Regex to not allow hyphen. Remove those from your range: var regex = /^[a-zA-Z0-9.

Regex to not allow hyphen Plus, what if "François" is the first name? This regex will accept an empty string or a This is the regex I have, curious as to why an optional does not allow it even if it still end in a character /^[a-z]+[\-]?[a-z]+$/i regex; Share. Simple This Stack Overflow question discusses how to use ng-pattern for letters and hyphens in AngularJS. 5. and 8-13 characters should This regex [0-9. But it will also allow, User So I wouldn't want several commas, and I don't need a space that was a typo. \s means any whitespace, so if you really It needs to allow inputs like O'Neil, or Double-Barrel, but not double symbols like O''Neil, Double---Barrel, etc. You Adapted from Sylvain's answer here: jQuery only allow numbers,letters and hyphens. Note that the hyphen is escaped using \, otherwise it is used to specify a range like a-z (characters from a to I'm trying to get a regex where words with single hyphens are counted as one, but those double hyphens are counted as two. The [^/] matches any char, not just a digit. How to email Regex to allow word characters, parentheses, spaces and hyphen. So, for the previous example, to get it to Regex to allow only alphabetical characters, hyphens, apostrophes and period. b I want the users to be allowed one hyphen only. But the dot should always be escaped, so '/[^a-z\. and numeric value. Javascript regex I am new to the ui stuff and need some help on building a regex pattern which does now allow & in a given string at any place. Hypens (-) do not act like range specifiers at the beginning of a character set, so you can do this with the regex @"[-0-9]" or if, like in most regex engines, WPF allows I found this simple regexp (i know it's probably not perfect) somewhere online to validate an email address. \-removes the ambiguity between the actual hyphen character and separating the lower and upper limits of a range. Is it possible to limit the maximum length? If you are using . @John This will allow the string to start with When using a hyphen in a character class, be sure to place it at the end of the character class as a best practice. 1 should not match. 2. 490. 4. So, Here's a function with a non-RegEx approach to remove anything but digits and the hyphen from a given input string: Function removeBadChars(sInput As String) As String Dim i For those who need to work with money format in the text fields: To use only: , (comma) and . I just want to restrict user from entering hyphen between numbers(123-123), but allowed if it only alphabets or alphanumeric(123-abc or abc This would match only \ not hyphen. So far i have tried could you please clarify how should I use your regex to allow only these characters in my strings & convert the rest all charcters to single whitespace character? – Rajat Gupta. ^ [a-zA-Z ]+$ Now there is a requirement wherein I have to allow hyphen (-) in the name string Outside of character classes, it is conventional not to escape hyphens. \- removes the ambiguity between the actual hyphen character and separating the lower and upper limits of a range. -]+$/; This will also not match the empty string. jQuery regex can I've been trying for ages now using JavaScript to get a regex that does not allow symbols however allows hyphens and underscores but it just isn't working, here is what I have tried: function a You need a character class, denoted by []. Think of it as a suped-up text search shortcut, but a regular In it we accept either a digit, or we accept -(?!-), which means a hyphen that is not followed by another hyphen. Basically this is to validate full name. What will be regular expression to allow: alphabetic, numbers, space, period . 2)Hyphen can't be before @ symbol. Capco" This won't allow any non-Latin characters in usernames. For example, these should all match: abc abc def abc123 ab_cd ab Please make sure you do not run the regex against a string with entities instead of plain text characters. Note: jQuery is pretty much a wrapper for vanilla js to make a lot of common statements like . Because you get that one-time "yeah it I've already got a bit of working code but I need someone to help explain why it works if they can! I am using PHP to replace anything in a string if it is not either a-z, A-Z, 0-9, I have a String to match with regex String str = "(1a/2s-/-)" The conditions I need to get: There has to be a parentheses only alphanumeric dash and slash could be inside A-z will allow symbols from 91 thru 96 [\\]^_` And hyphen need not be escaped if it is the first or last character in a character class – Amarghosh. They do not have to have a hyphen. It works for everything I want, but not for the "-". This article will illustrate how to use Regular Expression which allows Alphabets and I have a name string which uses Matches regex component with following regex expression. Matching hyphenated word. However, using this regex: select * from In your character class the )-' is interpreted as a range in the same way as e. It won't Just FYI: the first regex provided in this post (^[a-zA-Z0-9]*-[a-zA-Z0-9]*$) matches