most Lodges the Junior Warden is one of the five Lodge Officers chosen annually by ballot, the other four being the Master, Senior Warden, Treasurer and Secretary. Grand Lodge Officers 2024-2025 Grand Master -Foster D. Masonic Lodge Officers have a variety In Craft Freemasonry, sometimes known as Blue Lodge Freemasonry, every Masonic Lodge elects or appoints Masonic Lodge Officers to execute the necessary functions of the lodge’s life and work. Officers of the Lodge - Who are the Deacons ? - The most important aspect of communication is not only to listen but to hear. While the entrances sometimes vary due to structural configuration, the majority are thus oriented. 13 Presence of ladies & other non-masons 15 14 Ceremonial procedure for a Provincial visit 16 B. The 2025 Officers of Fredericksburg Masonic Lodge No. OES #414 About MD Masons. Grand Lodge Calendar; Ali Ghan Shrine Calendar; Boumi Shrine Calendar; Scottish Rite Calendar; York Rite Calendar; Maryland Eastern Star; Maryland DeMolay Masonic Pocket Knives ; Swords & Daggers ; LODGE & GRAND LODGE APRONS, REGALIA & JEWELS . There are, however, extra offices in Grand Lodge with no particular seating arrangement other than the Custom Lodge Aprons ; Masonic Service Dog Aprons ; Collars ; Sashes ; English Style Grand Lodge Aprons ; English Syle Aprons and Regalia ; Scottish Style Aprons ; Lodge Officers Aprons Genuine leather, adjustable belt and pocket in the back Emblem of offic. Veterans Emblems . 10. Add links. Your email address will not be published. Quicklinks About Freemasonry About Grand Lodge Museum, Library & Archive Grand Lodge Officers. 1 offer from $2199 $ 21 99. Grand Lodge of Ireland Freemasons’ Hall 17 Molesworth Street Dublin D02 HK50 Ireland Tel: +353 1 676 1337. Weymouth United Masonic Lodge, Weymouth: Term Expires 2027: Wor. It is one of the most important ceremonies in Craft Masonry. It was established in 1850 by lawyer and educator Rob Morris, a noted Freemason, and adopted and approved as an appendant body of the NEW PLARIDEL MASONIC TEMPLE 1440 San Marcelino Street, P. In the business Lodge Officers. Each individual holds a traditional Lodge Officer position. Grand Officers. $149. The elections for Alki’s officer line generally occur during the November Stated Communication. 00 Masons in Nova Scotia are overseen by the Grand Lodge of Nova Scotia, A. It is also one of the oldest Freemason lodges in Bath. Texas Officer Aprons Traditional Design Symbols Hand Embroidered Masonic Leadership Arthur L. Moreover, his duty is to wind up every discussion in the Lodge MASONIC OFFICERS - CONTINENTAL FREEMASONRY Masonic Lodge Officers Association Districts 3 & 12. But the “secrets” that make so many people’s imaginations run wild simply do not exist. The Grand Master hails from Reno Lodge #13. Add to Cart + Quick Shop D1809 Junior Warden Jewel. W∴ Tracy Thurman, WM, PM. Grand Lodge Officers. Tools. The names, roles and numbers of Lodge officers vary widely from jurisdiction to jurisdiction. 0 out of 5 stars 6. Jack A. The installing officer was RW Alan Walls, and the Marshall was RW Tommy Tyner. The precise list of such offices may vary between the jurisdictions of different . Subordinate Lodge Officer's Manual . John C. See more The officers of a Lodge or Chapter are divided into the Elected and the Appointed, the former in the United States of America being the Master, Wardens, Treasurer, and Secretary, while in England only the Master and Treasurer are elected. BarnettSenior Grand Every Masonic Lodge and Chapter elects or appoints officers to execute the necessary functions of the unit's life and work; the same is true for Metropolitan Grand Lodge and Grand Chapter – these are the Metropolitan Active Officers. Lodge of Improvement advise on floor work and other procedures this is applied within the handbook. Meetings are at 7:30 pm. Sort products by: Products per page: A Guide for Masters-Elect. John Hamilton. Lodges are organized into districts. Read; Edit; View history; Tools. Call Us Today 1-800-321-9357. He is responsible for training and equipping other officers, making sure they understand their duties, and providing them with the necessary supplies to perform their tasks. The communication should contain “news” of the Lodge, so as to allow the Masonic Lodge Officers, as they move through the Masonic Officer Chairs, as in any organization, could not properly function without a leadership team which provides Masonic Officer Training. Made to Order - Approximately 4 Weeks to Ship (0) Add to Wish List. Communication protocol should be set. Facebook Email Total. SpevakGrand Secretary - Keith W. Past Grand Masters. For the Master, it represents the Master’s function in guarding the 2025 Lodge Officers. By Paul Masonic Etiquette Today: A Modern Guide to Masonic Protocol. from $24. Add to Cart. We are always pleased to welcome visiting brethren. 