Greeley school district 6 calendar Centennial Elementary; Dos Rios Elementary; Heiman Elementary; Greeley West High School; Greeley-Evans Alternative Greeley-Evans School District 6 student calendar. More information and application links are available on the OPEN ENROLLMENT The Student Records and Transcripts Department for Greeley-Evans, Weld County School District 6, is responsible for the archival and retrieval of the academic records for students who have graduated or withdrawn from the district. No School. Facebook (opens in new window/tab) District 6 is currently open for community rentals, but we reserve the right to cancel at any time due to protocol or health guideline changes. District 6 has continued to grow over the years and is now the 13th largest Greeley-Evans District 6, with its partner The Success Foundation Serving Greeley-Evans Schools, is hosting the 11th annual School Kickoff Community Celebration on Saturday, August 3 from 9 a. com/calendars/school-calendar. This means that all students enrolled in District 6 schools may eat breakfast and lunch at no cost!. Please keep in mind much of the information contained in this handbook is in summary form. Pilch has served in many roles, including teacher, assistant principal, principal, curriculum director, assistant superintendent, and deputy Greeley-Evans School District 6 is again participating in the Healthy School Meals for All program for breakfast and lunch. District 6 has continued to grow over the years and is now the 13th largest Greeley Central High School; Greeley West High School; Greeley-Evans Alternative Program (GAP) Jefferson High School; District 6 Success Foundation; Schools Canvas Container. Facebook (opens in new window/tab) The open enrollment application window runs each year from November 1st through the last school day in December for the following school year. Step 2: If applicable, request the coursework approval form (District 6 Transcript Pre-Approval Request Form) if seeking to apply District 6 transcripted If a student is identified as “chronically absent,” the principal or designee will develop a plan to improve the student’s attendance. Facebook (opens in new window/tab) For more information, please view website calendar. Click this link to visit the CHSAA NOW WEBSITE for all state-related information about high school athletics and CHSAA sponsored activities. Some District 6 schools are fully open-enrolled schools and do not have traditional boundaries. D6 Online . According to a US Department of Education study, participation in AP or other rigorous courses is a stronger predictor of success in college than test scores or grade point average. Facebook (opens in new window/tab) A rolling start to the academic year in August, minimizing short weeks and Monday off days are the main highlights in the first look at the Greeley-Evans School District 6 calendar for the 2022-23 school year. School Calendars; School Supply List; Safe Return to In-Person Instruction & Continuity of Services Plan; Grading Scale; Important Forms; Calendar; Contact Us; District 6 by the Numbers; Embracing Diversity; Innovation 2030 Strategic Plan; Our Leadership Team; School Directory; Bond Measure and Mill Levy Override; Greeley-Evans School District 6. District 6 Calendar. Sunday, February 16. Posted by KIM DESMOND on 11/2/2022. Read More about 4th & 5th Grade In-Person Day. Centennial Elementary; Dos Rios Elementary; Greeley Central High School; Greeley West High School; Greeley-Evans Alternative Program (GAP) Jefferson High School; Our School; Calendar Calendar. DENVER — The Colorado Association of School Executives (CASE) announced today that Dr. Once a student leaves WCSD6, for any reason, the academic file is sent from the student's school to be stored in the records department. While meals will be Calendar; Contact Us; District 6 by the Numbers; Embracing Diversity; Innovation 2030 Strategic Plan; Our Leadership Team; School Directory; Bond Measure and Mill Levy Override; Greeley-Evans School District 6. LUNCH MENU (opens in new window/tab) CALENDAR; Our School; Calendar Calendar. Our School. Our School; D6 Online News with Schoology, Zoom Teacher Conferences, Web Cam or speaker issues, and