Logging prices per ton Laurie Forestry managing director Allan Laurie said prices needed to be "north of $120" to be economic for harvesters. Subtracting the stumpage price from the delivered price provided the timber conversion price (Source: Norris Foundation 2019). For example: Poplar: #1 250 would be read as $250/1000 BF or . Export logs are sold on a per Jas m3 basis. 240 info@mywisconsinwoods. 7%), while the prices for the other major suppliers experienced mixed trend Thus, the average price reported is the average price paid per unit of wood, NOT per average timber sale. gov Logging can be of great benefit to you and your land. Back when they imported their own models, this was one of the finest running models you could buy. 1,000 ft. 2018-current prices are from Mississippi State University Extension. This information is made possible through an agreement with Timber Mart-South. . It is the only continuously available, internally consistent data series of its type in the state. Prices are based on an average calculated from a sample of consultants across the U. Overall, the import price recorded a abrupt slump. Pruned logs fetch a premium relative to unpruned logs because of their appearance quality. Mixed N. Logging exporters are being blamed for the current dive in log prices to a level where harvesting is uneconomic. 28 per ton. Forest Landowners Private woodland owners hold over half of Wisconsin's forested land. Scott Bowe Professor and Wood Products Specialist Russell Labs 1630 Linden Drive Madison, WI 53706 Phone: 608-265-5849 Email: sbowe@wisc. Sawlog prices are reported quarterly by product type and species. Timber sales may be affected by many factors including: Cost per tonne is the total cost of your logging operation divided by your total production. For example, take a log of 16 inches diameter x 16 feet in length and a value of $100 per thousand board feet. Species Estimate Value White Pine 30 mbf 150 per thousand Hemlock 10 mbf 60 per thousand Whole Tree Chips 300 tons . dollars per metric ton) [Graph], Methanol Institute, September 26, 2024. 48 tons per MBF. Pulp Export Price in February 2023. Export (NZ$ per JAS m3 FOB) Pruned: 166 - 244: 130 - 222: 162 - 212: Unpruned A Grade: 118 - Statewide pine sawtimber prices averaged $30. Forest Data Network, for several years, has offered annual subscriptions in quarterly sawlog and cordwood pricing reports in the Lake States alongside our most robust service– the FDN Prime cloud-based database. These prices are based on quarterly surveys of Montana timber-processing plants. Last updated: 9 Oct 2024 | Next update: 15 Jan 2025. No rain Round bales, net wrapped. 600 feet. Domestic logs are sold on either a per tonne or per m3 basis. Search this site. Multiply the price per BF by the scale and that is the value of your log. Price series for five or more product categories are reported for two reporting regions from eastern Texas and extending back to In May 2022, the country with the highest price was Pakistan ($1,505 per ton), while the price for India ($796 per ton) was amongst the lowest. 50: $500 - $1,500: Douglas Fir: $1. Things To Do. Makes matching invoices and accruing costs simple for accounting. These prices are derived using the median prices of each log grade, averaged over the last 12 quarters. 00 per cubic metre. 73 Price Per Acre Of Softwood Saw Timber Species. The prices are subject to changes when further data become available. Want to get the most value from selling your timber? dollars per cubic metre ($/m3). MPI's quarterly log prices now feature the 12-quarter median price series. dollars per metric ton to an average of 1,107 U. 5 Ton Skid Steer Logging Winch operates 93 feet 6" of 0. S The price per ton for each product category is calculated from the price per volume unit using the conversion factors listed on page 14 of the report. nz. 202. Because we don’t have information on average diameters for each sale The numbers in the timber pricing report are per 1,000 board feet. One of the key factors influencing the stumpage prices ($/ton) for 2nd quarter 2012 through 2nd quarter 2022. Prices varied noticeably by the country of origin: the country with the highest price was Canada ($79 per ton), while the price for Saudi Arabia ($29 per ton) was amongst the lowest. They are set by individual mills, so prices differ dramatically. Peat Import Price per Ton May 2022. 5; Hardwood. 32 per ton in Southeast Texas. 93 per ton statewide, down 3% from last period. 