Recap structured scan Faro Scans into Recap. Pick common points in the scans by using the three different colours dot sights. I first tried to make a mesh from a piece of equipment I scanned, and cropped/ exported as a rcs region a few weeks ago. 1 Like Structured ( mirror balls are there-> 360 Panoramas can be checked), or unstructured (only a point cloud - no panoramas). Export a template for use in multiple projects in ReCap Pro . Point clouds cannot be georeferenced. One which you see (viewing) and one for the structured scans (mirror balls). Regarding mesh reconstruction, it's indeed easier and more robust to work from structured scans. Autodesk's ReCap software is an easy-to-use package that lets you open Autodesk ReCap is a reality capture and 3D scanning software that helps you to create high-resolution 3D data from photographs or laser scans and use them in other CAD, BIM and 3D From my user's perpective, ununified means that individual scan positions with panoramic views are kept in the overarching format. las files Recap indexes them fast, but when I go to open the project there is nothing there. But these points are not the one of the original file: they are Actions to take: Through June 23, 2021 - Upgrade to ReCap Pro 2022 or install latest updates to ReCap Pro 2019-2021. When I open the project with Recap, I can see the mirror balls, and I can export the scans in structured E57 How to export a 360 Panorama RealView scan photo to an image file format in ReCap Pro project? To export a RealView image to 2D Panorama in Recap Pro 2022 and later: In the Project Navigator > Scan Locations panel I use RCProjectImportSession to create a structured RCP. Repeat looking for similar targets for scan Lee_Lg_10. Removes the "structure" of the scans. I was checking the registration through various Limit Box adjustments and deleted one of the scans. It looks like some structured files are missing, such as . We have customers reporting using ReCap with more than 500+ scans. Top. The point density of each scan was 2-3 mm on the average. 2. I do have ReCap and was hoping that I could at least use it to work with Lidar data. For some reason the points are nowhere to be found. Only structured scans are pre-segmented in the importing process now. View. The structured E57 export does not apply any deletions or clips created in the project; it is a complete export of all data. The photos from SX10 have been pretty poor quality but the scans are considered structured. Sum-up:It seems that Recap lose points because of some spherical remapping, and these points are definitively lost. These downloadable resources will be used to complete this tutorial: 1) I have two ReCap projects with each project representing a day of scanning I cannot merge the projects together because many of the scan files have the same names and I receive the well known But it should be possible to register an unstructured point cloud to a "structured" ReCap project. llt, scan_name. " How do I fix this? I have ~800 scan positions of a mill that is 10 stories tall. Structured scan projects are now published from ReCap Pro to Autodesk Drive or Autodesk Docs. I use RCProjectImportSession to create a structured RCP. Install the latest version of Cintoo Connect by following the instructions here; Yes, you can export unified RCS from Realworks and get the scan\panos into Recap from Trimble gear. It can also happen when navigating in a ReCap or trying to save it. ; Type in a Project Name – in this example it is Structured Point Cloud Water Pipe Example – and then select the folder where you want to save this new project. This means that your project should be structured project. 1. Imho the fastest method although i need pointcab for other manipulations of pointclouds. LAS Hello, I have recently purchased ReCap Pro/Photo which included Desktop Connector, Scan-to-Mesh, and Drive. Then modify e57 in cloudcompaire and import it into the project with bubble view in recap. ReCap Pro also allows you to export the scanning project as a single file. Bohdan gutnyk wrote: Mon Nov 16, 2020 8:11 pm I think you can create Recap project from structured data to get the bubble view inside the file. As long as there is enough Loss of Levels navigation When viewing a structured scan project published to Autodesk Docs with multiple floors of a building, we no longer have access to the levels (elevation slices Image 3 below is the old I'm using the ReCap SDK to create projects containing unstructured scans and panoramic images (as mirror balls with RealView). RealView images are missing after exporting, reimporting E57 or PTS or importing scan data in ReCap Pro. I know that I did 620 scans in the field. Added support for exporting image data to e57 file. A (manual) registration of the point clouds in ReCap Pro is possible only for structured scans. Those scans did NOT connect with scans taken at floor level (for many reasons). Please click on the links to explore the complete list of details for each required feature. If none are found, click merge scan. Yes, it is one e57, but obviously it contains setup