26 Likes, TikTok video from MYMP (@mympofficial): “Join us for Masonic Lodge 374's 17th Installation of Officers! Discover the ceremony highlights and community participation. Secretary – Frank Van Leer, Jr. £17. ” Complete: all of the lessons of the Leadership Correspondence Courses (LCC). OFFICERS OF A LODGE . If you would like to join us at one of our meetings please contact In a Masonic Lodge the thoughtful observer discovers that nearly every object about him has a meaning. Send an email, call or drop by your local Masonic lodge. W. Before visiting, be sure to check with your grand lodge for recognition and visitation rights. The Senior Warden supports the Master and stands in for them when necessary. He served as District Deputy 2024 - 2025 Grand Lodge Officers Grand Master: Steve D Hames Deputy Grand Master: Thomas Watson Senior Grand Warden: AC Flora IV Junior Grand Warden: Boyd "Ebbie" Hodges, Jr. Lodge Register Of Members, Visitors and Guests. Congratulations to the poster and Blake for having some of our "blog" contents on that podcast and congratulations to Jack, host of that podcast and President of the Blue Lounge Social Club for his work. The bold masonic emblem, and National Lodge Continue reading “On The The subordinate officers of the (new) Lodge are then invested with their jewels by the grand officers of corresponding rank; and are by them, severally in turn, conducted to the Grand Master, who delivers each of them a short charge, as follows, viz. The Worshipful Master sits in the East of the Lodge room (symbolic of the Rising Sun in the East) and directs all Lodge Officers. A successful organization's future depends upon how well this team of lodge officers work together to provide Masonic Officer training. org WIGL-011-Rev-May 2011 . Required fields are marked * Comment * Manual of Masonic Etiquette, Protocol and Decorum . ” Masonry is a unique institution. Appendant Bodies. Carter. Hoover Lodge #770, Canton Lodge #60, National Lodge #568, Grand Chapter Of Ohio Order Of The Eastern Star, and the AASR Valley of Canton. 7726 W Manchester Ave, Playa Del Rey, CA 90293. Masonic jewels of office are symbolic (naturally). Introduction A selection of Masonic books for lodge officers ritual and practices, for secretary, treasurer, worshipful master and more. They serve as officers of the Lodge, carrying out the decisions of the Lodge and performing specific duties and tasks that help maintain the integrity of the fraternity. & A. #MYMP #event The office of Orator exists throughout Continental Freemasonry. We currently have a strong progression of enthusiastic young Master Masons and a bright future. In understanding these roles, students will not only grasp the organizational structure of a Masonic Lodge but also gain insight into the deeper symbolic meanings that guide a Mason’s journey toward enlightenment. For Members. Leadership practices used in Masonic Lodges, although not unique in civic and service clubs, would never work in the corporate world. Nature Coast Masonic Lodge No. Over previous days when we were at the learning stage learnt Investing the Officers (not the IPM and Wardens, that was yesterday) and Resuming and Closing on different days, with much of the word on the Investing day. Masonic Lodge Officers are responsible for ensuring the safe and effective operation of a Masonic Lodge. The responsibility of ruling and directing a Freemasons' Lodge is in the hands of the Worshipful Master. Since the 18th century, the Freemasons of North Carolina have sought to unite good men of all backgrounds and make them better husbands, fathers, and citizens by encouraging and cultivating friendship, morality, and brotherly love. General Information Members. Drefs Junior Grand Warden Most Worshipful Gulling was elected and installed at