Openwrt etherwake wol. My etherwake works fine.
Openwrt etherwake wol OpenWrt Forum How to make wol through SSh. The configuration file /etc/config/wol is provided by the wol package and defines hosts to wake when starting the /etc/init. etherwake /usr/bin/etherwake -i br-lan 40:8D:5C:1F:5D:18. Power Supply: System should provide standby power (S5 state) to the NIC. pkgs. 65388-3eb0ed6 详情 回复 发表于 2023-5-13 03:00 只谈技术、莫论政事! Hi, I'm trying to send wake on lan packets to my server across an ethernet powerline network. 07 branch git-20. 1 opkg update opkg install luci-app-wol wol; 配置软件包 来到 OpenWrt 管理后台,在【系统】-【软件包】中搜索 luci-app-wol ,安装 luci-app-wol 软件包以及 luci-i18n-wol-zh-cn 语言包; 刷新界面,来到【服务】-【Wake on LAN】,网络接口这边一般不用动,在【Host to wake up】唤醒的主机选择需要被唤醒的设备,点击下方的 Hello, I´m using Bananapi R3 Snapshot. 03. Wakeup via Luci-WOL directly from the router works fine; Is there a After installing WOL luci app I see bunch of MAC addresses and machine names that are available to wake up. etherwake Version: 1. はじめに初心者対応構成スクリプトでの自動設定UCIとLuCi及びWinSCPにて比較しながら作業がおススメPowerShellでSSHアクセスPowerShellの開始 (キー入力):Win 确保安装了etherwake. 准备工作 一台具备可用的 LAN 唤醒功能,支持WoL(Wake On LAN)功能的主机,需要网卡支持,根据网卡型号在对应的官网查找即可,主流的最近的网卡基本都支持。 比如我的主机是戴尔的T7810工作站,在戴尔的官网 OpenWRT 網路喚醒的正確安裝方式. 3. However, doing this through LuCI ( luci-app-wol package ) or SSH (JuiceSSH on 如今大多数电脑、笔记本、NAS、甚至是打印机等设备都支持「网络唤醒」(WOL / Wake On Lan) 功能,直接通过发送网络命令,即可实现远程开机操作,平时自己的电脑做的很隐蔽,每次开机不方便,就利用 OpenWRT 提 1. 1 --- lan, Ethernet attached --- 2 --- lan, Ethernet attached --- 3 both 2 and 3 have luci-app-wol installed. I'd like to route a magic packet coming from the WAN (and I'm not using Luci). When I connect LAN (PC-Router1) and swicht-off PC the yellow led blink and i can WOL, but I connect LAN (PC_router2) and PC swicht-off 文章浏览阅读1. etherwake (also available in busybox) or wol should work just fine, keep in mind that they aren't identical so your sucess rate will depend on client used. By quick research, etherwake has three different methods of use while wakeonlan only one (and not a good one at that), as described in METHOD OF USE below. d/wol init script. If you want to contribute to the OpenWrt wiki, please post HERE in the forum or ask on IRC for access. 13, it did not support URL redirects and could not follow the HTTP->HTTPS redirect for OpenWrt package repos, so could not find the upstream copy of wakeonlan anyway; Either use etherwake (available natively) or change /etc/opkg. 255:40000 This does not work and my packet sniffer shows no UDP packet Hello I'm using OpenWrt 22. # Source MAC = AA:AA:AA:AA:AA:AA # Destination Hello, i upgraded my LinksysWRT 1900acs v2 to 23. 62608-7d7df07 Description: Installed size: 1kB Dependencies: libc, librt, libpthread, etherwake Categories: luci---applications Repositories: luci If you want to contribute to the OpenWrt wiki, please post HERE in the forum or ask on IRC for access. The configuration file /etc/config/wol is >wol package and defines hosts to wake when starting the /etc/init. p52sarup April 20, 2019, I already stumbled upon the next problem: the missing package "wol", that is not available in version 22 any more. HostName: IP address of your OpenWRT device. 6w次,点赞3次,收藏18次。Wake-on-LAN简称WOL或WoL,一般翻译为“网络唤醒”、“远端唤醒”,通俗的说就是远程开机。曾经在OpenWrt路由器上面研究过WOL,但是失败了,最近又要用到,折腾了半天终于成功了。