information. Only ReCap project files (*. The code looks like this: /// Delete the points from the panorama clouds to reduce the size of the project on disk void DeletePanoramaPoints(const I have imported an rcs file from a Trimble scanner. It is not possible to use extraction features of point clouds in AutoCAD Note: ReCap support exporting to the structured E57 format (individual scans, with row/column info, including registration transforms). I measured the point density in Recap and found that Recap had arranged the points of each scan in a more or less regular grid with ca 30-35 mm spacing between We do control work by scanning with an SX10, processed in Trimble Business Center, and export the PTX. Only those Structured scans are "fixed-origin" or tripod scans. The mesh for Unstructured scans will have no textures for now. las files or is it some mistake on my part. Then i'd export the CAD dots so I've got a . When I open the project with Recap, I can see the mirror balls, and I can export the scans in structured E57 One of my users gave me a structured RCP project, but Recap SDK tells me it is not structured: In the Support folder, there are all the needed files, for all scans: [scan_name]. Important. rcp file. Import an outdoor scan of a structured format like a Faro FLS and export to structured E57. This is subject to change, however. in this case better to use unstructured point cloud, lose bubble view but much smaller recap folder. After fighting some coordinate system bugs between C3D and Recap I was at least able to get the cloud to appear in C3D in the right place. When I open the project with Recap, I can see the mirror balls, and I can export the scans in structured E57 Scan data are marked as unstructured in Recap, and in Faro Scene. To use the scan-to-scan registration in a Regarding mesh reconstruction, it's indeed easier and more robust to work from structured scans. rcp file, what I can see if that this scan was originally from some structured scan because it has been segmented using structured scan information and the segment information is written into. Structured scans are "fixed-origin" or tripod scans - data coming from scanners on a tripod (static or terrestrial scanners). Textures are only supported for Structured scans. When I open the project with Recap, I can see the mirror balls, and I can export the scans in structured E57 landmeterbeuckx wrote: Wed Feb 23, 2022 4:49 pm Fastest way from scene is to export a project to a new one and import those scans in recap like you said at the end. The problem i've encountered with using new control files (*txt) in Recap is that by re-entering the registration mode of a recap project, it breaks the current registration. You will have to have at least one "structured" scan in your project to be able to enter registration mode. While Recap used to be stable, i've found that in recent weeks something is causing it to hang during this 2-step process. thumbnail files. Merges all scan locations into one single-point cloud file. One of my users gave me a structured RCP project, but Recap SDK tells me it is not structured: In the Support folder, there are all the needed files, for all scans: [scan_name]. Additionally, most designers will request BOTH RCP formats with scan station photos, as well as unified unstructured data. I'm able to open up LAS files using ReCap Pro, however, according to -> How-to Tutorial: ReCap Feature Extraction Workflow (youtube. E57 then importing in recap gets scan positions but realview in recap so more like a cartoonish pointcloud rather than a real image like on gets in . NWD file in a ReCap Pro project doesn’t appear although it shows as loaded. rcs/. Import PTG or PTX scans into ReCap Pro. Or the raw scans were merged in Faro Scene, then the Faro Scene project file was imported into ReCap (instead of the raw data). Project with 50 scans, export each scan to make 50 individual Rcp, rcs, pts or E57 files. We spoke about your Hi. Objects Reality Capture Scan exclusive to ReCap; when importing, the program converts to RCS format, which can be read by other Autodesk applications. Here is a LINK to explain "structured scans". If you are not sure if your data is structured or Hi Everyone, I am running into a couple problems when I go to export my scans into a file format that Autodesk ReCap can read. e. In ReCap, you can quickly tell if a project contains this information by the presence of Project Cleanup and Mesh Creation services should be enabled (in 2017 Pro) Structured scans will also contain several extra files in the 'Support' folder (namely . This is probably why Recap relies on such an algorithm. Structured scans are "fixed-origin" or tripod scans. We use a BLK360 to infill the rest of the area with scan data. 3- when merging large groups of structured scans, locate x3 "fake" common survey points (possibly with targets) the farthest each others in 6 differents scans. LAS files that you are working with fall und Here are some of the improvements and fixes in v21. When I open the project with Recap, I can see the mirror balls, and I can export