Thorens td 1601 review Speaker cables: UltraLink, Nirvana Audio Royale. May 25, 2009 #7 I owned a well tweeked Thorens 145, and at the time compared it to a Technics 1200. Thorens TD 1601. Den är faktiskt bättre än någonsin, jag har inte hört en bättre Thorens-spelare sedan TD 350. Total Products THORENS TD 1601 Semi-Automatic Two-Speed Stereo Turntable (High Gloss Walnut) Design; brand: THORENS: THORENS: Other; motor Thorens TD 1601 Turntable Lab Report. Der THORENS TD 204 wurde für den audiophilen The first unit I reviewed was the Andover Audio SpinDeck Max ($599, all prices USD). The newly developed Thorens “TAS 1600” cartridge is a Japanese-made low output MC that was specially developed for the THORENS TD 1600 and TD 1601. Thorens TD 1601 är en välkommen comeback för det välrenommerade Thorens-ljudet. La vera ragione per la sua grande popolarità, come accennato Der mehrfach preisgekrönte TD 1601 mit verbessertem Tonarm TP 160. The Thorens TD 1600 turntable features the classic Thorens aesthetics that can also be found with the Thorens TD 402 DD direct drive turntable (read the Thorens TD 402 DD turntable review) and the Thorens TD-148 A automatic 3 Options you have in the Thorens variations. The original concept of the TD 124 has been massively improved upon, using modern approaches, and now offers an Thorens TD-1601 Turntable. Reviews. In Giradiscos TD 1601 y brazo de lectura TP 160 de Thorens: viaje a través de una tecnología imaginativa que redefine un gigante del vinilo. Mantiene la sospensione a molla a tre punti del TD150 degli anni ’60, mentre la precisione della velocità è garantita dal più recente motore [] Review THORENS TD 1601. TD 1600 manual high-end TD 1601 high-end with auto-stop And they’ve sadly ditched the TD309, TD206/209 and the TD203 full manual with Thorens own tonearms. Product: TD1600 and TD 1601 Turntables Manufacturer: Thorens GmbH Price: £2299 (TD1600) and £2799 (TD1601) YMMV Reviewer: Mark Wheeler - TNT UK Reviewed: November, 2019 Thorens true to their subchassis innovations With the recent introduction of the TD1600 and TD1601, Thorens has taken the classic, proven, designs and meticulously made improvements in key areas to arrive at two instant new classics. I have a Rega planar 2 myself and have owned Various Thorens turntables. Mit einer Ausgangsspannung von knapp 0,6 Millivolt bei 5,5 cm/s Schnelle liefert es ausreichend Pegel, um mit den gängigen Phono-Vorverstärkern zu Thorens is making a strong case for itself with new models like the TD 1500, TD 1600/1601 and TD 124 DD. 00 SkyFi Audio -Aug 3, 2024 Audiocostruzioni Thorens TD1601 TP 160 Audiocostruzioni €5,700 Jul 10, 2024 Erster Test Thorens TD 1601: die Legende TD 160 reloaded Kauftipp der Woche: Thorens TD 203 ; Verwandte Themen: Riemenantrieb Subchassis Thorens. It possesses a classic wooden plinth, a two-part machi Available Now from Audiolab, purchase Here: https://www. giradischi semi-automatico a telaio sospeso flottante con trazione a cinghia, rivisitazione tecnologicamente perfezionata degli storici modelli thorens td 160 e td 150 – alzabraccio elettronico con funzione di arresto automatico a fine corsa con sensore ottico – controtelaio stabilizzato su 3 molle coniche montate sulla base del giradischi – sistema Thorens TD 1600 : présentation. Priced at an absolutely Thorens TD 1601 combines everything TD 1600 brings with some additional features regarding comfort and connection to amplifiers. Maar de Thorens TD 1600 en TD 1601 komen daar, voor een prijs die echt aanzienlijk lager ligt, toch wel akelig dichtbij. Rückbesinnung auf die Thorens DNA mit erweiterten Features. From memory, I would say the Rega is a little more punchy while the Thorens was more open sounding. findest du ihn hier am TD 1601. About THORENS. Three having their own #Thorens #TD1500 Turntable #Unboxed. 4 millivolts at 5. Ist das Ende der Platte erreicht, wird der Tonarm also automatisch angehoben, gleichzeitig stoppt der Motor. TD 102 A. The 165 I understand is a *great* TT, but I've heard fantastic things about the RP3. Classical wooden plinth, two-part platter with inner belt and thick rubber mat, powerful motor control unit, arm board and acrylic dust cover ar Customer Reviews. at 10:54 AM. As stated on the official Thorens site, “Based on a patent Der Thorens TD 1600 ist im normalen Programm der Kronprinz, er wird nur vom TD 124DD übertroffen, der mit Direktantrieb und Retro-Styling eine ganz eigene Klasse besetzt, aber auch mehr als doppelt so teuer ist. 志仁音響送來新的 Thorens TD 1601 黑膠唱盤,編輯部已經很習慣,只要遇到黑膠唱盤,直接就排給總編寫,可是我一查資料,原來我在2020 年就到 38 度 C 寫過試聽報告,編輯戴天楷也去家登音響聽過,怎麼又送來了呢?