Rural carrier transfers. promotions, transfers, benefits, and discipline.

Rural carrier transfers The Rural Carrier Contract This is what I call the rural carrier “Bible-Part 1″ It has all of the things in it that you NEED to know about your job. A Professional, Friendly Environment Postal Service employees can expect the following: A safe and secure working environment. c. Home situation has changed and is making the hour plus commute difficult. There is no transfer to another craft for a rural career employee; rural craft didn't sign the transfer MOU as they didn't want people transferring in, so no transfers out. I don’t have access to a right hand drive vehicle so I If that Carrier is willing to do that, there is no need to create a PTF position. Insurance claim form FEGLI transfers (within the district to which the employee is currently assigned or to an adjacent district) require an 18-month lock-in, while all other transfer requests require a 12-month lock-in. usps. 21. Only career carriers can transfer, though CCAs may arrange an informal transfer that technically involves resigning at their Regular rural carriers may only transfer via mutual exchange with another rural carrier, or taking an RCA vacancy at the desired office. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Therefore, it is prepared to explore reassignment (i. Regular rural carriers of different post offices may affect a mutual exchange of offices, provided all rural carriers and installation heads involved have signed the Mutual Exchange Request Form. , Postal Support Employee, City Carrier Assistant, Mail Handler Assistant, and Rural Carrier Associate). facebook. Group created on April 1, At Rural Route Transfers, we make ordering DTF transfers quick and hassle-free. There are however 2 exceptions, the first is not really another craft but Mgmt. 2025 AZRLCA constitution change (pdf) Download. History. C. Providing a written request for a voluntary transfer has Rural Carrier Duties and ResponsibilitiesTransmittal Letter Handbook PO-603 September 2013 Transmittal Letter A. Mgmt CAN cut a route if they choose to whether the Carrier volunteers or not. 37) may be recruited to fill temporary or noncareer positions, except positions that specifically require that selections be made competitively (e. gov, through the Postal Service intranet using a post of-fice computer or through the self-serve kiosks at some facilities. This can be a good The posting of both routes for regular rural carriers in each installation will occur within a reasonable time after completion of this form in accordance with Article 12 After two carriers do a mutual transfer and a carrier decides that the new office is not what he or she expected such as personality clash with new PM or co - RCAs who have completed their probationary period may request a transfer in accordance with Article 30. Posted on March 1, Formula Incentive for Carrier Records Keep for verification that a Tuesday-Friday was voluntary and not forced upon the carrier. R+L Carriers: A freight carrier you can count on. Ruralinfo; Updated: Dec 16, 2022; 0. Click Here The PO603 This is Part 2 of the rural carrier “Bible”. Rural Carrier Mutual Transfers. Transfers A. Carriers are not allowed to refuse to transfer a number because a fee or outstanding balance has not been paid. -- You'll have to resign as a rural carrier to go higher in USPS manglement - EAS ( Executive and Administrative Schedule ( or Staff ))-- The members of the NALC, APWU and NPMHU are all hourly and all their unions are associated with the AFL-CIO. RURAL CARRIERS MUTUAL TRANSFER EXCHANGE. 72 -- A Substitute rural carrier serving full time on a vacant route or filling in for an absent regular carrier -- The incentive is earning annual and sick leave while working the assigned route. Group two includes all other former employees who fully recover from their compensable disabilities in more than 1 year. The Post Office wants offices to be Formula so they would rather do that prior to or in conjunction with having to create a PTF in the Rural Craft. 15,005. Can they hold a carrier (me) hostage? Article 41 - Carrier Improperly Removed from Opting Assignment. Those members seem to be able to A place to post Mutual Transfers for USPS Rural Carriers. They may be made only in "emergency situations A place to post Mutual Transfers for USPS Rural Carriers. 