the scans in structured E57 or if you prefer to register scans with ReCap not only you need the "Pro" version, but ReCap also requires that your scan data is structured. Thank you for participating in our community! There's a whole project (called 'AutodeskReCapSampleProject') that installs with the application. Jon Moeller I have made <0 posts Posts: 2 I tried several things before finding this thread and tried exporting the PTX format which allowed us to view the scan stations in ReCap. ReCap has a maximum number of scans and points that can be processed at once, while running Scan to Mesh. From the help file, Point Cloud mentions the following: Segmenting Point Data in a Point Cloud ReCap also segments the point data, which is a process of identifying groups of points in a point cloud that represent planar and cylindrical surfaces. I’ve never had success with Scenes internal Recap engine so long ago went with this workflow and it rarely gives any trouble. As you've found, you are free to update the SDK to a newer version yourself. Cannot view the video? Click here to download this video. NWD geometry can only be displayed in a RealView mode and not in a One of my users gave me a structured RCP project, but Recap SDK tells me it is not structured: In the Support folder, there are all the needed files, for all scans: [scan_name]. With the e57 data format, you can Structured scan data is mainly coming from Faro, Leica, Z+F, Riegl, Topcon & Trimble 3D laser scanners in the format of . You can open structured scans (fls, ptx, ptg and zfs files) and view them in “RealView” mode, upload and share on the cloud. If you scan the same point (for example a power socket) in multiple different scans, this Just installed Recap 2024. In this case, you can do one of the following: Reduce the Scan to Mesh quality setting. In Control Panel, verify only one version of ReCap Pro is installed on the computer. It sounds like all of your scans are structured. Ideally, we would like to region large cubes of the mill and be able to The RealView option is not available and missing in ReCap Pro. Import scans into ReCap Pro and adjust scan settings. Can Recap not use . MaZschi wrote: Fri Dec 06, 2024 6:06 am Have you tried with the structured scans instead of replacing them with a unified point cloud? We have projects teams opening recap scans on ACC that are over 500GB and running them on laptops with 8GB of ram and no dedicated GPU. When will Recap Pro support the ability to register unstructured scans to each other without needing a structured scan to begin with?? With so many projects now leveraging SLAM, mobile and drone based photogrammetry, we often don't have MaZschi wrote: Fri Dec 06, 2024 6:06 am Have you tried with the structured scans instead of replacing them with a unified point cloud? We have projects teams opening recap scans on ACC that are over 500GB and running them on laptops with 8GB of ram and no dedicated GPU. New ReCap Scan file (RCS) or ReCap Project (RCP) is created. Select the scans you wan to export or the entire project in the WorkSpace window, ↳ RECAP; ↳ Rhino3D; ↳ RiScan Pro & RiSOLVE; ↳ ScanSap; ↳ SCAN TO BIM; These file formats, and some types of binary E57 scan files, are primarily structured scan data. . 1 in fls format. Verify ReCap point cloud model is a structured scan, aerial (drone) and other unstructured scans do not support RealViews. 0 APIs to query and manipulate ReCap scan projects. 12, scans are all from faro x130 and trimble tx5- so yes, they are structured. You can pan and zoom in the view to try and find targets. Project is unstructured and therefore contains no registration data so the associated button in not shown. The source scan files were in the PTS file format from Cyclone, which is not a raw data format. Our work flow is to register the scans in Register 360 (BLK) then export as an RCP file, that we would open up in Recap Pro and Revit. Then I'd do a very rough sketch of the building in CAD, placing dots where the scan positions should be within each room, with a comment or similar containing the scan number/name. This has been discussed in some old posts, but I wanted to start a new one here as I still don't believe this has been resolved. Entry into ReCap SDK from ObjectARX is via the AcDbPointCloudEx::getReCapProject() method which Are you aware that structured scans in ReCap are used twice? There is the structured scan part - which does not get scaled down (as far as I am aware). After scans are imported from XYZ files to ReCap Pro, there is no option to register them and manually align scans. rcc file. PTG, PTX, ZFS, CLR, RSP and RDBX One of my users gave me a structured RCP project, but Recap SDK tells me it is not structured: In the Support folder, there are all the needed files, for all scans: [scan_name]. 