OpenWrt提供了wol和etherwake两个包来实现WOL功能,随便安装一个即可,当然也可以 drop down menu has too many entries, most of them are not wol capable. Package etherwake seems better than wakeonlan. openwrt 中有 etherwake 和 wol 两个ipk。 使用了 etherwake 包。wol 包体积较大,没安装,没测试。 同网段. I really like the idea of following script: auto-wol script i added these lines with a script in rc. 254. You can wake up WOL compliant Computers which have been powered down to sleep mode or start WOL compliant Computers with a BIOS feature. 254 to ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff port forward udp 9 (the port im using) to 192. 00:11:22:33:44:55 Use '-u' to see the complete set of options. It also generates tons of "Tue: not found" in my system log, from both of these lines: You signed in with another tab or window. 05 after that i can't use WOL apps to wake my NAS from my tablet. PC is already ON, and i ran a wireshark at the same PC And here is the packet. Now I have to select the interface switch. Installing and Using OpenWrt. 09-5 Description: You can wake up WOL compliant Computers which have been powered down to\\ sleep mode or start WOL compliant Computers with a BIOS feature. I have successfully installed etherwake and luci-app-wol and confirmed I am able to manually wake Prior to Gargoyle 1. org. 처음에는 1번 항목을 시도했습니다. One machine has two MAC addresses in that list for some strange reason and the etherwake config file does not have any machine entries. 0 r10860-a3ffeb413b / LuCI openwrt-19. openwrt. etherwake-nfqueue Version: 2019-09-28-f71c269b-3 Description: Fork of etherwake with additional support for sending WOL packets\\ when a router added a filtered packet to an NFQUEUE. Using WOL via LuCI the following command is issued: /usr/bin/wol -v "08:60:6E:XX:XX:XX" >> Waking up 08:60:6E:XX:XX:XX with 255. 255:40000 This does not work and my packet sniffer shows no UDP packet Why don't you try it? Install etherwake package with opkg (or from Luci-Software) and send the magic packet. 0 File size: 5kB Maintainer: Peter Wagner Bug report: Bug reports Source code: I have installed Luci-app-wol and wol so I have the option of using WOL rather than Etherwake (which also doesn't work for me). Multiple wake on lan targets may exist in The problem still exist on Barrier Breaker (14. root@bananapi:~# ubus call system board { 条件 机器支持并开启 WOL (Wake On LAN)。 机器通过板载网卡连接路由器(USB 有线网卡不行)。 解决 路由器需要有公网地址,如果没有,请参考《跟 UMU 一起玩 OpenWRT(入门篇10):穿透内网》做中转,总之需要能 SSH 到路由器上。 路由器上安装 etherwake 或 wak luci-app-wol Version: git-20. 2. I am having a problem getting WoL working from luci or SSH to work in OpenWRT. 07), both wol and etherwake are useless. I found the package "etherwake" that could do the job if I'm ssh'ing to my openwrt router in order to launch the command. Keltere November 30, 2018, 6:56pm 1. My freenas is capable of waking up on lan cause I Router wyposażony w firmware OpenWRT potrafi wybudzać maszyny w sieci lokalnej. However, if you're using OpenWrt for your AP and the packets need to traverse that link between two wireless devices or a wireless and a wired device, I could see a plausible situation where the wifi configuration could swallow the packets or something similar. 05: Repository: 在這篇文章中,我將分享我使用 OpenWrt 的 LuCI 介面實現 Wake on LAN 功能的心得,並實現遠程喚醒 PC。 開啟登入 OpenWrt,安裝 WOL 的相關套件。 opkg install etherwake luci-app-wol. Network Interface Card (NIC) Support: NIC must support WoL; enable it in device properties. 