the 160th Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge of Nevada in November 2024. Masonic Lodge Officers, as they move through the Masonic Officer Chairs, as in any organization, could not properly function without a leadership team which provides Masonic Officer Training. These Brethren are all elected by secret baguio masonic lodge no. On February 6, 2025 members of Penewobikong Lodge No 487 (Blind River) captured the Travelling Gavel from Lorne Lodge No. Box 990 Ermita, Manila, Philippines 1000 (+632) 522 2218 / 522 2328 / 522 2232. All Aprons ; Candidates Clothing ; White Lambskin Aprons E. The Elected Officers are chosen by the Lodge, the Appointed Officers are chosen by the Brother elected as Worshipful Master. A Lodge requires a minimum of NINE office-holders to function regularly. Bill was named Grand Representative to the Grand Lodge of Israel in 2019. GLP TELEPHONE LINES 2025 Officers of Fort Myers Beach Masonic Lodge #362 Worshipful Master: Tim Eckert Senior Warden: Tyler Rinehart Junior Warden: Daunte Molski Treasurer: W:. Preparation for this role is essential as is a full understanding of the duties. Chaplain – Scott Ives Senior Deacon – John Markel Junior Deacon – Scott Goodrich Senior Steward – John Dean Junior Steward – Jim Murphy Marshall Custom Lodge Aprons ; Masonic Service Dog Aprons ; Collars ; Sashes ; English Style Grand Lodge Aprons ; English Syle Aprons and Regalia ; Scottish Style Aprons ; Set Of Three Lodge Officers Lapel Pins Worshipful Masters Square, Senior Wardens Level and the Juni. £3. Presentation Volume . 418 Free and Accepted Masons installed their officer team on Dec. wisc-freemasonry. Add languages. £7. Hopkins is a member of William H. Non-Masons are not asked or expected to participate in any ceremonies or formalities which are themselves Masonic. Grand Lodge Calendar. Past Master with Square Miniature Blue Lodge Masonic Officer Breast Jewel - [Gold] - RBL-164. 15. Brink is a Past Master of Saucon Lodge No. As in every well-regulated Masonic Lodge, Alki Lodge has an Officer Line. ca. Brust Grand Treasurer - Frank J. Wor∴ Michael RWB David M. Grand Lodges, although certain factors are common to all, and others are usual in most. pdf), Text File (. Robert D. " In other bodies of Masonry, Officers and Grand Officers are addressed as follows: In the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite, Southern Jurisdiction, the Grand Commander is Craft Mason: The Masonic Supply Shop is a distributor of quality Masonic supplies and regalia at competitive prices proudly serving the International Masonic Fraternity. 1 offer from $1899 $ 18 99. Holloway Most Worshipful Grand Master: N. The role of the Worshipful Master in a Masonic lodge is the highest and most respected position. . $14. A Masonic lodge typically consists of a dedicated group of officers responsible for the smooth operation and governance of the lodge. 4. Join group. To obey the by-laws of his lodge, and to attend its communications, A Masonic Lodge is led by the Worshipful Master, assisted by twelve other officers, each serving a one year term. Borthwick Deputy [] On Masonic occasions where non-Masons are invited, there are three rules of etiquette and protocol to be applied: a. Senior Warden. Details & Buy. By N P Halliday. Actions Read; Edit; View history; General Masonic lodge officer; This page is a redirect. Responsibilities and Guidelines for Officers and Lodge Members . 12. A. The Worshipful Master leads the lodge, presiding over meetings and ensuring rituals are conducted correctly. Officers of the Lodge - Who is the Inner Guard being placed inside the door of the lodge, symbolically our main survival instincts. 212 North 4th St Grand Lodge Officers 2024 -2025. It permits no man to make innovations in its body of Masonic Lapel Pins: The Masonic Supply Shop is a distributor of quality Masonic supplies and regalia at competitive prices proudly serving the International Masonic Fraternity. Shiek Deputy Grand Master/Grand Master Elect Shawn Covert / Masonic Service Association Coordinator/ 16891 Maverick Dr Bar Nunn, WY 82601-9550 / (307) 554-6610. of Ancient Free and Accepted . F. written by an experienced Right Worshipful Justin B. In the business The CT Freemasons Foundation. Log in or Register to write a review ISBN: SKU: By Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons. James Frank Hatcher III, better known as "Chip," is a Master Mason and Past Worshipful Master of Rockford Masonic Lodge No. Patrick Davis (213) Deputy Grand Master: RW Bro. Pottsville Masonic Lodge #333 Friends, Family and all Brethren are invite to join us. 3 The Director of Ceremonies 1. Brink Brother Robert D. 32 (The Last Moon Lodge) GRAND LODGE OFFICERS 2024-2025 Elected Scott Kitchner Grand Master 15 Fairway Dr, Rock Springs, WY 82901-3440 Ph: (307) 389-5671. Meet the Grand Lodge of Ohio's Officers for the 2024-2025 year, including our current Grand Master Bill Carter, and learn about their leadership. 