64 per ton. Then about a month ago a forester/timber buyer for Georgia Pacific told me $17 per ton for hardwood pulp. Forestry and Logging (Moderators: Jeff, Ron Scott, WDH) » Is 55 per ton fair price; The Forestry Forum is sponsored in part by: Forestry Forum Domestic log price comparison. In As of October 2023, prices averaged nearly 39. Chip-N-Saw averaged $15. Skip to content Your Cart is Empty Stumpage Price Report Summer 2021/ #99 The Stumpage Price Report is published semi-annually (January/July) by: DIVISION OF LANDS AND FORESTS 625 Broadway, 5th Floor, Albany, NY 12233-4250 P: (518) 402-9405 l F: (518) 402-9028 l landsforest@dec. For the Dominican Republic market, FOB prices are now US$530. Readers should note that volume to weight conversions vary depending on the average diameter of the logs in the sale. Stumpage Prices (per ton) Species Product Average; Pine: Sawtimber: $31. I am not so sure. This was up 5% from last period and up 11% from the price a year ago. The pine small sawtimber (chip-n-saw) market remained within the $16-17/ton range during the last six months in East Texas. 40: 26. 88/ton in South Georgia, down 17% timber price was $29. U. Wondering what your timber is worth? Check out the current timber prices and trends for the Southeast region, using our easy to read tables and charts. dollars per metric ton, showing a decrease of over 64 U. 13 per ton. 43 per ton in Southeast Texas. By thinking beyond initial purchase price, The Public Stumpage Price report covers approximately 80 percent of all commercial timber sales issued by public agencies in Minnesota. 99" #4 sawmill 659. With such a large variation, it is important to understand timber value and what Currently the FOB price for Mahogany for US market (length 6+ feet) is between US$1,230. dollars per ton. 76 per ton, up 1% from last period and up 1% from the price a year ago. Overall harvest acres treated. Region Pine Poles Pine Sawtimber Pine Plylogs Pine Chip-n-Saw Pine T-wood Pine Pulpwood Pine Topwood Low $15. The 7. I would love to saw some myself. Download as Powerpoint; Download Figure The chart with log prices should be read as price per 1000 BF. 6%), while the prices for the other major suppliers experienced more modest paces of growth. 20 Replies 2166 Views Last post: August 23, 2013, 01:04:04 AM by shortlogger I was told $13 per ton hardwood pulp on the stump. Westbrook projects that chips can be produced from limbs and tops of harvested trees at costs ranging from $11 per ton and up. 95 per ton, down 3% from last period and down 2% from a year ago. 3-billion dry tons of biomass per year (one dry ton equals 0. As of August 2024, the Indonesian Energy and Mineral Resources Ministry has set the country's coal reference price (HBA) at 115. Read more LOGGING I'm going to start with logging since its the simplest setup and the pricing for logs is static and is very easy to calculate. 65 per ton. [Online]. The estimates reported in the present study build on the methods in the Billion Ton Supply report and estimate biomass supply amounts and forest roadside costs (supply curves) for each county in Real quarterly timber conversion prices ($ per ton) in Mississippi from 1992 to 2018 for timber products. Quicklinks / Search. South-wide delivered pine sawtimber price increased marginally this quarter and – while lower than the average of approximately $47. Logging Rates and Additional Species report *Prices shown are based on per ton stumpage price. 77/ton while in southeast Texas pine pulpwood prices averaged only $3. 20 per ton in Southeast HO Brass - NWSL Baldwin 70-ton Logging Mikado 2-8-2 - California Western Version - Unpainted Northwest shortline to this day is synonymous with making your trains run well. 0" - 7. 00 2ndQ-23 3rdQ-23 4thQ-23 1stQ-24 Hardwood Sawtimber price trend ($/ton) Mixed Hardwood Sawtimber Oak Sawtimber Log Rule and Weight Equivalent Pine Sawtimber (tons/1000 bd. If, for example, Trees per acre removed Cubic foot volume of average tree Volume removed per acre Overall harvest acres treated 600 feet 800 feet 1000 feet 13 inches 42 (partial cut) 24 1,000 ft3 (30 green tons) 40-80 acres Figure 3. 00: 38. Tulare walnuts are a type of in-shell California Walnut that is named after the city of Tulare, which is located in the heart of California's Central Valley. Landowner knowledge of values. These are stumpage prices, which reflect the value of standing timber (not delivered prices). 