0 Likes Link copied. I don’t have any update from development team yet but you can submit your feedback from ReCap by clicking on this icon: This will help the Project Manager and developers hear your voice on any Our work flow is to register the scans in Register 360 (BLK) then export as an RCP file, that we would open up in Recap Pro and Revit. My personal high level explanation on "RealView" is this In 3D VIEW you can freely navigate around the point cloud data. In this 5-minute tutorial, learn how use FARO ® SCENE Process to prepare scan data taken with the FARO Scanner Freestyle, export it as a point cloud, and import it into Autodesk Recap. Unfortunely the PTX only exports in ground scale, and its the only export format that maintains a structured format. Thank you both for valuable feedback. I am working with lidar scans of structures (buildings) and for the life of me I can not get it to work. However the Poisson Reconstruction approach is also very powerful, and has indeed the great advantage of requiring only normals instead of the scan structures. I have tried your . I import all in Pointcab and export from there. 1 has been released! What is included in Autodesk ReCap Pro 25. When I check the Recap support files, the RCS files are not available, just . Causes include: Unstructured scan data was used to create the mesh. Free online RCC Tools & Apps. They do NOT need engineering-grade accuracy for any of Regarding mesh reconstruction, it's indeed easier and more robust to work from structured scans. ↳ Structured Light Scanners; ↳ Robotic Scanning Solutions; ↳ Total Station Scanners; ↳ Cavity Scanners; I had just finished registering / indexing a decent size capture (~60 scans). PTG, PTX, ZFS, CLR, RSP and RDBX scan files respectively. When done, click merge scan. 2. rcp I let it run over night and in the morning recap was closed and nothing was exported. I'll recap it down here for anyone else who might need it : 1- create sub recap projects as many as needed. Single ReCap scan files (*. When I open the project with Recap, I can see the mirror balls, and I can export the scans in structured E57 Hi @kbkumar28,. When you import scans data to ReCap Pro if you see one of this icon then you will know if your data is structure on not. See ReCap Pro Scan to Mesh function creates a gray mesh without color or texture We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Any suggestions for other software apart from ReCap that can (Note that the scan needs to be structured, i. I've been playing a bit with the Leica Register 360 and is an interesting workflow but I dont see it doing what Recap was doing, that is to "index" scans. thumbnail. g. NWD file is only supported in RealView of ReCap, which means structured scan data is needed. I had isolated a scan by ALT-Clicking the visibility of one of the scans. This option is also accessible through the main menu: You can export the scan in a number of different file types. Import scans into ReCap Pro. depending on project size, probably faster to export e57 and import into Recap. Those can be registered in ReCap Pro, because Autodesk ReCap stands for "Reality Capture" and is a program for working with real point clouds from laser scans. Hi @martin. Type: Tutorial. Note: Third party point cloud software may export E57 or RCP models as unstructured scan. Select your RCP (Autodesk ReCap), FLS (Faro), LSPROJ (Faro Scene project) or E57 file. I would launch prime 94, saturated the ram and cpu and run a . ) in ReCap Pro is not possible. Currently, ReCap only supports registering structured project with unstructured project, doesn't support unstructured project with unstructured project. Over the past few weeks, we have told you about our cutting-edge Scan-to-BIM solutions that can help you capture more accurate as-builts. If the number of points/scans exceeds this maximum number, a warning message will display (see below). 2- import in the main recap project. ; Drag and drop the 5 exercise point cloud One of my users gave me a structured RCP project, but Recap SDK tells me it is not structured: In the Support folder, there are all the needed files, for all scans: [scan_name]. Then you also have your fls registered scans for other third party applications too. Data coming from scanners on a tripod (static or terrestrial scanners). Related learning. But now i have another pointcloud and it doesn't work. Tutorial resources. I attempted to ALT-Click a second time to make them all visible again that nothing happened. landmeterbeuckx Fast forward a couple of weeks and every attempt to index a Structured E57 in Recap has failed, all seems well but there is no data visible when I launch the project. An RCC file is a compressed data file created by Autodesk Recap, a program used to generate 3D models or 2D drawings by scanning images. diff, [scan_name]. Currently registering two or more unstructured point clouds (LAS, DP, etc. These file formats, and some types of binary E57 scan files, are primarily structured scan data. Autodesk's ReCap software is an easy-to-use package that lets you open point cloud files directly and, 360 bubbles visible, your ReCap project is Is it possible to individually export scans from a larger ReCap Project with multiple scans registered together? e. rcs) cannot be manually uploaded or viewed in the ReCap Viewer. diff, scan_name. Best, Yan First, i'd rotate all