546. Postal HANDBOOKS PO-603 Rural Carrier Duties and Responsibilities EL-902 National Agreement (NRLCA Magazine Contract edition ) RCAM-Rural Contract Administration Manual ELM issue 51-Employee Labor Manual F-21 Time and Attendance-Chapter 5, Rural Carrier Procedures Standard Training for Rural Letters Carriers-On the Job Training New Career Employee Mutual transfer from palm harbor fl to rochelle or close office in illinois: AmazingSunset: 0: 705: 26 January 2024 11:11. ) and only for an exchange of post offices. Hi, I have been a RCA for 4 years, currently I'm holding down on an AUX route. Outstanding Member of the Year Nomination Form Send completed form to the Executive Committee Chair. You never know what audience your desired transfer will be in ! Private. A new employee to the Postal Service, or an existing employee hired since August 7, 1991, who transfers into the rural carrier craft, is given a new appointment and placed into Step A in the rural carrier pay schedule (RSC R or B). A Clerk or Carrier is able to transfer into a carrier position in these crafts. A city carrier belonging to the NALC transfers to the mail handler craft, rural carrier craft, or one of the other crafts represented by the American Postal Workers Union, or 2. Nov 26, 2018 #2 Okay that is awesome news! gotstamps Well-known member. neciat Well-known member. This is a revision of Handbook PO-603, Rural Carrier Duties and Responsibilities. R+L Carriers freight shipping and logistics company. You cannot reassign between offices. 1 is what the RCA needs to look at. 36) and VRA eligibles (see 233. If rural, there's rare exceptions but as a general rule, the only Opportunity to bid on full-time rural carrier positions after completing 1 year of continuous service as an promotions, transfers, benefits, and discipline. This page along with others will help you find a mutual transfer. Only members can see who's in the group and what they post. Staff member. 110 General Information; 120 Structures and Staffing Your Stews were incorrect in the MOU interpretation. The language for granting leave to regular carriers and leave I've been employed as a city carrier for USPS since 2015, and I am seriously considering transferring to a different federal agency. Shes been career probably 20 years and plans on quitting to become a pse just to leave state. If the gaining office accepts the employee's request for transfer, the losing office MUST RELEASE the RCA. -- Also there is Step 4 ( P-115 ) in part: RCA Transfers: RCA's who have RCAs who have completed their probationary period may request a transfer in accordance with Article 30. 1 and Article 7. Group created on April 1, Suggestions for encouraging PMs to sign mutual transfer forms with qualified rural carrier wants to transfer to my current location. Besides just applying for a CCA job and going through the hiring process again, I was wondering if I could just transfer offices and crafts without just quitting the RCA job right before the start date of the CCA job if I get PTF trade off is higher pay and full benefits plus it moves you ahead of RCA’s to bid on a regular route. in economics in December 2014 (3. 2025 NRLCA Constitution Blank (pdf) Download. Carrier National Rural Letter Vol. Claim form for Death Benefits FERS employee. After three years, the rate at which a career employee increases. However, a regular Rural Carrier would have to start at an entry level position in the Clerk or Carrier Craft. I think Rural Carrier Mutual Transfers. This carrier is telling me that she can only do a mutual swap. Visible. 2 CGPA) and would finally like to put my degree to use. Reactions: 006, RDruckus, MarkBD and 2 others. A regular rural carrier on the relief day work list will be bypassed in the rotation if the carrier has transfer, the losing office must release the RCA. There are only 2 ways for a regular to move out of the rural craft. to use this page, post your office location, your USPS "Mutual Swap" Transfer Group - "Regular rural carriers of different post offices may affect a mutual transfer, provided ALL rural carriers and installation heads involved have signed the Mutual Exchange Request Form. If there are Carrier National Rural Letter Vol. Archived post. If a regular carrier is asking for the same days who has priority? 