23/cord) in wood price was $7. timber price was $29. To get the most accurate prices for oak logs, contact a local sawmill. It was up 8% from the price a year ago. Ward lab report available upon request 11/6/24 Bradley Cook Lamar, NE Chase 308-882-6512 Meadow Hay 55 $100 per ton This hay is certified weed free Learn about factors that affect stumpage prices, 2023-2024 price trends and the 2024 marketing outlook. Includes an additional smoke stack for additional options. dollars per short ton. Stumpage is the price paid by loggers for the right to harvest standing timber, and it is the best way to estimate the value of your timber. Landowner requirements for harvest 13. 00 $5. 73/ton ($10. 5" cable wire and has a line speed of 16. The statewide average pine pulpwood price was $7. By adjusting costs for assumed productivity gains and using fixed labor costs, the pace of logging cost growth is extremely Stumpage and delivered price reports in the US South as well as biomass and logging rates. However, as of the latest available data, the average price of lignite coal in the global market is around $30 per ton. 25/BF Poplar: #3 75 would be read as $75/1000 or . Texas State-wide Average Stumpage Prices - US$ per ton. 21 per ton. 86 per ton or $415. 85: MDF 4' X 8' (RM per piece) 4mm: 6mm: 9mm We buy logs at $10 0/ton by weight or at $. Rules of thumb are broken, doing the math never goes out of style Pricing Reports. Average pine chip-n-saw stumpage price was $16. 71 U. Species Minimum Representative Log price Volume Volume Log price Adjustment $/ton Avg lb Volume Group #1 Dia - dib Grade* $/mbf avg** MBF CCF $/ccf avg Dollars Avg per cf CCF 205 5. 7%), while the prices for the other major suppliers experienced mixed trend Logging exporters are being blamed for the current dive in log prices to a level where harvesting is uneconomic. In August 2022, the products with the highest prices were kaolin and kaolinic clays ($320 per ton) and fireclay ($295 per ton), while the average price for exports of bentonite ($225 per ton) and clays for construction and industrial use ($252 per ton) were Montana Quarterly Log Prices. 42 (partial cut) 24. View Timber Price Trends Frequently Asked Questions + Timber Pine— 8 tons=1 MBF-Doyle Pine CNS— 2. Insurance Costs. We have different rates for logging roads,gravel county and paved roads. 00 and US$1,290. 30 Replies 9755 Views Last post: December 13, 2014, 09:26:04 PM by Jeff : Is 55 per ton fair price Started by Mt406 on Forestry and Logging. In Northeast Texas, the average pine pulp-wood price was $8. 20 to $1. The statewide average pine pulpwood price was $8. , and only intended to provide an estimate of trends and current prices. 31 logging contractors, consulting foresters, family forest landowners, and financial institutions. Excellent quality. 40 per pound or $2,400 to $2,800 per ton. But that doesn’t mean it is always beneficial or does not come with certain costs. Sawing Quality per Hoppus Ton. We projected that wage and profits had a rela tively Tennessee State-wide Average Stumpage Prices - US$ per ton. No rain. Lousiana State-wide Average Stumpage Prices - US$ per ton. Weighing approximately 1350 2023 net wrapped round bales weighing 1300 1st cutting. Want to get the most value from selling your timber? Thus, the average price reported is the average price paid per unit of wood, NOT per average timber sale. Winter. 25: 48. In general, the import price continues to indicate a relatively flat trend pattern. * *Prices from 2012-2017 are from Timber Mart-South. 07 * Hardwood: Sawtimber: $31. Results showed that 57. Roundwood prices on pulpwood rose by 37 per cent between year 2022 and 2023 and are now above the level in 2019. Illinois Timber Prices Winter 2020 and 2021 Illinois Timber Prices Summer 2020 Illinois Timber Prices Winter 2019 and 2020 Illinois Timber Prices Summer 2019 Illinois *Prices shown are based on per ton stumpage price. While a volume-weighted average price based on each company's production would give a better measurement of actual prices, volume data are not readily available. Dollars per Green Ton : Title: New York State Stumpage Price Report Summer 2022 Author: NYS DEC Subject: Stumpage Price price was $7. Ferguson College of Ag Ag Research. Prices are indicative only. edu. The average price per ton was 8. Want to get the most value from selling your timber? The price of lignite coal per ton can vary depending on various factors such as quality, region, and market conditions. 00 $60. Logging Rates and Additional Species report Statewide pine sawtimber prices averaged $29. 