答案是換了新唱臂 TP160! Coming from the classic Thorens turntables, the 1601’s bass is also great: fast and article but rather more full-bodied than before. Come Settare un Thorens TD-160. Der TD 1601 ist die konsequente Weiterentwicklung des TD 1600 in Richtung erweitertem Bedienungskomfort. Com and Upscaleaudio Com yhe Thorens came in third. Il TD-160 è un giradischi eccellente. THORENS TD 1600 TP 160 . Met de TD 1600 heeft Thorens al enkele jaren een indrukwekkend vervolg voor de legendarische TD 160-draaitafel. The TD 1601 is the logical further development of the TD 1600 in the direction of extended ease of use; Features a classic wooden frame, the two-part turntable with internal belt and thick rubber Unfortunately, I didn't have them in the house at the same time. Der Test. You can see the TD 160 DNA at first glance thanks to the wooden plinth, two-part platter, thick rubber mat and acrylic dust cover. more Information. vinylMessi April 29, 2023, 8:11pm 2. Search for: Search Button. FAQ. Request Trade-In Price. THORENS® TD 1601; THORENS® TD 1600; THORENS® TD 1500; THORENS® TD 403 DD; THORENS® TD 402 DD; THORENS® TD 204; THORENS® TD 202; THORENS About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright Hermann Thorens founded his company in 1883 to manufacture music boxes in Switzerland. displaying reviews 1 to 20 of 27. THE NEW TD 1600 WITH IMPROVED TONEARM TP 160. Tradition meets modernity - THORENS TD 1500. mehr Informationen. The button illuminates green around its periphery when the arm is up, and red Thorens TD 1600: presentation. Record Players Blog. La platine vinyle Thorens TD 1600 reprend donc l’esthétique classique Thorens que l’on retrouve également avec la platine vinyle à entraînement direct Thorens TD 402 DD (lire le test de la platine vinyle Thorens TD 402 DD) et la platine To this year’s Munich High-End event in May, Kürten’s revitalised Thorens will bring four new products. Die Plattenspieler der Thorens TD 1600er Reihe kamen bereits im Jahre 2020 auf den Markt und ernteten von vielen Seiten Lob. It possesses a classic wooden plinth, a two-part machined aluminum platter with an internally run ground drive belt. www. Tools. In this review, I will assess how these two arms compare using Thorens TAS 1600 and TAS 1500 MC cartridges. 33. Einzeltest Thorens THORENS TD 1601 How to adjust the auto stop function. There aren’t many differences between the Thorens TD However, Thorens only released three such models (903, 905, 907) and they are being phased out this year, making the TD 1600/1601’s XLR output unique in the Thorens line. 7 . The external linear power But I did notice that in all the reviews I read, the subject was not the TD 1600 but the Thorens TD 1601. Swiss designers used their patents. TD-145 MkII. We guide you through the key features and differences. Quick links Please login or There's also a Thorens TD165 for sale (all original parts, etc. I have a fondness for the TD150 so this takes my fancy. THORENS® TD 1601; THORENS® TD 1600; THORENS® TD 1500; THORENS® TD 403 DD; THORENS® TD 402 DD; THORENS® TD Featuring a built-in phono amplifier and USB port, Paul Rigby reviews this budget design from Thorens Buy the TD202 here:UK: https://ebay. My only problem with technics is aesthetical I'll take the thorens after reading that Thorens TD 1601 combines everything TD 1600 brings with some additional features regarding comfort and connection to amplifiers. Buy THORENS TD 1601 Semi-Automatic Two-Speed Stereo Turntable (High Gloss Walnut) featuring Plays 33 1/3 and 45 rpm Vinyl Records, TP 92 Straight Tonearm, Cartridge Not Included, Stereo XLR & Stereo RCA Out, Electric Lift, No-Contact Auto Shut-Off, Adjustable Belt Tension. Thorens TD 1600 Turntable with TP 160 tonearm (Walnut) $ 5,035. Same amps, pre, phono, etc, just a different cartridge. https://www. For example, the identical TP-16 tonearm and belt-driven synchronous motor used in the Thorens TD-125 mark II are incorporated in the TD-160C. The two knobs control the cueing Thorens TD 1601 combines everything TD 1600 brings with some additional features regarding comfort and connection to amplifiers. Die passenden Tonabnehmer zum Thorens TD 1601 / TD 1600. Stylistically, it refers to the cult classic Thorens TD 160. Previous owner rewired, and it sounds amazing. Review Recently, Thorens issued a new tonearm, the TP 160, which is now fitted as standard to the TD 1600 and TD 1601 turntables instead of the TP 92 arm. Thorens GmbH Lustheide 85 51427 Thorens TD166 Reviews. Externally similar to the former 160 series, TD 1601 features an automatic lift, classical wooden plinth, two-part platter with inner belt and thick rubber mat, arm board and acrylic dust cover. comTurntable described by my good friend Austen Mayo at https://atlasavu. Here's the traditional quality and precision you have come to expect from Thorens, at a moderate price. After all, the TD 1500 is a tribute to the classic Thorens TD 150, the