105. Postal Support Employees (PSEs), City Carrier Assistants (CCAs), Mail Handler Assistants (MHAs), Casual Mail Handlers, Rural Carrier Reliefs Rural Carrier Mutual Transfers. E, the sixth and final COLA adjustment of the 2021-2024 National Agreement will result in the Regular Carrier on it is not in the office. Such a policy would violate HBK EL-312, Employment and Placement. PS -- Search for "RCA transfer" in RI's KNOWLEDGEBASE section for a better form. I don’t believe it but perhaps Mgmt. Replies 21 Make sure you know what fees apply. Article 41 - Carrier Not Allowed to Opt / Hold Down. Dec 31, 2020 #7 Rural Carrier Discussion So after looking around for a year or so, I finally have two folks who are willing to complete a 3-way transfer with me. 6a Special Contract Edition 2022 NATIONAL AGREEMENT between the United States Postal Service and the National Rural Letter 512 Annual Leave 512. If multiple routes become vacant at once, the PTF should bid (should always bid just in case) for all routes, but the PTF must be placed into the first available residual vacancy after the regulars bids are accounted for. Questions can be asked and a best answer can be chosen. Topic Topic Starter Replies Views Last Post; Tulsa OK to Sugar Land TX: Jennifer Kealoha: 0: 246 If all regular routes all have Carriers and there is An RCA working an AUX route that only leaves the two RCA's the guarantee of working 1 day every other week, I'm confused as to why it matters which route you are assigned to, and why you would want to transfer! On December 4, 2003, the National Association of Letter Carriers, and National Rural Letter Carriers’ Association signed a reciprocal agreement in which: Each of the four postal unions agrees that whenever one of its members transfers either voluntarily or involuntarily to a position within the bargaining unit of one of the other Regular rural carriers can NOT transfer to any other crafts. 6a Special Contract Edition 2022 NATIONAL AGREEMENT between the United States Postal Service and the National Rural Letter Rural Carrier Associate January 2021 : Join Our Team! Rural Carrier Associate. g. It states: Section 6. State _ Zip Code _ The signatures on this form signify the understanding of each individual that each regular carrier involved intends to be reassigned and work at the other carrier's office. Every single craft has an ability to transfer except rural carriers. However, RURAL LETTER CARRIERS are NOT included. I need to get closer to Anderson, Indiana area. 23 ratings. I actually enjoyed being a rural carrier for 6 years (rca for 2 1/2 prior to full time) however the postmaster bullied me out because he favored an rca that he wanted to hire before that rca decided to transfer to another office for a full time position. Example: If the Carrier on Route 2 goes on Opportunity to bid on full-time rural carrier positions after completing 1 year of continuous service as an promotions, transfers, benefits, and discipline. LTL Service; Custom Solutions; T H RURAL CARRIER SUBSTITUTE 0 0 HOURS/HUNDREDTHS HOURS/HUNDREDTHS T U START OF AlP 1932. NRLCA – Updates on Reported Attempts to Dismantle and Privatize the Postal Service Ruralinfo; Feb 28, 2025; 2. Group created on April 1, a. You’re SOL. Love this office and city. Moving on. Moderators can also close the question to more replies if we feel the question has been adequately answered. Search '12. R+L Carriers is your trusted partner for LTL shipping for over 60 years. Rural Carrier Request For Action NAME DATE: POSTMASTER/SUPERVISOR NOTIFIED: _____ THIS FORM IS TO OFFICIALLY REQUEST THE FOLLOWING ACTION (S): 1) This is to request an official RCA transfer from the _____ post office to the_____post office to united states postal rural carriers looking to transfer to another post office can post on this site. 00 612. Reassignment No Longer Desired The document is a formal request form for a Rural Carrier Associate (RCA) transfer between post offices to fill a leave replacement vacancy, in accordance with the national agreement between the NRLCA and USPS. net Knowledgebase . How to Use the Summary of Changes; 1 Organizational Structures. Transmittal Letter Summary of Changes. He took the test and beat out all other candidates, but since he was a rural carrier, they weren't permitted to offer him the job. MOU Re: Additional Resources – Holiday Carrier Assistant – This MOU contained in the 2019-2023 A PTF rural carrier? If clerk or city carrier, after 18 months you can put in an ereassign request for an office within your district or neighboring district; 12 months for going any further away. Representing rural postal workers in the U. Rural Carrier Duties and ResponsibilitiesTransmittal Letter Handbook PO-603 September 2013 Transmittal Letter A. The Employer may schedule a leave replacement from another office before selecting a regular rural carrier not on the relief day work list to work in accordance with Article 8. Career letter carriers cannot voluntarily transfer to the rural craft, so this craft will not be displayed in the search. On off-days, you could "camp out" on other post offices' loading docks and chat with rural carriers. 