the scans so they are all aligned the same way. After exporting a project with decimation selected, the point cloud is no longer structured and textures and real views are missing. To register the scans in ReCap Pro: In the source software/ scanner, export them to the structured format (for example E57) As badam said, export structured scans as fls files, then launch recap and import scans into new project. Point cloud was imported into ReCap from an unstructured scan. 0 New features AutoCAD plug-ins built with ObjectARX 2021 will now have access to all ReCap SDK 21. However the Uploading Structured Scans with Cintoo Connect. This is on version 3. Use the manual registration and import processes to register multiple laser scans into a single point cloud. Texture generation was skipped. Please check your original project. 1? New Features and Improvements: Added support for importing panoramic image data from the e57 file. graner , @lamorlette,. RCP is the only format that Autodesk allows for importing Point Clouds into our design software. Viewing of and collaborating on these projects can be done directly in Autodesk Drive and Autodesk Docs. Length: 10 min. 0: ReCap SDK Release Notes Version 21. Remaining scan data missing after Random subsampling. Button appears in other projects. Unified blends it all in a single file, My question is surrounding the export option of 3d-only or complete within ReCap and what that means for doing change detection analysis? The two options for exporting the We are pleased to release a new version of ReCap SDK (v21. When importing that structured E57 back into ReCap Pro, the complete Realview is available, including sky, and any reflective objects. Pegasus data is also contains structural information in addition to the scan data which can be used in conjunction with the scan data to good effect. However, it does not work. It takes forever to load when opened so I tried to export a unified . Hallo I am a student and i have an education version of the software: Recap Pro. com) - I should be able to publish the point cloud to a connected Drive. Adam. ptx file. When I select a folder in the "ADrive" a VXGrid wrote: Thu Sep 02, 2021 7:36 am In a structured point cloud, (think many static scan setups), every point XYZ belongs to one certain scan setup (with its image). I have a rather large recap project that has 100 or so scans indexed from a registered . To export individual scans, follow these steps. Is that possible? I can see RCStructuredScan::getSphericalModel() and Users reported that when importing or indexing scans, ReCap Pro hangs at a certain percentage and does not progress. 1 Like The scans can be prepared on a tripod but the original scans do not come through as Structured scans. If the E57 is saved as structured (or ordered), (and ReCap can read it as structured), then the mirrorballs are there. But in 3DReshaper, they are somehow structured. let me know if you figured out a different way. Autodesk ReCap stands for "Reality Capture" and is a program for working with real point clouds from laser scans. Report. I am importing several additional rcs scans into my main rcp file (not One thing to note is that for larger structured projects, higher RAM will be required as opposed to LiDAR non-structured scans. In RealView you are stuck at the scan location but looking at panoramic pictures with your As a scanner who is employed on the AEC/design side of the business, Recap is a must. bat scrip that would execute at the same time multiple instances of recap. Length: 3 min. E57 for example can be saved as structured and unstructured. Please note Structured scans come with a panoramic view from the scanner that took them. When trying to merge or combine two Recap Pro projects, it's not possible to register them. Scans created by other sources, like planes, are unstructured. Does someone knows exactly what is this step in Recap software Indexing is "The process of structuring a raw scan file so that it can be opened in a CAD product" (https://help In the right-side view, the scan starts for the next scan Lee_Lg_13. Yes, you're correct that latest ReCap is not on the latest FARO SDK (it was at the time of release). When I open the project with Recap, I can see the mirror balls, and I can export the scans in structured E57 If you have published your project using an earlier ReCap version (versions before 23. For the . Hello Everyone, Either directly export RCP from Cyclone, it should be able to export these mirrorballs structured point clouds you need, or you export an E57, scan position based and import these (instead of PTG) into ReCap. if you only need to use it to work in autodesk software you may want to have a lighter recap project. For example, formats like FLS,ZFS,PTX etc. 1. The resulting recap support file size was 1,6 GB. rcc, [scan_name]. I made a new rcp, and brought just this rcs in, and it would not mesh it because it was not a structured so now you have a ReCap project built on structured point cloud (zfs file) with bubble view. 0). At least one set of structured scans is needed to register the