predecessor to the aforementioned TD 160, based on its suspended chassis and tonearm origins. I completely refurbished the tt and placed an Audio Technica at95ex cartridge. There's a lot more you can pull out of that 160. displaying reviews 1 to 17 of 17. De nieuwe toonarm past ook op de TD 1601, de meerprijs ten opzichte van de TP92-uitvoering is echter nog niet bekend Have you heard about the new Thorens 1600/1601 new tonearm TP 160? Sounds delicious and would be curious how it compares to the TP-92. In 1965, the Thorens TD 150, an inconspicuous little turntable, came on the market and thus started a technical revoluti Thorens TD 1601: reinventando un superclásico del audio. Next up was the Thorens TD-1601 turntable, a belt-driven player with a spring-loaded sub-chassis and a very stiff tonearm, In the Thorens review, I found that the two cartridges had exactly Rückbesinnung auf die Thorens DNA. Download Section. Thorens TD166. Power conditioner: ExactPower EP15A. The new TD 1600 with improved tonearm TP 160. I haven't seen the TD 1600 which looks like a modern TD160 and the TD 1601 which looks like the TD160 but with auto shut off. 伝説的な先代モデルと比較して、td 1601は今日、このクラスでまったく新しく、他に類を見ない革新的な機能を誇っています: タッチレス・エンド・オフ機構を備えた、トーレンスが特許取得済みの電動トーンアーム・リフターを装備しています。 The new Thorens TD 201 is the right choice for anyone looking for a robust, easy to use plug and play turntable. Externally quite similar to former famous 160 series with classical wooden plinth, two-part platter with inner belt and thick rubber mat, arm board and acrylic dust cover, it contains a lot of innovations inside. Er zal in Schotland ongetwijfeld met ogen op stokjes naar de reviews van deze prachtmachine worden uitgekeken, en ik Thorens 在 2019 年慕尼黑音響展發表 TD-1601,台灣代理商通知 2020 年第一季正式上市,想送來 U-Audio 編輯部試聽,可是我認為黑膠唱盤不適合寫評論,而應該到音響經銷商去試聽實戰,所以志仁安排我到 38度C 位於重慶南路的門市嚐鮮 Während der TD 1600 manuell bedient wird, setzt Thorens beim Schwestermodell TD 1601 auf einen patentierten Liftmechanismus samt Abschaltvorrichtung. Add to cart. Wer den Mann nicht kennt, hat einen positiv verrückten Musikliebhaber Thorens TD 1601 Turntable Review: Adam Smith , Lab: Paul Miller | Dec 3, 2020 One of the oldest and most revered names in vinyl's history is back, refreshed and under new ownership, and with a deck that mixes modern With its premium materials and extraordinary functionality, the Thorens TD-1601 is the ultimate turntable for audiophiles seeking a blend of panache and performance that’ll have them grooving all night long. Labels: goldring ethos, marc phillips part-time audiophile, the vinyl anachronist, thorens, thorens td-1601 turntable, thorens turntable. ” Dimensions of the TD 1601 are 454 x 180 x 369mm (w/h/d), and it weighs 11kg. My review of the Thorens TD-1601 turntable is now live at Part-Time Audiophile. jn229 Super Member. Forum. vinylMessi April 29, 2023, 9:51pm 3. Of course, the Rega runs a tad fast. dual. See similar thread : “ new Thorens 1600/1601 “. 499,00 € Unlike the fully manual TD 1600, which has a conventional cueing lever mounted on the tonearm, the TD 1601 boasts a rather neat in-built photoelectric auto stop system. Der TD 1600 mit dem neuen Tonarm TP 160, ist eine konsequente Weiterentwicklung des TD1600. But I do look forward to hearing it and comparing it to the TD-1601 The Thorens TD-1601 turntable is a remarkable piece of analog technology that combines vintage design with modern updates. 000 Euro, der kleinere TD 1600 bei 2. Thorens TD 1600 Turntable ($2999)Arm is includedhttps://thorens. The Thorens was dead-on 33. Bought a TD166 MK1 last year very cheap. The TD 1600 (€TBC) and TD 1601 (€TBC) turntables are built around the same platform – belt driving motor unit, power supply, wooden plinth, height-adjustable TP 92 tonearm and a sub-chassis suspended via conical springs, any Der Thorens TD 1601 ist weit mehr als ein Plattenspieler – er ist ein Kunstwerk, das Tradition und Innovation nahtlos verbindet. Further, the review was generally conducted with a pre-installed cartridge. EISA TURNTABLE 2020-2021 Il marchio Thorens è associato ai giradischi da almeno 120 anni e se nell’aspetto il TD 1601 richiama i classici del passato, sotto la pelle è totalmente nuovo. Autor: Bernhard Rietschel. In fact, every reviewer - most of whom I deem worthwhile - seems to be blown away with this comparatively inexpensive deck THORENS is expanding its range and is presenting another fully automatic turntable for all vinyl fans with the brand-new model. Si tratta di un modello manuale a telaio sospeso flottante con trazione a cinghia. Lab Report. Sotto una nuova proprietà da maggio 2018, nella persona THORENS TD 170-1 . Very hard to get pictures without reflections showing on the gloss At first glance, this turntable looks like the younger brother of the TD 1600 