2. • Add vendors and units “on-the-fly” if they are not in the existing list. To convert price per-ton to: Price-per-cord —> multiply reported price by 2. at the previous month. 12 per ton statewide, up 2% from last period. It was $8. edu . Conversion factors apply when comparing log prices and these vary with tree age, size, season and across regions. Pine. 075/log ft by measure. The global price of benzene has risen sharply from its 2020 low of 498 U. 07/cord). The prices of pine sawtimber and oak sawtimber fell by 1. By setting the initial value to $12. Compare returns at the forest gate (price less cartage) for different markets, for example: Since stumpage or log prices are based on the timber or log volume, you will receive substantially more income with the rules that scale your sizes higher. 37 U. Most mills (generally) will have a sourcing range of wood 60-100 miles. Let’s say you estimate the volume of your stand of mature White Oak to equal 10,000 board feet. By comparison, roundwood/pulpwood had an average price of 28. 10 trees. Insurance Costs Dollars per Green Ton: Title: New York State Stumpage Price Report Winter 2023 Author: NYSDEC Subject: Stumpage Price South-wide Average Prices ›South-wide Average Stumpage Prices – US$ per ton For stumpage and delivered prices in two regions of the state, contact us for a single state price report. 14. In other words, if you add a decimal in front, that would be price per board foot. 95 per ton statewide, down 1% from last period. Logging Rates and Additional Species report That works out to an increase of about $2. Department of Environmental Conservation. 13073/FPJ-D-21-00010. A 65 mile paved haul would be $13. To convert the reported price to a price-per-thousand board feet or price-per-cord, use the following conversion factors: Pine. 6% to $25. Re: price of pallet wooed per ton delievered « Reply #18 on: February 21, 2014, 09:31:33 PM » 52 a ton for 10" and up red pine 110-120 a cord on white pine logs 10" up Using the 2018 fourth quarter report for northwestern Pennsylvania provided in this publication (Table 8 on page 17) we see that red oak is selling for $471 per thousand board feet (MBF), white oak for $363 per thousand, red maple for $232 per thousand, and yellow-poplar for $139 per thousand, and we use the miscellaneous hardwood price for black birch, $110 per On December 13, 2024, the U. • Multiple items per PO. This model features a smooth running closed gear Timber Prices listed below are compiled from indicative prices provided by selected sawmills from different regions of Malaysia. Want to get the most value from selling your timber? Log Prices/ Results. For the Dominican Republic market, FOB prices are now If labor were treated as entirely variable, total logging cost would be nearly $1 per ton higher in 2022. Providing coverage of timber industry news across the southeast and internationally including timberland transactions, mill openings Visitors to our timber and log price information on the web page are often looking for answers to two simple questions: "What is my timber worth?" and "What's the best way to sell my trees?" Determining the value of standing timber is crucial for landowners who want to get the most from their forested properties. In Northeast Texas, the average pine pulp-wood price was $7. 00 $12. *All logs less than 5" on the small end are considered chipper ($15/ton or $. Part of the inflated fuel price burden was also absorbed by sawmills in the form of bonuses or additional compensation per ton paid to the logging firms. The statewide average mixed hardwood saw-timber price was $33. Skip to main content. 29 U. Prices varied noticeably by the country of destination: the country with the highest price was Mexico ($343 per ton), while the average price for exports to Canada ($150 per ton) was amongst the lowest. 00 - $2. Wide and frequent trails, deep ruts, high-grading, residual Volume removed per acre. Resources. It was down 1% from the price a year ago. Figure 2: Average Mississippi pine and hardwood pulpwood stumpage prices ($/ton) for 2nd quarter 2012 through 2nd quarter 2022. 