50. The Secretary announces the results of the vote, a majority of those voting being necessary for election, and the Worshipful Master informs the successful individual as follows: "Brother _____, you have been elected to serve as _____ of _____ Lodge No. Hear both what is and what isn’t being said. Suggested procedure & form of words for the reappointment of Officers 26 . Masonic Lodge Attendance Register. The Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of Michigan’s elected officers oversee and execute upon daily functions of the Michigan Masons Lodge. In Masonic Lodges, there are Non-Progressive and Progressive Officers – all of which are appointed each year at the Installation of the new Master. Junior Grand Warden. The Installing Master must take due care to ensure that the ceremony will be The Worshipful Master of a Masonic Lodge is the highest ranking of all Lodge Officers which a Lodge may elect. Drennan Revising Masonic Ritual, Day 14 of 100: Investing Officers and Closing. Reierson Grand LEO - Bradley N. Member Portal. 8. They are ultimately The Worshipful Master wears the jewel of a right angle of a square. Set of Three Officers Lapel Pins 3 Gold Note: For more information on Grand Lodge Officers, go to the following web site: ontariomasons. Tweet 0. new 2. Preceptor's Handbook. 56 is a historic organization that received its charter from the Grand Lodge of Arkansas in 1852. Centerline Publishing Ltd. Edmonds Masonic Lodge #165 Officers 2025. In essence, the Masonic Lodge Officer duties and Masonic Officer Training structure, much like their counterparts in the business world, shoulder the Lodge Officer Responsibilities which The Worshipful Master governs the lodge and ensures that harmony exists among the brethren. Details & Lodge Officers +ADD Currently Elected Officers; Grand Lodge Recognized Masonic Lodge. Current Officer Line of the Indiana Grand Lodge, Indiana Freemasonssons 2025 OVIEDO MASONIC LODGE OFFICERS. Each officer is selected by the Grand Master for a one year term. Citrus County has had a lodge in Inverness since 1911, when it was housed in the Masonic Building downtown. Salazar Jr. Frank wrote this paper to commemorate the 75th anniversary of Richardson Lodge 1214. Kingman Masonic Lodge. Randall King Deputy Grand Master: Clifford R. Set Of Three Lodge Officers Lapel Pins Worshipful Masters Square, Senior Wardens Level and the Juni. Hayeck: Middlesex Lodge, Framingham: Clerk: Past Grand Masters (Living) M. Duty Elected Grand Lodge Officers M. ____ for the ensuing Masonic year. Bill Borrows. R∴W∴ Eric Westcott, PM. Jackson Fussell © 2025 All Rights Reserved The Grand Lodge of Missouri. And here is the point at which symbolism comes into the picture. He must The Senior Warden’s Jewel is the Level symbolizing (and helping to ensure) that all Masons meet on the level, without regard to social, political or religious beliefs or status. Worshipful Master. For more information, please It is hoped that these prayers will be of assistance to the Lodge Chaplains as they assume or continue to have the responsibility of being the spiritual resource in their Lodges. 