other general technology help: WELD COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT 6 SUPPORT. Families wishing to attend any of these schools must fill out an open enrollment application. The Annual Report on its Performance Frameworks is available at SchoolView. ; Accepted into an in-state, public institution of higher education, local district college, or area technical college. There are no events to display. Spartanburg County School District Six. Desktop Main Nav. 6072. Sunday, January 26. Schools may also accept applications on a space-available basis through the summer through the first month of the school year. With more than years of experience in public education, Dr. Search. . Step 1: Review the Horizontal Advancement (HA) process below. 4th & 5th Grade In-Person Day. Desktop Elements Wrapper. Administration Building 1025 Ninth Avenue Greeley, Colorado 80631 phone: 970-348-6000 fax: 970-348-6231 email: SCHOOL-COMMUNITYRELATIONS@GREELEYSCHOOLS. Dr. Centennial . Colleges admit students prepared to tackle rigorous course work. Evans had its own school district, also established in 1870. OCTOBER 2022. org Calendar; Contact Us; District 6 by the Numbers; Embracing Diversity; Innovation 2030 Strategic Plan; Our Leadership Team; School Directory; Bond Measure and Mill Levy Override; Greeley-Evans School District 6. Students will be enrolled in their neighborhood school based on parent/guardian primary address or an approved and accepted Open Enrollment application. The safety of our students, staff, and families is our top priority, and we are taking this precaution to ensure everyone remains safe during the early-morning freezing cold Calendar; Contact Us; District 6 by the Numbers; Embracing Diversity; Innovation 2030 Strategic Plan; Our Leadership Team; School Directory; Bond Measure and Mill Levy Override; Greeley-Evans School District 6. Facebook (opens in new window/tab) District 6 Vision for English Learners. WELCOME TO DISTRICT 6! Greeley-Evans School District 6 serves more than 23,000 students in the communities of Greeley and Evans, Colorado. Skip to main content. Phone: 970. Facebook (opens in new window/tab) Greeley-Evans District 6, with its partner The Success Foundation Serving Greeley-Evans Schools, is hosting the 11th annual School Kickoff Community Celebration on Saturday, August 3 from 9 a. 348. In addition, the rolling start to the school year, which has been in place the last few years, has Aug 5 First Day with Students Jan 20 MLK Day - no school Sep 2 Labor Day - no school Feb 17 President's Day - no school Oct 1 Count Day Mar 17-21 Spring Break - no school Nov 25-29 U p d a te d 6 / 2 4 / 2 0 2 4 N OT J u l y 2 0 2 4 J a n u a r y 2 0 2 5 A u g u st 2 0 2 4 Fe b r u a r y 2 0 2 5 S e pte m b e r 2 0 2 4 M a rc h 2 0 2 5 Calendar & Category Legend: GWHS Main Calendar; Greeley West Performing & Visual Arts October 3rd: 1st School Accountability Meeting (SAC) October 6th: 3rd Jog-A-Thon ; October 6th: First Quarter Ends; October 9th & 12th: Parent Teacher Conferences; October 31st: Halloween To get the latest holiday calendar, visit Greeley-Evans School District 6 website at https://www. Year constructed: 1997 Number of students: 319 Number of staff: 24 Student grade levels: 11-12 Calendar; Contact Us; District 6 by the Numbers; Embracing Diversity; Innovation 2030 Strategic Plan; Our Leadership Team; School Directory; Bond Measure and Mill Levy Override; Greeley-Evans School District 6. org Greeley-Evans School District 6. DISTRICT; Utility Nav - Mobile. S. R. 1025 9th Avenue. Close Canvas Menu. “The Tointon’s support of public education has been nothing short of heroic,” said Greeley-Evans School District 6 Superintendent Deirdre Pilch. Spartanburg County School District #6 serves K-12th grade students and is located in Roebuck, SC. AUGUST 2014. Open Monday - Friday: 8am - 4pm Closed Fridays in June & July. Facebook (opens in new window/tab) The most recent immunization rates for all district schools can be found on the District 6 website under Departments > Health Services > Immunization Information for 2024-2025 School Year > Immunization Rates by School. Your student will receive materials, technology devices, quality instruction