Ps3 rap file database reddit. I have the RAP file in the correct folder.
- Ps3 rap file database reddit I was thinking of saying "wrong game", then I clicked on "reply", then I decided not to say anything since it's an 11 month old comment, but my interest peaked as I saw this in the message box: I just put CFW on my PS3 and am looking for the RAP file as well. The official unofficial subreddit for Elite Dangerous, we even have devs lurking the sub! Elite Dangerous brings gaming’s original open world adventure to the modern generation with a stunning recreation of the entire Milky Way galaxy. PSN title data must be placed in \dev_hdd0\game\ PSN . pkg files and to install them they should be in the ⭐Package Manager option from the Game XMB category, click on that and go to ⭐Install Package Files option and then the list of the games you've downloaded should all be there available for you to install straight to the PS3's hard drive. Just install any PS3 content using PS3Hen, having its rap activation file inside exdata folder of a USB Stick or inside dev_hdd0. you can use Apollo tool to activate your . Or check it out in the app stores no PS3 emulator is good enough to fully experience the game (yet) Pkg will ve installed and rap file will be placed in hdd0/exdata folder. The PlayStation 3 Subreddit (PS3, PlayStation3, Sony PlayStation 3). Create exdata folder in a fat32 formated usb drive and copy rap folder inside then plug it to your PS3 Create a user account (offline account not the psn one) and named it aaa and log in. I have a PS3 DEX but plan on playing on the RPCS3 Emulator, I downloaded some Sonic Unleashed (BLES00425) i got me the dlc from the internet because i didnt want to extract them from my ps3, however there's no rap file with it. I have a fat ps3 with cfw cobra 4. 🏴☠️ Metal_Velco • Just grab the 14k RAP pack, install all at once then never again worry about needing a rap file. Content of this rap collection: 15. very simple so they never disappear from the internet. 55 on it but that was ages ago when I sold it. There’s a . Members Online (Offering help Oh you'll see it in the NETWORK tab, you'll also need to set up some text files to make it work, I'll be back to give you the Txt files you need to set up PKGI on Ps3 Reply reply TFritzelagram Installed the PKGi PS3 from the Nopaystation site onto my PS3 but I have no idea where I can find the pastebin link (for the pkgi. I have the RAP file in the correct folder. I'm still new to this whole thing. Nope, definitely can't help you source those files, but both of those are fixable. Install it on your PS3, and go to the "User backup" menu. Posted by u/DBZfan102 - 2 votes and 18 comments I don't doubt that the site got a lot of traffic over the last week, but unless it was really poorly coded, you weren't hitting it very hard. I've downloaded gta v for ps3 from PKGi, but i can't find . txt files or the config. I downloaded klonoa (psx classic) and it says missing rap in the title and when I boot up the pkg it says " renew the licence" any help thanks and how to I get rap files . Or check it out in the app stores Plants vs Zombies PS3 rap file? I can't find the full version anywhere. I downloaded some packages, 3 of them came without a rap file and had the note NO RAP REQUIRED. Is there any alternative? I just need raw rap files i can download to my PC. Is there any sense in still A subreddit dedicated to PS3 game preservation through backups Tsiaskou. For those who can't download it you need to create an account on the internet archive to download it. I tried using PSN patch to fix it and its still not working. It's a PKG file, so just install like any other Check if they're c00 games as those don't need a rap to work iirc, and you could use PSNStuff to obtain rap files, though you'll have to find the database file yourself in order you should have the rap/rif files of games that you own. tried looking on internet even that doesnt help Edit - Thanks guys its sorted Locked post. Completely new at this. So, I'm asking here. I put the pkg files and the rap files on a 64gb flash drive (fat32 format). Expand user menu that will make you suffer if you have legal games and rebuild the database no, you only need to activate the console once. Thank you. Your PS3 should have no issue launching the game afterwards, Down psnstuffx and the database and everything right there pkgs and rap files for black ops 2 and others games The PlayStation 3 Subreddit (PS3, PlayStation3, Sony PlayStation 3). I have downloaded a game from a site, but it didnt come with . Looking for Game im looking for gow3 pkg but psndl and the databases i have for psnstuff dont have it. I have no problem downloading and running games. Next download the PS3 system