3 %âãÏÓ 261 0 obj /Linearized 1 /O 263 /H [ 2268 335 ] /L 306331 /E 62057 /N 4 /T 300992 >> endobj xref 261 93 0000000016 00000 n 0000002211 00000 n 0000002603 00000 n 0000002877 00000 n 0000003463 00000 n 0000003485 00000 n 0000004239 00000 n 0000004261 00000 n 0000005115 00000 n 0000005387 00000 n 0000006486 00000 n -- RI has a spot for Transfers at the top of the page. This handbook is available on the Postal Service™ intranet as. 44 reviews. If you transfer to a different installation, your seniority resets. It is to be used only for reassignment requests from one postal installation to another. Annual Leave: Career letter carriers earn annual leave based on Discuss letter carrier topics here. Fairness in personnel-related matters. -- When no longer in a leave earning status, the RCA will be paid annual leave in a lump sum while sick leave stays on the "books" for 3 years although it may not show up on pay stubs. b. Sep 1, 2021 #4 In addition to BTDTRET'S info , you can also look into a mutual swap with someone in the area in which you need to be. Rural Carrier Transfers; USPS; Contact; Rural Mail Carrier Strobe Light. Lexington KY to Northwest Arkansas! From MD to GA nice route. You must be willing to work weekends and some holidays and be available for on-call employment. Unlike other crafts I've read that you need a mutual swap between rural offices. A place to post Mutual Transfers for USPS Rural Carriers. You can work other offices, I use to call offices and talk to postmasters simply introduce yourself give them your number and tell them you need work. The MOU requires the conversion of our PSEs based on the transfer ratios of 1:4 and 1:6, depending of the size of the office. found a way to move a limited duty carrier to custodian. 132 Rights and Benefits Substitute rural carriers (designation/activity codes 720 and 730) may be given a dual appointment to a career part-time position or noncareer position. ) Rural letter carriers are highly respected by the American public. 10,000,000+ 303. Contents. In each instance, continuous service shall be considered before non-continuous service. Many post. Arizona Rural Letter Carriers Association RCA-transfer-request-2 (pdf) Download. . Now with that said I have heard the same thing about a regular rural moved to custodian. Would you like challenging and rewarding work with the United States Postal Service? Rural Carrier Associate Facts; Employment Requirements; Summary of Benefits; How to If so, could I just persuade the RCA (who does not want a PTF position created either) to transfer to the senior carriers route? TIA! C. DocHub Reviews. ransfers within the letter carrier craft are governed by four contractual provisions: Article 12 of the National Agreement, the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) Re: Transfers, the MOU Re: Full-time Regular Opportunities – City Letter Carrier Craft, and the MOU Re: Reassignment Opportunities (M-01947 in the NALC Materials Reference System). Rural Carrier Transfers Mutual transfer request form | Ruralinfo. Reassignment ( Transfer ) to Another Office. An application in eReassign is a request to transfer from one installation to another installation. Union Sign Up 1187 (pdf) Download. Rural carriers cannot transfer to clerk positions. Online Availability. Even if a City Carrier could transfer over to a Regular Carrier position, it would still be a step DOWN in pay. When there is a need to work leave replacements on Sunday, the Employer may require a part-time flexible rural carrier work prior to selecting qualified employees from the list. Article 15 - Non-Compliance - M-01827 - CCA Temporary Loan. ARC's will be bargaining unit employees with limited contractual benefits. The only exception pertains to the rural letter carrier craft. net Knowledgebase Some info in the contract. B. Ruralinfo Administrator. Rural union didn’t sign with the other unions to allow it. If there aren't PTFs there, you could theoretically transfer in as the junior FTR ahead of the CCAs. Monday at 4:22 PM. About this group. 5. clthomp84 New member. Can assistant rural carriers transfer to other post office locations? Yes, after gaining some seniority, ARCs are able to request a transfer to another post office location when there are openings. Right now don't really see myself become regular in the near future, I'm thinking about transfer to be a clerk. The Memorandum of Understanding Re: Full-time Regular Opportuni-ties—City Letter Carrier Craft allows PTFs to transfer without being Rural Carrier Mutual Transfers. I'm not sure if that excludes them from going to another craft or not. Most larger offices are supposed to take 1 transfer for every 4 conversions. 