13 per ton, up 2% from last period and up 4% from a year ago. This is typically governed by the fact that thinnings in Summarized timber price information specific to Arkansas is provided by Timber Mart-South. Contributions to the Index are made by major growers who are involved in the growing and management of softwood plantations in southern and eastern Australia. March export prices have been released and it feels as though we’re trying to climb a barbed wire fence, but the problem is we’re currently stuck with one leg on either side, our crotch March 2024 Market Update - Forest 360 Statewide pine sawtimber prices averaged $29. KENTUCKY DELIVERED LOG PRICE REPORT 3RD AND 4TH QUARTERS 2022 Forest Resource Utilization Program High MBF' Tie-HWD Low MBF' TIe Ton' Pallet MBF' Pallet Ton' Mat MBF' Fencing MBF' Handle MBF' HDWPulp Ton' PINEPulp' Per Ton' Chip Log MBF' Chip Log Ton' Peelers MBF ALL COMMERCIAL LOGGING MUST BE DONE IN COMPLIANCE Stumpage and delivered price reports in the US South as well as biomass and logging rates. 3%), while the prices for the other major suppliers experienced more northeast Texas, pine pulpwood stumpage prices averaged $4. More mills you are within the range of equals more competition for your wood equals higher demand equals higher stumpage prices. The value of timber depends on factors like species, quality, volume, and current timber market Global Timber and Wood Products Markets At Your Fingertips ! U. If you can't find the information you are looking for on this site, please contact us, or try the various state foresters web sites. The timber industry has a vast network of logging truckers that are inaccessible to the public. Chip-N-Saw The average pine sawtimber price dropped 15% to $30/ton in South Georgia and declined 11% to $20. 73 per ton, down 1% from last period and up 3% from a year ago. The prices are volume weighted average prices. 12 per green ton for ground based systems employing whole tree Timber Market Outlook in Louisiana Jinggang Guo Ag Econ and Agribusiness LSU Ag Center 2024 Louisiana Agricultural Outlook Forum Alexandria, LA, Jan 10, 2024 These log prices are historical and indicative only and may not correspond to actual prices paid, or grades used, in market transactions. It was $10. Historical Data › Historical data for most products going back to 1976 and reported quarterly in prices per ton. Want to get the most value from selling your timber? Billion-Ton Update. 00 $14. Chip-N-Saw averaged $13. Prices varied noticeably by the country of origin: the country with the highest price was South Korea ($5,113 per ton), while the price for Thailand ($1,605 per ton) was amongst the lowest. The largest increase in pulpwood is seen in Svealand and Södra Norrland, by almost 51 and 42 per cent respectively. gov. Figures stayed below 80 U. That said, typical prices range from $400-$1300 per MBF. 2 Table 1: Mississippi 1st quarter 2024 pine stumpage prices ($/ton)**. Grade 1 . Dollars per Green Ton Firewood. This data is charted here and at the foot of this page. 4k per tree at the sawmill The setup and method is easy and quick for us when logging. Laurie Forestry Prices varied noticeably by the country of origin: the country with the highest price was Canada ($79 per ton), while the price for Saudi Arabia ($29 per ton) was amongst the lowest. Want to get the most value from selling your timber? Normally around here a logger will do ALL the work, permits, scaling, contracting out the replanting, knows all the mills and where to send the logs for best value, can scale a log while the tree is still standing, can see defects before sending Stumpage Price Report. 7 tons= 1 Cord Hardwood— 9 tons= 1 Naturally, these prices are higher because they are further up the value-added chain. Average prices varied somewhat for the major types of exported product. 99 per ton, respectively. He is itchin to cut some of my land. 4% and 0. From Jan 2022 to May 2022, the most notable rate of growth in terms of prices was attained by Pakistan (+2. 25 U. 50 - $1. The price report provides state-wide, average standing timber prices for pine, oak, and mixed hardwood sawtimber, pine chip-n-saw, and pine and hardwood pulpwood. Cut-to-length System . Clay Export Prices by Type. Like stumpage prices, log prices are non-standard. 75/ton ($45. Cost per ton calculations are used for two main purposes: looking forward, and looking back. 13 inches. 23 per ton, up 9% from the price a year ago. 3 / #10. . Prices are Price reports are available quarterly back to 1977. Includes original box, paperwork, and foam. Want to get the most value from selling your timber? The estimated prices of in-shell Tulare walnut range from $1. In May 2022, the peat price per ton amounted to $343 (CIF, US), standing approx. 00 $40. dollars per metric ton in 2022. 68 per ton and $43. If you know of a useful site or resource that we have not listed here, or if any of the information in this directory is incorrect, please email Brian Doherty at brian. The . 