software from here. rap file separately but they’re pretty to differentiate TIA for any help! quick question, I got one game in pkg file and rap with it. rap files must be placed in \dev_hdd0\home\00000001\exdata\ (or simply drag and drop them to the main emulator window) Hi. Then, rename the rap extension from . Please use our Discord server instead of supporting a company that acts against its users and unpaid moderators. Anyway I got the digital copy of Demon's souls on my pc along with its rap file, I installed the package and copied the rap to exdata in dev0hdd (it's hfw hen slim btw) but the rap is not detected and the game keeps telling me to renew the license. Now I just have to get the RAP files working so that they show up in the game. New comments cannot be posted. Posted by u/Reddit_user2342 - 4 votes and 2 comments I don’t personally use hen, but starting with HEN 2. 47. PKG file and transferred it to the ROMs PS3 directory inside its own . I will say that you have to get the IDPS from your PS3, your act. Does one of you know where to find them? (my version is 4. rap Then install the pkg file that is the xmb theme and then run reactpsn Hi everyone, i just got a CFW ps3 with Evilnat 4. It Only Does Everything. I understand that. PUP you downloaded earlier. The pkg downloaded fine, but nothing happens when I click the link for downloading the rap file. Just one quick last question, it doesn't seem to detect the rap file for MK9 Komplete Edition NPUB30668, while other rap files seem to install properly. I press L1 to install the RAP, and the RAP file I had on the flash drive appears under Installed RAPS: NPUB30032. Search “15. INVESTIGAȚIE RECORDER. rap NOT . I got my ps3 already homebrewed Open menu Open navigation Go to Reddit Home. Hello! What to do with . My issue is that I am now trying to get the DLC installed and working and I am stuck on the part where you install the RAP files for the DLC. Unfortunately there is no way i could send it to Sorry I dont have an answer, but I'd be interested in any solutions. net, but I can't download them, and I can't create my own rap file. Does anyone know how I can get raps for both of these games? UP4389-NPUB31468_00-SYBERIA1PSNUS001. One is required to use a new mod that just came out. Over time, MAME (originally stood for Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator) absorbed the sister-project MESS (Multi Emulator Super System), so MAME now documents a wide variety of (mostly vintage) computers, video game consoles and calculators, in addition to the arcade Going by a guide, it says I need the . ADMIN MOD EP1018-BLES02105_00-LANGUAGEPACK0001 . It already comes patched into the pkg you install on pkgi because its like if you installed it directly on the playstation store, so you wouldnt need to look for a rap file online. I don't wanna have to individually activate each game with the RAP file and the USB, and I remember hearing I could just copy the exdata folder full of the RAP files to the internal HDD(exactly where, though, I don't recall) but I'm unsure if that's legit or not. From hardcore gamers, to, Go into PSNpatch and press L1, then look to see if the rap showed up in the list. Every time I try to Put the rap on usb stick in a folder called exdata. was relearning how to do this also i think i got it working by having a usb with /exdata/ as a folder and dropping the rap file in there and using psn patch 2017. Get app Get the Reddit app Log In Log in to Reddit. Corupție în numele Specifically cannot locate the rap file for Back to Bed. The rap file is downloaded to /dev_hdd0/exdata. rap files. Note: . . Complete List or database of Mortal Kombat Storm Figures? I've got ps3-pgki working on my ps3. MAME is a multi-purpose emulation framework it's purpose is to preserve decades of software history. any help? Share Sort Hi, this link does not work for me, i put the RAP file in exdata folder on PS3 but the DLC doesnt work. The only way to do it is on HEN when you install the PKG that you need a rap file for, have HEN enabled and have the PKG and the rap file on the root of the USB Make sure that your PS3 is activated as primary on the PSN Then install the PKG from Packages Manager as you normally would and the rap will be activated automatically A subreddit dedicated to PS3 game preservation through backups. Rap files for DS Extraction are not working Thanks for your reply. Is there anyway around this or does anyone know where to find a RAP file? Reddit's home to Steinberg Cubase. pkg file onto my ps3, I launched the game, and it gave me a message something like licensing issues. rap file from the flash drive back into your ps3's exdata folder again (haven't tried this specific way yet, but the . I read that this is not needed anymore, and i can just ftp the rap files. I used psnpatch. The thing with HEN is that it automatically activates your RAP files if you create a folder named "exdata" in the root yeah reactpsn doesn't work with the 4. Installed PKG with rap file in /exdata folder on my USB A place to discuss the ins and outs of data recovery, both logical and physical. Reply reply I've faced this issue before with other games, but after installing the RAP file everything seemed to work out just fine. I just downloaded over 1tb of ps3 games and I don’t know how to play them on my PS3 from an external hard drive without the rap files. 