0) and my server is in br-lan. 021. 41-1 Description: With this package you can remotely wake up and power on machines which have\\ motherboards or network cards that support 'Wake-on-Lan' packets. 家里有个小主机,由于晚上没有待机的需要,就在系统中设置了定时关机以及在BIOS中开启了通电开机,然后配合小米智能插座每天早上定时通电使小主机工作。 luci-app-wol Version: git-21. In standard configuration (no VLANS, all untagged) WOL from Luci Ui has worked. 执行( 后面MAC地址填需要唤醒主机网卡 ) /usr/bin/etherwake B4:2E:99:FA:0E:61 定时唤醒. 一. 고정 ARP 엔트리를 추가한다. My server is configured for listening for Magic Packet, I have also installed luci-app-wol, and now I CAN wake my server from LuCI Hello! My setup: FreeNAS (B360M Pro4 motherboard), 192. 编 No mind, the internet tells me there's a couple of WOL packages in openwrt. Normally, the router isn't involved in WOL packets unless it is generating them. 曾经在OpenWrt路由器上面研究过WOL,但是失败了,最近又要用到,折腾了半天终于成功了。OpenWrt提供了wol和etherwake两个包来实现WOL功能,随便安装一个即可,当然也可以两个都装。opkg updateopkg install wol etherwake之前失败的罪魁祸首在于运 Hi everyone, I have been using WOL for some time now and it was working fine just selecting the target and clicking in Wake up host. Test results: Ubuntu's wakeonlan without specifying IP address, PC wakes up: Wireshark shows the incoming packet from OpenWRT. but just in case, i captured a packet using wireshark. org/chaos_calmer/15. 255 40:8D:5C:1F:5D:18. 網上很多教程,例如 OpenWrt实现WOL(Wake-on-LAN)网络唤醒 | Demon’s Blog 都教大家使用連個package套件來實現WOL,分別是:wol 和 etherwake。 在最新的23. 2. 1 (192. iNet version of OpenWRT) so I put @abwezi's commands in my rc. 05 from OpenWrt Packages repository. RemoteCommand: Executes the etherwake command when you SSH into wol-alias. There's a package "wakeonlan", which provides this command, but even though the new router has more memory, that package can't be installed. 54297-fc2ff4d-1 Description: Installed size: 1kB Dependencies: libc, luci-compat, etherwake Categories: luci---applications Repositories: luci If you want to contribute to the OpenWrt wiki, please post HERE in Host wol-alias: Create a custom alias (wol-alias) for the command. I'd start with trying to wake it from openwrt. OpenWrt Forum Solved: WOL device list. Has it simply disappeared from openwrt? Wake-on-LAN简称WOL或WoL,一般翻译为“网络唤醒”、“远端唤醒”,通俗的说就是远程开机。曾经在OpenWrt路由器上面研究过WOL,但是失败了,最近又要用到,折腾了半天终于成功了。OpenWrt提供了wol和etherwake两个包来实现WOL功能,随便安装一个即可,当然也可以 I've upgraded to OpenWrt 19. local to iptables-nft for the script to work properly: #!/bin/sh modprobe br-netfilter | true iptables-nft -N WOL_LOG iptables-nft -A INPUT 1 -j WOL_LOG iptables-nft -A FORWARD 1 -j WOL_LOG iptables-nft -A OUTPUT 1 This repository contains the OpenWrt package feed for etherwake-nfqueue, a fork of the etherwake Wake-on-LAN client, with support to send magic packets only after a queued packet is received from the Linux nfnetlink_queue subsystem. Thanks but etherwake is a command to wake up hosts. To find out how this is made, we change directory to the luci basedir, in this case /usr/lib/lua/luci. Network and Wireless 曾经在OpenWrt路由器上面研究过WOL,但是失败了,最近又要用到,折腾了半天终于成功了。 OpenWrt提供了wol和etherwake两个包来实现WOL功能,随便安装一个即可,当然也可以两个都装。 opkg update opkg install wol etherwake 曾经在OpenWrt路由器上面研究过WOL,但是失败了,最近又要用到,折腾了半天终于成功了。OpenWrt提供了wol和etherwake两个包来实现WOL功能,随便安装一个即可,当然也可以两个都装。opkg updateopkg install wol etherwake之前失败的罪魁祸首在于运 打开openwrt管理界面; 点击 “系统” ->"软件包" 在过滤器里面输入:“wol” 在可用软件包里点击 “luci-app-wol” “wol”左边的“安装” ssh到openwrt系统安装,假设openwrt的IP地址是192. 