and support by fully-licensed D6 teachers and staff in a virtual environment. Facebook (opens in new window/tab) The Greeley-Evans School District 6 Board of Education is composed of seven volunteer MEMBERS, elected at-large. Facebook (opens in new window/tab) Greeley-Evans School District 6 Admissions 924 11th St. Greeley Central High School; Greeley West High School; Greeley-Evans Alternative Program (GAP) Jefferson High School; District 6 Web Store; Clever Portal; Schools Canvas Container. Facebook (opens in new window/tab) Student Dress Codes for District 6 Schools. ORG Calendar; Contact Us; District 6 by the Numbers; Embracing Diversity; Innovation 2030 Strategic Plan; Our Leadership Team; School Directory; Bond Measure and Mill Levy Override; Greeley-Evans School District 6. Facebook (opens in new window/tab) Below, you can find quick links to student-athlete registration forms and other important information related to middle and high school athletics in District 6. Greeley-Evans School District 6 Admissions 924 11th St. vertex42. Calendar. 1025 Calendar; Contact Us; District 6 by the Numbers; Embracing Diversity; Innovation 2030 Strategic Plan; Our Leadership Team; School Directory; Bond Measure and Mill Levy Override; Greeley-Evans School District 6. Toggle Container - Search BTN. Toggle Close Container. This page will be updated with Desktop District Nav. Visit or Email the District 6 Admissions Office at: 1025 9th Ave Greeley, CO 80631 (970) 348-6062 ADMISSIONS@GREELEYSCHOOLS. Greeley-Evans School District 6 Board of Education Board Candidate Interviews November 1, 2022. For specific questions contact Chris Cline, Director of Athletics and Activities for District 6, or the school athletic director where your child attends. More information about Greeley-Evans School District 6 by the Numbers - Greeley-Evans School District 6. Facebook (opens in new window/tab) Biography: Supports: Chappelow Arts Magnet K-8 School, District 6 Online Academy, Facilities, Greeley-Evans Alternative Program, Information Technology, Jackson Elementary School, Jefferson High School, Jefferson Junior High School, Monfort Elementary School, Nutrition Services, Platte Valley Youth Services, Poudre Learning Center, Prairie Heights Middle Calendar; Contact Us; District 6 by the Numbers; Embracing Diversity; Innovation 2030 Strategic Plan; Our Leadership Team; School Directory; Bond Measure and Mill Levy Override; Greeley-Evans School District 6. Facebook (opens in new window/tab) Calendar; Contact Us; District 6 by the Numbers; Embracing Diversity; Innovation 2030 Strategic Plan; Our Leadership Team; School Directory; Bond Measure and Mill Levy Override; Greeley-Evans School District 6. A president and vice president are selected from the board membership by a majority of the voting members. Toggle Menu. CO. greeleyschools. Complete, detailed copies of all district policies and regulations, including revisions which may have occurred after publication of this document, are available on The Greeley-Evans School District 6 Board of Education’s website. February 2025 > Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Sat/Sun. Close Schools Canvas. Every year, school districts in Colorado report on their performance to their communities. Greeley West High School update. Greeley-Evans District 6, with its partner The Success Foundation Serving Greeley-Evans Schools, is hosting the 11th annual School Kickoff Community Celebration on Saturday, August 3 from 9 a. Calendar; Contact Us; District 6 by the Numbers; Embracing Diversity; Innovation 2030 Strategic Plan; Our Leadership Team; School Directory; Bond Measure and Mill Levy Override; Greeley-Evans School District 6. Enrollment is for kindergarten only and instruction will be in both Spanish and English. Bond Sale and Proceeds Before the election, District 6 began working with a bond advisor, David Bell from Stifel. 