5M subscribers in the Piracy community. rap files are 32B (yes, 32 bytes). Gaming. Select the "import licenses USB" option. Nevermind it's in the megathread. nopaystation and the usuals don't have this rap file. rap file. Now I got one for 50 bucks, a nice slim. Just look at the files in Windows Explorer with file extensions visible. 1 Lite. A subreddit dedicated to PS3 game preservation through backups RAP files on PKGi Question hello everyone, i want to know if i download a game from PKGi will it require a RAP file or is it being This is our little Romanian corner of Reddit! Members Online. rap file for Ratchet Gladiator NPEA00423 for PS3 (pal version) I need it cause it has Italian language. DO NOT RESPOND TO UNSOLICITED DMs FROM UNKNOWN PERSONS MAKING CLAIMS THAT THEY WILL SAVE YOUR DATA. Best. I’ve tried going on the website to get the rap files as well, but nothing happens when I click the download button. Edit: Found a place that had it. But I would like to know how to generate/obtain the rap files for the games i own digitally on PS3, please do not link me to download rap files, i would Get app Get the Reddit app Log In Log in to Reddit. If not, you will have to use either multiMAN(but you need a USB), or FileZilla(from your PC), to import it inside the PS3. Or . Is there a solution to this? If you are installing a pkg file, then you'll almost always need a RAP file to activate it, since its a PSN game and needs licensing. pkg floating around installs every rap file onto the PS3, it gets rid of all the guess work. I use it, because it works for me and I don’t Play Online as much, so there’s no need for me to Activate a PSN Account or use reActPSN/PSN Patch in order to Generate . There is another one that Dumped from PS3 and external sources (PSNDLv4, NoPayStation, etc). Either use homebrew app "psn patch" or if on 4. Now RPCS3 will go through installing system files. r/ps3homebrew A chip A close button. rap file to put into exdata folder, and the . each rap is exactly 16 bytes, but the names (content id) and the Then you select your IDPS, ACT. You need to get the act. Please Follow The Submission Rules When Posting a Release. the game activation files get saved to the user profile used to sign in and activate, so if you ever delete that user profile, the game activation files go with it, you will need to reactivate -I have CFW Rebug 4. Or check it out in the A subreddit dedicated to PS3 game preservation through backups. I have HEN and MultiMan on my PS3, thanks to Blaine Locklair's guide. pkg files were coming from Sony and the . RAP or . RAP file comes as a . This code only checks to see if a rap file is 0x10 bytes and labels it "invalid" if it's not. go down to refresh webMAN games and then in the upper right corner it will say XML Reloaded or The game doesn't include RAP in NoPayStation database, it's nowhere on his PS3. Location of rap file in ps3 hdd?? Reply reply We are Reddit's primary hub for all things modding, from troubleshooting for beginners to creation of mods by experts. 32 but I dont know what Im doing. pkg file which should be selectable when you click "install . PS3 folder. 283k Raps archive. rap" EDIT: Also, maybe just get a backup of the original PS1 game and load that with Webman or Multiman, rather than messing with the PSN re-release What it does do is reset to default any editing you've done to file and folder names such as in music, photos or videos, unless those files were renamed prior to transferring to the PS3's HDD. I downloaded the database and I can get the pkg files still but i have no clue how to get rap files now. You can use ReactPSN to do C00 activation on CFW doing the following: I don’t personally use hen, but starting with HEN 2. Recently I had the same issue: none of the Safe Mode options were working correctly and the PS3 was getting stuck trying to execute them. I downloaded the files for my region and unzipped them all, but only four had rap files in them, the rest did not. I'm really unexperienced with that whole package thing and before I mess something up I thought it would be better to ask. Start ReActPSN. I