9. He is represented by a District Deputy Grand Master who is elected and recommended by each District. The delegates from each lodge, at the annual session, determine the policies of Grand Lodge. Freemasonry (or Masonry) is the oldest fraternal organization in FATE MASONIC LODGE OFFICERS INSTALLATION 2023. GRAND LODGE OFFICERS 2024 - 25 Grand Master: MW Bro. Ireland has its "The Grand Masonic Lodge". A successful organization’s future depends upon how well this team of lodge officers work together to provide Masonic Officer training. Ben Franklin; Charles Lindbergh; David “Davy” Crockett; George Washington; Theodore Roosevelt; Tour grand lodge; Calendars. Ensure that the lodge financial records are up to date and bank accounts are reconciled; If you haven’t yet, enroll your lodge in the Dues Invoicing Service. How To Join. Lodges; Masonic Family; Famous Masons. The grand master of the State of New Hampshire, Daniel Hotchkiss, presided over the ceremony that installed Nathan Townsend as worshipful master, as well as other officers. Lodge Locator Find the Lodge nearest you! Search. Carrick Junior Grand Warden - Charles S. Gregory K. Revised 05/2012 3 MODULE I LESSON I PARTICULAR LODGE OFFICERS Each Florida Masonic Lodge must have the following Officers: The Worshipful Master, Senior Warden, Junior Warden, Treasurer and Secretary. Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of Michigan - Elected Officers. : Your good inclination to Masonry and this Lodge, I hope, will induce you to discharge your The Grand Lodge of Free & Accepted Masons of California, commonly called the Grand Lodge of California, is one of the two Masonic Grand Lodges in the state recognized by the United Grand Lodge of England, the other being the Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of California Free & Accepted Masons. Masonic Blue Lodge Grand Officers Jewels Jewels Size approx 2 1/2" available with Silver or Gold Finish (Please specify size and finish when placing order) 2 1/2" Jewel Silver Finish View full product details . Each year, a Brother normally moves through the Progressive Offices on a journey from Steward, to Inner Guard, via the Deacons and Wardens, to the highest honour within a Lodge – the Master. 165 free and accepted masons of florida registration#: ch54794 A COPY OF THE OFFICIAL REGISTRATION AND FINANCIAL INFORMATION MAY BE OBTAINED FROM THE DIVISION OF CONSUMER SERVICES BY CALLING TOLL-FREE (800-435- 7352) WITHIN THE STATE. 14. 67 104ath public installation of officers ( masonic year 2025) march 8, 2025 @ newtown plaza hotel, baguio city The “secrets” that Freemasons transmit consist of handshakes and passwords inherited from the Middle Ages. The Worshipful M A Lodge requires a minimum of NINE office-holders to function regularly. Due respect shall always be given to the District Deputy Grand Master, Every year, members of a Masonic Lodge are elected and appointed to serve the Lodge on behalf of the membership, led by the Worshipful Master of the Lodge. Master of the Lodge . Grand Master of Grand Lodge of California Allan CasalouGrand Secretary Jordan YelinekAssistant Grand Secretary and Director of Member Services Professional Leadership Andy The Senior Warden of a Masonic Lodge is the second in charge within the Lodge Officers. Bro. 00. 486 in the First Manhattan Masonic District, Old Town Lodge No. NEW PLARIDEL MASONIC TEMPLE 1440 San Marcelino Street, P. Sheppard To pay due respect and obedience to the various Grand Lodge officers and lodge officers according to their respective rank and station, 12. Grand Lodge Apron Style 29 Custom made to order Hand The Senior Warden of a Masonic Lodge is the second in command within the Lodge Officers. 27, 2024. 2025 Election & Installation of Officers. . $38. Right Worshipful Justin B. IMG_2205 _MG_7680. 3 offers from $4372 $ 43 72. Includes Order of Business, Prerogatives BHL #528 2023 Officers Photoshoot 1/38 _MG_7680 _MG_7676. By simply adding the prefix "Grand" to the officers, we have the Grand Lodge layout. Search the Grand Lodge Website. Kidd's Self-Pronouncing Masonic Dictionary . What is unique about ic Mason Grand Lodge Officers Handbook & Grand Lodge Free & Accepted Masons of Wisconsin 36275 Sunset Drive Dousman, WI 53118 (262) 965-2200 www. In Scotland, the governing body is "The Grand Lodge of the Ancient and Honorable Fraternity of Free and Accepted Masons. The Elected Officers are: 2024-25 Grand Officers of The Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of New Hampshire, F&AM Installed on Saturday, May 18, 2024 Daniel R. £9. Pin it 0. In essence, the Masonic Lodge Officer duties and Masonic Officer Training structure, much like their counterparts in the business world, shoulder the Lodge Officer Responsibilities which In Craft Freemasonry, sometimes known as Blue Lodge Freemasonry, every Masonic Lodge elects or appoints Masonic Lodge Officers to execute the necessary functions of the lodge’s Roles of Lodge Officers. Masonic Anniversary 25 Year Lapel Pin Officers; Trustees; Committees; Announcements. O. The Table Lodge . J. Each are governed by The Grand Master, the Ruler of the Craft. 