exactly one hyphen, so if you want at least one hyphen (as stated in your original post), you No need to escape the hyphen if it's the first or last character in a character class I guess. ^[^\-]+\-[^\-]+$ I'm not sure if the hyphen in the middle Now with the hyphen my regex isn't matching, and after endless attempts to fix that and reviewing other Stack Overflow questions which failed me, I'm not sure what else I For alpha_num with spaces use this regEx : 'regex:/^[\s\w-]*$/' Bit longer one :) Here is some defined bolcks of regEx : ^ ==> The circumflex symbol marks the beginning of a Input boundary end assertion: Matches the end of input. ) and dash(-) I tend to avoid simply a white space in It works correctly except it is blocking periods. In Regex, is there a way to say "blacklist '0' and whitespaces from the 1st character, and anything not part of the following whitelist"?-2. ]$: only get rows truth. but the pattern I wrote below does not seem to work. Regex to allow First name could be "Jean-Claude" with hyphen. String regex = "/^[0-9A-Za-z\s\-]+$/"; I need to be able to match strings like: GQG6VJ6K, TYTU-TIDM-56, 4-5-P-Z, etc. Commented Jul 5, 2019 at 13:55. it is not working . Number is mandatory in the You just have to change the regexp to this : "^[a-zA-Z0-9\-]+$". You'd need to add the -to one of the character classes (except for the single literal period one, which I would have written \. )+\w+$/ The problem is, that this regexp I am using jquery validator where I have added a method to validate a string which allow only numbers, spaces, plus sign, hyphen and brackets. underscore should not be allowed before or after any numeric value. For completeness, you can add an I would like to have a regex which matches the string with NO whitespace(s) at the beginning. tom & tom = don't allow Now i need to allow apostrophe before @ and also it should not allow apostrophe as first and last character and also two consecutive apostrophe before @. \ \d is the same as 0-9. + : check each rows The hyphen is being treated as a range marker -- when it sees ,-! it thinks you're asking for a range all characters in the charset that fall between , and ! (ie the same way that A-Z works. like "Reynante A. This is my regular expression for alphanumeric validation only: var openapi - regex for not allowing whitespace or hyphen. I want to not allow spaces anywhere in the string. Email address validation fails when domain name has a hyphen. Hi Wiktro, Thanks Regex to allow single hyphen and underscore but not at beginning or end of string. Regular expression does not allow a dash. Provide details and share your research! But avoid . +442021234 allow brackets (optional) eg. (dot). For example, /t$/ does not I have not been able to find a proper regex to match any string not ending with some condition. javascript Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about You don't allow for a -anywhere after the @. I want to write regex that starts and end with numbers and letters only but can have special character hyphen, If you are using PCRE2, see this answer which makes use of non-atomic lookaheads. I have used this regex: var regexp = /^\\S/; This works for me if there are spaces between the characters. *__. Regex for letters and no spaces. NET, then yes, it is You have specified a range with -. * I am trying to write a regular expression to allow numbers and only one hypen in the middle (cannot be at start or at the end) say pattern: 02-04, 02are acceptable but pattern: - Simple email-regexp doesn't allow hyphen before and after @ 0. a. Escaping the hyphen using \- is the correct way. Requirements start with a plus sign (optional) eg. Almost. If you want to Ok, just follow either strategy: 1) escape the hyphen and do not care what you add at the end of the character class or 2) always keep the hyphen at the end of the character I have the following regex ^[a-zA-Z0-9]+$ which would allow alpha numeric characters. Regex to match words with hyphens and/or apostrophes. Some examples are . The * means Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about A Regular Expression – or regex for short– is a syntax that allows you to match strings with specific patterns. please try this regex (allow only Alphabets and space) "[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z ]*" space I'm trying to come up with a Data Annotation regular expression to match the following formats. Formatting a phone number in specific way? Hot Network Questions The P@ssword123 --correct -password@123 --it should not match -passowrd"11 --it should not match \password123 --it should not match _@111Password --it should not match Regex to allow letters and numbers but not numbers alone. Why i did not mention this is because if the user types 'A ' does not matches because the ends with any number of groups of at least one whitespace followed by at least one non whitespace condition is not satisfied. That may be As you can see, I have the hyphen listed in the regex, unsure of what I may be doing wrong here regex; url-rewriting; Share. Modified 7 years, 9 months ago. Outside of a character class (that's what the "square brackets" are called) the hyphen has no special meaning, and within a character class, you can place a hyphen as the I am trying to write a regular expression to accept a name if it includes a-z A-Z but also some names may include a hyphen or apostrophe. ) to I'm looking for a regex to match hyphenated words in Python. @vusan. Commented Dec 25, 2012 at 13:07. The closest I've managed to get is: '\w+-\w+[-w+]*' 'foo-bar']. I have verified that the expression /^[a-zA-Z0-9. Modified 11 years, Answers generated by artificial intelligence I am trying to create a regex that allows only the following 0-9, plus symbol, minus symbol and brackets (). Last name could be "D'arc" with quote. I've tried following regex \w+-\w, however this is not working as expected. By above line, we can allow only Alphabetic, Numbers and Space. github submit regex Follow @ihateregex. JS Regex to allow only numbers, semicolon and hyphen. Commented Aug 23, 2013 at 6:55. Currently I am using, ([A-Za-z0-9-]+) which matches letters and numbers. Using unicode will actually result in the absolute same result, as using the character itself - and therefore will not solve your problem. 000] and I need to get the number out of it, however sometimes it might have a hyphen at the front of it as it could be a minus number. If the multiline (m) flag is enabled, also matches immediately before a line break character. Follow edited A hyphen appears at the end of a line when the word must be split to fit on the line. i Hate Regex Related: uuid. – Wiktor Stribiżew. 0. regex to find hyphenated text in java. and i tried the following . The hyphen - is optional, but there must be at least one alphanumeric character. How to create regex to not to accept only special character or number. Ask Question Asked 11 years, 10 months ago. So far I'm using this: @Logan Young: as you wish! But FYI this last one you found does not validate upper case letters (cause you removed A-Z), so "[email protected]" would be rejected by your How would I allow for any number of whitespaces before and after the hyphen? Your code doesn't work with: "LOS ANGELES — text" It might have to do with non-ascii any sequence or "word"-characters, between hyphens which do themselves not take part in the capture (look-behind and look-ahead conditions) Share. 0-9-]/i' Will check for a to z, . Ask Question Asked 10 years, 3 months ago. You can escape characters in a character class, by using \. . Viewed 899 times What do I need to I'm trying to create a javascript regex that allows those characters, but only those characters. Regexes without explanations, in my opinion, are kind of useless. -] Otherwise the range is not correct: the lower boundary symbol _ appears later in the character table than the upper Regex only numbers and hyphen(-),plus(+) hyphen and plus are optionally. However, since regexps are constructed from strings in Java, you need to escape the backslash; but it is the feature of strings, not of regexps. I want to limit them to 2-20 length of username only other characters which will be Regexp is single-backslash. I can accept things like 4 or 4-5 or 4,4-5. – Avinash Raj. I have Need to allow user to enter only Numbers or alphabets or spaces or hyphens OR combination of any of the above. HTML5 Regex Pattern for textbox validation: allow alphabet, spaces, and certain characters only. Share. Follow No Update. \-_]+$/ does allow hyphens. \s_-]+$ ^ asserts that the regular expression must match at the beginning of the subject [] is a character class - any character that matches regex to allow only numbers letters and hyphen. and period(. ]$ consists of a character class that matches a digit or a dot at the end of a line $. How to strip a string from the point a hyphen is found within the string C#. Checking for Whitespace in Trying to check input against a regular expression. It currently would match an hyphen between one and unlimited times but as few as possible and a non-digit character. ?)*\w+@(?:\w+\. There are likely to be better ways, but this should do the job. Your current regular expression is looking from the beginning of the I need an expression that will allow (or ignore) the apostrophe so that all words that end in "ria" are matched independent of whether they contain an apostrophe or not. Improve this But this only allows alphanumeric and does not allow spaces. I want regex to validate for only letters and spaces. ^(\d)\1+-\1$ Regex Demo ^ - Regex only allow dash in between characters. Note I also placed -at the end of the second character class so that it could always be parsed as a literal hyphen. As others have pointed out, some regex languages have a shorthand form for [a-zA-Z0-9_]. Simple: I need to block special characters for all input fields expect the particular class Regex to allow only Numbers, alphabets, spaces and hyphens - Java. "You can use a hyphen (like above) to indicate a range of chars. That will also allow underscores and slashes. What I have so far will allow, for example: User Name. No limitations on length of each of the mentioned. I am able to achieve most of it, but my RegEx Names such as "C--d" and "Who''Me" would be rejected (no repeated hyphen or apostrophe allowed). It appears that you may have wanted to a regular expression that excluded characters in a group. How can I update the regex to allow periods? An even larger question, is alphanumeric, comma, hypen, period correct for address Capitalization Regex to allow for Hyphenated Names. Oracle SQL Regex not returning expected results. /^(?:\w+\. 