tried that and it didn't work. All are welcome in /r/PS3. Edit just remembered, it will delete friend/player messages and music playlists. search it in google, and download license for that game from the website. org” and it will hopefully fix your issues. rap file seems to disappear from the ps3's exdata folder after the installation for some reason, hence the need for the flash drive) OK, looks like it worked on Uncharted rap file, I could install it from Dev hdd_0, and I have used reactpsn several times before this. New. It also helps clean up the hard drive storage of the system, but this may not impact how quick your system responds afterward. I was able to download a game using it (Assassin's Creed). 84, and usually is used a USB stick and PSN patch with aa profile to activate. Does anyone know where to find Storytel premium mod? A subreddit dedicated to PS3 game preservation through backups. RAP The headline is basically the post. 🏴☠️ you have to activate your ps3 account on PSN ,to get act. for educational purposes only. rap files in there. I hadn't heard about it until last week when I upgraded my PS3. Am I doing something wrong or is that just how dead links function on the site? 1. I have to search for them online and upload to the ps3 via USB and reactpsn. rap files must be available in Do you guys know where I can find this pack of rap files in pkg format? Thanks in advance! By placing the rap files in the correct directory, users can unlock content that is otherwise unavailable or restricted. I extracted/loaded the game from the rpcs3-config application and it said the game was successfully installed. I installed it but i cant find any ps2 games in the database. Thank you all again So I got a MLB The Show 2016 rom but it only had pkg files, no rap files? How do I get the rap file? Install the pkg files you want to activate. rap)? BTW what's the best tool to install and activate . I know if i install the PKG in a HDD is just having the RAP file within the HDD but how can i do it with FTP? I'm new to this stuff and I got AOT: Wings of Freedom from NPS, but the RAP file isn't working. ) I've been wondering if I could use multiman only for RAP files. rap files from games you have purchased but does it work the same if I don’t own the dlc? Am I able to generate a new . Open the downloaded file, create a PS3 folder in your emulators folder, and drag everything from the zip into it. 🏴☠️ Sionyde40. PS3 will restart don't panic. New Requests Are Welcome In This Sub-reddit. Open comment sort options. Rebug 4. just have your rap files preloaded to the usb and when it's time to play your pkg game it will work. I researched on the problem and it turns out I need a . ⚓ Dedicated to the discussion of digital piracy, including ethical problems and legal advancements. Any way to get a r/ps3piracy A chip A close button. From hardcore gamers, to, Nintendo fans OK, looks like it worked on Uncharted rap file, I could install it from Dev hdd_0, and I have used reactpsn several times before this. 👍🏻 Reply reply StolenGeranium Hi every one I hope you all have a good day. After this, Open WebMAN Games on the XMB screen and click webMAN setup. When I use PSN patch, it asks me to "log in with my PSN account first", but the first account that was registered on the console isn't mine and I can't access it, I made another user on the console, used my alternative account (not my original) on that new user, tried to log in, but when I do it I tried using no pay station to get the pkg file for Tales of Xillia to play on rpcs3 on my steam deck. Follow the instructions on youtube to fix rpcs3 rap/edat issues and generate an edat file instead of rap. Do I just run psnpatch like normal or do I need to do something else before? Have a nice day :) I have downloaded some games from a well known site which include rap files. Make sure the rap file it’s the right region or else it won’t work. I've never actually installed games to the ps3 hdd. rap extensions with lowercase naming. Somebody added link to download, but not license. Anyway, I installed the pkg, put the rap file on exdata on usb and even on HDD in root, but I can only create rif through cobra tools which only works if The rap file is a license file. dat file (look in your profile folder tree at /dev_hdd0/home/<profile id>/) & the IDPS (which you can get in various ways, I assume you know how) that were used to create your PSN rif licenses (rif icense files are found in Hi! I only found a few costume dlc with rap files, and a pack with all together but without rap file or fix. rap file, and I have absolutely no idea where to find the file for the specific game. I installed after burner climax but how do I activate the RAP file? Also is there a way to ftp to the console? Khanage4567 is incorrect in saying every pkg files needs a rap. ADMIN MOD God of war 3 pkg . 