1400 37th Street. Facebook Calendar; Contact Us; District 6 by the Numbers; Embracing Diversity; Innovation 2030 Strategic Plan; Our Leadership Team; School Directory; Bond Measure and Mill Levy Override; Greeley-Evans School District 6. We value and appreciate the work you do every day to increase student achievement across the district. org/ to see the 2024-2025 holidays. In the event of a district or school emergency, District 6 will either call, send text messages, email, or all of the above. Thank you! First Day of School. Grades 1st - 12th: August 12th, 2024. , Thursday, November 7 at the Career and Technical Education Center, 1420 2nd Street in Greeley. , Greeley, CO 80631 970-348-6062 ADMISSIONS@GREELEYSCHOOLS. , if Greeley-Evans School District 6 ceases using or refuses to use a school service on-demand provider pursuant to C. Career and Technical Education is the springboard to a competitive edge in career opportunities and college readiness. Below is a collection of calendars showing the work year for District 6 employees. Large Group Sessions; Parenting a Child with a Disability and Rebuilding Dreams; The Law and the Education of Children with Disabilities; Early Childhood - Resources and Supports Greeley-Evans School District 6. Facebook (opens in new window/tab) Greeley-Evans School District 6 serves more than 23,000 students in the communities of Greeley and Evans, Colorado. Facebook (opens in new window/tab) This is the first new non-charter school - that is not a replacement school - to be built in District 6 in 20 years. 970-348-6000. In 1962, the Evans and Greeley merged school districts and established Greeley-Evans School District 6. This ensures our schools have accurate and current information for all student(s). Any structural upgrades have to be done in cooperation with the owner of the building. Schools. Due to extremely low temperatures, all Greeley-Evans School District 6 schools, including charter schools, will be on a 2-hour delay on Thursday, February 13, 2025. all day. However, because of a significant cut in state funding that started in 2010, District 6 officials at the time decided to put money into teachers and programs that contributed to student learning rather than invest large amounts of limited funding into its buildings. Deirdre Pilch is superintendent of Greeley-Evans School District 6, hired in 2015 after the Board of Education conducted a national search. Dear District 6 Families: We in Greeley-Evans School District 6 are excited and honored to welcome you and your students to the 2024-2025 school year! As I start my tenth year as the superintendent of District 6, I am reminded how every August feels a Calendar; Contact Us; District 6 by the Numbers; Embracing Diversity; Innovation 2030 Strategic Plan; Our Leadership Team; School Directory; Bond Measure and Mill Levy Override; Greeley-Evans School District 6. m. There are two dress codes in effect within District 6, a Universal Student Dress Code that applies to all students in all schools, and an Enhanced Dress Code that applies only to specific schools. Questions? Please contact Human Resources. Greeley School District 6 was first established in 1870 by the founding fathers of the Union Colony. Facebook (opens in new window/tab) Desktop District Nav. District 6 has continued to grow over the years and is now the 13th largest Thursday 08/01/2024. February 2025 > Welcome to Greeley GEAR UP (GU), a transformative seven-year initiative led by Greeley-Evans School District 6 (D6). org The AP Leader in Greeley-Evans School District 6. Our classified team members in Greeley-Evans School District 6 are the heart and soul of our work with students and the community. Facebook (opens in new window/tab) The Greeley-Evans District 6 Board of Education on Monday approved the calendars for the next two school years. Calendar Filter. Find It Fast. Facebook (opens in new window/tab) 00-049Calendar Templates by Vertex42. 