and TD 1601 models. Entdecken Sie den Plattenspieler TD 1601 von Thorens im Test – mit Review und einer Bewertung. Va tenuto così come mamma Thorens lo fece. Kürten en zijn team borduren met de nieuwe TD 1600/ 1601 voort op de traditie die werd gelegd met de TD 150 en TD 160, bijna een halve eeuw geleden. Classical Only logged in customers who have purchased this product may leave a review. THE MULTI-AWARD-WINNING TD 1601 WITH IMPROVED TONEARM TP 160. Cylinder-based phonograph manufacturing began around the turn of the century. Hi-Fi Corner. The new Thorens has a retro-look that makes them look like a Thorens from the late 70’s - 80’s. 3. Descargar ficha técnica. The Thorens TD-160 is an incredibly good looking turntable, if minimalism is your thing. Diese Website benutzt Cookies, 若要問 Thorens TD 1601 激得起嗎?當我聽過 Philips 出品,《 Pepe Romero Flamenco 》,聽到當中可細膩、可帶火氣、可豪邁、可帶抗爭味的結他,激情的拍掌聲加上火辣加激烈的踏台板聲之後,我對 Thorens TD 1601 這浮盤激得起一事,毫無懸念!再爆一點又如何? The TD 160 mk1 and the TD 165 which I've owned for forever have the same 16. thorens. 4 millivolts at In deze review gaan we aan de slag met de Thorens TD 402 DD platenspeler. I like the minimalist look of Projects and Regas. Er besitzt eine klassische Holzzarge, den zweigeteilten Teller mit innenlaufendem Riemen und dicker Gummimatte, einen aufwendig geregelten Motor, Armbrett und Thorens TD 1601 Electric-Lift Auto Shut-Off Turntable with TP 160 tonearm (Walnut) quantity. Be the first to review “Thorens – TD1601 TP160” Cancelar la respuesta. In this article, I’m looking at the Thorens TD 102 A ($1099), a fully automatic unit from the renowned Swiss/German company. Il Thorens TD 160 prima serie è il migliore dei Thorens. Email This BlogThis! Share to X Share to Facebook Share to Pinterest. The TD 1601, featuring the new TP 160 tonearm, represents a consistent evolution of the multi-award-winning TD 1601. 🔊 Jetzt über den Plattenspieler informieren! Es geistert da eine Zahl durch den Raum, die zwar schon ein paar Jahre alt, aber immer noch beeindruckend ist: In Deutschlands Haushalten stehen angeblich noch rund 800000 alte Thorens-Plattenspieler Recently, Thorens issued a new tonearm, the TP 160, which is now fitted as standard to the TD 1600 and TD 1601 turntables instead of the TP 92 arm. it performs admirably with the TA-3, the Diva simply deserves a much better tonearm. Type – RRP (Europe) TD1600_TP160 black hgl. With an internal resistance of 12 ohms, it feels in good The scaled, two-part counterweight facilitates precise adjustment of the required tracking force and ensures that even heavy cartridges with a weight of up to 30g can be precisely balanced. Schafft es Thorens damit ein makelloses Gerät noch weiter zu optimieren? Wir wollten dies im Test herausfinden. 5dB (DIN-B wtd, re. It's more expensive than Thorens TD 1600 (3k on BH photo website) but similar to TD 1601 at 4k. I listened to a couple of tracks from different LPs swapped the AT33Sa to the Diva and played the same tracks. Vor allem über den Preis. Posted on Thu, 24 Sep, 2020 Posted by Ben . Here's its great grandson Thorens CEO Gunter Kürten is true to his I explain all about the Thorens TD1601's operational aspects and how it performs in relation to the TD150 Super, TD160mkII, TD125mkII, and the Linn LP12. Den Spieler gibt es als TD 1601 auch mit einem The Thorens TD-160 turntable is a tweaker’s heaven. The TD 1601 boasts balanced XLR outputs around the back, as well as RCA outs. In addition, it comes complete with a walnut base and dust cover. My first Thorens tt. Gallery. Bernhard Rietschel ist gelebte HiFi-Kompetenz. The company moved to Germany in 1966 and De Thorens TD1601 semi-automaat is een platenspeler, die op de automaat-functie na, identiek is aan de TD1600 en belooft nu al een toekomstige klassieker te zijn. Thorens Dept. by Mountainbiker. Natuurlijk hebbend de Thorens ontwerpers voor het design van deze TD 1601 goed gekeken naar de iconische TD 160, die het tweede deel van de vorige eeuw vele huiskamers van goede weergave voorzag. With an output voltage of 0. While both models share the same wooden plinth and dual-platter make-up, height-adjustable TP 92 tonearm, motor, control unit and power supply, the TD 1601 adds some extra features for convenience, such as automatic electrical lift, auto power down You do have to make a few decisions when ordering the Thorens TD 1600. thorens td 1601 thorens td 1601. The similarity with the iconic TD 160 is A handful of turntable brands lay claim to the first suspended subchassis model, but few, unlike Thorens' TD 150 from 1965, were mass produced. Only logged in customers who have purchased this product may leave a review. Denn unter dem Retro-Design, das eng an den erfolgreichen TD 160 angelehnt ist, verbergen sich etliche Neuentwicklungen und Features, die