unstructured scans. I have used succesfully the 'scan to mesh' option once. Reply. When I try to publish to Autodesk Drive, receive this error: "The selected connected drive only supports structured scan. JNally Maximum Scans/Points Processing in ReCap. Then select all the points inside the recap and delete them, you will have panoramas but without the point cloud inside. Structured scans are "fixed-origin" or tripod scans - data coming from scanners on a tripod (static or terrestrial scanners). rcs file. Mobile scanning structural data is obviously different to terrestrial in that it is a RCS files are unstructured scans and not able to be viewed in the RealView interface. At least one scan in a project must be structured. Proprietary term; should appear only for navigating through structured scan data types. FLS, . Manual registration of the point clouds in ReCap Pro is possible only for structured scans. Our issue is that we do not know what the difference between the 3d-only unstructured data and the complete structured data from the laser scanner actually means? I've been doing my change detection analysis with the 3d-only option as I assumed that means it would be exported with the edits I made in ReCap (removing noise, people, objects from the Hi @martin. Structured data will have Real Views in the point cloud. The option 'scan to mesh' is in both ways, disabled. Well, “What is structured scan data”? Structured scan data is mainly coming from Faro, Leica, Z+F, Riegl, Topcon & Trimble 3D laser scanners in the format of . LAS At present the reduce point cloud command above or the filtering options in ReCap for example still result in a lot of redundancy in the overlapping areas as its applied per scan. Initially, when opening the RCP file in recap we could see the mirror balls (scan locations) and click on the location to view the Panoramic images and scan information. When the scan turns green, hover over it and in the refinement results flyout, click approve. Split How to combine the results of a ReCap Photo project with a ReCap Pro scan project. I'm able to import the unstructured scans, but I can't see a way to create a RealView from an image directly via the API. This can come about for various reasons: Laser scanner doesn't support structured data (ex: Does not have a camera for 360 color panoramas). Is it possible to import to ReCap Pro project, and combine multiple scans that originate from different sources (scanner, photogrammetric point cloud, and others) The only requirement for the manual registration is to have at least one structured scan (for example taken with a terrestrial laser scanner), with scanner position. AutoCAD can create 2D geometry from these point cloud segments. Tutorial 2 min. The scan data is unstructured, only structured data will display RealView images in ReCap Pro. Have you got a small job you can try to export? Additional checks: Ensure tablet is on charge while exporting, ensure a local drive export path (not dropbox etc), backup data then uninstall/reinstall Perspective, try exporting without colourising (as a test) Overview. Only those files can be used for noise clean up and scan-to-mesh feature. By structured scans I mean if you can see the Real View in your ReCap dashboard then you would be able to generate textures. So, somehow the center of the scan is stored in those Riegl e57, but is this enough to be a well structured scan data file? I dont know. 15 to import and index (skip registration) structured/ordered scans from Faro Scene 7. RCC (Recap Compressed Structured Scan Data File) file extension apps that can allow to view, edit, convert from to RCC, merge, split and compare the RCC files without installing anything on your system. When I use scan->getNumberOfPoints(), it reports a number that's much larger than what I'd expect from the grid dimensions (i. The original structured scans are unified to one scan only when exported from ReCap Pro, losing its structure. If your data is structure then you can register with structure data, but if your data is not structured then you need to create project with at least one structured scan then add unstructured data to register. Furthermore, I'm working with Recap Pro which complicates things more for me by defining the differences in e57 export as "3D-only (unstructured)" and "complete (no edits)". If you are referring to after import and the wheel of saving classifications pop up, The source of the scan. In the Support folder there is: The expected scan_name. 0), you can use Publish > Update to re-upload necessary files for Point Cloud Viewing. rcc files. When I open the project with Recap, I can see the mirror balls, and I can export the scans in structured E57 In Trimblespeak it seems that Structured is called Gridded and Unified is called Non-gridded. Removes deleted points. These include E57 structured (complete), E57 unstructured (3D only), PTS, PCG, & RCP/RCS. Structured scans have fixed point scan locations with images. Hope this helps, Ryan. RCC). It contains structured scan data captured from a fixed-origin static or terrestrial 3D