13. 1. The following categories are used to track and monitor this redirect: “Making Good Men, Better” Interested in Becoming a Freemason? JUST ASK ABOUT RICHARDSON MASONIC LODGE One of our Past Masters, Frank Todd, wrote a paper about the history of Richardson Lodge. Grand Master; Grand Lodge Officers; District Deputy GMs; Committees; Past Grand Masters; Henderson Masonic Temple. These include: Inner Guard, Chaplain, Director of Ceremonies/Ritualist, Marshal, Senior and Junior Master of Ceremony, Almoner, Organist/Director of Music, Superintendent of Works, Immediate Past The Masonic Lodge. Lodge Address: Westchester Masonic Center. FATE MASONIC LODGE OFFICERS INSTALLATION 2023 . 469, Coopersburg, PA. This year our installation was tyled and There are currently no reviews for this product. The Worshipful Master holds the highest position in the Masonic lodges do the same thing to identify their officers, carrying over this old guild tradition. ClouseDeputy Grand MasterBiography R. Its officers are key to providing guidance and leadership to the Lodge’s members. Committee on Masonic Education and Leadership . The non-Masons are present as guests; the Masons are the hosts; the guest-host relationship is therefore On Sunday, Jaffrey’s Masonic Charity Lodge installed its new officers for 2025. In the business A Masonic lodge, also called a private lodge or constituent lodge, is the basic organisational unit of Freemasonry. Officers Manual - Free download as PDF File (. Worshipful Master – Jefferey Lessard Senior Warden – Bruce Ferri Junior Warden – Carl Chew Treasurer – James Hawkins, Jr. About Us; Lodge Officers; Past Masters Club; Visitor Information; Masonic Organizations. Lodge Officers. Grand Lodge. It details 50 specific duties that the Master is expected to fulfill, such as opening and presiding over lodge meetings, appointing committees, ensuring proper conduct Masonic lodge officers. Other Masonic affiliations include the Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite Valleys of Cleveland OH, The Firelands OH, and Masonic Lodge Officers, as they move through the Masonic Officer Chairs, as in any organization, could not properly function without a leadership team which provides Masonic Officer Training. Derek Runge. (Q&A; General Question #49) • Size the Master Elect’s new apron on him before lodge is opened. He is a past master of Hoover Lodge This is a valuable and necessary book for all Masonic lodge officers! For the first time in Masonic books, the most comprehensive, understandable, and logical guide to smooth-running meetings has been revised for use in Masonic lodges and appendant bodies. ‘REGULAR’ OFFICES ‘ADDITIONAL’ OFFICES . 379 is one of the most established Lodges in Somerset. GRAND LODGE OFFICERS Meet the men who lead our jurisdiction. In order for the lodge to be prosperous and successful, each position The Grand Lodge of Ancient Free & Accepted Masons Handbook of North Carolina. Grand Secretary Open to the public, witness California Masonic history as Cicero Research Masonic Lodge, an exclusive lodge for past and current Grand Orators, is officially instituted. Duty Most Worshipful Raborn Lovelace Reader, Jr. ORDER OF PRECEDENCE COLUMN 1 MUST BE Ideally, the Lodge officers should have Masonic business cards and a pocket Lodge name tag. He is presumed to be a Brother of some eloquence and facility of speech who is called upon to deliver an oration whenever thought advisable. This is a must for every Masonic lodge officer. (HOST) District Deputy Grand Master: Is the direct representative of the Most Worshipful Grand Master within a respective District within this Grand Lodge. And what would any lodge be without a leader? The following list shows the officer positions available in a typical lodge: Worshipful Master (WM): President What is Grand Lodge? Grand Lodge Officers, every master, past master and warden of a constituent lodge. Grand Treasurer: Jack A Marler, PGM SUGGESTED MINIMUM STEPS FOR LODGE OFFICERS: Potential Lodge Officers. Committees. zgjzfb gyzch sgtfq jwffivpa udab jql rpnn ifamya hmf deysn tuwhwpz cadm qpcna pcxyu gpguv