diesen riemengetriebene Plattenspieler zu einem Top-Modell der Spitzenklasse Test Plattenspieler 2025: Unsere Redaktion hat den Thorens TD 1500 für Sie unter die Lupe genommen. TD1601 vs TD1600 TD 1601 is characterised by a completely new feature compared to its legendary predecessor, Here you can download user manuals, brochures, technical specifications as well as reviews on current Thorens TD 1601. How about the Thorens TD-1601? I really like that one, but more on that in a minute. Thorens TD 1600 combines the brand’s tradition of the past with 21st century’s technology. De DD staat in dit geval voor Direct Drive. Aus dem eigenen Haus bietet Thorens das TAS 1600 an, das nicht nur wegen der Zahl perfekt zu Tonarm und Laufwerk passt. The new Thorens TD 201 is the right choice for anyone looking for a robust, easy to use plug and play turntable. The TD160 is a frugal turntable, no automatic, no fine speed adjust, only a tonearm lift and non-contact magnetic anti-skating. Giradiscos Playing ‘The Dance’ from The Cinematic Orchestra’s soundtrack The Crimson Wing [Walt Disney Records 050087443269] was a joy to behold, with percussion leaping enthusiastically fro Prodotto: giradischi TD1600 e TD 1601 Produttore: Thorens GmbH - Germania Prezzo: 2. Classical wooden plinth, two-part platter with inner belt and thick rubber mat, powerful motor control Honestly, based upon what I’m hearing now from the TD 1600 a direct comparison with a “tricked out” Linn Sondek would be interesting. The turntable and dust cover are in like new condition. Buy THORENS TD 1601 Semi-Automatic Two-Speed Stereo Turntable (High Gloss Black) featuring Plays 33 1/3 and 45 rpm Vinyl Records, TP 92 Straight Tonearm, Cartridge Not Included, Stereo XLR & Stereo RCA Out, Electric Lift, No-Contact Auto Shut-Off, Adjustable Belt Tension. When I reached out to Audio Advoce. The pictures do not do it justice. THORENS TD 1601 . de/en/home-en/Thorens TD 1600 Turntable $3999/incl. Measured directly through its captive, hardened steel bearing, rumble is just a little higher than average at –65. 500 euros, which 70 out of 100 buyers are apparently more than willing to pay. mikt echter heel wat hoger, onder meer met z’n geveerde subchassis (zie verder). Daarover peinzend stiet ik verderop ook nog op een nieuwe TD 1600 en TD 1601 en een TD 402 The multi-award-winning TD 1601 with improved tonearm TP 160. Reply. com 14 THORENS TD 1601 with TP 160 tonearm High End subchassis turntable with electronic lift and limit switch Specifications Function manual turntable with subchassis, auto shut off, electrical lift Drive system Belt, sub platter aluminum Motor electronically controlled and stabilized AC synchronous motor Speeds 33-1/3, 45 rpm. An interesting figure, which is now also based on Zum Verkaufsstart von TD 1600 und TD 1601 brachte er das Testmuster persönlich bei LowBeats vorbei (Foto: H. . Giradiscos Audio-Technica – AT-LP60XBT. I have had guitars with thick gloss finish. THORENS. But at Thomann, the TD-1601 reviewed above with new arm is under $3500, so not quite twice the price, but pushing it. Warranty: Two-year limited warranty. Christiaan Punter says: Hope you might review the Thorens TD-1500. comhttps://atlasavu. Dieser hat als Unterschied zum 1600er noch eine Endabschaltung: Werbung. Love, the semi-automatic Thorens TD 1600 Technics 1200G Budget is around 3-5k without a cartridge . Thorens TD 1600 TurntableOriginal owner, low use, overall excellent condition. These got favourable reviews and did earn Thorens some credits and reputation, but prices were high. Not just for beginners. Classical wooden plinth, two-part platter with inner belt and thick rubber mat, powerful motor control unit, arm board and acrylic dust cover are expanded by balanced outputs and functions for easier handling. Analog source: Thorens TD 160 HD turntable, Rega Research RB250 tonearm, Sumiko Songbird moving-coil cartridge. Fully manual like the TD-1600, but the Thorens website states the tonearm is modeled after the Test Plattenspieler 2025: Unsere Redaktion hat den Thorens TD 1601 für Sie unter die Lupe genommen Ich bin sicher nicht der Einzige, dessen analoger HiFi-Weg mit einem Thorens TD 160 begonnen hat. Mit seiner hochwertigen Verarbeitung, seiner herausragenden Klangqualität und dem zusätzlichen Bedienkomfort erfüllt er die höchsten Anforderungen von Musikliebhabern mit audiophilem Anspruch. You have three options when it comes to purchasing the Thorens TD 160, you can choose from the mark I, mark II and Super variations. Related Products. Einzeltest Thorens TD 402 DD. displaying reviews 1 to 13 of 13. THORENS® TD 1601; THORENS® TD 1600; THORENS® Der Thorens TD 1601 ist das eindrucksvolle Comeback eines Klassikers – oder besser: eine rundherum gelungene Reinkarnation. Jahrzehnte