🏴☠️ Looking for Game So i have the game but it is at my gfs house, everytime i try to dowload the pkg files on any website it just simply wont download. Anyway, I installed the pkg, put the rap file on exdata on usb and even on HDD in root, but I can only create rif through cobra tools which only works if I still like to use something like PSN Patch, you put the rap files in a folder called "exdata", and then run PSN Patch and you can install them that way. Or check it out in the app stores TOPICS. if you look in a hex editor, you'll see that they're unique. The dlcs were deleted from the European stores so it is impossible to get them now. I am on Rebug 4. 87 and my cfw is something called evilnat) Hey guys, I purchased a PS3 slim today and got Hen on it, it is going to replace my Fat BC PS3 for main use and was wondering if there is anyway I could extract all my RAP files (over 2000) directly and just copy them to my new ps3, reactpsn doesn’t seem to be converting Rifs to raps and manually converting each rif file would take an eternity, any suggestions? My friend lent me his ps3 which got banned for opening psn with while having cracked games or something like that. SFB file and PS3_GAME folder) . Expand user menu Open settings menu. Members Online. 2 and up can do the same thing. Finally, remove the . Sort by: This is a sub that aims at bringing data hoarders together to share their passion with like minded people. Log In / Sign Up; Advertise A subreddit dedicated to PS3 game preservation through your USB flash drive/external HDD has to be in FAT32 for it to read the . push save rap to download the rap file Wow thanks did everything upto selecting extracted database. I was going to format a usb hard drive to NTFS format and then use webman prepare NTFS to install the files? Would this work? Or is there a better solution? I’m currently on 4. rap? Because it needs to be lowercase for it to work. We ask that you please take a minute to read through the rules and check out the resources provided before creating a post, especially if you are new here. rap files into my PS3. Through the PKGi database I have, many games do not have rap files included. RAP file as well. From hardcore gamers, to, Nintendo fans, Xbox gamers, PS5 converts, and everything in between. When you look at the rap files, is the ending . i just downloaded the game and it doesnt have a rap file on it. RAP File or required it. I decided to use Resident Evil Code Veronica X HD to test out whether I can run pirated games on my PS3. As I understand, it needs to be on the usb exdata for psnpatch or reactpsn to work. 89 HFW Hen console super slim ps3. I have not yet tried to install them as a pkg. bak at the end of the rap file name. You literally just have to change it to lowercase and it'll be fine Since you're on hen, if you activate your ps3 "Game", you just put the rap files in exdata in hdd0 or a usb drive doesn't matter, just make sure it's ". rap file? For example one that comes with Resident Evil 4 HD (EP0102-NPEB00342_00-CONTENT0000DLPKG. Sort by: Best. (The one you find on Psnstuff does not work. C00 games/demos 27863 RAPs: Decryption keys for PS3 contents if you tell me the content id, I might be able to look it up. Or check it out in A subreddit dedicated to PS3 game preservation through backups Vivid_Opportunity313. dat or something I am not sure why because it was a folder game coverted to a pkg so it should be simple to covert it back. Up until recently, using a PSN account was the only way for content activation to work in HEN. I managed to install the . 84 with cobra 8. (Answered, used NPS Browser) I used to use PSNDL for all my stuff, pkg files, rap files, everything. Hi guys, i want to activate some . PKG then you just install it. Where i can find one? Share Sort by: Best. dat file (look in your profile folder tree at /dev_hdd0/home/<profile id>/) & the IDPS (which you can get in various ways, I assume you know how) that were used to create your PSN rif licenses (rif icense files are found in the profile exdata folder). I've been looking everywhere in the internet for years and I can't find a good . i have no idea what i am doing or how to do anything but basic stuff so Skip to main content Open menu Open navigation Go to Reddit Home The headline is basically the post. Use the File Manager that is listed with Managunz on the PS3 Brewology website. EDIT3: Finally figured it out. Thanks in advance I have no idea what psn patch is for. ADMIN MOD Where do i put the RAP files? Question Title says it all. So can someone please help me out with this, where do I find the RAP file for UC3? Or is there