1. Our own Carriers don’t necessarily get paid the same when on the same Step #. 100,000 A place to post Mutual Transfers for USPS Rural Carriers. Transfer Tips. A place to post Mutual Transfers for USPS Career rural employees can apply for positions on eReassign, or you can voluntarily drop to RCA to do a Wilson letter transfer to the facility of your choice that has a route without a relief The NRLCA has refused to sign the Transfer MOU since it was written in the 1970s. A. 3. The final status that you hope to see is “accepted”; you will then receive a letter detailing your transfer. Any advice is welcome. The way it reads: "The vacancy shall be awarded to the substitute applicant having accrued the longest period of continuous service as a substitute rural carrier AND auxiliary rural carrier in that office" carriers will continue to earn annual leave at the same rate as they did as a CCA for the first three years as a career em-ployee. Claim form for Death Benefits CSRS employee. position if desired. 11 Policy - Transfers are annoying. -- The national magazine used to have transfers listed in the back. There is no language in either of our contracts for you to transfer to the rural carrier side, TOP STORIES: Trump Expected to Take Control of USPS, Fire Governors, Move Agency to Commerce Department 2. 1 General 512. The PM even told me he would make my life hell if I didn’t retire. There is rebidding after As an RCA, you will replace a regular rural carrier on his or her scheduled day off (primarily Saturday), on vacation, or on other leave. Article 19 - CCA Loaned - I’m a 9 year regular in Zionsville, Indiana. net Knowledgebase or Documents | Ruralinfo. I’ve found the Mutual Exchange Request Form, but what are the steps after getting all of the signatures (us 3 But the bidding process by seniority goes: Regulars, then PTF, then AUX+RCA carriers, and finally RCA. . It will give you the choice to accept or deny the transfer. First one is driver trainer or driver training, rural regulars may apply for this position if it is available in their area and comes open. Click to expand Only members can see who's in the group and what they post. Why does the Rural carrier craft only have Mutual transfers ? Is there absolutely no way to transfer to all these massively understaffed vacant offices in 99. Ruralinfo. I have a few questions regarding the transfer process. 512. Private. 5' in the 2015-2018 contact. a Help me out here please. If a junior carrier puts in a vacation request, and 3 days later a more senior carrier puts in a request for the same days, which request would have priority? 104. Rural Carrier B : Name _ Route Number _ Post Office _ City . UPDATE: As of Saturday April 22, 2023 Looking to Include City Carriers & Clerks to this Site Any Objections anyone "Yay or Nay"? Your Opinions Matters! Have Lovely Day wherever y'all located A transfer request is active for one year unless reached earlier. I know of offices that the supervisors look for reasons to get rid of subs so they can force the office into Formula. If you are retired, self-employed, an at-home parent, an educator, night student, or are employed on an evening shift schedule, this Looking for a career change in an industry that’s challenging yet rewarding? Then you may be a good fit for our Rural Carrier Associate or City Carrier Assoc letter carriers when applying the provisions of Article 7. Article 41 Article 15 - CCA Assigned to Rural Work. (1) Length of service as a substitute rural car-rier; pg. 2015-2018-National-Agreement | Ruralinfo. They need only to be in the 47-48k range. We have 5 but now losing one because of route cuts. As a Postal Service ™ Rural Carrier Associate (RCA), you will have a continuous, part-time job with a reliable employer. The search function will not show the vacancies in the instal-lation, just the crafts in the office. , a lateral transfer or downgrade) as a potential reasonable accommodation. My other postal vehicles have included the May 2024 iii. Any Route that has no assigned Regular for Five (5) or more days is eligible for an Opt/Hold Down. Group created on April 1, As a career carrier you can transfer into the clerk craft and I believe mail handler and still maintain your career status as long as there is a career position available for you to transfer into of course. PTFs cannot transfer at all. What the MOU does do is require mgmt to cut a route if the Carrier requests it -- Aside from the 204b position, you are stuck as a rural carrier. 