später steht nun ein TD 1601 vor mir und ich werde ein wenig sentimental. Zu den vielen Dingen, die man Thorens-Eigner Gunter Kürten auf gar keinen Fall vorwerfen kann gehört Müßiggang. by addicted2tt. Sein Urteil zu allen Geräten ist geprägt von enormer Kenntnis, doch beim Analogen macht ihm erst recht niemand etwas vor El TD 1601, con el nuevo brazo TP 160, representa una evolución constante del galardonado TD 1601. In order to utilize the True Balanced Connection, Thorens suggests “the turntable must be equipped with a moving coil (MC) cartridge. And if I was ready to buy that day, the afternoon’s session would have confirmed a win for the Thorens TD 1600" Read the entire AUDIOPHILIA review of the THORENS TD1600 Edited June 16, 2024 by SONDEKNZ An der Rückseite des Thorens TD 1601 gibt’s neben den Cinch- auch XLR-Buchsen für symmetrischen Anschluss. THORENS® TD 1601; THORENS® TD 1600; THORENS® TD 1500; THORENS® TD 403 DD; THORENS® TD 402 DD; THORENS® TD 204; THORENS® TD 202; THORENS® TD 201; Thorens TD 1600: design classico, prestazioni moderne La rassegna si apre con il giradischi Thorens TD 1600. Depends where you buy, the Thorens line is way overpriced in the US now, and this TD-1601 got a big price increase when they introduced the new tonearm. audiolab. The motorized lift and end shutoff of the TD 1601 are also available with the new TP 160. My listening buddy has the 2M black on his VPI, I have a Denon DL-103r LOMC on the 165. Thorens TD 1600 Classical Wooden Plinth Turntable (Black) $ 3,999. Davon ab sind die Plattenspieler vollkommen identisch. ) for about half that - $250. Simply put: the newly reorganized Thorens’ attempt to reclaim with the TD 1600/1601 the original TD 160’s rich legacy, both mechanically and sonically is a complete success. This The suspended-chassis turntable, originally developed by Acoustic Research, was used in the TD 160 designs . We have the same Phonomena II+ phono pre. 5 gr eff mass arm. Elegido “Mejor Giradiscos de 2020-2021” por la influyente asociación mundial de publicaciones especializadas EISA –“Expert Imaging and Sound Association”- y todavía en activo, el TD 1601 de la legendaria firma THE MULTI-AWARD-WINNING TD 1601 WITH IMPROVED TONEARM TP 160High End subchassis turntable with electronic lift and limit switch The TD 1601, featuring the new TP 160 tonearm, represents a consistent evolution of the multi-award-winning TD 1601. 799 sterline (TD1601) - Il prezzo può variare Recensore: Mark Wheeler - TNT Regno Unito Pubblicato: Dicembre, 2019 Traduttore: Roberto Felletti La Thorens resta fedele alle sue innovazioni al sotto-telaio. Review THORENS TD 1601. 500 Euro. Een nieuw hoofdstuk in de geschiedenis van legndarische Thorens platenspelers. Nun spendiert der Hersteller den Modellen 1600 und 1601 ein Upgrade in Form des neuen, verbesserten Tonarms TP 160. 299 sterline (TD1600) e 2. Der größere TD 1601 liegt bei 3. The TD 1600 and TD 1601, as their names suggest, are a modern incarnation of the classic TD 160. Looks like Thorens have some new models on the way. caLook for a full re Thorens TD 1601 combines tradition with innovative 21st century technology. It has a classic wooden frame, the two-part plate with i THE MULTI-AWARD-WINNING TD 1601 WITH IMPROVED TONEARM TP 160. I’ve just read through 70 odd pages of the previous thread. In 1965, the Thorens TD 150, an inconspicuous little That think gloss looks cheaper. Un apparecchio che riprende chiaramente alcune delle caratteristiche tipiche dei modelli storici della casa tedesca, come TD 150 e TD 160. Thorens TD160. So take it for what it’s worth, but it was not subtle. You must be logged in to post a review. by marceltigger. Posted by . With the new TD 124 DD, Thorens is reviving one of the most legendary turntables in the brand’s history. DER NEUE TD 1600 MIT VERBESSERTEM TONARM TP 160. At that time the Thorens TD 124 came on the market and established the reputation of the Thorens brand among vinyl lovers around the world. The TP-180 tonearm looks better too. Recently, Thorens issued a new tonearm, the TP 160, which is now fitted as standard to the TD 1600 and TD 1601 turntables instead of the TP 92 arm. Thorens TD 1600 and TD 1601. Thorens TD160 Reviews. As I found Aan de bovenkant van het nieuwe assortiment van Thorens zit de TD 124 DD, en daaronder vind je de TD 1600 en TD1601, die als Kürten's hommage aan de TD160 gelden. Thorens TD 1500 The TD 1500 pays homage to the ground breaking TD-150 and whilst there are some similar Thorens TD 1600 mit TP 160: Die Traditionsschmiede hat mit dem neuen Tonarm eine überragende Bestckung für den TD 1600 gefunden. Stabilized sub chassis on three conical Die degelijkheid van toen brengt Thorens terug in de TD 1600 en zijn wat luxere kompaan, de TD 1601. to/3bO2lrjUSA: http Here's a machine many vinyl newbies may not have considered I have not read a single negative thing about these new(ish) THORENS 1600/1601 suspended turntable designs. Return of Thorens DNA. Het prijsgat tussen de TD1600 en de instapserie van het merk was echter aanzienlijk. The £1499 TD 148A sits at the top of Thorens' current range of fully auto models and bears a resemblance to the company's semi-automatic TD 1601 with TP92 arm [HFN Nov '20]. ) with the added bonus of having auto shut off. Der TD 1600 schlägt die Brücke zwischen der Tradition, die Plattenspieler von Thorens weltberühmt gemacht hat, und der Technik des 21. Es ist bekannt, dass Thorens diesen Abtaster (wie auch das kleinere Modell TAS 1500) bei Audio Technica fertigen lässt. I heard medeocre reviews oh under $1K Thorens. Productos relacionados. TD 1600 TP 160. 00 Add to cart. The TD 1601 player is also available with an electronically controlled servo lift and automatic limit stop. Ausgestattet mit einem externen Netzteil (TPN 1600) The TD 402 DD will be available from August for an RRP of €799. Met de TD 1500 (volgens de insiders de nieuwe TD 150) die zich prijstechnisch een aardig eind onder de TD Review THORENS TD 1601. Downloads for THORENS Find the latest information on the THORENS TD 1601. Thorens TD 101 A. Hi-Fi, Reviews. 1. Here, the cueing lever is replaced by a button on the plinth that activates a tiny motor under the cueing platform to lift and lower the arm. Thorens TD 1601 / TP 160 Thorens TD 1601 Belt Drive Semi Automatic Turntable w/New Sumiko Sale price$3,590. 145 MkI: Great table and identical to the TD160 MkI in every respect (tonearm is TP16 I, bearing etc. In deze review met de TP160. Both had V15 Shures mounted. Ian2001 April 29, 2023, The deck was introduced in 1972 as a successor for the excellently built but ageing TD 150; like with other Thorens at the time, it was available with or without a Thorens TP-16 tonearm; in the UK, the vast majority of buyers chose the The multi-award-winning TD 1601 with improved tonearm TP 160. I’ve considered a TD-124 over the last few years, one of those amazing and Where the TD 1600 is a basic manual model the TD 1601 here for review is semi-automatic with motor stop and arm-lift at the end of the record, allowing you to Thorens Chef Gunter Kürten hat uns den TD 1601 mit dem wirklich brandneuen TP 160 Tonarm persönlich vorbei gebracht und das war ein Fest. It is arguably Thorens’ second best turntable behind the TD-124. Other Products You May Like. The well crafted, fully automatic TD 170-1 comes equipped with three speeds so it can also play shellac records at 78 rpm (the special stylus/cartridge required is available separately). I'd Love to buy American if there is a good competitor for the Technics G. Not to be picky on names, but coincidentally, the Thorens TD 160 Super appears to be the best choice out of the rest. There are no reviews yet. My 1998 Rega Planar 3 Esisteva, inoltre, anche il Thorens TD-147, che è essenzialmente il TD-160 Super senza l’automatismo. Thorens TD145. TD 1601 har dessutom elektronisk armlyftning – och nedsänkning – så när skivan är slut lyfter sig tonarmen automatiskt och skivtallriken stannar. Manual Turntable with Sub-Chassis. Le soluzioni di Dieses Video ist anlässlich der Analogtage 2021 entstanden und vergleicht die unterschiedlichen Subchassis Konzepte der TD1600 Serie und des TD1500. Einzeltest Thorens TD 124 DD. You can read it here. Buy THORENS TD 1601 Semi-Automatic Two-Speed Stereo Turntable (High Gloss Black) featuring Plays 33 1/3 and 45 rpm Vinyl Records, TP 92 Straight Tonearm, Pre-Mounted TAS1600 Thorens Thorens TD 1601 turntable. Manual Record Player with Sub Chassis. 1kHz/5cm/sec) thanks to clusters of resonant modes Thorens TD 1601 Turntable - Thorens RETURN OF THORENS DNA WITH ADDITIONAL FEATURES Thorens TD 1601 combines everything TD 1600 brings with some additional features regarding comfort and connection to amplifiers. In 1956 the company introduced the TD-124—the company’s first high performance turntable and one that among collectors is still in demand. I’m not happy. armDual CS 618 Wir schreiben das Jahr 2020 und fortan bietet Thorens mit dem TD 1601 wieder einen riemengetriebenen Plattenspieler an, der mit Subchassis-Laufwerk, einem geraden 9-Zoll- Tonarm, dem weiterentwickelten TP92, symmetrischen und unsymmetrischen Schnittstellen sowie einem elektrischen Lift sowohl klanglich als auch optisch an alte Thorens Traditionen review 試聽報告; feature Thorens TD 1601 Thorens 新推出的 TD-101A 黑膠唱盤,可說是獻給黑膠新手的大禮,以上各種擔心,Thorens 都已經幫您設想周到,開箱、擺好、上電,放上 LP 唱片,按下 Start 鍵,TD-101A「自動」開嗓 Thorens TD 1601 TP 160 DER MEHRFACH PREISGEKRÖNTE TD 1601 MIT VERBESSERTEM TONARM TP 160 Der TD 1601 mit dem neuen Tonarm TP 160, Trusted Shops Reviews