another way I can play this game without needing a RAP file? turned out i just needed a RAP file, i looked everywhere and there was no RAP files for US Asura's wrath (BLUS30721) i even found the EU RAP LOL, i know it can be generated but as i said at the start my ps3 is broken Hello I am kinda stuck, so today I download dark souls 2 sotfs in pkgi, I enabled hen before install it but after when I tried to open the game it said "go to playstation store for license bla bla" also I download 14 thousand license in thanos store, I also tried A subreddit dedicated to PS3 game preservation through backups. double click an item to see its size. Can someone give me a link or something? Well i didn't found any activation file online, I have a DLC for RockBand that has the . The rap file is in place, but when I start the game I get some message about going to the Playstation store to complete my purchase. 85. Members if it worked, you're welcome. Hi, haven't been able to get a grip of the Mazuri DLC with the rap file. pkg games? Many thanks in advance! for clarification it doesn't ever install rap files just checks and signs the pkg file once you do that you don't need to do anything else. 🏴☠️ I want to install the valkyria chronicles game that i found on dlps, but the game comes with iso format. Or check it out in the app stores A subreddit dedicated to PS3 game preservation through backups. Where to find sonic 2006 iso and . I see both the US and EU versions of Asura over there: BLUS30721, BLES01227 (actually two EU versions which look identical, one has an additional quick question, I got one game in pkg file and rap with it. Unfortunately nopaystation didn't have all the dlc, only about half but Myrient had all the rest. If I had 14k rap files on a usb, would I have to use psnpatch/reactpsn everytime I download a game? So you just put . I installed many games using this manuel solution you can try it too. Now open RPCS3, go to File, click install firmware, and then in the new window open the PS3UPDAT. Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. I decided to start with a smaller one, terraria. RAP", also you leave the long name as it is, don't change it. If u open PSNPatch you will see the path where you need to put the licence (. RAP) and put them in hdd0/exdata then open psnpatch and use the dpad to cycle to hdd0/exdata and follow the instructions on the left I have my RAP directory set to /dev_usb000/exdata/ and I only have one RAP file in there (UP0700-NPUB30032_00-E543BCC0BDC1368D. A subreddit dedicated to PS3 game preservation through backups. Have Fun And Enjoy Your Stay Here (: Members Online. News, updates, apps, and answers regarding PS3 homebrew! Members Online • KrazyG06 the list of items will appear. The pkg files are easiest to transfer over FTP, you need to put them in dev_hdd0\packages and This is my first post, and im new to the jailbreaking community. Everything will automatically work and transfer to a Specific User (Example: Anti-Sony) as long as the Game(s) are included with a . We are Reddit's primary hub for all things modding, from troubleshooting for beginners to creation of mods by experts. push download package to download game. put the . rap" and not ". rap file (the file that allows the game to actually run) work. rap or . 🏴 PKGi database txt? Question I want to download PKGi, but it says that I need megathread has links to PS3_ALVRO collection, which contains rar files of decrypted disc dumps (click "view contents" to see listings inside each, you'll find the usual PS3_DISC. (Note I bought the original many moons ago, but have now blocked access to servers). A rap is just a 128-bit key; 0x10 bytes = 16 bytes, 16 bytes = 128 bits. 662 EDATs: Licensing information for i. rap for the NTSC Noby Noby Boy), for which the accompanying PKG file is already installed on my PS3. Cfw ps3 with 3. 88 cfw then use the tool in the custom firmware tools menu, under psn to activate the rap. rap for lego dimensions Share Sort by "Invalid" rap files are just broken/incomplete/corrupt rap files. how can I get the rap? I downloaded the game onto the ps3 using pkg downloader then installed it thinking it would run like all the other games I have got in the past but it didn't due to missing rap. Just one quick last question, it doesn't seem to detect the rap file for MK9 Komplete Edition NPUB30668, while other rap I recently have been downloading dlc for Project Diva F2nd. DAT and RIF and it will generate a RAP file that you must place in exdata folder in RPCS3. pkg file) like this nameofthepkgfile. edat) files and then load them by pressing the L1 to install RAP & EDAT files . rap files to exdata folder and you expecting it gonna work? Nah you need to activate them first via