07. An alternative opkg-package is etherwake. conf to HTTPS addresses to restore opkg functionality. I've installed etherwake on the openwrt router, and I've changed the port to br-lan and the mac address to that of the server which I've Wake on LAN configuration. Sections. Make sure to use correct interface, it usually does not work when I have installed Luci-app-wol and wol so I have the option of using WOL rather than Etherwake (which also doesn't work for me). /usr/bin/etherwake -D -i "eth0" "00:14:15:DD:75:AA" customize the interface and mac address to your needs. 공유기에 'etherwake'와 'luci-app-wol'를 설치하고, 외부에서 SSH나 LuCI접속이 가능하도록 설정한 후 공유기에 접속해서 신호를 보낸다. 重啟 OpenWrt 軟路由,應該會在服務的 tab 下面找到 Wake on LAN。 Wol is not standard in Openwrt/LEDE. 28269-c7b7b42 Description: LuCI Support for Wake-on-LAN\\ \\ Installed size: 1kB Dependencies: libc, etherwake Categories: luci---applications Repositories: luci Architectures: If you want to contribute to the OpenWrt wiki, OpenWrt可以安装wol或etherwake实现网络唤醒功能(前提是你的主机需要支持网络唤醒) opkg update opkg install wol opkg install etherwake. 05版本的OpenWRT I'm having a similar problem although, in my case I'm just trying to wake from LAN hosts (not WAN) or from the router's GUI. root@LEDE:~# etherwake -u usage: ether-wake [-i <ifname>] [-p aa:bb:cc:dd[:ee:ff]] 00:11:22:33:44:55 This program generates and transmits a Wake-On-LAN (WOL) "Magic Packet", used for restarting machines that have been soft-powered-down (ACPI opkg install luci-app-wol brings us a WoL menu that is already very close to what we want. \\ \\ Installed size: 5kB Dependencies: libc, libnetfilter-queue1, nftables, kmod-nft-queue Categories: network Repositories: community-packages Architectures: ssh to openwrt, arp showed 00:00::00 as MAC for that IP; Take a look at the following packages etherwake. 05/x86/64/packages/luci/ repository, the git version is correct 通过 Siri/IOS快捷指令SSH OpenWRT Wol 唤醒家中电脑,真方便。,条件1,Openwrt 开启 WAN口 SSH访问(有的运营商会屏蔽22端口,可以使用你喜欢的端口转发至22)条件2,主板BIOS里开启Wol条件3,IOS系统,添加并配置SSH快捷指令 如图/命令 ,电脑讨论(新),讨论区-生活与技术的讨论 ,Chiphell - 分享与交流用户体验 Hey, I'm trying to get Wake on WAN working on my Arhcer C7 (running OpenWrt 18. Property Value; Operating system: Linux: Distribution: OpenWrt 23. The configuration file /etc/config/etherwake is provided by the etherwake package and defines hosts to wake when starting the /etc/init. Now, as the qnap is in a different subnet this does not work anymore. When I use luci-app-wol I am able to wake up my NAS only with etherwake but not with WoL. I've installed etherwake and the luci add-on for waking hosts from the GUI, which is perfectly suitable for my scenario. You signed out in another tab or window. 环境配置 计算机网络 计算机网络 OpenWrt WOL WOL 唤醒主机 lololowe 2024-08-31 2025-01-21. 30444-421791d and wanted to utilize the wake-on-lan (WOL) function using LuCI. 09-4 Description: You can wake up WOL compliant Computers which have been powered down to\\ sleep mode or start WOL compliant Computers with a BIOS feature. Hello OpenWRT members. . Name: wakeonlan Version: 0. 252. Keltere November 30, 2018, luci-app-wol Version: git-21. 공유기를 VPN서버로 사용한다. Ethernet Connection: WoL typically requires a wired Ethernet connection. Running nc --udp --listen --local-port=9 - 在网上找的资料。说wol或者etherwake,装好后一条命就行。我装的etherwake,按照命令etherwake mac地址, etherwake Version: 1. 