62 Rural Letter Carrier Employees. City, Rural, & Clerks have different Pay Schedules, Pay $$ amount, along with the way their schedules work. 1 Introduction to Reasonable Accommodation . Or on bulletin boards of local grocery or other stores. S. When a carrier transfers out of an office, the route becomes vacant and goes up for bids. make sure u put where to are from and where u would like to transfer to and a little bit about your post office,there are some cases where the The purpose of this page is for rural craft employees of the USPS to collaborate to locate mutual transfers for those wanting to relocate. Neither rural carrier intends to retire, resign or leave the rural carrier craft in lieu of Rural letter carrier transfer/or swaps. The first person was denied and the next two were ignored. One of the best investments you can make as a rural mail carrier is to get an emergency warning or flashing strobe light to place on your vehicle. Submit a written request to the PM of the desired post office and if accepted, your current office has to let you go -- within 30 days. Regular rural carriers may only transfer hojo -- Article 30. To get to another post office, you'd have to Voluntary Transfers An Overview of Issues Associated with Requests for Voluntary Transfers To Another Postal Installation SPECIAL ISSUE Issue 08-03 May/June 2008. -- In reality, consider a mutual transfer an office swap instead of swapping routes. F. For postal police officers, reassignment is a permanent transfer to another work facility. " - It could be read, as one posting noted, being hard to get ALL the rural carriers involved in an office to sign off on the transfer. Technically, they COULD apply for the job, but they would have to resign as a carrier first, correct? </blockquote> Totally NOT do-able! Like BRS65 said it's a different craft and rurals can NOT transfer into the other crafts just as members of the other crafts are NOT able to transfer into the rural craft. e. One can not transfer into a career rural position, nor can they transfer out. ARC's may only perform Saturday, Sunday, and holiday duties and will be paid on an hourly basis using the rate of pay in Table Four, the same rate as RCA's hired on or after 11 AUG 2012. Switching from a rural carrier to a city carrier I've looked at the pros and cons of both jobs and spoken with city carriers about their perspectives on the city side. Thanks! Except for emergencies, annual leave for all employees except postmasters must be requested on PS Form 3971 and approved in advance by the appropriate supervisor. It’s merely intended to provide you with an honest look into what it means to be a rural mail carrier in today’s world. 2025 Resolution Form (pdf) Rural carriers can not transfer into any other craft. The following mutual exchanges are not permitted: Between regular rural letter carrier employees in the same Post Office. Whether you are new to the rural carrier craft or a seasoned veteran rural mail carrier, I hope to share some advice, tips, suggestions and job-related products that I Assuming your a career city carrier with at least 12-18 months served (CCA times doesn't count), you can submit transfers to other installations across the country. ” The other eligible craft employees are not permitted to apply through regular system, eReassign, or the carrier can enter the request directly into eReassign through liteblue. Services include LTL, Truckload, Logistics, Warehousing and more. Regular rural carriers may act as 204B and work their way into a Mgmt. -- Try this unofficial / office form. The transfer will be effective within 30 days of the, notification to the losing office. 121, No. PostalMag. The current contract requires to post the Clerk Craft residuals in eReassign based on the language and steps of the MOU. 22 / 12. You must pass probation (90 days) before you can bid, 3. READ IT, LEARN IT, KNOW IT!! Click Here The ELM -- Mutual Transfers are between regular rural carriers ( Article 12. ( to me anyways -- that is not the same as manglement can order an RCA to work at another office ). 2. -- Make a poster and put it in the lobby of post offices in your area. President Donald Trump is preparing to dissolve the leadership of the U. You can increase your chances of finding the right person in the right area to arrange a mutual transfer with by following these steps: – Obtain the addresses of local postal facilities in the area(s) you wish to 351. Since Article 7 is being amended to include all career city letter carriers, this language is no longer necessary. 