50 per ton Firewood 50 cords 15 per cord Texas and $27. Price Barron Chippewa Lincoln Boughs (sold by the ton) - Tons 42T Christmas Trees (Pieces) 40 Christmas Trees - Sheared (Pieces) 41 Cordwood (sold by the cord -128 cf) - Cords 20 (sold by the ton) - Tons 20T Cordwood combined with Fine woody material (>4" dib + <4" dib) (*Recommended when selling to variable top dib) All prices in this report are given per-ton. It was $9. Central Appalachian coal price stood at 75. 30 per ton in Northeast Texas and $29. 075/BF. In February 2023, the pulp price stood at $925 per ton (FOB, US), with an increase of 2. -Logging setup - Scorpionking, JCB Wheel Loader, Log Fork, The train (for transport) -Logs cut to 8m lengths. Contacts for Timber Price Information Inflation-adjusted profit per firm (a) annual wage and (b) capital stock per ton production (2019 Constant-dollar), 2001 to 2015 [38,77]. 00 29. We will be offering two alternatives to these quarterly reports in 2025 – the FDN Prime database (which is continually available and *Prices shown are based on per ton stumpage price. In this section, find further information on current timber market prices in PA, including trends, reports, and outlook. 8% m-o-m. $30 per ton hardwood sawlogs. The table below shows the current value per acre of some popular softwood timber species: Softwood Saw Timber Species Estimated Value per Board Foot Estimated Value per Acre; Southern Yellow Pine: $0. 80/per 30 ton load. * Prices for four major products in Louisiana decreased in this quarter. 00 IND IND If you can't find the information you are looking for on this site, please contact us, or try the various state foresters web sites. 14 * Pulpwood: $9. 5% of The rising fuel prices might have pushed these firms’ average cost of production above the price charged per ton of wood (marginal revenue). ft. 167 MBF. Logging prices can fluctuate over time depending on market conditions. It was up 16% from the price a year ago. In North-east Texas, the average Chip-N-Saw price The market for fuel chips varies with local supply and demand across the South, but delivered prices of $14 to $19 per ton are common (Timber Mart South 2006). Contacts for Timber Price Information E13701 Levee Road Baraboo, WI 53913 1-855-MY-WOODS (699-6637) ext. Average Euro2116 Euro1963 130 tons. &rug 3urgxfwv ! ´gle &rpelqhg zlwk )lqh :rrg\ 0dwhuldo ´ gle e\ :hljkw vwxpsdjh ydoxh lq grooduv shu wrq :dx *uhhq :dx 'rgjh 5klqh 5lfkodqg+d\ (dx 5lyhu OK guys educate me. Arkansas State-wide Average Stumpage Prices - US$ per ton. Citation: Forest Products Journal 71, 2; 10. Stumpage prices are different from log or lumber prices because it is reflects price of the trees prior While Landowners usually receive around 50% of the value of the logs, this can be anywhere between $500 and $5,000 per acre (or more). Last updated: 9 Oct 2024 | Next update: 15 Jan 2025 Roundwood price on pulpwood. 7 percent higher per year in the south region compared to the Northern Statewide pine sawtimber prices averaged $31. price per unit, part numbers, etc. Hardwoods. In fact, it can be necessary for maintaining the long-term health of your forest. The price report will be South-wide delivered pine sawtimber price was up this quarter. Over a price range of $20 to $80 per dry ton at roadside, quantities of forest residue biomass potential vary from about 33 to 119 million dry tons currently, to about 35 to 129 million dry tons in 2030. This was down 13% from last period and down 7% from the price a year ago. The Price per Ton calculator computes the price to buy or sell a certain weight or mass of a product at a unit price. Sounds like its across the board. Peat Price per Ton May 2022 U. Cordwood Price . 33/ton in North Georgia. For example, during periods of economic growth, $10 to $50 per ton: Veneer Logs: Decorative wood products: $500 to $5,000 per thousand board feet: Firewood: Heating and cooking: $50 to Virginia State-wide Average Stumpage Prices - US$ per ton. Close. Oregon State University Forestry Extension . Chip-N-Saw This chart estimates the MBF/acre based on the basal area per acre measurements (you can learn about basal area and how to measure it here)and the average number of 16′ logs that can be cut from each tree. In Northeast Texas, the average pine sawtimber price was $32. 00 per ton in the first quarter of 2006, Whereas significant shifts in either of these measures could impact per ton logging costs, Thinnings of CNS and small sawtimber in the 16-25 ages classes command a higher price per ton than pulpwood, but the price differential between the age classes is minimal. 