1. Ask Question Asked 7 I got a reference from the link: Javascript validation to allow only Alpha The hyphen does not need to be escaped if it is the last character in the Regex group. If you want to be able to handle non-Latin characters you should use a built-in character class instead of explicitly What I want is a regex that checks the expression so it only can contain a certain valid characters to defend against code injection. e. 34. Commented Jun 7, 2010 at 9:31. (period) and block the symbol: -(hyphen, minus or dash) as well as the: ⌴ I'm using regex_replace in postgreSQL and trying to strip out any character in a string that is not a letter or number. If you only want to match a digit or a dot you could add ^ to assert the position Try ^[A-Za-z\d\-\s]{7,}$ \d is the same as 0-9. So stuff like -----+ would match too. The reason for this is because the hyphen is used to signify Just remind you, charactors in [] of a regex is not comma separated, it does not need any separators, neither. the regex index stays right before it, allowing to match that char with the next iteration (as g global modifier will allow matching all occurrences Where semi-column is used to just separate between characters . Also, Because of the hyphen, this part of the expression, _-\, represents a range of all the characters that sort between underscore and backslash. Remove those from your range: var regex = /^[a-zA-Z0-9. No it will match Hyphen, underscore, space and numbers are optional, but the first and last characters must be letters. Besides, to validate a whole string, you need to use anchors, or a method that anchors the match at start and end of the string. This matches. And your regex matches _____ – Toto. How can I search for "no wordcharacter" but the hyphen "-" is allowed? javascript; regex; Share. Regex to match a It is not so readable, though. Hot Network Questions And what should I add to the regex so that it should return false for any string that has at least one character that is not: a hyphen -php; regex; Share. Hot Network Questions "Startup Applications" skips "Press any key to continue" I would like to have a regular expression that checks if a string contains only alphanumeric and hyphen. Currently, this is what I have: @Greg, I enjoy how you explain your regex-related answers. In the . regex to allow only I would like to have a regular expression that checks if the string contains Alphanumerics, Hyphen and Underscore. E-mail validation regex. Why do you want to match single space hyphen or underscore? This is not what it was aked. NET regex language, you can turn on ECMAScript behavior and use \w as a Hi Tim, Thanks for your time. Commented Feb 13, 2015 at 16:05. Place it at the end: [()_. 34 38-30 100,25-30 4-5,5,1-5 Basically the expression should only allow If you cannot use look-behinds, but your string is always in the same format and cannout contain more than the single hyphen, you could use ^[^-]*[^ -] for the first one and \w[^ Also, ^ and $ anchors should not be there. I need to use it for names. The regex below matches only the invalid inputs. If your input string can have any hyphens not at start/end and ValidationExpression="^[a-zA-Z ]+$" this is my current regular expression but it does not accept . Regex to allow more than one dash in a Explanation of the regex used above: The brackets mean "any character inside these brackets. *)(?!. But the string containing whitespace(s) in the middle CAN match. Improve this answer. Improve this question. Note that not all regex engines support lookahead assertions, but Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow! Please be sure to answer the question. Here is my regex: ^(?!. What special characters must be escaped in regular expressions? 9. don't use I have a Javascript regex like this: /^[\x00-\x7F]*$/ I want to modify this regex so that it accept all capital and non-capital alphabets, all the numbers and some special characters: - , This regex represents one or more non-hyphens, followed by a single hyphen, followed by one or more non-hyphens. But I am unable to make it work in to not allow at the beginning or end. This is almost perfect except for the trailing I have a regex to allow string with hyphen or underscore in between. Asking for help, Note: I need to allow forward slash to particular class instead of doing all input fields. 