50 A R CURRENT A/P L S END OF A/P 7 Daily Completion of PS Form 4240 ~Lines 1 -31 (continued) ~Line 26 Delivery Data -Use of Edit Book ~Line 27 Recording of time by rural carrier - hrs and An office-wide list will be established for substitutes, rural carrier associates, and rural carrier relief employees who desire to work on Sunday. Topic Topic Starter Replies Views Last Post; How to post a mutual transfer ad: SPOT: 19: 65578 Of course it doesn’t transfer the pay scale. Tennessee to East Coast: BBeck: 0: 1921: 09 Postal Forums Rural Carriers Discussion Forum. The Rural Carrier Craft is excluded from this opportunity based on the “Bridge MOU. Log into Facebook Log into Facebook to start sharing and connecting with your friends, family, and people you know. N. Page 2 May/June 2008 The CBR is published by the Industrial Rela-tions Department of Hiring Into the Rural Carrier Craft. 00 star(s) Resource '2021 - 2024 National Contract' 2021 - 2024 National Contract Ruralinfo; Updated: Dec 16, 2022; the installation. Reasons can include, but are not limited to, Sick Leave, Annual Leave, a Vacant Route, etc. Request for Change in Craft eReassign is not to be used for requests to change crafts within an installation. The following definitions apply for the purposes of 510:. The establishment of a part-time flexible rural carrier assignment is at the discretion of the Employer. Self-promotion, spam and irrelevant links aren't allowed. Leave year — the year beginning with the first day of the first complete pay period in a calendar year and ending on the day before the first day of the first Disabled veterans who are 30 percent or more disabled (see 233. The letter will also PS -- If you are not happy with the conditions at your current post office, once you have completed your probationary period, you can request a transfer to another post office. 1. The Postal Service has determined that it cannot accommodate you in your current position. Now that RCAʼS are going to get leave. 2nd email: I know several full-time career rural carriers who in recent years became full-time career clerks due to on-the-job injuries and one RCA that switched from rural carrier to PTF city carrier. The mutual exchange of regular rural letter carrier employees of different Post Offices is permitted in accordance with the applicable provisions of the USPS–NRLCA National Agreement. 2025 - Reuters reports: "U. 11 Purpose. com Upvote 0 Downvote. The transfer will be effective within 30 days of the notification to the losing office. A non-city letter carrier craft employee who is a member of one of the other three postal unions transfers into the city carrier craft. Rural Carriers are not part of the Transfer MOU and cannot apply for transfer to other crafts. Group created on April 1, Pursuant to the release of the January 2024 Consumer Price Index – Urban Wage and Clerical Workers (CPI-W), and in accordance with Article 9. (For mutual transfers please use the Mutual Transfer Ads for Letter Carriers in the above forum. If the gaining office accepts the employee's request for transfer, the losing office - "Regular rural carriers of different post offices may affect a mutual transfer, provided ALL rural carriers and installation heads involved have signed the Mutual Exchange Check out our new Rural Carrier Calendar. Why cant they transfer. Give more than you take to this group. PTF is thinking it's a do-able thing. You’re a rural carrier. Demotion — the permanent assignment due to unsatisfactory performance of an employee (a) eReassign. Work hours will vary depending on the office and route to which you are assigned. Anyone can find this group. The USPS provides guidelines and policies for rural delivery, including mailbox placement, road conditions, and customer responsibilities. B. - Takes forever to make regular. You cannot be moved into another craft through a transfer pending qualification. This handbook is available on the Postal Service™ intranet as For the same reason that the other crafts can NOT transfer into the rural craft. -- From a Step 4: RCA Transfers -- in part: The transfer will be effective within 30 days of the notification to the losing office. Rural Carrier Discussion Hello, I'm an RCA in a office that has PTF positions. Right now, all question posts will be moderated before posting. Choose from one of our many Ready to ship Gang Sheets packed with our best selling designs or use our Custom Gang Sheet Builder to upload your designs Magsmypug -- [ RCA Transfer ]-- Read Article 30. Rural aren’t allowed to transfer/ereassign to other crafts. 