PSNPatch or reActPSN. Looking for DLC Can someone share this . EDIT: I just noticed that OP wrote PSNDL RAP doesn't work. If it didn’t, close PSNpatch, and plug the thumb drive back into your PC. If it did, press start. I've downloaded two different versions of a Tekken 6 rom, one from Vimms and another from 1fichier, and neither have a So i cant use ntfs with ps3 even with prepNTFS etc View community ranking In the Top 5% of largest communities on Reddit. I don't know if it's against the rules to provide the hex for the rap file, which you can just write into a new file in HxD, then name it after the content id. However, i found RAP for it on PSNDL. :) 1- Go into the multiman file manager go to your usb and copy the rap file. What do I need to do? re-install the package? This is probably a noob problem, but for some reason I can't get my RAP files to work? I'm on PS3 Hen and I tried playing Persona 3 FES (it was in pkg format) and it would just not work. (I am assuming pressing the power button doesn't work as it's stuck "Preparing". dat without signing into PSN i think Since you're using Cobra-based CFW, try to make those . Log In / Sign Up; Advertise on Reddit; Shop Collectible Avatars; I just want to get rap files for the games I own Share Sort by: Best. I struggled with this for a while too. 0. It doesn’t redirect me anywhere or open up another window. Reply reply geesehoward79 193K subscribers in the PS3 community. RAP Files. I used to havw. rap files in my PS3 CFW 4. I installed the . rap files (make sure the . do i need the license (rap file) or is just download the pkg and play normally? The rap file I am using is called "UP0101-NPUB30610_00-NASMGS3HG0013324. If the . Home of Street Fighter on reddit, The PlayStation 3 Subreddit (PS3, PlayStation3, Sony PlayStation 3). Valheim; Genshin Impact; Minecraft; A subreddit dedicated to PS3 game preservation through backups. Any help or advise would be appreciated! If you find your theme and in the rap tab in the database theres a bunch of numbers and letters then just copy all that onto a new file with hxd and save it with the exact same name as the file that contains the theme (most likely a . 🏴☠️ I can't find anyone mentioning missing rap files unless it were an ISO which needed decrypted when I search for anything. Or How do I obtain RAP files for PS3 games running in RPCS3? I'm using RPCS3, and I've downloaded the games from one of the databases in r/roms. I set up my CFW PS3 to install PKG & RAP files but after installing the PKG file, it doesn't ask me to renew the license. 87 on it and webman mod 1. Detailed steps would be nice. rap file for ps3? OK. rap file . and my ps3 has a HAN jailbreake, so homebrewed apps like the webman doesn't work on my ps3 (super slim). Any tips for this? Blu-ray disc title data can be placed in \dev_hdd0\disc\ or anywhere else except for \dev_hdd0\game\ and can be booted from File > Boot Game if not present on the game list. I still get the renew the license in the playstation store message. Thanks Share Add a Comment. rap? Does any homebrew help with this? I tried looking for the . I am looking for an app that extracts these rap files from some database for convenience. Or Rap file for Risk ps3 Looking for Game UP0001-NPUB31577_00-RISKGAMEPS300002 this is the game id for risk ps3, i searched across the whole internet for the rap file but i cant find it. RAP file needed for Ps3 . Installing BIG PKG/RAP Files . (your . dat, and rif files on the same account on your ps3, then run them through some program to create a rap. bak extension so you can use it on exdata folder on usb drive. dat file on your ps3 HDD ,with that rap files will generate rif licence for digital games Also Apollo save data app can create fake act. 82 (Latest, not D-Rex)- I just can't install . 02/b to install it. pkg file on the console, but did not manage to make the . If you want to activate content with rap files, you either need to have logged in to PSN and activated your PS3 system, or you need to 'spoof' this console activation on your PS3. I'm having trouble finding a RAP file for a NCAA 14 rom I recently downloaded. just "native" package manager of the jailbreak. I finally am getting around to trying to use PS3 games on Batocera. Think of it like this (and I know this sounds stupid but it makes sense in my head, so hopefully it'll make sense to you), a pkg wants to go to a fancy restaurant (your PS3), but he can't get in without putting on an expensive jacket (rap file) as part of the dress code. 86 and Rebuilding the database essentially checks system file contents for missing system files, and corrupt data relating to game and or system data. I had the . First, add . Note: Reddit is dying due to terrible leadership from CEO /u/spez. rap" I am using reactpsn, I create the "aa" user (not "aa ", I delete the space) and log into that user and run reactpsn with the "x" button. 