Toolkit: 1. com/thorens-td-1601-semi-automatic-belt-drive-turntable/ RETURN OF THORENS DNA WITH ADDITION THORENS cartridge TAS 1600 The newly developed Thorens "TAS 1600" cartridge is a Japanese-made low output MC that was specially developed for the THORENS TD 1600 and TD 1601. Different amplification and both own different Vandersteens. Rechts daneben das kräftige Netzteil mit Ringkerntrafo. The external power supply has a small mark on its top. 5 cm / s, it delivers sufficient levels to harmonize with common phono preamplifiers. The Thorens TD 402 DD resembles the TD 160 because of the two switches placed on the front, on both sides of the platter. Thorens TD 1601 combines everything TD 1600 brings with some additional features regarding comfort and connection to amplifiers. Rozbalili sme pre vás úplne nový model gramofónu od značky Thorens TD 1601, ktorý bol ocenený aj komisiou EISA pre rok 2020/2021 ako najlepší gramofón vôbec. Solo minima Inspired by Thorens' iconic TD 160 – a model that became synonymous with the brand and remained in production for nearly three decades – TD 1601 arrives equipped with a stabilized subchassis on three conical springs filled with resonance-absorbing foam , tightened steel thread connector to only permit vertical movement from the subchassis Bei dem neu entwickelten Thorens-Tonabnehmer „TAS 1600“ handelt es sich um ein low Output-MC aus japanischer Fertigung, welches speziell für den Thorens TD 1600 und TD 1601 entwickelt wurde. #hxosplus #Thorens Thorens TD 1600 and TD 1601 are two of the latest high-end turntables from Thorens for 2020. El protagonista del presente análisis es un giradiscos firmado por el decano de la especialidad, amén de inventor de la tan simple como efectiva –y, por Wir stellen vor: den Thorens TD 1601, einen High-End-Plattenspieler mit Subchassis und dem TP 160 Tonarm. THORENS TD 1601 TP 160 . Thorens TD 1500 Turntable with Ortofon 2M Bronze Cartridge Price: $2999. cahttps://www. This turntable is the latest iteration of Thorens’ classic suspended design, which features an aluminum plate embedded in the plinth, ‘The Chain’ to prevent lateral motion, and a semi-automatic cueing button. Der neue TD 1600 mit verbessertem Tonarm TP 160. There are at least three more automatic turntables coming to me for review, and many more I haven’t reviewed or arranged to review. TD 202, manual mid-entry level with A/D converter. The TD-1600 without the auto-lift is much cheaper. Conclusion. Einzeltest Thorens TD 403 DD. My first choice was Thorens and on forums Thorens were meh. Biermann) Der Aufbau des Thorens TD 1601. Viel Zeit zum Plaudern, viel Zeit zum Staunen. It comes with a smooth running belt drive and a aluminium platter with rubber mat. Thorens TD-1601 High End Subchassis Turntable with electronic lift and limit switch ON DISPLAY IN OUR STORE RETURN TO THE THORENS DNA WITH EXTENDED FEATURES The TD 1601 is the consistent further development of the TD 1600 in the direction of enhanced ease of use. Aber bitte nicht gleichzeitig anschließen. This costs an extra 500 euros. Return of Thorens DNA with additional features Thorens TD 1601 combines everything TD 1600 brings with some additional features regarding comfort and connection to amplifiers. However, this latest auto deck is fitted with the new TP95, another cold-drawn tube with rubber/alloy damper collar fitted midway along its length. audiophilia. Add to wishlist. com/en/https://hifi. Get specifications, reviews, features and the lowest price of the THORENS TD 1601. Dieser Plattenspieler im klassischen Thorens-Design, mit Holzzarge, Riemenantrieb und Subchassis versehen, ist nun veredelt worden. The TD 1601 is the consequent further development of the TD 1600 in the direction of enhanced user comfort; Classical wooden plinth, two-part platter with inner belt and thick rubber mat, powerful Recently, Thorens issued a new tonearm, the TP 160, which is now fitted as standard to the TD 1600 and TD 1601 turntables instead of the TP 92 arm. The TD 101 A is the little brother of the TD 102A and open a completely new chapter in Thorens TD145 Reviews. THORENS® TD 1601; THORENS® TD 1600; THORENS® TD 1500; THORENS® TD 403 DD; THORENS® TD 402 DD; THORENS® TD 204; THORENS® TD 202; THORENS® TD 201; My first Thorens, the TD-150MK2, about drove me crazy until I wised up and put it on a shelf mounted to the wall (I have pier and beam floors). Apart from opinions on how it looks, there isn’t one review of how it actually sounds. I was selling a Marantz 2220b and the interested couple made an offer on the Thorens I couldn't refuse. The TD 1600, featuring the new TP 160 tonearm, represents a consistent evolution of the TD 1600. hegvfx hiwl giloxl xpmltah etsmjk evqno pkd amqq ypfb caaxhw aiilzw spy kmbztumvm mshbu cnyhpnuv