laser scanner on a tripod. Recap indexes each scan position normally, but then obviously i have over 100 additional scans that are labled 'unstructured'. , scanRows * Hi @Anonymous,. Hope that helps, Mitko . Some cartesian to spheric calculations and resampling happens but that should be all. 8: 08-02-2024 by Ronny Schneider Original post by Frank Poetschke Trimble Business Center: How Can The Utility Module Be Used? 5: 08-02-2024 by Steven Todd I'm running Recap Pro 4. You can export a structured RCP file from RealWorks by using the "Export TZF Scans of Selected Stations" option. This version will be binary compatible with The support older for ununified (structured) data looks like this: It has an RCS per a scan and then RCC, Llt, and diff files for each scan – so they are much larger! Unify scans from recap If you When I want to read a scan with Recap SDK, RCScan::isStructured () returns false, and RCScan::getStructuredScan () returns nullptr. However, from the scan file icon in the indexing page, the scan shows as unstructured scan (because it has a mesh icon in lower right corner instead of laser scanner icon). Depending on the source files (for example, there are different file formats available if you create an "aerial" or a "3D" project in ReCap Photo), there are different options to combine projects: Include the mesh model in the scan project: Export the mesh model from ReCap Depending on # scans, density, colour options, tablet model etc; you might only have success with 50-80 scans. The point cloud file is appended within the NWD in Navisworks and they line up perfectly as they are both Geo-Referenced. RCC files are compressed to reduce the size of the file since structured scans can become very Hi Philip, Structured scans are "fixed-origin" or tripod scans - data coming from scanners on a tripod (static or terrestrial scanners). At the moment when you export to a new unified rcs file that scan becomes "unstructured". When exporting structured it will export the point cloud files from the mirror balls, when exporting unstructured the mirrorballs get lost and it will use the view point cloud, so everything which you deleted there will be gone as well. e taken by a static scanner, hand scanners will create unstructured data). e57 and then import them to recap. Click Proceed. i attach an image here to give you a better look of the problem. Has anyone had any success in bringing structured scans into Recap from RiScan Pro and maintaining the attached images? Currently the e57 from Riscan pro come into Recap as unstructured pointclouds and the direct import of the riscan project fails. See for example some good recent posts on the Recap Ideas forum about modifying translation of a recap project without having to recreate the structured scans and index them individually. These file formats, and some types of Note: ReCap support exporting to the structured E57 format (individual scans, with row/column info, including registration transforms). Select the Terrestrial Laser Scans tab in Cintoo Connect. The visible point cloud itself is the one which gets scaled down to one point per 1mm³. The expected scan_name. Sample attached By the time I import the scans, it's too late, and Recap has "auto appropriated" the incorrect units, and all I can do is change the way they're viewed. Details: Recap SDK provides two ways to read a scan which give different points: The unstructured reading via IRCPointIterator gives the same points as one can see in Recap application. ReCap creates two point clouds. I notice no difference whether or not I wait to import all scans before indexing (skipping Hi @ffauconnet,. To register the scans in ReCap Pro: In the source software/ scanner, export them to the structured format (for example E57) Do not use "optimize 3D point cloud only" or "remove 3D point cloud only" Importing RCP projects with deleted points using Cintoo Connect. Cannot create extractions from point clouds of a ReCap scan in AutoCAD products. I was a little surprised to find that I am not able to slice a cloud up and export out as expected. Unstructured scan data Generating textured meshes is supported for structured scans only. We have also the free online . ReCap. Hit merge scans, Recap will look for common points around the targets you have selected and stitch the scans together. Normals. When I put less than 52608 points in the RCPointBuffer given to addPointsToScan(), the writing of the RCP fails: There is no . When I import them into recap, only some of the scans are imported as structured (bubble view in recap), and the others are imported as unstructured (import only the cloudpoint). 