2025 Western States Registration Form (pdf) Download. So cross-craft assignments to and from the rural carrier craft may not be made under Article 7. They must be considered before other sources of recruitment, such as transfers from other agencies, reinstatements, or appointments from hiring registers. 12 Definitions. Revisions are made to part 535, Mail Count Forms. It had the split bench seat and served me well for my first few years on the route as an RCA (Rural Carrier Associate). I graduated college with a B. This rural carrier rescued a customer injured on the grounds of a vacant assisted living facility Ruralinfo; Monday at 4:22 PM; Replies 0 Views 56. Annual leave is provided to employees for rest, recreation, and personal and emergency purposes. Something needs to change. Once the form is signed, the mutual exchange will be considered final and binding and can only be cancelled if all parties agree. 6. Group created on April 1, Rural Carrier Mutual Transfers. However, it’s not really instantly clear how you can make it professional-looking and legally binding at My very first rural mail carrier vehicle was a 1992 Oldsmobile Cutlass Ciera. But don't know what is the process. Any crafts covered by the NALC, APWU, or NPMHU you are eligible for. com. Regular Rural Carriers do have the right to transfer to another craft and receive preference over people off the street when doing so. More Eagle Empire Websites: Kauai Dodgeball %PDF-1. The new arrival will get whatever residual route is remaining from the bidding process. If there are PTFs in the installation your trying to transfer to, they will get the FTR route and you would transfer in as the junior PTF. (See end of this post) Mutual exchange keeps steps, but this is swapping offices, not routes. Rural Carrier Request For Action NAME DATE: POSTMASTER/SUPERVISOR NOTIFIED: _____ THIS FORM IS TO OFFICIALLY REQUEST THE FOLLOWING ACTION (S): 1) This is to request an official RCA transfer from the _____ post office to the_____post office to Rural Carrier transfer . Explanation. It has very easy to understand language on the guidelines of job. Group created on April 1, Rural carrier in my office applied for a better job, and one more in line with his education, at the plant. Contact Your New Carrier -- Do Not Cancel Existing Service! Your preferred new carrier will handle all the details, and they have every incentive to make this process as easy as possible. NRLCA never signed the transfer MOU letting other crafts become rural carriers, so there's no transfers accepted from the rural craft to other crafts When the “longest period of service” becomes a factor for substitute rural carriers, a tie shall be broken by applying the following factors. At one point the NRLCA would not allow cross craft transfers, meaning if you were a rural carrier you could not be a clerk or rural carrier could not be a custodian. But if so, that is AWFUL. In the rural carrier craft, compensation is dependant upon the evaluated route hours or length of the assigned route. Join group. The Finest in LTL Services. process used when letter carriers wish to voluntarily transfer from one installation to another. The only thing you can do is go into management. www. Rural carriers can NOT transfer into the other crafts, same as other crafts can NOT transfer into the rural craft. Why voluntary transfers to other crafts would be prohibited is beyond me. I've been at a rural office (as a custodian) for 2 years. Keep track of important dates in the rural carrier world Texas Carriers, where are you looking to go? NH to NC or more south east coast or TX, AZ. on any portion, the transfer cannot be finalized. Installation heads will consider requests for transfers submitted by employees from other installations. Is district correct that I as a rural carrier can still switch crafts after a year of being a career employee? First massive clue is that it's 18 months for those crafts other than rural who do allow transfers to make a transfer within district or neighboring district, 1 year for Going from a regular rural route to a regular rural route would advance your career by a margin of not at all And yes, transferring to a higher pay route can help quite a bit when you consider the pension since a regular's pension is based on their 3 best years as far as base salary. He does have that What makes the rural carrier mutual transfers legally valid? Filling out the railway profor fill electronically is a fairly straightforward process. oi veh. Leave requests from rural carriers must be approved in accordance with Article 10 of the USPS–NRLCA National Agreement. NV, NM. Assistant Rural Carrier ( ARC ) is not really a sub. zzyc ecpleq udm uobdc ehn zqci emcmf qjal dkblix eogtql pve hclpl pzkzu abzr ckok