47457-0290ff2-1 luci-app-wol git-21. d/etherwake init script. Let's have a look how luci-app-wol installs it's routes (/admin/services/wol) Etherwake configuration; Wake on LAN configuration; This website uses cookies. 0). \\ WOL is an abbreviation for Wake-on-LAN. Oczywiście, nic nie stoi na przeszkodzie, by zalogować się na router via Hello, i need your help to understand what i'am doing wrong. Multiple wake on lan targets may exist in the file. 5, and I try to remotely turn on my home server. User: Username to log in to OpenWRT. I am not an experienced user of OpenWrt. I have installed "luci-app-wol". Not sure if that is the right way to go, but it does wake the media server on access. etherwake on Barrier Breaker use broadcast address only, PC stays in sleep mode: 大家好,我打算外网远程唤醒家里电脑,外网已经可以用Ngrok反向代理访问到我的路由器,于是打算在路由器上安装远程唤醒软件,百度看了一下有一个方法:"OpenWrt提供了wol和etherwake两个包来实现WOL功能,随便安装一个即可,当然也可以两个都装" 我是可以安装命令行的WOL是成功了,但是安装图形 OpenWrt - @mikasaCC - 在内网试,Etherwake 可以唤醒主机,wol 不行,不知道为啥 i cant make "wake on lan" with ssh. info -t PLEX "[date -Iseconds] (GL. WoL is independent The configuration file /etc/config/wol is >wol package and defines hosts to wake when starting the /etc/init. 126. 4 router_2, OpenWrt, tp-link Archer c6 v2 EU, 192. i have installed etherwake package, but i dont follow the step (write command) to wake on lan. Wol doesn't work. Except that none of my mips_24kc, ath79, ipq40xx etc targets know about etherwake, wake, wol, etc. opkg update opkg install WOL=/usr/bin/etherwake LOG=/var/log/wol. I can simply power on my desktop that as AnyDesk installed without any problems. because its far too big to install because of its dependencies. In past I have send the wol directly from the PC via a powershell startup script. 安装命令 # debian or ubuntu apt install etherwake # centos or rehel yum install etherwake # 或 dnf install etherwake # 常见路由器 opkg update opkg install wol etherwake. ipk: You can wake up WOL compliant Computers which have been powered down to sleep mode or start WOL compliant Computers with a BIOS feature etherwake 1. There are two available programs to execute this, wakeonlan and etherwake. The network ports are onboard the motherboard. Configuration: <details><summary>uci show 曾经在OpenWrt路由器上面研究过WOL,但是失败了,最近又要用到,折腾了半天终于成功了。 OpenWrt提供了wol和etherwake两个包来实现WOL功能,随便安装一个即可,当然也可以两个都装。 opkg update opkg install wol etherwake 之前失败的罪魁祸首在于运行命令时只指定了MAC地址: 远程唤醒(wol)是一种允许通过网络信号唤醒处于休眠或关闭状态的计算机。要实现这一功能,首先需要在bios中启用远程唤醒选项。开机按delete键进入bios设置导航到高级-电影管理(apm)开启由pcie设备唤醒保存更改并退出bios。 etherwake-nfqueue Version: 2019-09-28-f71c269b-2 Description: Fork of etherwake with additional support for sending WOL packets\\ when a router added a filtered packet to an NFQUEUE. LuCI => Services => Wake on LAN utilizes the etherwake program. FF FF FF FF FF FF [MAC_ADDRESS] [MAC_ADDRESS] [MAC_ADDRESS] My etherwake works fine. After recently change to VLANs, the magic packet stuck in wire Before asking: I have checked the target computer as WOL is actually working (may be Windows Update has some changes) - all is fine. ExitOnForwardFailure: Ensures the session exits after the command runs. Do I have to setup additional Traffic Rules or other General Settings? My firmware: OpenWrt Barrier Breaker 14. 1 for it to correctly wake up the host. Install the package luci-app-wol to provide the web interface. 154. 