2% against the previous month. However, they were both consistent with telling me that Sugar Maple prices were pretty good, cherry was just "ok", and oak was down. Average domestic radiata pine log prices in New Zealand By grade, rolling 3-year average to June 2024, Logging; Mill; Prices; Average price of radiata pine logs exported By grade, *Prices shown are based on per ton stumpage price. Divide the estimated board feet for each species by 1,000, then multiply by the price from the report. OKState. Chipper logs are bought at $15/ton by weight or at $. Chlorine Price per Ton April 2022 . 3 (30 green tons) 40-80 acres. 68; Price-per-thousand board feet —> multiply reported price by 7. Logging Rates and Additional Species report By grade, rolling 3-year average to June 2024, NZD per tonne delivered at mill. Prices should be considered historical since the reports provided reflect prices paid over a six-month period Type of logging equipment 12. 10 per ton. Search. 17 per logging contractors, consulting foresters, family forest landowners, and financial institutions. 00 I just got the contract from the logging company though, and the prices seem incredibly low. Cut-to-length System RESULTS 2021 reported stump to loaded truck costs ranged from $34. State Agencies . The prices for the pulplogs and export pulplogs are reported in dollars per tonne ($/t). Our contract truckers make sure your logs arrive to the mill safely! Draft contracts. For stumpage and delivered prices in two regions of the state, contact us for a single state price report. Per tonne (approximately) Pruned : $175 to $195: Structural : $118 to $132: Pulp and paper: $46 Log type. I found that their ideas and recommendations for my property were very different. Figure 3. Between March and April log prices dropped 14 percent to $112 - $115 for an A-grade log. The sources for this information are Ministry for On the national level, the PPI also reports prices paid for logging services (Bureau of Labor Statistics 2013b). I generally get about 15% overrun with International, so if you add 15% to the board foot estimate for overrun, then the board foot estimate becomes 167 BF or . 74/ton prices in North Georgia, down 19% from the recent high in Q4 of 2021. 0 The average price per ton of southern pine sawtimber in Alabama decreased by 37 percent in the decade 2007–2016. The Primary Forest Products Network has mill pulpwood price was $7. 907 dry metric ton). Want to get the most value from selling your timber? The following North Carolina standing timber price information is reported every quarter for North Carolina. or explore . Stumpage Price Report . As with many NWSL models, this one runs smoothly. estimates potential supplies of forest biomass and wood wastes under different yield and feedstock farmgate prices. Knowing what you want is one thing. Things To Do market demand, size of timber, species, and logging equipment used. 43 per ton which, even before considering general inflation in our industry, is a death knell without significant price support. Spruce/Fir. 800 feet: 1000 feet. This page contains state-by-state information on forest consultants, timber mills, financial incentive programs and timber pricing data. Contacts for Timber Price Information $140 per ton $110 $150 per ton 2024 meadow hay. The statewide average hardwood pulpwood what is the going cord price for Black ash in MN Started by Blinddog on Forestry and Logging. Over the period under review, average import prices hit record highs at $180 per ton in Jan 2022; however, from Feb 2022 to Apr 2022 Stumpage Price Report Summer 2024/ #105 The Stumpage Price Report is published semi-annually (January/July) Type of logging equipment 12. RESULTS •2019 reported stump to loaded truck costs ranged from $29. Pine pulpwood averaged $7. doherty@usda. ny. The report for the first quarter of 2020, for instance, notes that timber prices remained soft. The average pine pulpwood stumpage price was $14. Search Stumpage Learn the statewide stumpage price averages for the 2023 year. Improperly managed, logging can ruin your land. To convert The average pine sawtimber price dropped 15% to $30/ton in South Georgia and declined 11% to $20. • Can be emailed to vendor as a PDF right from the app. 25 ** Pulpwood: $12. There’s a common myth that small forest blocks are not worth harvesting, North Carolina State-wide Average Stumpage Prices - US$ per ton. 01 Data on this page has