22-16-107 (3) (c), the district shall post on its website the name of the on-demand provider, with any written 1420 2nd Street, Greeley, CO • 970-348-1680 Visit our site at: cte. Dress Codes for All Schools The Student Records Department for Greeley-Evans School District 6, is responsible for the archival and retrieval of academic records for students who have graduated or withdrawn from the district. RSS Feeds. Greeley-Evans School District 6 is hosting an 8 th Grade Expo for students and families who want to learn more about the Career Academies and Pathways offered in District 6 high schools. If you have any questions regarding the HA process, please refer to the Master Contract (Article XXIII) under HA or contact Human Resources at 970-348-6070. Board of Education meetings are generally held on the second and fourth Mondays of each month except July. Facebook (opens in new window/tab) VISION. Facebook (opens in new window/tab) Greeley School District 6 was first established in 1870 by the founding fathers of the Union Colony. , Greeley, CO 80631 (970) 348-6062 admissions@greeleyschools. Facebook (opens in new window/tab) District 6 uses an automated message system to quickly send alerts to families. Main Menu Toggle. Centennial Elementary; Dos Rios Elementary; Heiman Elementary; Jackson Elementary; Greeley West High School, 2401 35th Greeley School District 6 was first established in 1870 by the founding fathers of the Union Colony. Facebook (opens in new window/tab) Calendar; Contact Us; District 6 by the Numbers; Embracing Diversity; Innovation 2030 Strategic Plan; Our Leadership Team; School Directory; Bond Measure and Mill Levy Override; Greeley-Evans School District 6 Admissions 924 11th St. Centennial Elementary; Dos Rios Elementary; Greeley Central High School; Greeley West High School; Greeley-Evans Alternative Program (GAP) Jefferson High School; Meeker Elementary School Calendar. 8: 10 AM - 1: 30 PM. February 2025 > Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday. Evans. Friday February 14. org. GU is a discretionary grant program strategically designed to empower and uplift low-income students, equipping them with the skills and knowledge needed to excel in postsecondary education. Please update your contact information annually with your child's school. Facebook (opens in new window/tab) District Home Link. Identification is an ongoing process that is facilitated by the GT Specialist in each building. 2-year commitment to complete the pathway for rising 10-11 grade students and a 1-year commitment for rising 12-grade students with post-secondary guidance to complete the pathway Calendar; Contact Us; District 6 by the Numbers; Embracing Diversity; Innovation 2030 Strategic Plan; Our Leadership Team; School Directory; Bond Measure and Mill Levy Override; Greeley-Evans School District 6. Greeley-Evans School District follows established procedures for the identification of gifted/talented students that align with state guidelines (CDE, 2003). Calendar; Contact Us; District 6 by the Numbers; Embracing Diversity; Innovation 2030 Strategic Plan; Our Leadership Team; School Directory Greeley-Evans School District 6 holds data privacy and security in high regard and takes action to ensure that our students' data is handled securely in compliance with the Colorado Student Data D6 internships are 150 hours and paid by the internship host or district. Facebook (opens in new window/tab) Meeker Elementary School is offering a Dual Language Immersion Program beginning in 2024-2025. School District. The goal of the Career Explore Internship Program is to prepare all students in Greeley-Evans School District 6 for their chosen path after high school. Greeley-Evans School District 6 is pleased to announce that our 2024-2025 Annual Report is available to the public. Calendar - Greeley Central High School. TECHNOLOGY & A/V REQUESTS GUIDELINES FOR REQUESTING A WAIVER OR REDUCTION IN BUILDING USE FEES Calendar; Contact Us; District 6 by the Numbers; Embracing Diversity; Innovation 2030 Strategic Plan; Our Leadership Team; School Directory; Bond Measure and Mill Levy Override; Greeley-Evans School District 6. Questions on the bidding process should be directed to the Greeley-Evans School District 6 Finance Department at (970) 348-6127. Pilch was selected by a committee of former award winners and superintendents through a competitive process. Greeley Central, Greeley West, and Northridge are spread out across the 5A, 4A, AND 3A STATE CLASSIFICATIONS. The plan will include best practices and research-based strategies to address the reasons for the student’s chronic absenteeism, including but not limited to individual attendance plan, parent contacts and other student specific interventions. Greeley Central High School; Greeley West High School; Greeley-Evans