029. W tym mechanizmie wykorzystywany jest broadcast, a routery nie forward'ują pakietów rozgłoszeniowych. Please see /etc/crontabs/root to configure crond. 06). 2 (192. Even though it is working fine, I am just trying to better understand networking concepts. You switched accounts on another tab or window. luci包: opkg update opkg install luci Wake-on-LAN简称WOL或WoL,一般翻译为“网络唤醒”、“远端唤醒”,通俗的说就是远程开机。 曾经在OpenWrt路由器上面研究过WOL,但是失败了,最近又要用到,折腾了半天终于成功了。 OpenWrt提供了wol和etherwake两个包来实 Prerequisites for Wake-on-LAN (WoL): Motherboard & BIOS Support: Enable WoL in BIOS/UEFI settings. Reload to refresh your session. Thanks. \\ \\ Installed size: 6kB Dependencies: libc, librt, libpthread, libnetfilter-queue1, iptables-mod-nfqueue Categories: network Repositories: community-packages So, here is what i already know about WoL's magic packet without password. 28269-c7b7b42 luci-i18n-wol-zh-cn git-23. 12+svn-r10530) Hope you can help me. 1 Like. By using the website, you agree with storing cookies on your computer. 168. Install etherwake package with opkg (or from Luci-Software) and send the magic packet. 49294-41e2258-1 Description: LuCI Support for Wake-on-LAN\\ \\ Installed size: 1kB Dependencies: libc, etherwake Categories: luci---applications Repositories: luci Architectures: If you want to contribute to the OpenWrt wiki, Installing and Using OpenWrt. There is actually a guide on how to d Hi mates, can someone help me please, i try this for 3 days no with no success: I have a pc i want to start with wol and set uo a dyndns entry (for changing wan ips, which works). local. Hi, i can't seem to get the wake on lan working. An alternative opkg-package is etherwake. But still cant see the magic packet when trying to WOL from 问题和之前一样,关机后1分钟内外网,内网WOL都可以唤醒,超一分钟WOL无法唤醒,试了路由器自带的WOL也一样。 但是!!!!!!! 路由器里两个唤醒选项,第一个Etherwake居然可以唤醒,之前一直忽略的,这是什 Hello! I am attempting to set up what I have seen described in some guides online where I will be able to allow my computer that runs as a Plex media server to go to sleep and then wake using WOL when users attempt to send a request to the Plex port 32400. 2 router_1, OpenWrt, Netgear r6220, 192. So I saw a few guides which all basically say the same thing, you need 2 things: set a static arp from 192. OpenWrt release: OpenWrt-19. 255. Router 1----Principal Router (internet connection) Router 2 (repeater) --- Router as bridge, this router connect by wifi wiht router 2, and PC connect router 2 with LAN. Wake-on-LAN简称WOL或WoL,一般翻译为“网络唤醒”、“远端唤醒”,通俗的说就是远程开机。曾经在OpenWrt路由器上面研究过WOL,但是失败了,最近又要用到,折腾了半天终于成功了。OpenWrt提供了wol和etherwake两个包来实现WOL功能,随便安装一个即可,当然也可 用 openwrt 唤醒目标机器. WoL seems to be working (from LAN) using AnyDesk GUI ony my android device. 具体使用的命令如下: WOL /usr/bin/wol -i 192. luci包: opkg update opkg install luci Hello, I have a router as bridge and I like make Wake On Lan. When running etherwake-nfqueue on a residential gateway or other type of router, it can wake up hosts on its network based on I am an OpenWRT newbie, is there a way to send a WOL package to wake up a device only on demand, maybe when executing a command or similar from the OpenWRT LUCI interface?I read a few articles about the wol package and etherwake, but they both seem to work automatically whenever the router gets turned on. 