🏴☠️ Question I need rap files for Syberia 1 and 2 (USA), the rap files are listed in the database for psndl. 2- Go to open the ps3/hdd/exdata folder then paste the rap file. Then I install pkg file, then copy rap file over to hdd -> exdata. Then I run my iso ps3 games from my external 2tb SSD (NTFS format). So im trying to get the files to run on rcps3 because i want to play this game again but i dont know where i can find both the pkg and the rap files. rap file (the game is: Midnight Club: La complete edition) I need help finding . Open menu Open summoning for help, or just co-op fun, this sub-reddit is designed to make the whole process easier and pull the Bloodborne co-op community together. Hey I just got the persona 5 PKG and RAP file from nopaystation but when I try to open the game it says that my rap file is either missing or Skip to main content Open menu Open navigation Go to Reddit Home Downloaded 1tb of ps3 games and idk how to play them off my external hard drive without the rap files. Reformatting worked for me. Thank you for your time Share Add a Comment. rap. Any Suggestions / Link Since you're using Cobra-based CFW, try to make those . txt file) or how to configure the text file. can someone send it to me?' thanks so much. Reply reply The subreddit for all things related to Modded Minecraft for Minecraft Java Edition --- This subreddit was originally created for discussion around the FTB launcher and its modpacks but has since grown to encompass all aspects of modding the Java edition of Minecraft. RAP to . Please help me find these. Should be called something like "BLUS30464. ReActPSN tricks PS3 with this account as a fake owner. This game wasn't on physical media so I got no way of getting it other way. I'll be trying it again once I get home. you need to have your flash drive plugged in whenever you run it, otherwise recopy the . Can anyone who has all the dlcs purchased get the rap files so they can be uploaded to the internet so we can all enjoy the dlcs? im trying to play ps3 games on my steam deck where do i get pkg files. For anyone still looking for it, install the pkg, get a guide for TrueAncestor_EDAT_Rebuilder_v1. Open the file manager and go to the plugged in usb drive and copy the ISO file to the PS3ISO Folder in HDD0. Top. pkg file but no . RAP files are installed/need to be moved in the directory: hdd0/exdata You place pkg files in the packages folder and rap files in the exdata folder on your PS3's hard drive. Maybe that might work Edit: i can find some but it is only a list of about 20 ps2 games I downloaded Street fighter X Tekken the blus version but the game has no rap file. 283 rap files obtained Just need a big zip file full of rap files that I can throw onto my thumb drive. If you don't mind the data loss, then turn off the PS3 by cutting the power. pkg" on RPCS3. I know Apollo can get . I’ve heard of Universal PS2 classics rap file, but I don’t know if that exists or not. Make sure the rap file is lowercase “rap”, not uppercase, and try again. 87 CFW for me either. can u help? Reply reply Full-Pianist-4870 You need to get the act. 65. Also, I already have my ps2 games as a pkg file, just no . e. 2 it should auto apply rap files from the exdata folder either in hard drive or usb. I recommend to download the file explorer on PS3 and open the drive that says HDD0 and making a folder called "exdata" and pasting your . I got the . The . I'm also not sure how to get that file into the ux0:/something/something folder. you can remove the drive and your games should still work. It was asking for act. I have the pkg files for the DLC and they installed no problem. i also copied the rap to the exdata folder on the internal hdd001 folder or something lik The only way to do it is on HEN when you install the PKG that you need a rap file for, have HEN enabled and have the PKG and the rap file on the root of the USB Make sure that your PS3 is activated as primary on the PSN Then install the PKG from Packages Manager as you normally would and the rap will be activated automatically Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. but now it's shutdown for some reason. I have exactly the same issue. Thanks! I've used this and it solved a number of issues I was having. Skip to main content. Most PKG files do, but some pkgs require C00 activation, which is probably the case for Jojo. rap extension is in LOWER CASE so . I can get the pkg files just fine, etc around Reddit Enhancement Suite, a community-driven unofficial browser extension for reddit. loavj ihy nhp dft bhm bquq oxtzda igad vmfhyc rphmacyt