Alternative Program (GAP) CALENDAR; Translate. At the previous board meeting on Jan. html Next District 6 2024 - 2025 School Calendar Calendar; Contact Us; District 6 by the Numbers; Embracing Diversity; Innovation 2030 Strategic Plan; Our Leadership Team; School Directory; Bond Measure and Mill Levy Override; Greeley-Evans School District 6. Possible reasons for denial or dismissal of volunteers include, but are not limited to: Calendar; Contact Us; District 6 by the Numbers; Embracing Diversity; Innovation 2030 Strategic Plan; Our Leadership Team; School Directory; Bond Measure and Mill Levy Override; Greeley-Evans School District 6. Facebook (opens in new window/tab) Dr. Search Clear. Monday, Staff Calendars. Our School; Calendar Calendar. ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS. Office Hours: 6:00am - 4:30pm, Monday - Friday; Guest Teachers . Section 22-16-101 et seq. August 15, 2014 BOE regular meeting The Chappaqua Central School District is a nationally renowned, suburban public school system characterized by highly motivated students, a broadly educated and talented staff, and an actively involved parent community. ORG . Academy The Greeley-Evans Alternative Program (GAP) and NEXT Greeley-Evans are located in a leased building that is not owned by Greeley-Evans School District 6. 27, Kristina Crain, the director of human resources, presented the 2025-26 and 2026-27 school year calendars, which “closely mirror” the 2024-25 calendar to provide “consistency” for students, parents and staff. Our three comprehensive high schools are all members of the Colorado High School Activities Association. The event will be held from 5-7 p. Facebook (opens in new window/tab) Between 17 and 26 years old; Current CO resident; Identified by the school district as a homeless youth while residing in CO anytime between the start of 9th grade and the end of 12th grade. Monday Calendar; Contact Us; District 6 by the Numbers; Embracing Diversity; Innovation 2030 Strategic Plan; Our Leadership Team; School Directory; Bond Measure and Mill Levy Override; Greeley-Evans School District 6. Kindergarten and Preschool: August 15th, 2024 Welcome to the Greeley-Evans School District 6 Parent Portal! ** Fully Open-Enrolled Schools. learn more about ap at Greeley central For students in grade levels 3, 5, 7, 9, and 11, provide Weld County School District 6 with scores for any national assessment tests or an evaluation by a “qualified professional” (licensed teacher, a private school teacher, a licensed psychologist, or someone with a graduate degree in education) that indicates academic progress. Facebook (opens in new window/tab) In accordance with the Colorado Student Data Transparency and Security Act, C. Welcome to the Greeley-Evans School District 6 Parent Portal! ** FORGOT USERNAME? ** FORGOT PASSWORD? ** REQUEST A PARENT PORTAL ACCOUNT if you've never logged in to the Parent Portal Calendar; Contact Us; District 6 by the Numbers; Embracing Diversity; Innovation 2030 Strategic Plan; Our Leadership Team; School Directory; Bond Measure and Mill Levy Override; Greeley-Evans School District 6. We have 29 district-operated schools and six charter schools. February 2025 > Greeley West High School, 2401 35th Ave, Greeley, CO 80634, USA. Calendar; Contact Us; District 6 by the Numbers; Embracing Diversity; Innovation 2030 Strategic Plan; Our Leadership Team; School Directory; (Substitute) for Greeley-Evans School District 6! apply online. Deirdre Pilch of Greeley-Evans School District 6 has been named 2025 Colorado Superintendent of the Year. Monday, February 17. About Us. Calendar; Contact Us; District 6 by the Numbers; Embracing Diversity; Innovation 2030 Strategic Plan; Our Leadership Team; School Directory; Families with children who will be attending non-charter schools in Greeley-Evans School District 6 can now complete the online 2024-2025 Fall Registration Checklist at www. to noon at Island Grove Event Center, 501 North 14th Avenue in Greeley. Greeley-Evans School District 6 will empower its students who are learning English as a second language to access their unique cultural and linguistic assets in challenging, supportive learning environments, so they meet and exceed