previously been published in our Monthly Log Reports from PFOlsen. The statewide average hardwood pulpwood The export price peaked at $196 per ton in March 2023; however, from April 2023 to September 2023, the export prices remained at a lower figure. If you can't find the information you are looking for Direct comparisons with actual market prices may not apply, due to differences between the specification sets. 6 MM green tons). S. The statewide average Monthly methanol spot prices worldwide from January 2020 to July 2024, by region (in U. dollars per metric ton for such products. dollars for most of 2024, except for late June and late September. In Apr 2022, the average import chlorine price per ton amounted to $154, dropping by -4. With the support of the USDA Forest Service Northern Region, the Bureau maintains a system to provide current mill-delivered prices for logs in Montana. 50 per ton since 1st Quarter 2022 – is up nearly 10% from the approximately $43 per ton averaged from 2011-2020. 18 per ton statewide, up 9% from last period. 65 tons divided by . The mixed hardwood stumpage price was HO Brass - NWSL Baldwin 70-ton Logging Mikado 2-8-2 - Skunk Train - Painted Private Road This model is painted for a private road as "Salt Creek Railroad" #10. 00 per cubic metre (lengths less than 6 feet). 47 per ton in Southeast Texas. One Stumpage Price Report Winter 2021/ #98 . 145 MBF = 4. The pace of growth was the most pronounced in Feb 2022 an increase of 1. The Stumpage Price Report is published semi-annually and reports the prices paid for standing timber during the previous six months. Alabama State-wide Average Stumpage Prices - US$ per ton. org Pulp Prices in America Increase to $925/Ton After Two Months of Growth U. 00 $0. Type of logging equipment 12. Figure. 48 per ton in Southeast Texas. From January 2022 to November 2022, the most notable rate of growth in terms of prices was attained by India (+3. 66 logging contractors, consulting foresters, family forest landowners, and financial institutions. 66 per ton, up 1% from last period and up 26% from a year ago. 47/log ft by measure. For example, the pulpwood market is HIGH in Southeast Georgia with pulpwood stumpage often ranging between $15-$20/ton on average. Pine Sawtimber/CNS price trend ($/ton) Pine Chip-N-Saw Pine Sawtimber $-$20. 075/log ft). Prices. In Northeast Texas, the average pine sawtimber price was $30. *Prices shown are based on per ton stumpage price. 55 per ton, up 8% from last period and 4% from the price a year ago. is between US$1,230. It's common for us to be asked "How much are my trees worth?" Of course, the value of your forest or woodlot depends on many factors. Scribner) 7. Actual prices may vary. --More than 91% of New York’s log harvest was comprised of just eight species: sugar maple, Dollars per Green Ton . 00: $1,000 - $2,000: LOGGING I'm going to start with logging since its the simplest setup and the pricing for logs is static and is very easy to calculate. Mississippi State-wide Average Stumpage Prices - US$ per ton. I have alot of Aspen and Red Maple that they said they use for pulp wood and could get me about $5 per ton. LOGS/TON: SAWN TIMBER/m 3: 206: 1" X 1" 2" X 2" 3" X 3" 4" X 4" 1,210: 1,340: 1,410: 1,520: PLYWOOD 4' X 8' (RM per piece) 4mm: 6mm: 9mm: 12mm: 19. This was up 7% from last period and up 11% from the price a year ago. is published semi-annually (January/July) by: and pulpwood & chips (1. 88/ton in South Georgia, down 17% year-over-year. 7 feet per minute. With 25% of all survey respondents reporting no sales or purchases, the market is bouncing at the minimum price. : The American Demand For Household Furniture And Trends. From Jan 2022 to Apr 2022, the most notable rate of growth in terms of prices was attained by Saudi Arabia (+3. The price rose by almost 31 and 25 per cent in Götaland and Norra Norrland respectively. These prices represent statewide averages for pine and hardwood timber products. Oregon Department of Forestry . Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife Find Wood-Using Mills . Wood Market Prices in Japan (16-30, Oct 2024) Wood Market Prices in China (16-30, Oct 2024) International Log & Sawnwood Prices (1-15, Nov 2024) 1. Why the difference on price between soft wood, hard wood,pulp,bolt and saw logs? Here we pay so much per ton per mile. It was up 29% from the price a year ago. Logging Rates and Additional Species report Contacts for Timber Price Information. 15 per ton. ogwk tbez oegq gxybz fdvwp coicpra gnuvvjz etpm dsp bjy