偶尔需要远程登录公司电脑处理一些事情,但老是开着机太费电,刚好手上有个VPS,还有个MTK7628方案的一个小路由,又刚好维护着个人订阅号一枚,然后又刚刚好看到度娘提供的天工物接入服务,所以一个点子诞生:给公众号发某个暗号(特殊数字啥的)完成远程开机任 He meant that you should use the opkg package manager to install the additional package luci-app-wol that installs the the LuCI interface for wol functionality and (also the underlying etherwake package). I'm using VLAN in my network: My Android phone is in br-lan. I often use Wake-on-lan or WOL to turn on my computers when I am away from home and this has always worked well with Gargoyle, however I can't get it working through LuCI on OpenWRT. i put a forward rule to the IP in the firewall Topic: Routing / broadcast a WoL magic packet. Ok, problem is on http://downloads. On the receiving end the ethernet port is bound to a bridge br0,from port eth1. Wake On LAN (WOL) nie działa przez internet, a jedynie, jak sama nazwa sugeruje, w sieci LAN. But it seems packets are somehow not being broadcast or the host is not receiving them. 曾经在OpenWrt路由器上面研究过WOL,但是失败了,最近又要用到,折腾了半天终于成功了。 OpenWrt提供了wol和etherwake两个包来实现WOL功能,随便安装一个即可,当然也可以两个都装。 opkg update opkg install wol etherwake 之前失败的罪魁祸首在于运行命令时只指定了MAC地址: opkg install wol etherwake opkg install luci-app-wol luci-i18n-wol-zh-cn 不同架构openwrt命令略有差别 大差不差 若实在不会安装直接刷个自带网络唤醒的固件即可 Wake-on-LAN简称WOL或WoL,一般翻译为“网络唤醒”、“远端唤醒”,通俗的说就是远程开机。曾经在OpenWrt路由器上面研究过WOL,但是失败了,最近又要用到,折腾了半天终于成功了。OpenWrt提供了wol和etherwake两个包来实现WOL功能,随便安装一个即可,当然也可 社区里面已经有很多关于 wol 的优质文章,写本文的目的是为了丰富社区中关于 wol 话题的相关内容,up 会以问题为导向尝试解释一些使用过程中的问题,如果你在折腾 wol 的过程中遇到了一些困难没有找到答案,那么或许本文能够帮到你。. tarte-aux-fraises February 24, 2018, 7:46am 3. etherwake 命令只能本地唤醒,因为没有提供参数指定目标 IP。 在同一个局域网中,etherwake 01:02:03:04:05:06 能成功唤醒目标机器。 用 centos8 唤醒 luci-app-wol这个就是luci里面的对应页面,它可以调用etherwake和wol两个工具用来唤醒设备。 小建议 建议在 wangluo > HDCP/DNS > 静态地址分配 里面把想要唤醒的设备设置为固定IP分配,同时可以指定主机名,这样可以不用记住设备的MAC地址,在唤醒的时候直接选择主机名 Download etherwake_1. \\ . 07 / LuCI Trunk (0. 09-5_x86_64. But, e Hello, I am searching for a solution to wake a qnap server in a different VLAN (different IP Subnet) with an WOL package from a Windows PC. 163. logger -p user. Am I right about that? Does LuCI's Wake on LAN use etherwake? Does LuCI use wakeonlan? OpenWrt可以安装wol或etherwake实现网络唤醒功能(前提是你的主机需要支持网络唤醒) opkg update opkg install wol opkg install etherwake. Except where otherwise noted, content on this wiki is licensed under the following Hello, I'm looking for a way to use WakeOnLan, from WAN, to wake up my desktop computer. There is only one section type wol-target defined for the configuration. 09-5 luci-compat git-23. I would like to show what I defined. 1. Hey, I have Wake on LAN working on my server reliably but now I want to take it a step further and and have OpenWRT router trigger a WOL (etherwake) request when the NAS is called. 1: ssh root@192. Any Idea what could do that change ? than luci-app-wol Version: git-21. You can wake up WOL compliant Computers which have been powered down to sleep mode or start WOL compliant Computers with a BIOS feature: OpenWrt Packages x86_64 Official: etherwake_1. Install etherwake package, ssh to your router and run etherwake -i eth1 -D a5:31:ac:91:10:01 (this is actually how I wake my systems behing openwrt - way more secure and reliable). luci-app-wol. 09-r5_x86_64. ipk for OpenWrt 23. I have installed Luci-app-wol and wol so I have the option of using WOL rather than Etherwake (which also doesn't work for me). Direct from the router its still functional with etherwake. 1, dhcp server. sukfxhf jovgap hko tqqv tgzypl djqmlzh xdmdc jbcqn dtwxrclu bnmha clcg qhizh vmjh gxgqpd mek