readiness goals for college, career, and civic life, thus graduating and Greeley School District 6 was first established in 1870 by the founding fathers of the Union Colony. Monday February 17. Centennial Elementary; Dos Rios Elementary; Heiman Elementary; Jackson Elementary; Maplewood Elementary; Greeley West High School Calendar. Adjournment of the meeting . Greeley. Calendar; Contact Us; District 6 by the Numbers; Embracing Diversity; Innovation 2030 Strategic Plan; Our Leadership Team; School Directory; Calendar; Contact Us; District 6 by the Numbers; Embracing Diversity; Innovation 2030 Strategic Plan; Our Leadership Team; School Directory; Bond Measure and Mill Levy Override; Greeley-Evans School District 6. Facebook (opens in new window/tab) Greeley-Evans School District 6 Admissions Office 1025 9th Avenue - Greeley, CO 80631 (970) 348-6062 Admissions@greeleyschools. Elementary. District 6 offers robust Career and Technical Education Programs identified in 14 academies and 29 pathways, with experienced faculty and industry partners to engage in real-world professional projects, internships, and apprenticeships. The dual language program housed at Meeker Elementary School is open to all of District 6 students and will eventually include one classroom per grade level. Please review the Work Calendar Guide to see the start and end dates for each school year The 2024-2025 school year will now begin on August 12 instead of August 14. Month Week Day. com 00-049https://www. These schools include: Chappelow Arts Magnet (K-8) Fred Tjardes School of Innovation (K-8) District 6 Online Academy (K-12 Online) Greeley-Evans District 6, with its partner The Success Foundation Serving Greeley-Evans Schools, is hosting the 11th annual School Kickoff Community Celebration on Saturday, August 3 from 9 a. D6 Online Academy is a free, fully-online public school run by your local Greeley-Evans School District 6 for grades Kindergarten through 12th grade. District 6 has continued to grow over the years and is now the 13th largest Greeley-Evans School District 6 is seeking family and community input on English Language Arts learning materials for high school students, which will be purchased for the 2025-2026 school year with proceeds from 2022 Mill Levy Override local tax measure. Once a student leaves Greeley 6, for any reason, the academic file is sent from the student's school to be stored in the records department. Desktop District Nav. Policies and regulations are subject to change as All students attending Greeley-Evans schools for the 2024-25 school year must complete each item listed below prior to the first day of school. Facebook (opens in new window/tab) 2023-2024 School Calendars: Prairie Heights Middle School; West Ridge Academy; Centennial Elementary School; Brentwood Middle School; Martinez Elementary School; Greeley West High School; Mcauliffe Elementary School; Union Colony Preparatory School; Heiman Elementary School; Frontier Charter Academy; University Schools; Madison Elementary School Greeley-Evans School District 6 reserves the right to deny an application or decline the services of a volunteer at any time for any reason. org Information . District 6 has kept up with the maintenance of its schools and buildings, and has completed critical repairs where needed. There will be no change to any high school boundaries. At its business meeting Monday, April 26, the Greeley-Evans School District 6 Board of Education unanimously approved school boundary changes that will affect some elementary, K-8 and middle schools, and will be phased in over the next three years. Greeley-Evans School District 6 is located in Colorado, United States. 80631. 2015-16 District Calendar process and parameters. Facebook (opens in new window/tab) This Greeley-Evans School District 6 calendar 2024-2025 academic session posted on this page contains different activities for the session such as Thanksgiving Break, Christmas Break, Fall Break, Sprink and School Closing Date just to mention a few. District 6 has continued to grow over the years and is now the 13th largest Desktop District Nav. Skip To Main Content. zrjqlo xwlcj awp xbriml lkh tvovlme bzwj uaz pcw muzggzq culnk hhspw wpptrqy udaa qjl