0 "regexp-like" in Oracle returning Trying to apply regex for not allowing a string with double underscores [a-z][a-z0-9_-]+[^__] Regex pattern for underscore or hyphen but not both. a-z, it therefore refers to any character with a decimal ASCII code from 41 ) to 96 '. regex for hyphen word break match This char is not consumed, i. hyphen should be middle of numbers . Regex Rewrites stop On the other hand, and just to show you how massive and unmanageable this regex would actually be if it included all necessary components, I've adapted my own regex to The regex you're looking for is ^[A-Za-z. and plus should be start. It would allow Smith-Jones-and-Son as a name, and Smith-And-O'Reilly. – Paul Chen. \s means any whitespace, so if Regex allow letters and space only in html input box. The problem here is that if I enter only numeric character like "897687", then the I have this code for removing all punctuation from a regex string: import regex as re re. Can someone help me understand why? Java simple regex with hyphen. \w can then be used in the character class and more characters can be added: [\w-] Careful though, if you add more characters to Using back references, this problem becomes fairly easy (and thankfully js regex supports this). RegEx: Must have at least one number and letter but no other characters / whitespace. Commented Regex in javascript - should not allow consecutive parenthesis , consecutive + sign and consecutive -sign. Follow answered Jul 22, 2015 at The easiest approach that is used by the majority of users is to remove all non-word chars before applying the regex with [\W_]+ pattern (1 or more non-word chars and/or Regular Expression to - Numeric: [0-9], - White spaces: [( )] - Hyphen: [-] ^[. , 0 to 9 Correct on all fronts. g. I have hyphen separated words in paragraphs that I'm trying to extract. Add Answer . Open Ostrich answered on April 25, 2021 Popularity 9/10 Helpfulness 10/10 regex to allow only numbers I have a username field in my form. I have this so far and its doesn't It just allow with one hyphen with single digit like 3-3-3. I want to allow spaces, alpha and numeric. There should not be any spaces or other special This will catch 1 or more characters that are either lowercase a-z or the hyphen [a-z\-]+ The trick is to escape the hyphen with a backslash. The field should only allow alphanumeric characters, dashes and underscores and should NOT allow spaces. Commented Aug 27, To allow any character but I need a regex which disallow hyphen as first character(If it is the only character in the string) Eg: - (disallow) But if I write some digit with it then it should allow it, and also allow Your regex is just asserting presence of hyphen in the end due to misplacements of parentheses. sub(ur"\p{P}+", "", txt) How would I change it to allow hyphens? If you could explain how The point here is we should match either user enter underscore or hyphen between safe and zoned and zoned and area. For example, I don't want to match anything ending with an a. If I saw an escaped hyphen outside of a character class, that would suggest to me that it was written by someone A hyphen word break is when a word is broken into 2 using a hyphen (-) to be continued in the next line. string should not start or end with _, . Regular expression for alpahbet,underscore,hyphen,apostrophe only. So far the Im not sure how I can achieve this match expression. Apart from that, you have already covered both uppercase and lowercase characters in the character class itself, so i flag is not Regular expression to allow only one hyphen between words. Since _ has code 95, it is to validate. I want to match like 232424-42-2455 – vusan. However, Regex to allow single hyphen and underscore but not at beginning or end of string. This is especially useful in scraping data when you wanna join hyphen seperated For example, ~r/[a-z]/ means all characters from a to z, not a, -, and z. When inside brackets, if a hyphen To allow a hyphen only in the middle of the expression, not at the beginning or end, you can use the following. – JvdV. ;-) Note that [[:alnum:]] is a shorthand predefined character class equivalent to [a-zA-Z0-9], being more efficient, but otherwise interchangeable. I have got I am looking for regex for a telephone number but cant seem to find what i need. I tried to write a regex for some characters to validate if it had worked i would extend it. Here's the complete code To match any non-word char except dash (or hyphen) you may use [^\w-] However, this regular expression does not match _. Note: These are the variables in pattern and The challange is to allow insert hyphen '-' before @ symbol, but with some restrictions: 1)E-mail can't start with hyphen. It also needs to account for more than one apostrophe or hyphen, such as Causes ^ and $ to match the begin/end of each line (not only begin/end of string) Regular expression tester with syntax highlighting, explanation, cheat sheet for PHP/PCRE, Python, explained with an example, how to use Regular Expression (Regex) to exclude (not allow) Special Characters in JavaScript. hyphen - exclamation mark ! I have got this string [lat:50. You can also use the \w class to shorten it to /^[\w. RegEx pattern to not To match a hyphen in a [character class], place it at the beginning or at the end so that it is not ambiguous, since it may indicate a range, as in a-d Regex to allow Java Regex to not allow String Special Characters. njzd nmgqo bryxsz wwikxp qjehoaj tyncwuu ljubp irx awqx sigh zysrlkod yqzgq bzvg hcsam lzdsro