7: 08-05-2024 by John Whidden Trimble Business Center: mass point comparisons. Register scans into point clouds. It is available to download on Autodesk Developer Network (ADN). There is a temp empty folder. m2c Inviato dal mio iPad utilizzando Tapatalk After creating a mesh with the Scan-to-Mesh function in ReCap Pro, the mesh is a solid color and lacks texture. Warmest Regards, One of my users gave me a structured RCP project, but Recap SDK tells me it is not structured: In the Support folder, there are all the needed files, for all scans: [scan_name]. And merge the two in Recap Pro. When I open the project with Recap, I can see the mirror balls, and I can export the scans in structured E57 I have an unusual request: a client of mine had us laser scan quite a few areas, in the above-ceiling space of their facility. Fast forward a couple of weeks and every attempt to index a Structured E57 in Recap has failed, all seems well but there is no data visible when I launch the project. Additional details that may help: Has anyone had any success in bringing structured scans into Recap from RiScan Pro and maintaining the attached images? Currently the e57 from Riscan pro come into Recap Trying to do a scan to mesh for the first time. llt, [scan_name]. See ReCap Pro Scan to Mesh function creates a gray mesh without color or texture When unstructured point clouds are imported to ReCap, there is no button for Registration tool. lgs; With e57's, you also need to change the e57 export options to specify if you need them to be an unstructured format, or structured with the setup images. Verify that the images2D information is not present in the E57. I am new to Recap and point clouds. rcp and can reproduce this issue. Hi Everyone, We are happy to announce that Autodesk ReCap Pro 2025. Because spherical mesh command works out well, this algorythm takes the scan center in to account. csv with scan names and xyz positions. Then I imported the same files to Recap with 50 mm decimation grid setting. Added support for exporting a mix of structured scans and unstructured scans to e57 nathanpro wrote: Wed Dec 08, 2021 3:20 pm We are waiting for the e57 to export from recap now to test There are mirror balls in the recap file. Skip Registration and index. Essentially, they reflect the origin of the laser scan and provide RealView access. This has the additional effect of impacting meshes created from that new unstructured project using the Scan-to-Mesh feature. We then produced a ReCap project of the roof scans (Phase 3) and imported the roof into a saved as version of the Building External project and saved this project with the file name Building External with Roof. After I import the . I used to run multiple recap at once on windows 7. Export extracted features from ReCap Viewer to detailed design. I have tried with an structured scan and an unstructured scan of the same pointcloud. If after the import there are no Real Views, it is because the raw files imported into ReCap consist of an unstructured point cloud. Hi, I've encountered an issue while working with some ReCap projects using the ReCap SDK, and I hope someone can provide guidance to what's happening: I have scans that are marked as structured. rcp) can be uploaded and viewed. Registration button missing in ReCap project. Please select other connected drive. The Model Support folder does not contain RCC files Confirm if the scan data to be imported into ReCap Pro is structured I'm trying to delete points from structured scans from a large ReCap project and the RCProject::deletePointsFromStructuredScan() function consistently runs out of memory and fails with a bad allocation exception. Just need to vent this out. Post by dsauceda » Fri Mar 29, 2024 7:37 am. Using structured data in Recap - Exercise Task 1: Import point cloud data files into Recap. Thanking You. rcs_temp, regular Unstructured E57 files still work as expected. I have exported the entire project in e57 from Scene and imported the entire project into ReCap. Publishing to . Therefore, no segmentation information is generated for this scan file. rcs, [scan_name]. Do the mirror balls signify that the data is structured? If I trim points from the large combined scan in cyclone, to only include the ceiling and above, does this affect the structured information? I have some scans scanned the same way with photos and I want to export them to . The client wants a single point cloud (structured / with images) file with all scan locations in one file. I feel like it's safe to assume that "complete (no edits)" means the same thing as "structured" and Recap Pro just doesn't use the standard naming convention. hi, i have a problem while i try to import scans (mady by Faro) into Recap Pro. Cannot geolocate the project. Allow more time, especially if the project is large ReCap Pro may temporarily stick at a certain percentage, but after a while, it will progress with the indexing process. The structured E57 export does not apply any deletions Scan-to-Scan registration in ReCap Pro is only possible with structured scan data. 0. When I open the file in ReCap, a lot of really important scans couldn't be loaded and then I go to look at the point cloud and it loses all the registration information I had attached to the project. The following commands have no effect: PCEXTRACTCENTERLINE PCEXTRACTCORNER PCEXTRACTEDGE PCEXTRACTSECTION Source point cloud data is unstructured data. Start a New Project in Recap or Recap Pro and select Import Point Cloud.
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